Controlling dynamic assignment
You must parameterize the dynamic assignment and the files for the control and for saving. In doing so, you e.g. specify parameters for costs, path search and selection as well as convergence criteria.
You can also define the Alternative Path Search and simulate the effectiveness of route guidance systems.
Resetting dynamic assignment
When you perform simulation runs during dynamic assignment, Vissim saves the path file *.weg and the cost file *.bew together with the results of dynamic assignment. The path file *.weg and cost file *.bew can have an impact on the dynamic assignment of subsequent simulation runs. To reset dynamic assignment, delete the path file *.weg and cost file *.bew. Then carry out the simulation runs again without any impact of the results obtained until then on dynamic assignment.
Note: When you delete the path file *.weg and cost file *.bew, the results of dynamic assignment from previous simulation runs are lost. If you need these results, e.g. for a comparison with the results of other simulation runs, select Create archive files. Vissim then saves the path file *.weg and cost file *.bew under new files names, when you run additional simulations (Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file). |
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Quick start guide Dynamic assignment
Defining and performing Matrix correction
Controlling iterations of the simulation
Setting volume for paths manually
Evaluating costs and assigned traffic of paths
Related topics:
Attributes for the trip chain file, matrices, path file and cost file
Attributes for calculating costs as a basis for path selection