Network objects - overview

In the Network editor, you model a Vissim network with network objects. The following network object types are available for this:

Icon Network object type

Links and Connectors (Modeling links for vehicles and pedestrians), (Modeling connectors)

Desired Speed Decisions (Using desired speed decisions to modify desired speed)

Reduced Speed Areas (Using reduced speed areas to modify desired speed)

Conflict Areas (Using conflict areas)

Priority Rules (Modeling priority rules)

Stop Signs (Modeling stop signs and toll counters)

Signal Heads (Modeling signal groups and signal heads)

Detectors (Using detectors)

Vehicle Inputs (Modeling vehicle inputs for private transportation)

Vehicle Routes (Modeling vehicle routing decision, vehicle routes and partial vehicle routes)

Vehicle Attribute Decisions (Using vehicle attribute decisions)

Parking Lots (Modeling parking lots)

Public Transport Stops (Modeling PT stops)

Public Transport Lines (Modeling PT lines)

Nodes (Modeling nodes)

Data Collection Points (Defining data collection points)

Vehicle Travel Times (Defining vehicle travel time measurement)

Queue Counters (Modeling queue counters)

Flow bundles (Visualizing volumes on paths as flow bundles)

Sections (Modeling sections)

Background Images (Inserting a background image)

Pavement Markings (Modeling pavement markings)

3D Traffic Signals (Modeling 3D traffic signals)

Static 3D Models (Using static 3D models)

3D Information Signs (Using the 3D information signs)

Vehicles in the network are the result of simulation and cannot be inserted as network objects (Displaying vehicles in the network in a list).

Pedestrians in the network are the result of simulation and cannot be inserted as network objects (Showing pedestrians in the network in a list).

Areas (Modeling construction elements)

Obstacles (Modeling construction elements)

Ramps & Stairs (Modeling construction elements)

Elevators (Modeling elevators)

Pedestrian Inputs (Modeling pedestrian inputs)

Pedestrian Routes (Modeling pedestrian routing decisions, pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routes)

Pedestrian Attribute Decisions (Using pedestrian attribute decisions)

Pedestrian Travel Times (Defining pedestrian travel time measurement)

Fire incidents (Fire event based on an FDS file)

To insert network objects in a network editor, you have to select the network object type on the network object sidebar (Using the Network object sidebar).

Each network object has attributes and attribute values. Many attribute values are predefined by default. When you insert a network object into a Vissimnetwork, you can edit the attribute values. Attribute values can also be edited later on (Editing attributes of network objects).