Showing meso edges results in lists
Result attributes created from traffic data on meso edges during mesoscopic assignment can be displayed in lists. The delays in the evaluation depend on the meso speed model selected (Attributes of links). If the Meso speed model Vehicle-based is selected, the delays are based on the vehicles' desired speed.
Vehicle classes are grouped together
By default, the data for all vehicle classes is entered together. You can also show the data for certain vehicle classes separately in the evaluation (Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists).
Output data and formats
You can save the following data and data formats:
Output | Text file | Database file |
Attribute file from attribute list |
Aggregated data |
- |
- |
Raw data |
- |
- |
- |
- Show result attributes in attribute lists (Displaying result attributes in attribute lists)
- Show result attributes in a result list (Showing result attributes in result lists)
Results of Meso edges evaluation
The results list Meso edges results contains the following attributes:
Result attribute Long name |
Short name |
Description |
Simulation run | SimRun |
Number of simulation run |
Time interval | TimeInt |
Time interval within which the data are aggregated |
Meso edge | MesoEdge | Number of meso edge |
Volume input | VolInput |
Number of vehicles driving on the edge during the time interval [Veh/h] |
Volume discharge | VolDisch |
Number of vehicles exiting the edge during the time interval [Veh/h] |
Travel time | TravTm |
Average travel time on the edge |
Delay time | Delay Tm |
Average delay time based on the difference between actual travel time and travel time at desired speed |
Density | Density |
Vehicle density |
Speed | Speed |
Average speed |
Travel time on inbound meso link | TravTmInbMesoLink |
Average travel time on inbound link meso edge (output only available for turn meso edges) |
Speed on inbound meso link | SpeedInbMesoLink |
Average speed on inbound link meso edge (output only available for turn meso edges) |
Delay time on inbound meso link | DelayTmInbMesoLink |
Average delay time on inbound link meso edge (output only available for turn meso edges) |
Vehicles (entered) | VehEnter |
Number of vehicles driving on the edge during the time interval |
Vehicles (removed) | VehRemov |
Number of vehicles exiting the edge during the time interval |
Demand (latent) | DemLatent |
Number of vehicles that could not be deployed in the network (output only available for origin connector meso edges) |
Delay (latent) | DelayLatent |
Total waiting time for vehicles that, during evaluation intervals, were not able to enter the network from the origin zone at the time of deployment. (Output only available for origin connector meso edges) |
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