Attributes of free distributions

1.  On the Base Data menu, click > Distributions > Free.

The Free Distributions list opens.

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

The list contains the following attributes:

Long name Short name Description
Number No. Number of free distribution
Name Name Name of free distribution
Type Type

Type of free distribution:

  • Empirical: Cumulative frequency function. Definition between lower limit and upper limit, with intermediate points in the curve
  • Normal: Normal distribution. Definition between lower limit and upper limit, with mean value and standard deviation
Lower bound Lower bound Minimum value
Upper bound Upper bound Maximum value
Standard deviation StdDev Can only be changed for normal distribution: Dispersion of values between lower bound and upper bound
Mean Mean Can only be changed for normal distribution: Mean of values between lower bound and upper bound
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this base data type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of two coupled lists.

1.  In the list on the left, click the desired entry.

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of base data objects allocated to the base data object selected in the list on the left (Using coupled lists):

  • Data points: Individual data point values of free distribution. You can insert data points for an empirical distribution. These data points are then displayed as intermediate points in the curve (Editing the graph of a function or distribution).
  • x: Value at data point in curve
  • At first data point: minimum value of free distribution selected
  • Values of additional data points, if defined for this curve
  • At last data point: maximum value of free distribution selected
  • FX (f(x)): Value for probability of value x at data point

A free distribution is monotonically increasing. This is why each FX value must be greater than or equal to its preceding value.

If the type of distribution is empirical, you can edit data points in the list toolbar, in the list box Relation data points:

2.  On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.

3.  Enter the desired data.

The data is allocated.