Defining driving behavior in a driving behavior parameter set
Warning: Driving behavior parameters control the driving behavior and can therefore lead to a considerable change in the simulation results! Change the driving behavior parameters only if you are a very experienced user! |
In order to take into account the different driving behavior of vehicles, specific properties are combined in representative driving behavior parameter sets.
By default, the following driving behavior parameter sets may be pre-defined. Their attribute values each represent a typical type of driving behavior:
- Urban (motorized)
- Slow lane rule (motorized)
- Outside of city (free lane selection)
- Footpath (no interaction)
- Cycle path (free overtaking)
You can define additional driving behavior parameter sets and attribute values that meet your requirements.
If the following driving behaviors have been predefined, you can simulate typical driving behaviors of autonomous vehicles:
- AV cautious (CoEXist): The vehicle complies with road traffic regulations and takes on a safe driving behavior at all times. The vehicle always applies the attribute Enforce absolute braking distance and thus maintains a relatively large distance to other vehicles (Editing the driving behavior parameter Following behavior), (Editing driving behavior parameters autonomous driving). The vehicle may cross non-signalized intersections and change lanes.
- AV normal (CoEXist): The driving behavior of the autonomous vehicle is comparable to the driving behavior of non-autonomous vehicles. In addition, a sensor system in the vehicle can detect the vehicle’s distance to other vehicles in the vicinity and the speed these vehicles are driving at.
- AV aggressive (CoEXist) (all knowing): Aware of the entire traffic situation and equipped with a traffic situation prognosis, the autonomous vehicle is capable of leaving only minimum gaps to other vehicles. This driving behavior leads to cooperative driving.
You can edit individual driving behavior parameters on the Autonomous driving tab (Editing driving behavior parameters autonomous driving).
The vehicle class following behavior of autonomous vehicles can be modeled using the car following model Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) (Operation of the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle following model).
Note: Driving behavior parameters, which represent the driving behavior of autonomous vehicles, are saved to the example file AV Base Settings.inpx. You can read this file into your network via the the commands File > Read additionally > Network. Additional information can be found in the example description file AV Base Settings.pdf. |
Changing driving behavior parameters during simulation run
You can change driving behavior parameters during the simulation. However, you cannot change Safety distance reduction factor start (signals) or Safety distance reduction factor end (signals).
Assigning a link behavior type to a vehicle class
For each vehicle class, you can assign a driving behavior parameter set to a link behavior type. To assign links to the desired default link behavior type, use the Link behavior type attribute (Defining link behavior types for links and connectors), (Attributes of links). You can assign an individual link behavior type to each lane of a link. Vehicles using a lane assigned to a link behavior type will take this link behavior type into account.
Defining driving behavior
1. On the Base Data menu, click > Driving Behaviors.
The Driving Behaviors list opens. Some driving behavior parameter sets can be predefined. The Attributes list is displayed as the left of two coupled lists.
2. Right-click in the list.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Add.
A new row with default data is inserted.
The Driving Behavior window opens.
4. Enter the desired data.
5. Confirm with OK.
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Defining link behavior types for links and connectors
Editing driving behavior parameters in tabbed pages
Editing parameters in the driving behavior list
Editing driving behavior parameters
Editing the driving behavior parameter Following behavior
Applications and driving behavior parameters of lane changing
Editing the driving behavior parameter Lane change behavior
Editing the driving behavior parameter Lateral behavior
Example of modeling lateral behavior
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