Importing Building Information Model files
Building Information Model data is used for building data modeling. The BIM principle is implemented via Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) (IFC - Industry Foundation Classes). IFC is an open data format used to describe building and construction models. IFC provides 3D geometry representation and additional data on other project elements such as doors, walls, ceilings or other building objects). Viswalk can import IFC-based building data for pedestrian simulation. Viswalk converts individual objects into construction elements.
Viswalk supports version IFC4 of the IFC standard (IFC4 Addendum 2 Technical Corrigendum 1).
The import also creates a static 3D model of the imported building. You can add this to the network editor and visualize the building in 3D mode (Defining static 3D models). Viswalk supports this function for *.Ifc files up to version IFC2.3.
Relevant subcomponents
In the IFC format, all components of the building model are based on a hierarchical structure. For the import to Viswalk the following simplified hierarchy applies to the subcomponents:
IfcProject: the hierarchy's root node
- IfcSite: the base area, e.g. the building site. IfcSite may include a number of buildings.
- IfcBuilding: a single building
- IfcBuildingStorey: a single level of a building Stories are used to create the levels for the pedestrian areas.
- IfcSlab: Ceiling or floor. An IfcSlab is imported as pedestrian area. An obstacle is created on the basis of a hole in the floor.
- IfcWall: Wall. An obstacle is created on the basis of an IfcWall.
- IfcWindow: Window. An obstacle is generated on the basis of an IfcWindow.
- IfcPlate: A panoramic window or a non-load bearing wall. An obstacle is created on the basis of an IfcPlate.
- IfcStair: Stairs with the following geometry types:
TwoStraightRunStair, QuarterWindingStair, QuarterTurnStair, HalfWindingStair, HalfTurnStair, TwoQuarterWindingStair, TwoQuarterTurnStair
- IfcRamp: Ramp
Further building model components (e.g. elevators or roofs) cannot be imported when using the IFC format.
Steps of BIM import
1. Convert your *.ifc file to an *.inpx file using the IFC2INPX.exe converter (Converting IFC files to INPX files).
2. Import the *.inpx file you created into Viswalk (Importing INPX files including building data).
Steps in Viswalk
1. Use the network editor to check the location, height and display of the construction elements .
2. Use the network editor and/or Level list to check the level data.
3. Remodel your Viswalk, if required.
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Converting IFC files to INPX files
Starting conversion in Viswalk