Displaying vehicle input results in lists

In the Vehicle Input Results result list, you can display result attributes for each vehicle input.

User-defined attributes cannot be displayed in the Vehicle Input Results list if these time intervals are defined as sub-attributes.

Vehicle classes are grouped together

By default, the data for all vehicle classes is entered together. You can also show the data for certain vehicle classes separately in the evaluation (Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists).

Output data and formatsYou can save the following data and data formats:

Output ASCII file MDB table

Attribute file from attribute list

Aggregated data



Raw data




Result of vehicle inputs evaluation

The Vehicle Input Evaluations result list contains the following attributes:

Result attribute Long name

Short name


Simulation run


Number of simulation run

Time interval


Time interval within which the data are aggregated

Vehicle input


Number of the vehicle input

Demand (latent)


Number of vehicles that were not allowed to enter the network from their vehicle inputs until the end of the time interval.

Delay (latent)


Total waiting time of vehicles that could not be inserted from their vehicle inputs into the network at the scheduled start time, but were inserted with a delay, for example due to queue