Generated network objects from the ANM import

From exported Visum objects, the ANM import generates the following objects in Vissim:

Visum objects

Vissim objects

Transport system

Vehicle types and Vehicle classes


Nodes are generated as segment nodes (Using polygon nodes and segment nodes).


  • Links can have multiple lanes, independent from the imported geometry of the lanes. In the Messages window, the links are named as follows: ANM-ID (from node number to node number)
  • One link per link section
  • The beginning of the widening marks a new section.
  • You can generate multiple connectors between two links or connectors from or to the same lane. This can be exported as of Visum 11.
  • The emergency stop distance for turning-connectors in the node equals the length of the widening minus 10 meters.
  • The time gap at the front for a permissive left with one parallel pedestrian crossing equals 2.0 seconds. Thereby it is normally possible for the oncoming right turner with a 0.5 second time gap to drive off before the left turner after the conflict area becomes free.
  • Through ANM import, in a link, a link segment may be very short and in a very wide angle to the adjacent link segment. For a uniform representation of the link course, Vissim deletes the short link segment and moves the adjacent link segments and their polygon points up to the middle of the deleted link segment.
  • If a crosswalk is offset based on the Offset attribute, Vissim will cut the link off. If a crosswalk is based on coordinates, Vissim will not cut the link off.


  • Lanes with fine lane allowance or closure of vehicle types
  • If adjacent ANM lanes have no common vehicle type, separate Vissim connectors are generated and not connectors with multiple lanes.


  • Connectors with the respective angle with reduced speed areas.
  • Turning movement with right turn arrows are generated with stop signs, signal heads and conflict areas.
  • The conflict areas of turn volumes are generated with a status.
  • Multiple turning lanes of a lane to different lanes on the same exit link are allowed.
  • If you have specified speeds for the turns, they will be taken into account. If these are sufficiently low, reduced speed areas are generated.

TSys closure at turn

Closure of connectors for transport systems

The closure for a transport system of the type PT is only imported in Vissim if a vehicle combination is defined in Visum which allocates the transport system.

Zone and connector

  • for dynamic assignment: Parking lots or

for static routing: vehicle inputs and static routing decisions

  • If available, additional links and nodes
  • From connectors to Vissim links, which represent zone connectors, conflict areas are generated. Thereby, vehicles, which either reach or leave the "normal" network via the connectors, do not disturb the rest of traffic.
  • From Visum connectors, generated links and connectors are normally generated with a switched off option Visualization. Thereby, vehicles which drive on these links and connectors are not visible.

Link attribute Type

A Link behavior type is generated including number and name (Defining link behavior types for links and connectors). A pre-defined display type is assigned:

  • ANM standard
  • Pedestrian crossing (1 m before stop line)
  • Zone connector

A connector is assigned a link behavior type and a display type of FromLink.

Link attribute v0 PrT

Desired speed distribution and allocation of a desired speed decision

Tsys-specific speed

For each created link, the maximum speed per vehicle class is taken from v0 of the link and maxV of the TSys of the link type in order to determine the appropriate speed distribution.

For public transport vehicles, the speed for the vehicle class of the vehicle type of the public transport line is used from the first link of the public transport line.

Stop point

Public transport stops

The length and the type Bay or Cap of the PT stops result from the parameters for the stop points, which were set for the ANM export in Visum.

Vehicle journey

(Amount in exported time interval)

PT lines including the optional PT telegram attributes of PT lines

If the Vehicle combination or TelegramLineSendsPTTelegram attribute differ for two vehicle journeys in Visum, they are allocated to different Vissim lines.

SG allocation to lanes according to Junction Editor

Allocation of signal groups to signal heads on lanes

Time interval

Evaluation interval for the dynamic assignment

from the control type of the node

  • Signal Heads
  • Stop Signs
  • Conflict Areas


Detectors including their length and determined vehicle classes

In Visum, the position of detectors must be lane-based on lane turns.


Vissim creates the network objects required to form roundabouts. No reduced speed areas are created in roundabouts. Vissim uses the value of the Speed in the roundabout from the node in Visum. The default value is 30 km/h, if this value is not entered.

For dynamic assignment with mesoscopic simulation, Vissim automatically generates meso network nodes based on approach 1 (Rules and examples for defining meso network nodes). These meso network nodes do not require any subsequent editing.

Follow-up gap, critical gap

In Visum, there are follow-up gaps and critical gaps for turns. At nodes they are only available for legs. Visum saves follow-up gap and critical gap values to the ANM file for links and turns.

Attribute for occupying the reduced speed area for lane turns

  • No selection: Vissim does not create any reduced speed areas.
  • Vissim creates reduced speed areas for selected objects. For the mesoscopic simulation, Vissim calculates speeds for links. In the mesoscopic simulation, the speed of vehicles is not automatically reduced for links with curves, but speeds for links are adopted if these speeds are entered in Visum for turns.

The attribute does not affect the option Speed limitation in curves in the network settings for vehicle behavior in Vissim.

Visum zone connectors

  • If, as recommended, only a maximum of one origin and destination connection is available on a Visum node with only one adjacent node, the parking lots, vehicle input and routing decisions for these connections are placed on the available links to or from the adjacent node.
  • If the connecting node has multiple adjacent nodes or if multiple zones are connected, an additional node and an additional link with a parking lot or a vehicle input and a routing decision are generated per connection. This link leads to a connector in the middle of the node. Thereby, the node geometry is not taken into consideration.

Reduced speed areas on Vissim connectors

Reduced speed areas are automatically created on connectors from a specified bend of the turn. Thereby, the coordinates of the adjacent links and the angle between the points are used.

Normally, automatically generated reduced speed areas with a length of 2 m are placed in the middle of the link.

From this, the resulting starting position x = Length of the connector : 2 - 1 m

If the length of the connector is < 2 m, the reduced speed area is the same length as the connector.

The following speeds are automatically assigned:

  • Turns which are located on the inside (left turns in right-side traffic): 25 km/h
  • Turns which are located on the outside (right turns in right-side traffic): 15 km/h

The value range of the automatically generated desired speed distributions is -10% to +10 %.

Note: The deceleration is normally 2.0 ms2. If the vehicle classes contain a vehicle type of the category HGV, bus or tram, the deceleration is 1.3 ms2.

Network objects on roundabouts

Roundabouts are imported with complete roundabout geometry.

  • For roundabouts Vissim defines reduced speed areas on the connectors that lead to a roundabout and desired speed decisions so that the reduced speed applies to the complete roundabout.
  • Vissim shortens links on roundabouts and links which lead to or from roundabouts as that the display is correct.
  • If the speed of the respective ANM link differs from that in the roundabout, Vissim generates desired speed decisions at the exits.
  • If the roundabout has a bypass:
  • Vissim generates one partial vehicle routing decision and two vehicle routes (partial) for each bypass. Vehicles then stay on the outer lane, the bypass.
  • If the speed of the respective ANM link differs from that in the roundabout, Vissim generates desired speed decisions at the bypasses.
  • If detectors are bypassed, Vissim will generate multiple detectors for multiple links, if necessary. You therefore have the chance to delete unwanted detectors.
  • To avoid lane changes in multi-lane roundabouts for the vehicle classes HGV and Bus, Vissim assigns the respective links and connectors the attribute Blocked vehicle classes. Vehicles of the vehicle classes HGV and Bus stay on the outer lane.
  • Vissim inserts conflict areas in roundabouts at the following locations:
  • Entrances
  • Exits
  • Crosswalks
  • Bypass entrances
  • Bypass exits
  • If a link with only one lane leads into a roundabout with several lanes, this link is connected to the roundabout via two connectors. One connector leads to the outer lane and the other connector to the inner lane of the roundabout.

Network objects for mesoscopic simulation

For imported network objects of the following network object types, the following applies for mesoscopic simulation:

Visum network objects

Vissim network objects


In Vissim, nodes are generated from Visum nodes. Their use is defined through the attributes Use for dynamic assignment (UseForDynAssign) and Use for mesoscopic simulation (UseForMeso) (Attributes of nodes). Nodes with the attribute UseForDynAssign are taken into account when path data is saved. Nodes with the attribute UseForMeso are taken into account when the meso graph is created (Mesoscopic node-edge model), (Modeling meso network nodes).

Follow-up gap and critical gap at meso nodes:

  • The value of each critical gap at a conflict area is saved to the Meso critical gap of the respective meso turn conflict (Attributes of meso turn conflicts).
  • The value of each follow-up gap at a node is saved to the Meso follow-up gap of the respective defining link of the meso turn (Attributes of meso turns). For channelized turns, the meso node at the node exit is used.

Values of the Visum attribute SBA penalty for merging vehicles are saved to the attribute Meso penalty (merging vehicles) at the Vissim node.

By using attribute values, in mesoscopic simulation, you can influence the behavior of vehicles at nodal points (Node control in mesoscopic simulation).


By default, the link attribute Meso speed model is set to Vehicle-based (Attributes of links), (Car following model for mesoscopic simulation).

The link attribute Meso speed is adopted from the v0PrT speed of the Visum link (Attributes of links).


Reduced speed areas are generated on connectors. The Meso speed attribute of these connectors is set to the minimum speed of the reduced speed areas.


Crosswalks have no function in mesoscopic simulation. Consequently, crosswalks are not integrated into meso nodes.