Importing ANM data
You can export from Visum as of Visum 10 data abstracted network models (ANM files) in XML format, or create ANM files with other programs. The abstract network models in ANM files consist of nodes and edges. You have the following options to import ANM data:
- Select ANM file, configure data import and start data import (Selecting ANM file, configuring and starting data import)
- Adaptive import of ANM data (Adaptive import of ANM data)
- In Visum, use the subnetwork generator to generate a subnetwork. Open Visum directly from Vissim and import the subnetwork into Vissim. For further information, refer to the Visum manual.
Properties of the network generated
When you import ANM files into Vissim, a new Vissim network, with the geometry of links and connectors, is generated. Optionally, nodes can contain additional elements, for example, lanes, lane turns, crosswalks, pockets, control types, signalizations and detectors with the determined vehicle classes (Generated network objects from the ANM import). Signal controllers of the type Epics transition into fixed time operation.
Volumes and routing are defined in *.anmroutes files and can be imported in Vissim. This allows you to use this data in the dynamic assignment or as static routes.
Projection in ANM data
If a projection is specified in ANM data, the ANM coordinates are converted into Cartesian coordinates.
If no projection is specified:
- A message is displayed, saying that no projection was recognized.
- ANM coordinates are interpreted as Cartesian coordinates.
- ANM coordinates are not converted.
Information on data for dynamic assignment
Origin-destination matrices and a Path file *.weg are generated.
Information on data for static routes
- Vehicle inputs and routing decisions with static routes are generated.
- Each routing decision for static routes contain a name, which contains the number of the ANM origin zone.
- The unique IDs of the ANM routes are taken over as routing numbers from static routing decisions. These routes can be found in the *.anmroutes file and the respective OD relation is determined.
Information on data for mesoscopic simulation
To perform a mesoscopic simulation after ANM data import, in the ANM import window, in the Dynamic Traffic Data section, select Dynamic assignment.
You also need to select this option when importing only one *.anm file without any routes and/or matrices. This way you ensure that the zones and/or parking lots as well as nodes of the network object type Node are generated.
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Reading a network additionally