RBC Editor elements

The RBC Editor contains the following elements, which are described below:

Notes input field

Enter any information in the Notes input field on the top right-hand corner of the RBC editor. The text is saved within the controller file. This field is not used by the controller or Vissim.

Tree View

The tree view is a layered explorer tree for multi-selection of data groups. The options checked in this view will display the corresponding tables or data in the right hand side of the RBC editor. This is for display purposes only. All data selection layout will be saved in RBC settings file (*.rbcsettings) (Save Settings). The items selected will affect the Print (Print).

  • ►  Activate the checkboxes of the desired Parameters to edit their values in the tables (Tables).

Controller Settings

You can edit the Frequency and Offset Reference in the Controller Settings area below the tree view.

  • ►  Click the area Controller Settings.


Determines how many times per second the controller will communicate with Vissim during the simulation. During the communication information about detector calls are passed to the controller and the signal heads indications green, red, amber can be changed.

Offset Reference

The Offset Reference is defined only once per signal controller and therefore is used for all patterns within the signal controller. The parameter only apply when coordination is used.

This is the point in the cycle where the master cycle timer will be equal to the defined offset time when the controller is coordinated and not in transition (offset seeking). The selections are:

  • Lagging Force-Off (LagFO): The reference point will be at the force-off point for the lagging coordinated signal group.
  • Leading Start of Green (LeadGreen): The reference point will be at the start of the leading coordinated signal group green (the computed start of green, note that the signal group may actually return to green early if there is lack of demand on opposing movements).
  • End of Lagging Red (LagEnd): The reference point will be at the end of Red Clear for the lagging coordinated signal group.
  • End of Coordinated Group Red (CoordEnd): The reference point will be at the end of red for the last signal group in the concurrent barrier group with the coordinated signal groups.


  • ►  Make sure that that the checkboxes for the desired items are selected in the Tree view.

In the tables, you edit the signal timing data entries (Edit timing data entries).

Timing Diagram

  • ►  Make sure that the Timing Diagramcheckbox within the Tree view ist selected .

The Timing diagram gives you the ability to view and modify sequence and timing plans through a graphical interface. The timing diagram will display the timing defined within the pattern shown in the Pattern Settings table (RBC Editor elements).

  • If a pattern is selected, the split values will be modified.
  • If Free-running is selected, the maximum green times will be modified.

Change the Timing
  • ►  Drag within the Timing Diagram.
Change the size
  • ►  Select and move the end drag point .
Reset the size
  • ►  Right-mouse click within the Timing Diagram and select the desired entry.

Log Panel shows errors, warnings, messages

  • ►  At the bottom of the editor, click .

During editing potential risk situations will be checked for and if found they will be logged in the Log panel for review.

The logs for errors and warnings get updated automatically when the problem has been resolved. However, the messages continue to accumulate for the length of the session.

  • The Errors table lists errors in the current supply that will prevent the simulation from starting.
  • The Warnings table lists warnings about the current supply. Starting a simulation will not fail due to warnings, but the controller behavior may be unexpected.
  • The Messages table lists other logged messages regarding the current session.