

2D mode  Using fog in the 3D mode, Using 2D mode and 3D mode
2D/3D mode
2D mode  Calling the 2D mode from the 3D mode
3D mode  Using 3D mode and specifying the display
2D/3D model  Defining 2D/3D models, Using 2D/3D models
2D/3D model distribution  Defining 2D/3D model distributions for 2D/3D models, Attributes of 2D/3D model distributions, Using 2D/3D model distributions
2D/3D model file formats  Supported file formats for 2D/3D models
2D/3D model segment  Attributes of 2D/3D model segments
2-stage controller  Using 2-stage controllers
3D animation of doors  3D animation of PT vehicle doors
3D graphic parameters  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings, Editing 3D graphic parameters
overview  List of 3D graphic parameters
3D information sign toolbar  Using the 3D information sign toolbar
3D information signs  Using the 3D information signs
attributes  Attributes of 3D information signs
defining  Defining 3D information signs
positioning  Positioning 3D information signs
3D mode  List of base graphic parameters for network editors, Displaying vehicles and pedestrians in the 3D mode, Using 2D mode and 3D mode
activating  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
hiding buildings  Editing building visibility
3D perspective Driver / Pedestrian  Showing 3D perspective of a driver or a pedestrian
as camera position  Setting 3D perspective as camera position
3D traffic signals
adding to signal head  Adding a new 3D traffic signal for signal head
attributes  Attributes of 3D traffic signals
defining  Defining 3D traffic signals
editing  Editing 3D traffic signals
modeling  Modeling 3D traffic signals
3D viewing angle  Changing the 3D viewing angle (focal length)
3ds file  Using 2D/3D models


Abstract network graph  Building an Abstract Network Graph
Academic license  Properties of the Vissim versions
ACC  Operation of the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle following model
ACC model parameters  Defining ACC model parameters
Acceleration behavior  Using acceleration and deceleration functions
Acceleration function  Deleting the acceleration/deceleration function, Attributes of acceleration and deceleration functions
Adaptive Cruise Control  Operation of the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle following model
Add-on modules  Overview of add-on modules
defining  Defining aliases, Updating attributes during simulation based on events
for attribute names  Using aliases for attribute names
in Attribute selection list  Editing aliases in the Attribute selection list
Alighting location  Selecting alighting location distribution and boarding location distribution
Alternative path search  Performing an alternative path search
Animation  Displaying attributes during an animation run
recording  Defining an animation recording, Recording an animation
running  Running the animation
ANM data
adaptive importing  Adaptive import of ANM data
importing  Importing ANM data
anm file  Selecting ANM file, configuring and starting data import, Files of the ANM import
ANM import
adaptive  Adaptive import of ANM data, Importing ANM data
generated network objects  Generated network objects from the ANM import
anmroutes file  Files of the ANM import
Anti-aliasing  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
AR - Augmented Reality  Using Vissim Augmented Reality
generating a scene  Generating an Augmented Reality scene
attributes  Attributes of areas
defining polygons  Defining construction elements as polygons
defining rectangles  Defining construction elements as rectangles
Area behavior type  Defining area behavior types
Area evaluation  Output attributes of area and ramp evaluation
Area measurement  Editing sections assigned to area measurements, Generating area measurements in lists, Defining an area measurement in lists, Evaluating pedestrian areas with area measurements
Area visualization
parameter-based  Assigning a color to areas based on aggregated parameters (LOS)
Area-based walking behavior  Modeling area-based walking behavior
static and dynamic  Differences between static and dynamic assignment
att file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
direct  Direct and indirect attributes
editing  Editing network objects, attributes and attribute values, Editing attributes of network objects
filtering  Setting a filter for selection of subattributes displayed
indirect  Direct and indirect attributes
Attribute selection  Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list
Attribute value
editing  Editing network objects, attributes and attribute values
showing  Showing attribute values of a network object in the Network editor
Augmented Reality  Using Vissim Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality scene  Generating an Augmented Reality scene
data import  Importing walkable areas and obstacles from AutoCAD
Automatic action after object creation  Right-click behavior and action after creating an object
Autonomous driving  Editing driving behavior parameters autonomous driving


map from Internet  Using live maps from the Internet, Activating live maps from the Internet
Background color  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Background image  Scaling the background image, Positioning background image, Hiding and showing background image, Supported file formats for background images, Attributes of background images, Using background images, Inserting a background image, Modeling the network for background images, Loading image file as background image
Background image toolbar  Using the background image toolbar
Background map  List of base graphic parameters for network editors, List of 3D graphic parameters, Assigning a live map if reference points are identical
for Smart Map  Displaying or hiding live map for the Smart Map
Background texture compression  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
Backup copy  Setting up backup copy
Bar chart  Creating charts
Base data  Base data for simulation
Base graphic parameters  Editing base graphic parameters for a network editor
for network editors  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Base network
opening, editing  Opening and editing the base network in the network editor
bew file  Files of dynamic assignment
BIM  Importing Building Information Model files
BIM converter  Starting conversion in Viswalk
Block control  Modeling railroad block signals
Boarding delay
function  Using the Boarding Delay function
type  Defining boarding delay types
Boarding location  Selecting alighting location distribution and boarding location distribution
Bosch emissions calculation  Performing environmental impact assessments
Building  List of 3D graphic parameters, List of 3D graphic parameters
Building Information Model (BIM)  Importing Building Information Model files
hiding  Editing building visibility


Camera movement
preview  Showing a preview of camera movement
Camera position  Attributes of camera positions, Saving camera positions
for 3D perspective Driver/Pedestrian  Setting 3D perspective as camera position
Car following model  Operating principles of the car following model, Editing the driving behavior parameter car following model
mesoscopic simulation  Car following model for mesoscopic simulation
Car park  Creating a car park in the network editor and defining attributes, Creating a car park
attributes  Creating a car park in the network editor and defining attributes
defining in the network editor  Creating a car park in the network editor and defining attributes
Ceiling opening  Modeling length, headroom and ceiling opening
in lists  Selecting cells in lists
Changes compared to previous versions  Important changes compared to previous versions
Chart  Creating charts, Creating line charts or bar charts without preselection
attribute list preselection  Creating charts from data in a list
configuring  Configuring a created chart
creating  Quick start guide Creating a chart
display  Adjusting how the chart is displayed
displaying data  Presenting data
enlarging an area  Showing a chart area enlarged
network object preselection  Creating charts from a network object type
network object preselection network editor  Creating charts from network objects in the network editor
preselection optional  Creating charts with or without preselection
quick start  Quick start guide Creating a chart
reusing  Reusing a chart
scatter plot  Creating a scatter plot
toolbar  Chart toolbar
types  Presenting data
x-axis  Presenting data
y-axis  Presenting data
Chart type  Configuring the chart type and data
Circle  Defining construction elements as circles
Classroom license  Properties of the Vissim versions
Closure  Defining a vehicle route of the type closure
Cloud model  Using cloud models, Signing in to PTV Cloud with PTV user account
adding comment  Adding a comment to the cloud model, showing model details and history
closing and signing out  Closing a cloud model and signing out
model details and history  Adding a comment to the cloud model, showing model details and history
opening in Vissim  Opening a cloud model
saving  Saving a cloud model
saving as network file  Saving a cloud model as local working copy
uploading network file  Saving a network file as cloud model
uploads, downloads  Showing uploads and downloads of cloud models
Color  Defining colors for vehicles and pedestrians, Static colors of vehicles and pedestrians, List of 3D graphic parameters, Defining color distributions
Color distribution  Using color distributions, Defining color distributions
Color schemes
adding named  Using named color schemes
Column in list  Moving column in list
COM interface  Using the COM Interface
Command history  Configuring command history
Command prompt  Starting PTV Vissim via the command prompt
Compass  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Conflict area
attributes  Attributes of conflict areas
major flow  Defining right of way for conflict areas using major flow
modeling  Using conflict areas
pedestrians  Modeling conflict areas for pedestrians
right of way  Defining the right of way at conflict areas
Connector  Assigning lanes between links, Modeling connectors, Attributes of connectors, Defining connectors
lane  Assigning lanes between links
Construction element  Defining construction elements as rectangles, Modeling construction elements, Attributes of ramps and stairs, moving walkways and escalators, Defining construction elements as circles, Defining construction elements as polygons
editing  Editing construction elements in the Network Editor
Control procedures  Changing control procedures for signal controller type
Convergence  Attributes for achieving convergence
Convergence evaluation  Saving data about the convergence of the dynamic assignment to a file
Copyright  Copyright and Imprint
Correcting demand matrices  Correcting demand matrices
Cost coefficient  General cost, travel distances and financial cost in the path selection
Cost file  Controlling iterations of the simulation, Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file
as basis for path selection  Attributes for calculating costs as a basis for path selection
calculating  Calculation of paths and costs
Counter for fixed time signal controllers  Defining layouts with counters
regional information on the start page  Selecting the country for regional information on the start page
Coupled list  Using coupled lists
Creating formulas  Creating formulas
Curve speed  Defining curve speed
cva file  Files of dynamic assignment


Daily program list  Defining and editing daily signal program lists
Daily signal program list  Defining and editing daily signal program lists
exporting  Exporting data
importing  Importing a network, Importing routes, Importing OpenDRIVE file *.xodr
Data collection measurement  Editing data collection points assigned to data collection measurements, Evaluating data collection measurements, Generating data collection measurements in lists, Defining a data collection measurement in lists
Data collection point  Defining data collection points
Data export
edges  Exporting data
from signal controller editor  Exporting data from the signal controller editor
model archive (*.zip)  Exporting network files and corresponding files to model archive
nodes  Exporting data
polygon data  Exporting data
PT lines  Exporting data
PT stops  Exporting data
Data import
*.rcf file  Importing the *.rcf file
additive network  Reading a network additionally
ANM data adaptive  Adaptive import of ANM data
anm file  Importing ANM data
from ANM import generated network objects  Generated network objects from the ANM import
network  Importing a network
routes  Importing routes
simulation run  Importing one or multiple simulation runs, Reading a simulation run additionally, Reading simulation runs additionally
Database connection  Configuring the database connection for evaluations
Deceleration behavior  Using acceleration and deceleration functions
Deceleration function  Deleting the acceleration/deceleration function
Decimal separators  Selecting decimal separator via the control panel
Decision models  Example: Using the decision model to calculate a managed lane, Defining decision model for managed lane facilities
Default values  Defining default values
Defining major flow  Defining right of way for conflict areas using major flow
Delay measurement  Defining delay measurement in lists, Showing delay measurements in lists, Editing vehicle travel time measurements allocated to delay measurements, Generating delay measurements in lists
Demo examples  Using files with examples, Using files with examples
Demo version  Providing simulation data for demo version, Properties of the Vissim versions
Desired acceleration  Defining acceleration and deceleration functions
Desired deceleration  Defining acceleration and deceleration functions
Desired speed  Changing the desired speed
Desired speed decision  Using desired speed decisions to modify desired speed, Attributes of desired speed decisions, Defining desired speed decisions
Desired speed distribution  Using desired speed distributions, Attributes of desired speed distributions
pedestrians  Using desired speed distributions for pedestrians
Destination area  Conditions for origin areas and destination areas
Destination parking lot selection  Defining the destination parking lot selection
Destination section
moving  Moving routing decisions or destination sections
Detector  Attributes of detectors, Using detectors, Defining detectors, Exponential smoothing of detector occupancy rates, Zooming into signal heads and detectors of a signal controller
activating  Defining click behavior for the activation of detectors in test mode
pedestrians  Modeling detectors for pedestrians
avoiding  Using the detour factor to avoid detours
Detour factor  Using the detour factor to avoid detours
Diagnostic data and usage data  Allowing the collection of usage data
Diagnostics.exe  Performing an error diagnosis with Diagnostics
Dialog position
resetting  Restoring the display of windows, Resetting menus, toolbars, hotkeys, dialog positions
Direct output  Configuring evaluations for direct output, Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results to files
Direction change duration distribution  Network settings for standard type of direction change duration distribution
DirectX 11  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
Discharge record  Saving discharge record to a file
Display types  Defining display types, Defining track properties
Distance control system  Operation of the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle following model
Distance distribution  Using distance distributions, Attributes of distance distributions
Distraction of the driver  Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error
Distribution  Using distributions, Editing the graph of a function or distribution
defining  Defining a normal distribution, Defining the empirical distribution
dkp file  Using 2D/3D models
Documentation  Documents
additional  Additional documentation
Dongle  Showing program and license information
Door  Defining doors for public transport vehicles
3D animation  3D animation of PT vehicle doors
of public transport vehicles  Editing doors of public transport vehicles
Double-sided lighting  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
Driver errors  Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error
distraction of the driver  Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error
misjudging speed  Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error
temporary lack of attention  Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error
DriverModel.dll  Activating external driver model via Driver Model DLL file
Driving behavior parameters
autonomous driving  Editing driving behavior parameters autonomous driving
car following model  Editing the driving behavior parameter car following model
defining  Defining driving behavior parameter sets
driver errors  Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error
editing  Editing driving behavior parameters
following behavior  Editing the driving behavior parameter Following behavior
lane change  Editing the driving behavior parameter Lane change behavior
lateral behavior  Editing the driving behavior parameter Lateral behavior
Meso  Editing the driving behavior parameter Meso
signal controller  Editing the driving behavior parameter Signal Control
Driving conditions  Driving states in the traffic flow model according to Wiedemann
driving styles  Applying preconfigured driving styles, Generating basic surrounding traffic
Dwell time  Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes
advanced passenger model  Calculating dwell time according to the advanced passenger model
dwell time distribution  Defining dwell time according to dwell time distribution
PTV Viswalk  Calculating dwell time with PTV Viswalk
Dwell time at stops  Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes
dwf file  Using 2D/3D models
Dynamic assignment  Using dynamic assignment, Controlling dynamic assignment
basics  Base for calculating the dynamic assignment
evaluating  Evaluating costs and assigned traffic of paths
flow diagram  Flow diagram dynamic assignment
quick start  Quick start guide Dynamic assignment
toll calculation  Calculating toll using dynamic assignment
Dynamic potential  Dynamic potential, Dynamic potential use cases, Using dynamic potential or dynamic partial pedestrian routes, Dynamic potential attributes, Description of the method Dynamic Potential
for a ramp or stairway  Defining the Dynamic Potential for a ramp or stairway
for pedestrian routes  Defining the Dynamic Potential for a static pedestrian route
levels and ramps  Dynamic Potential in relation to the concept of levels and ramps
Dynamic routing decision  Defining dynamic routing decisions, Attributes of dynamic routing decisions


ASC/3  Add-on module Econolite ASC/3
EOS  Add-on module Econolite EOS
Edge  Attributes of edges, Creating and using edges
excluding  Excluding edges from dynamic assignment
visualization  Visualizing edges
Elevator  Modeling elevators, Elevator attributes, Defining elevators
walking behavior pedestrians  Walking behavior of pedestrians when using elevators
Elevator door  Elevator door attributes
Elevator group  Defining an elevator group, Attributes of elevator groups
Emission calculation  Performing environmental impact assessments, Configuring emission calculation for a vehicle type, Accessing EmissionModel.dll for the calculation of emissions
quick start  Quick start guide Calculating emissions based on emission classes
Emission class distributions  Using emission class distributions
attributes  Attributes of emission class distributions
defining  Defining emission class distributions
Emission classes  Performing environmental impact assessments
Emission model  Configuring emission calculation for a vehicle type
EmissionModel.dll  Accessing EmissionModel.dll for the calculation of emissions
Enlarging  Zooming in
Environmental impact assessment  Performing environmental impact assessments
Equilibrium assignment  Equilibrium assignment – Example
err file  Checking the runtime warnings in the file *.err, Files with results of traffic flow simulation
Error message  Editing error messages for an unexpected program state
attributes  Attributes of ramps and stairs, moving walkways and escalators
Escape key  Specifying the functionality of the Escape key
ESTM  Performing environmental impact assessments
Evaluating grid cells  Grid-based evaluation of pedestrian density and speed
Evaluating meso edges  Showing meso edges results in lists
Evaluating meso lanes  Showing meso lane results in lists
Evaluating parking space  Displaying parking space results in lists
Evaluating pedestrian density and speed  Evaluating pedestrian density and speed based on areas
Evaluation  Output options and results of individual evaluations, Performing evaluations
canceling  Canceling writing evaluations
databases  Saving evaluations in databases
direct output  Configuring evaluations for direct output, Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results to files
overview  Overview of evaluations
Vissim, HBS  Comparing evaluations of PTV Vissim and evaluations according to HBS
Evaluation interval
for travel times  Evaluation interval duration needed to determine the travel times
Evaluation results  Visualizing results
Example files networks  Using files with examples
Exponential smoothing of travel times  Selecting exponential smoothing of the travel times
network data  Exporting data for dashboards, Exporting static network data
Exporting base network  Exporting base networks or scenarios
Exporting network data  Exporting data for dashboards, Exporting static network data
Exporting scenario  Exporting base networks or scenarios
External driver model  Activating external driver model via Driver Model DLL file, Activating the external driver model for a vehicle type
External emission model  Configuring emission calculation for a vehicle type
External signal control  Add-on module external signal control signal controller
External signal control procedures  Activating the external signal control procedures


FAQ  Using the manual, Help and FAQ list
FBX file
Metadata  Presetting vehicle attributes in FBX 3D model file
fds file  Fire event based on an FDS file
fhz file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
ANM import  Files of the ANM import
dynamic assignment  Files of dynamic assignment
other  Other files
overview  Overview of PTV Vissim files
results traffic flow simulation  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
testmode  Files for test mode
for attributes  Setting a filter for selection of subattributes displayed
Filter cross section  Defining flow bundles and filter cross sections
Fire event  Fire event based on an FDS file
attributes  Fire event attributes, Attributes of FDS meshes
Fixed time signal controller type  Using signal controller type Fixed time (simple), Using signal controller type Fixed time
fkt file  Structure of the trip chain file *.fkt, Files of dynamic assignment
Flight mode  Flight over the network, Navigating in 3D mode in the network
Flow bundle  Defining flow bundles and filter cross sections, Visualizing volumes on paths as flow bundles
attributes  Flow bundle attributes
flow bundle bars  Displaying flow bundle bars
Focal length  Changing the 3D viewing angle (focal length)
Fog density  List of 3D graphic parameters
Fog end  List of 3D graphic parameters
Fog in the 3D mode  Using fog in the 3D mode
Fog mode  List of 3D graphic parameters
Fog start  List of 3D graphic parameters
Following behavior  Editing the driving behavior parameter Following behavior
Fourth Dimension D4  Add-on module Fourth Dimension
Free distribution  Attributes of free distributions
Frequency  Defining a signal controller with frequency
Function  Editing the graph of a function or distribution
acceleration  Using acceleration and deceleration functions
deceleration  Using acceleration and deceleration functions
boarding delay  Using the Boarding Delay function
lateral drift speed  Using curve speed and lateral drift speed
speed in curves  Using curve speed and lateral drift speed
fzp file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation


Gap controller  Operation of the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle following model
General distribution  Using general distributions
Generalized cost  General cost, travel distances and financial cost in the path selection
Geometry from 3D file  Applying geometry from 3D file
GeoTIFF  Importing elevation data from a GeoTIFF data source
Global model parameters  Defining global model parameters
Graph  Editing the graph of a function or distribution
Graphic card  Technical information and requirements
Graphic parameters  Selecting display options
3D  Editing 3D graphic parameters, List of 3D graphic parameters
for network objects  List of graphic parameters for network objects
network objects  Editing graphic parameters for network objects
Graphics driver  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
Graphics file  Loading image file as background image
Green time optimization  Performing green time optimization of stage-based fixed time controllers
Grid-based area visualization  Assigning a color to areas based on aggregated parameters (LOS)
GUI  Becoming familiar with the user interface


Helbing  Pedestrian simulation, Application area of PTV Vissim
model  Main differences between the Wiedemann and the Helbing approaches
Help  Showing the PTV Vissim Help, Documents
Hotkeys  Customizing hotkeys, Using hotkeys , Mouse functions and hotkeys
resetting  Resetting menus, toolbars, hotkeys, dialog positions
Hybrid simulation  Using hybrid simulation


IFC file  Converting IFC files to INPX files, Starting conversion via a batch file, Starting conversion in Viswalk
IFC2INPX_GUI.exe  Starting conversion in Viswalk
from AutoCAD  Importing walkable areas and obstacles from AutoCAD
OpenDRIVE file  Importing OpenDRIVE file *.xodr
Importing a text file into a database  Importing text file in a database after the simulation
Imprint  Copyright and Imprint
inp file  Other files
inp0 file  Other files
inpx file  Files of the ANM import, Other files
including building data  Importing INPX files including building data
Installation  How to install and start PTV Vissim
Installation guide  Additional documentation
Interface  Technical information and requirements
Intergreen matrix  Editing intergreen matrices, Defining an intergreen matrix
Intergreen values  Importing intergreen values from Excel
Intermediate point  Deleting points, Moving points, Deleting intermediate point of a graph, Changing routing procedure via intermediate points
altitude  Defining altitude of link intermediate points using z-offset
elevation data  Importing elevation data from a GeoTIFF data source
importing elevation data  Importing elevation data from a GeoTIFF data source
in pedestrian route  Modeling the course of pedestrian routes using intermediate points
in vehicle route  Inserting intermediate points into a vehicle route
z-offset  Defining altitude of link intermediate points using z-offset
Intersection control  Modeling intersection control without signal controller
Interstages  Editing interstages
Inverting direction  Inverting direction
Iteration  Controlling iterations of the simulation


Kernel  Using PTV Vissim Kernel
Keyframe  Using storyboards and keyframes, Defining a storyboard with keyframes
knr file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation


Label position  Resetting the label position
Labeling network object  Viewing and positioning label of a network object
Land color  List of 3D graphic parameters
Land texture  List of 3D graphic parameters
Lane  Inserting lanes on the left or right
connector  Assigning lanes between links
Lane change  Editing the driving behavior parameter Lane change behavior, Saving lane change data to a file
driving behavior  Applications and driving behavior parameters of lane changing
Lane marking types  Defining lane marking types
Lane reduction  Merging lanes and lane reduction
Language of user interface  Selecting the language of the user interface
Lateral behavior  Editing the driving behavior parameter Lateral behavior, Example of modeling lateral behavior
Lateral drift speed  Using lateral drift speed
applying to Smart Map  Copying the layout of a Network Editor into Smart Map
automatic saving  Specifying automatic saving of the layout file *.layx
importing  Saving and importing a layout of the user interface
opening  Importing the saved user interface layout
saving  Saving the user interface layout
layx file  Other files
ldp file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
Legend  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Level  Defining levels
Level toolbar  Using the Level toolbar
Level transparency  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
License  Showing licensed signal control procedures
License information  Showing program and license information
managing  License Management – Questions & Answers
user group-specific issues  License Management – Questions & Answers
intermediate point  Editing points in links or connectors
Line chart  Creating charts
Link  Defining links, Modeling links for vehicles and pedestrians
adding point  Adding points to a link
as pedestrian area  Modeling links as pedestrian areas
attributes  Attributes of links
color based on aggregated parameters  Assigning a color to links based on aggregated parameters
editing point  Editing points in links or connectors
inverting direction  Inverting direction
splitting  Splitting links
Link behavior type  Defining link behavior types for links and connectors
Link evaluation  Showing data from links in lists
LISA+ OMTC  Add-on module LISA+ OMTC
column headers  Showing short or long names of attributes in column headers
coupled  Using coupled lists
deleting data  Deleting data in lists
editing data  Selecting and editing data in lists
filtering data of a column  Filtering data of a column
moving columns  Moving column in list
opening  Opening lists
relation  Using coupled lists
selecting attributes  Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list
selecting cells  Selecting cells in lists
selecting data  Selecting and editing data in lists
shortcut menu  Editing lists and data via the shortcut menu
showing relations in coupled lists  Selecting relations in coupled lists
showing the simple list on the left  Showing the simple list only
sorting  Sorting lists
structure  Structure of lists
toolbar  List toolbar
using  Using lists
List layout  Using named list layouts
Location distribution  Using location distributions for boarding and alighting passengers in PT, Selecting alighting location distribution and boarding location distribution
attributes  Attributes of location distributions
Log file vissim_msgs.txt  Using the vissim_msgs.txt logfile
Logo  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Long name as column header  Showing short or long names of attributes in column headers
LOS scheme  Using LOS schemes for showing aggregated pedestrian values
lsa file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
lzv file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation


m_i file  Files for test mode
m_o file  Files for test mode
Macro  Using macros for test runs
editing  Editing a macro
recording  Recording a macro
running  Running a macro
Main memory  Technical information and requirements
Managed lane  Toll pricing and defining managed lanes
evaluating  Saving managed lane data to a file
Managed lane route  Example: Using the decision model to calculate a managed lane, Attributes of managed lane routes
Managed lanes facility  Defining managed lane facilities
Managed lanes routing decision  Attributes of managed lanes routing decisions
Managing licenses  License handling for PTV Vision users, Showing program and license information
Manual  Showing the user manual, Documents
Map gray scale  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Map intensity  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Map provider  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Map service  Managing map services of the background map
Mapping point to background position  Mapping Vissim network to background position
Matrix  Matrix attributes, Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file
Matrix correction  Correcting demand matrices, Defining and performing Matrix correction
Matrix editor  Editing OD matrices for vehicular traffic in the Matrix editor
Maximum acceleration  Defining acceleration and deceleration functions, Default curves for maximum acceleration and deceleration, Stochastic distribution of values for maximum acceleration and deceleration, Default curve speed functions
Maximum deceleration  Defining acceleration and deceleration functions, Default curves for maximum acceleration and deceleration, Stochastic distribution of values for maximum acceleration and deceleration, Default curve speed functions
Maximum number of entries for command history  Configuring command history
McCain 2033  Add-on module McCain 2033
mdb file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
Measurements  Showing results of measurements, Defining and generating measurements or editing allocated objects
Measuring distances  Measuring distances
Menu  Using the menu bar
all, overview  Overview of menus
editing  Editing menus
resetting  Resetting menus, toolbars, hotkeys, dialog positions
using the menu bar  Using the menu bar
mer file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
Merging lane  Merging lanes and lane reduction
merp file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
driving behavior  Editing the driving behavior parameter Meso
simulation method  Selecting simulation method micro or meso
Meso edge  Attributes of meso edges
Meso graph  Generating meso graphs
Meso network nodes  Modeling meso network nodes, Rules and examples for defining meso network nodes, Creating meso network nodes
Meso node  Attributes of meso nodes
Meso turn conflicts  Attributes of meso turn conflicts
Meso turns  Attributes of meso turns
Mesoscopic node-edge model  Mesoscopic node-edge model
Mesoscopic simulation  Using mesoscopic simulation
car following model  Car following model for mesoscopic simulation
node control  Node control in mesoscopic simulation
quick start  Quick start guide Mesoscopic simulation
restrictions  Functional differences to microscopic simulation
Messages  Showing messages and warnings
Micro simulation method  Selecting simulation method micro or meso
Minimizing  Zooming out
Misjudging speed  Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error
mle file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
Model archive (*.zip)  Exporting network files and corresponding files to model archive
Model distributions  Using 2D/3D model distributions
Model parameters
per pedestrian type  Model parameters per pedestrian type according to the social force model
Wiedemann 74  Defining the Wiedemann 74 model parameters
Wiedemann 99  Defining the Wiedemann 99 model parameters
Model segments  Assigning model segments to 2D/3D models
Model transfer file  Applying model transfer files, Creating model transfer files, Using model transfer file (*.trax)
Modeling examples Pedestrians  Modeling examples: Quickest or shortest path?
Modification  Add new modification, Opening and editing modifications in the network editor
Molnár  Pedestrian simulation
Monetary cost for path selection  General cost, travel distances and financial cost in the path selection
Mouse button  Using the mouse buttons, scroll wheel and Del key
left, right  Typography and conventions
Mouse functions  Mouse functions and hotkeys
Moving section  Moving network object sections
Moving walkway  Attributes of ramps and stairs, moving walkways and escalators
MSA method for travel times  Selecting the MSA method for travel times


Named chart layout  Using named chart layouts
Named list layout  Using named list layouts
Named network editor layout  Using named Network editor layouts
checking  Checking the network
checking at start of simulation  Saving network file (inpx) in newer version without prompting, Checking and selecting the network with simulation start
comparing  Comparing and transferring networks
creating  Network objects - overview
creating and starting simulation, quick start  First steps, quick starts and videos, Quick start guide Creating a network and starting simulation
importing  Importing a network
mapping point to background position  Mapping Vissim network to background position
moving  Moving the network
reading additively  Reading a network additionally
rotating  Rotating the network
saving subnetwork  Saving a selected part of the network
scenario management  Placing a network under scenario management
setting up  Setting up a road network or PT link network
showing entire  Navigating in 3D mode in the network
transferring  Comparing and transferring networks
Network editor  Using network editors
construction element  Editing construction elements in the Network Editor
opening new  Showing Network editors
selecting network object  Moving network objects in the Network Editor
shortcut menu  Network editor shortcut menu
Smart Map sections  Showing all Smart Map sections
toolbar  Network editor toolbar
zooming in on network object  Zooming to network objects in the network editor
Network editor layout
using named  Using named Network editor layouts
Network editor layout selection  Using named Network editor layouts
Network file
saving as cloud model  Saving a network file as cloud model
Network graph  Building an Abstract Network Graph
Network object
attribute value  Showing attribute values of a network object in the Network editor
commands  Calling up network object specific functions in the network editor
copying  Selecting and copying network objects, Copying and pasting network objects into the Network Editor
copying to different level  Copying network objects to different level
deleting  Deleting network objects
direction of the effect  Showing the direction, in which the marker takes effect
duplicating  Duplicating network objects
editing  Editing network objects, attributes and attribute values
inserting new  Inserting a new network object in a Network Editor
labeling  Viewing and positioning label of a network object
moving in Network Editor  Moving network objects in the Network Editor
moving section  Moving network object sections
pasting from Clipboard  Pasting network objects from the Clipboard
rotating  Rotating network objects
selecting  Displaying and selecting network objects, Selecting a network object from superimposed network objects
selecting and showing in list  Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in a list
selecting in Network editor  Moving network objects in the Network Editor
showing name  Showing the names of the network objects at the click position
zooming  Zooming to network objects in the network editor
Network object sidebar  Using the Network object sidebar
shortcut menu  Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar
Network object type  Network objects - overview
Network performance pedestrians  Pedestrian network performance: Displaying network performance results (pedestrians) in lists
Network settings  Selecting network settings
3D signal head  Selecting network settings for 3D signal heads
angle towards north  Selecting angle towards north
concatenating attributes  Selecting network settings for attribute concatenation
direction change duration distribution  Network settings for standard type of direction change duration distribution
elevators and elevator group  Network settings for standard types of elevators and elevator groups
pedestrian behavior  Selecting network settings for pedestrian behavior
reference points background map  Showing reference points
units  Selecting network settings for units
vehicle behavior  Network settings for the driving simulator, Selecting network settings for vehicle behavior
Next section  Displaying previous or next views
Node  Defining nodes, Modeling nodes, Selecting nodes, polygons or segments, Deleting nodes, Attributes of nodes, Meaning of node color and line style, Creating nodes per level
Node evaluation  Evaluating nodes
Node polygon  Editing node polygons
Node-edge graph  Generating a node-edge graph
attribute-based color  Assigning a color to nodes based on an attribute
evaluating  Evaluating nodes
from PTV Visum  Using nodes defined from individual link segments
Non-signalized intersection  Modeling intersection control without signal controller


attributes  Attributes of obstacles
Occupancy distribution  Attributes of occupancy distributions, Using occupancy distributions
Occupancy rate  Exponential smoothing of detector occupancy rates
OD matrix  Defining an origin-destination matrix, Matrix attributes, Using OD matrices from previous versions, Selecting an origin-destination matrix, Modeling traffic demand with origin-destination matrices, Modeling traffic demand with origin-destination matrices or trip chain files, Editing OD matrices for vehicular traffic in the Matrix editor
pedestrians  Pedestrian OD matrices, Time intervals in the pedestrian OD matrix, Selecting origins and destinations in the Pedestrian OD Matrix, Defining the pedestrian demand in the Pedestrian OD Matrix, Deleting origins, destinations or values in the Pedestrian OD Matrix, Using the matrix values in the pedestrian OD matrix
OD pair  Displaying OD pair data in lists, Attributes of OD pairs
OpenDRIVE file
importing  Importing OpenDRIVE file *.xodr
OpenGL  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
Operation of the program  Principles of operation of the program
Opposite lane  Generating an opposite lane
Optional expansions  Optional expansion for the dynamic assignment
Origin area  Conditions for origin areas and destination areas
Overtaking maneuvers on oncoming lane
overview  Modeling overtaking maneuvers on the lane of oncoming traffic
Overtaking on oncoming lane
network objects and attributes  Defining network objects and attributes for passing on oncoming lane
ovw file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation


panm file  Files of the ANM import
Parameter-based area visualization  Assigning a color to areas based on aggregated parameters (LOS)
pedestrian simulation  Parameters for pedestrian simulation
Parking and stopping on the roadside  Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside
Parking lot  Attributes of parking lots, Defining parking lots, Modeling parking lots and zones
attribute-based color  Assigning a color to parking spaces, parking lots or parking lot gorups based on an attribute
defining a car park in the network editor  Creating a car park in the network editor and defining attributes
evaluating  Displaying parking lot results in lists
evaluating parking space  Displaying parking space results in lists
for dynamic assignment  Defining parking lots for dynamic assignment
generating a car park  Creating a car park
overview  Modeling parking lots
types  Using parking lot types
Parking lot groups  Defining parking lot groups
evaluating  Displaying parking lot group results in lists
Parking route
defining  Defining parking routes
Parking routing decision  Attributes of parking routing decisions
evaluating  Displaying parking routing decisions in lists
Partial pedestrian route  Properties of partial pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routing decisions, Route choice method for partial pedestrian routes, Attributes of partial pedestrian routes, Properties of static pedestrian routes and pedestrian routing decisions, Use cases for static partial routes of pedestrians
adding location for all  Adding route locations for selected partial pedestrian routes
Partial pedestrian routing decision  Defining partial pedestrian routing decisions, Attributes of partial pedestrian routing decisions
Partial PT route  Attributes of partial PT routes, Defining partial PT routes
Partial PT routing decision  Attributes of PT partial routing decisions
Partial route
of vehicles  Attributes of partial vehicle routes
using as a basis  Defining a partial route based on an existing partial route
Partial vehicle route  Attributes of partial vehicle routes, Deleting vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions
attributes  Attributes of partial vehicle routes
defining  Defining partial vehicle routes
Partial vehicle routing decision  Attributes of partial vehicle routing decisions
Passenger changes
duration  Specifying duration of boarding and alighting for a PT vehicle type
Path evaluation  Showing data about paths of dynamic assignment in lists
Path file  Controlling iterations of the simulation, Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file
Path search  Path search finds only the best possible path in each interval, Path search and path selection, Attributes for path search, Influencing path search
Path selection  Method of path selection with or without path search, Attributes for path selection, Path search and path selection
monetary cost  General cost, travel distances and financial cost in the path selection
Paths  Attributes of paths, Displaying paths in the network
calculating  Calculation of paths and costs
manual setting of volumes  Setting volume for paths manually
overlapping  Correcting distorted demand distribution for overlapping paths
Pavement marking  Attributes of pavement markings, Modeling pavement markings, Defining pavement markings
PDF user manual  Showing the user manual
Pedestrian attribute decisions  Defining Pedestrian attribute decisions, Using pedestrian attribute decisions
Pedestrian class  Attributes of pedestrian classes, Defining pedestrian classes, Using pedestrian classes
Pedestrian composition  Defining pedestrian compositions, Attributes of pedestrian compositions, Modeling pedestrian compositions
Pedestrian crossing  Defining pedestrian crossing
Pedestrian demand  Modeling pedestrian demand and routing of pedestrians
Pedestrian input  Inputs, routing decisions and routes guide pedestrians, Modeling pedestrian inputs, Defining pedestrian inputs, Attributes of pedestrian inputs
Pedestrian link  Defining pedestrian links
Pedestrian network performance  Pedestrian network performance: Displaying network performance results (pedestrians) in lists
Pedestrian OD matrix  Pedestrian OD matrices, Time intervals in the pedestrian OD matrix, Selecting origins and destinations in the Pedestrian OD Matrix, Defining the pedestrian demand in the Pedestrian OD Matrix, Deleting origins, destinations or values in the Pedestrian OD Matrix, Using the matrix values in the pedestrian OD matrix
Pedestrian record  Saving pedestrian record to a file or database
Pedestrian route
adding location for all  Adding route locations for selected static routes
intermediate point  Modeling the course of pedestrian routes using intermediate points
partial routing decision  Defining partial pedestrian routing decisions
route structure  Showing route bundle for area or ramp
static  Attributes of static pedestrian routes, Defining static pedestrian routes
Pedestrian route location  Attributes of pedestrian route locations
Pedestrian routing  Modeling pedestrian demand and routing of pedestrians
Pedestrian routing decision  Properties of partial pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routing decisions, Modeling pedestrian routing decisions, pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routes, Properties of static pedestrian routes and pedestrian routing decisions
Pedestrian simulation  Pedestrian simulation, Internal procedure of pedestrian simulation , Application area of PTV Vissim
base data  Network objects and base data for the simulation of pedestrians
conflict area  Modeling conflict areas for pedestrians
dynamic potential  Dynamic potential use cases, Using dynamic potential or dynamic partial pedestrian routes
functions  Version-specific functions of pedestrian simulation
global model parameters  Defining global model parameters
input  Inputs, routing decisions and routes guide pedestrians
model parameters per pedestrian type  Model parameters per pedestrian type according to the social force model
network objects  Network objects and base data for the simulation of pedestrians
parameters  Parameters for pedestrian simulation
requirements  Requirements for pedestrian simulation
simulation resolution  Special effect of simulation resolution on pedestrian simulation
Pedestrian travel time measurement  Saving pedestrian travel time measurements from OD data to a file, Evaluating pedestrian travel time measurements, Defining pedestrian travel time measurement
Pedestrian type  Using pedestrian types, Defining pedestrian types, Attributes of pedestrian types
as PT passengers, quick start  Quick start guide: Defining pedestrians as PT passengers
attribute-based color  Assigning a color to pedestrians based on an attribute
color  Defining colors for vehicles and pedestrians
PT passengers  Modeling pedestrians as PT passengers
visualizing  Visualizing pedestrian traffic in 2D mode
Pedestrians in the network  Showing pedestrians in the network in a list
Perception model  Operating principles of the car following model
Platform edge  Adding platform edges
Platooning  Editing driving behavior parameters autonomous driving
Point  Deleting points, Moving points
editing  Editing points in links or connectors
importing elevation data  Importing elevation data from a GeoTIFF data source
of link  Adding points to a link
z-offset  Defining altitude of link intermediate points using z-offset
Polygon  Selecting nodes, polygons or segments, Defining construction elements as polygons
Polygon node  Using polygon nodes and segment nodes, Converting polygon nodes
Position of label  Resetting the label position
Power distribution  Using power distributions
attributes  Attributes of power distributions
pp file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
Preconfigured driving styles  Applying preconfigured driving styles, Generating basic surrounding traffic
Presentation  Creating simulation presentations
Previous section  Displaying previous or next views
Previous versions  Important changes compared to previous versions
Priority rule  Attributes of priority rules, Defining priority rules, Modeling priority rules
creating  Creating priority rules
examples  Examples of priority rules
pedestrians  Modeling priority rules for pedestrians
Program element  Showing program elements together, Arranging or freely positioning program elements in PTV Vissim
Program start  Program start and start screen
Programming interfaces (API)  Programming interfaces (API)
Project explorer  Using the project explorer
toolbar  Project explorer toolbar
Project structure  Editing the project structure
PT infrastructure  Modeling PT infrastructure
PT line  Defining PT lines, Attributes of PT lines, Modeling PT lines
checking and repairing line courses  Checking and repairing PT line courses
PT line stop  Editing a PT line stop
PT link network  Setting up a road network or PT link network
PT passenger  Quick start guide: Defining pedestrians as PT passengers, Modeling pedestrians as PT passengers
PT short range public transportation  Modeling short-range public transportation
PT telegram
editing duringe test run  Editing PT telegram during test run
pua file  Other files
Public transport stop  Modeling PT stops, Attributes of PT stops, Defining PT stops
Public transport stop bay  Generating a public transport stop bay, Entering a public transport stop bay in a PT line path
Public transport vehicle
door  Defining doors for public transport vehicles
doors  Editing doors of public transport vehicles
Public transport waiting times  Saving PT waiting time data to a file
pw1 file  Other files
Python script language  Using Python as the script language


Queue counter  Showing results of queue counters in lists, Defining queue counters, Modeling queue counters, Attributes of queue counters
Quick info  Showing and hiding object information in the network editor
Quick Mode  Using the Quick Mode
Quick View  Showing the Quick View, Editing attribute values in the Quick view with arithmetic operations, Using the Quick View , Selecting attributes for the Quick view display, Editing attribute values in the Quick view


Railway crossing  Generating a railway crossing
attributes  Attributes of ramps and stairs, moving walkways and escalators
Ramp evalution  Output attributes of area and ramp evaluation
Ramp metering controller  Defining ramp metering controllers
Ramps & stairs
LOS-based color  Assigning a color to ramps and stairs based on aggregated parameters (LOS)
Converting from previous version  Using Ring Barrier Controller of previous version
Definitions  RBC Definitions, Base Timing Definitions, Detector Definitions
Editor  RBC Editor - Overview
Examples  RBC Examples
Preemptions  Preempts Definition
Transit Priority  Transit Priority Definition
using  Using RBC
RBC Signal Controller  Opening a PRBC data file, Creating the RBC Signal Controller
rcf file  Other files
Recording settings  Recording settings
Reduced speed area  Using reduced speed areas to modify desired speed, Attributes of reduced speed areas, Defining reduced speed areas
Reference object  Selecting reference object and reference object type
Reference point  Assigning a live map if reference points are identical
References  References
Release notes  Additional documentation
menus and other elements  Resetting menus, toolbars, hotkeys, dialog positions
Result attribute  Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists, Displaying result attributes in attribute lists
Result list  Showing result attributes in result lists
Result management  Managing results
Right turn despite red light  Using stop signs for right turning vehicles even if red
Right-click behavior  Right-click behavior and action after creating an object
Ring Barrier Controller  Using RBC
Road network  Setting up a road network or PT link network
Rotate mode (3D)  Navigating in 3D mode in the network
checking and repairing  Checking and repairing routes
Route choice area  Selecting route choice areas
Route choice method
for pedestrians  Route choice method using the Travel time criterion, Route choice method using the Density criterion, Route choice method using the Quantity criterion
Route closure  Attributes of route closures
Route closure decision  Attributes of route closure decisions
Route guidance  Defining route guidance for vehicles, Attributes for the guidance of vehicles
Route location
adding to partial routes  Adding route locations for selected partial pedestrian routes
adding to static routes  Adding route locations for selected static routes
Route structure  Showing route bundle for area or ramp
importing  Importing routes
importing *.rcf file  Importing the *.rcf file
Routing decision  Deleting vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions
moving  Moving routing decisions or destination sections
pedestrians  Modeling pedestrian routing decisions, pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routes
placing  Placing the routing decision and the mode of action in the simulation
rsr file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
rsrP file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
Rubberband color  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Runtime message  Messages and error handling
Runtime warning
*.err file  Checking the runtime warnings in the file *.err


Sales request  Requests to the Traffic customer service
Saving a video file  Recording a simulation and saving it as an AVI file
Saving subnetwork  Saving a selected part of the network
Saving without prompting  Saving network file (inpx) in newer version without prompting
SC communication  Linking signal controllers
Scale  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
SCATS  Add-on module SCATS
Scatter plot  Creating charts, Creating a scatter plot
Scenario  Add new scenario, Opening and editing scenarios in the network editor
Scenario comparison  Comparing scenarios of the scenario management, Selecting scenarios in the project structure for comparison
attributes  Selecting attributes for scenario comparison
Scenario management  Scenario management
exporting base network  Exporting base networks or scenarios
exporting scenario  Exporting base networks or scenarios
network  Placing a network under scenario management
project explorer  Using the project explorer
project structure  Editing the project structure
quick start  Quick start guide Scenario management
SCOOT  Add-on module SCOOT
Screenshot  Capturing screenshots and exporting images
Script file  Defining scripts, Using event based script files, Selecting and executing a script file, Starting a script file manually
Scroll wheel  Using the mouse buttons, scroll wheel and Del key
Section  Attributes of sections, Defining sections as a polygon, Modeling sections, Defining sections as a rectangle
hybrid simulation  Selecting sections for hybrid simulation
Segment  Selecting nodes, polygons or segments
deleting  Deleting segments of an edge from segment nodes
Segment node  Converting segment nodes, Using polygon nodes and segment nodes
Selection color  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Service point selection  The service point selection method, Route selection method Use service point selection, Prerequisites and requirements of the service point selection method
Services  Services by the PTV GROUP
Setting detector types interactively  Setting detector types interactively during a test run
Shadow color  List of 3D graphic parameters
Shape file  Importing shape files
Shift mode  Moving the view
Short name as column header  Showing short or long names of attributes in column headers
Shortcut menu
Network editor  Network editor shortcut menu
Short-range public transportation  Modeling short-range public transportation
Show  List of 3D graphic parameters
Show entire network  Navigating in 3D mode in the network
Show grid  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Show land  List of 3D graphic parameters
Show shadows  List of 3D graphic parameters
Showing the entire network  Displaying the entire network
Siemens VA (TL / Siemens VS-PLUS)  Add-on module Siemens VA (TL / Siemens VS-PLUS)
sig file  Other files
Signal change  Showing evaluations in windows, Evaluating signal changes
Signal control  Traffic flow model and signal control
pedestrians  Modeling signal controls for pedestrians
Signal control procedures  Using signal control procedures, Changing control procedures for signal controller type, Defining signal controllers and signal control procedures
external  Activating the external signal control procedures
Signal controller  Modeling signal controllers
attributes  Attributes of signal controllers
defining  Defining signal controllers and signal control procedures
driving behavior  Editing the driving behavior parameter Signal Control
linking  Linking signal controllers
overview  Modeling signal controllers
pedestrian crossing  Defining pedestrian crossing
railway crossing  Generating a railway crossing
ramp metering controller  Defining ramp metering controllers
signal group attributes  Signal group attributes
Signal controller detector record  Showing a signal controller detector record in a window, Results of signal controller detector evaluation, Showing evaluations in windows, Evaluating signal controller detector records, Configuring a signal controller detector record for signal controller
Signal controller editor  Opening and using the signal controller editor
detecting inconsistencies  Detecting inconsistent planning
exporting  Exporting data from the signal controller editor
frequency  Defining a signal controller with frequency
global settings  Making global settings in the signal controller editor
intergreen matrix  Editing intergreen matrices, Defining an intergreen matrix
interstages  Editing interstages
signal group  Editing signal groups, Defining signal groups in the signal controller editor
signal program  Editing signal programs, Defining signal programs
stage assignments  Editing stage assignment
stage sequence  Editing stage sequence
stages  Defining and editing stages
Signal controller green time distribution  Saving signal controller green time distribution to a file
Signal group  Editing signal groups, Modeling signal groups and signal heads, Defining signal groups for Siemens VA, TRENDS, VAP, VS-Plus, Defining signal groups in the signal controller editor
Signal head  Modeling signal groups and signal heads, Defining signal heads, Zooming into signal heads and detectors of a signal controller, Attributes of signal heads
Signal program  Editing signal programs, Defining signal programs
Signal times table  Showing evaluations in windows, Configuring the display settings for a signal times table, Configuring signal times table on signal controller, Showing signal times table in a window
Simple network display  Selecting simple network display
Simulated travel time and generalized costs  Simulated travel time and generalized costs
Simulated travel times  Defining simulated travel times
Simulation  Running a simulation
criteria for speed  Technical information and requirements
iteration  Controlling iterations of the simulation
of pedestrians  Pedestrian simulation
recording  Recording a 3D simulation and saving it as an ANI file
Simulation method  Selecting simulation method micro or meso
Simulation parameter  Defining simulation parameters
Simulation resolution
pedestrian simulation  Special effect of simulation resolution on pedestrian simulation
Simulation run  Showing simulation run data in lists
number of runs  Selecting the number of simulation runs and starting simulation
reading additionally  Importing one or multiple simulation runs, Reading a simulation run additionally, Reading simulation runs additionally
Simulation time  Switching the simulation time format for the status bar, Specifying the simulation time format for the status bar
Simulation time label  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
Simultaneous assignment  Defining simultaneous assignment
Sky color  List of 3D graphic parameters
Sky texture  List of 3D graphic parameters
Smart Map
applying layout  Copying the layout of a Network Editor into Smart Map
background map  Displaying or hiding live map for the Smart Map
defining view in new Network Editor  Defining a Smart Map view in a new Network Editor
displaying  Displaying the Smart Map
entire network  Displaying the entire network in the Smart Map
moving the Network Editor view  Moving the Network Editor view
moving view  Moving the Smart Map view
Network editor sections  Showing all Smart Map sections
new view  Defining a new view
redefining the display  Redefining the display in the Smart Map
using  Using the Smart Map
zooming in/out  Zooming in or out on the network in the Smart Map
Smoothing method  Attributes for calculating costs as a basis for path selection
Social force model  Pedestrian simulation
Spline  Recalculating the spline, Generating a spline
spw file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
SSAM trajectories  Saving SSAM trajectories to a file
Stage assignments  Editing stage assignment
Stage sequence  Editing stage sequence
Stages  Defining and editing stages
attributes  Attributes of ramps and stairs, moving walkways and escalators
Start page  Using the Start page
country for regional information  Selecting the country for regional information on the start page
Static 3D model  Defining static 3D models, Attributes of static 3D models, Editing static 3D models in the Network Editor, Using static 3D models
Static partial pedestrian route  Use cases for static partial routes of pedestrians
Static pedestrian route  Properties of partial pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routing decisions, Attributes of static pedestrian routes, Properties of static pedestrian routes and pedestrian routing decisions, Defining static pedestrian routes
Static routes
from assignment  Generating static routes from assignment
Static routing decision
pedestrian route  Attributes of static routing decisions for pedestrian routes
Static vehicle route  Attributes of static vehicle routes
defining  Combining static routes, Defining static vehicle routes
Static vehicle routing decision  Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions
Status bar  Information in the status bar, Switching the simulation time format for the status bar, Specifying the simulation time format for the status bar
Stop sign  Using stop signs for right turning vehicles even if red, Defining stop signs and toll counters, Attributes of stop signs and toll counters, Modeling stop signs and toll counters
Storyboard  Using storyboards and keyframes
Student version  Properties of the Vissim versions
Support  Service and support, Submitting a support request


Target braking controller  Operation of the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle following model
Technical information  Technical information and requirements
Temporary lack of attention  Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error
Testing environment  Modeling the road network
Testing signal control logic  Testing logics without traffic flow simulation
Thesis license  Properties of the Vissim versions
Time distribution  Attributes of time distributions, Using time distributions
Time format  Switching the simulation time format for the status bar, Specifying the simulation time format for the status bar
Time interval  Defining time intervals for a network object type, Calling time intervals from an attributes list
defining  Using time intervals
pedestrian OD matrix  Time intervals in the pedestrian OD matrix
Toll counter  Using stop signs for right turning vehicles even if red, Defining stop signs and toll counters, Attributes of stop signs and toll counters, Modeling stop signs and toll counters
Toll pricing  Toll pricing and defining managed lanes
Toll pricing calculation model  Defining toll pricing models
Toolbar  Adapting the toolbar, Using toolbars
all, overview  Overview of toolbars
of lists  List toolbar
resetting  Resetting menus, toolbars, hotkeys, dialog positions
Toolbars  Adapting the toolbar
Traffic flow model  Traffic flow model and signal control, Operating principles of the car following model, Application area of PTV Vissim
driving conditions by Wiedemann  Driving states in the traffic flow model according to Wiedemann
Traffic-dependent VAP programming  Add-on module Traffic-dependent VAP Programming
Training  Using files with examples
Training examples  Using files with examples
Travel distance  General cost, travel distances and financial cost in the path selection
Travel time
edges  Attributes for achieving convergence
MSA method  Selecting the MSA method for travel times
paths  Attributes for achieving convergence
Travel times
evaluation interval  Evaluation interval duration needed to determine the travel times
exponential smoothing  Selecting exponential smoothing of the travel times
trax file  Using model transfer file (*.trax), Other files
trc file  Files with results of traffic flow simulation
TRENDS  Using add-on module TRENDS
Trip chain file  Modeling traffic demand with trip chain files, Structure of the trip chain file *.fkt, Selecting a trip chain file, Modeling traffic demand with origin-destination matrices or trip chain files, Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file
Turn value visualization  Activate turn value visualization, Visualizing turn values, Configuring turn value visualization
node size  Editing the size of turn value visualization for a node
same size  Setting active turn value diagrams to the same size
Two stage controller  Using 2-stage controllers
Typography and conventions  Typography and conventions


Underground color  List of 3D graphic parameters
Underground texture  List of 3D graphic parameters
Usage data  Allowing the collection of usage data
User interface  Becoming familiar with the user interface
Escape key  Specifying the functionality of the Escape key
language  Selecting the language of the user interface
User manual  Showing the user manual
User preferences
3D mode  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
anti-aliasing  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
automatic action  Right-click behavior and action after creating an object
automatic saving of layout  Specifying automatic saving of the layout file *.layx
automatic saving of layout file  Specifying automatic saving of the layout file *.layx
background texture compression  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
backup copy  Setting up backup copy
checking network  Checking and selecting the network with simulation start
command history  Configuring command history
default values  Defining default values
Default working directory for cloud models  Using default working directories for working copies of cloud models
detectors in test mode  Defining click behavior for the activation of detectors in test mode
diagnostic data  Allowing the collection of usage data
dialog positions  Restoring the display of windows
double-sided lighting  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
for start page  Selecting the country for regional information on the start page
graphics driver  Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings
if network file is discarded  Specifying automatic saving of the layout file *.layx
if network file is saved automatically  Specifying automatic saving of the layout file *.layx
language  Selecting the language of the user interface
map service  Managing map services of the background map
overview  Setting user preferences
quick info  Showing and hiding object information in the network editor
resetting menus and other elements  Resetting menus, toolbars, hotkeys, dialog positions
right-click  Right-click behavior and action after creating an object
right-click behavior  Right-click behavior and action after creating an object
saving network  Saving network file (inpx) in newer version without prompting
test mode  Defining click behavior for the activation of detectors in test mode
working environment  Specifying automatic saving of the layout file *.layx
User settings
column headers  Showing short or long names of attributes in column headers
User-defined attribute  Editing user-defined attribute values, Using user-defined attributes, Creating user-defined attributes
User-defined lane width  Defining default values
User-defined minimum gap time  Defining default values
User-defined minimum headway  Defining default values
Using textures  Using textures


v3d file  Using 2D/3D models, Other files
vap file  Other files
vce file  Other files
assigning a color during simulation  Dynamically assigning a color to vehicles during the simulation
attribute-based color  Assigning a color to vehicles based on an attribute
color  Defining colors for vehicles and pedestrians
driving state  Driving state of a vehicle
interaction state  Interaction state of the vehicle
Vehicle attribute decisions  Using vehicle attribute decisions, Defining vehicle attribute decisions
Vehicle category  Managing vehicle types, vehicle classes and vehicle categories, Using vehicle categories
Vehicle class  Managing vehicle types, vehicle classes and vehicle categories, Defining the vehicle class, Using vehicle classes
Vehicle composition  Modeling vehicle compositions, Defining vehicle compositions, Attributes of vehicle compositions
Vehicle input  Modeling vehicle inputs for private transportation, Attributes of vehicle inputs, Defining vehicle inputs
evaluating  Displaying vehicle input results in lists
Vehicle input data  Saving vehicle input data to a file
Vehicle network performance  Vehicle network performance : Displaying network performance results (vehicles) in result lists
Vehicle record  Saving vehicle record to a file or database
Vehicle route  Deleting vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions, Modeling vehicle routing decision, vehicle routes and partial vehicle routes
changing routing procedure  Changing routing procedure via intermediate points
checking and repairing  Checking and repairing routes
closing  Defining a vehicle route of the type closure
defining static  Combining static routes, Defining static vehicle routes
intermediate point  Inserting intermediate points into a vehicle route
managed lanes facility  Defining a vehicle route of the type managed lane
static  Attributes of static vehicle routes
using existing one as a basis  Defining a vehicle route based on an existing vehicle route
Vehicle route (partial)  Modeling vehicle routing decision, vehicle routes and partial vehicle routes
Vehicle route parking  Attributes of parking routes
Vehicle routing decision
static  Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions
Vehicle travel time  Evaluating vehicle travel time measurements
Vehicle travel time measurement  Defining vehicle travel time measurement, Attributes of vehicle travel time measurement
Vehicle type  Managing vehicle types, vehicle classes and vehicle categories, Attributes of vehicle types, Defining vehicle types
cost coefficients  Setting cost coefficients and destination parking lot selection for vehicle type
destination parking lot selection  Setting cost coefficients and destination parking lot selection for vehicle type
dynamic assignment  Editing specific vehicle type data
emission model, emission calculation  Configuring emission calculation for a vehicle type
equipment  Defining route guidance or SC communication as equipment for vehicle type
functions and distributions  Editing functions and distributions of a vehicle type
passenger changes  Specifying duration of boarding and alighting for a PT vehicle type
static data  Editing static data of a vehicle type
using  Using vehicle types
in the network  Displaying vehicles in the network in a list
Vehicular traffic  Modeling vehicular traffic
Version number  Information about the PTV GROUP and contact data
Video recording  Starting video recording
enlarging  Zooming in
minimizing  Zooming out
moving  Moving the view
View from Driver's Perspective  Showing 3D perspective of a driver or a pedestrian
View from Pedestrian's Perspective  Showing 3D perspective of a driver or a pedestrian
demo version  Providing simulation data for demo version, Properties of the Vissim versions
Kernel  Using PTV Vissim Kernel
starting  Program start and start screen
use cases  PTV Vissim use cases
Vissim AR  Using Vissim Augmented Reality
vissim file  Other files
vissim_msgs.txt  Using the vissim_msgs.txt logfile
vissim-pdb file  Other files
VS-Plus  Add-on module VS-Plus
vxb file  Other files


Walking behavior  Defining walking behavior
area-based  Modeling area-based walking behavior
weg file  Files of dynamic assignment, Files of the ANM import
Weight  Attributes of weight distributions
Weight distribution  Using weight distributions, Attributes of weight distributions
What’s new document  Additional documentation
Wiedemann  Operating principles of the car following model
driving conditions in traffic flow model  Driving states in the traffic flow model according to Wiedemann
model  Main differences between the Wiedemann and the Helbing approaches
Wiedemann 74 model parameters  Defining the Wiedemann 74 model parameters
Wiedemann 99 model parameters  Defining the Wiedemann 99 model parameters
Window  Anchoring windows, Releasing windows from the anchors, Switching between windows, Changing the display of windows
Wireframe mode  List of base graphic parameters for network editors
WMS service  Managing map services of the background map, Managing map services of the background map
Working directory  Opening the Working directory
wtt file  Other files


zip file
model archive  Exporting network files and corresponding files to model archive
Zone  Attributes of zones, Defining zones, Modeling parking lots and zones
Zoom in  Navigating in 3D mode in the network
Zoom out  Navigating in 3D mode in the network
Zooming in  Zooming in
Zooming out  Zooming out