Displaying vehicles in the network in a list

During a simulation run, you can show vehicle data for each vehicle in the network in the Vehicles In Network list.

If vehicles are controlled via the COM interface or the driving simulator interface, the following applies:

  • Vehicle attribute values may be based on external data, for example on values of the attributes Spacing, Leading target type, Leading target number.
  • Vissim‘s car following vehicle model is not used. As the attributesFollowing distance (gross), Following distance (net), Speed difference, Safety distance(gross), Safety distance (net), Interaction state, Interaction target type and Interaction target number are based on the car following model in Vissim, the value of these attributes is 0.

1.  Start the simulation (Running a simulation).

2.  On the Lists menu, click > Results > Vehicles in Network.

The Vehicles In Network list opens.

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

Element Description

Number of the vehicle


Vehicle type: Vehicle type assigned to the vehicle


Lane: Number of lane on which the vehicle is located


Position: Distance covered on the link from the beginning of the link


Speed: Speed of the vehicle at the end of the time step


Desired Speed: Desired speed distribution of the vehicle


Acceleration during the time step.

  • Positive value: Current speed of vehicle
  • Negative value: Current reduction of vehicle speed

Lane Change: Direction in which the vehicle changes the lane:

  • Left
  • Right
  • None

Destination lane: Number of lane to which vehicle changes


Public transport line: Number of PT line of PT vehicle


Public transport - dwell time (current): Total dwell time at the current PT stop, including slack time fraction

The vehicle has additional attributes that you can view in the Vehicles In network list and save as a vehicle log to a file or database (Saving vehicle record to a file or database). Among them are the following for example:



2D/3D model

3D model file of the vehicle

Current 3D state

Motion states of a pedestrian or a vehicle of the vehicle category Pedestrian, which can be stored in the 3D model file. If the model file contains three or 21 motion states, the Current 3D state is automatically adjusted during the simulation run, depending on the distance traveled and the speed applied to the direction of movement. This ensures a realistic simulation, especially of waiting pedestrians.


Name of animation currently used for the relevant 3D model. This allows you to access the animation with attribute modifications, attribute decisions, or scripts.


3D animation maintains its current state until Pause animation is deactivated.


After the current 3D animation has reached its final state, it starts again from the beginning. Otherwise, the animation returns to and remains its default state, unless Retain final animation state (3D) has been activated.


The current 3D animation stops when it has reached its final state and remains in it, unless Loop animation has been activated.


Factor for scaling the animation speed.

  • Value > 1: The animation runs faster. Depending on the selected value and the simulation parameter Simulation resolution you cannot display every single state. The display may appear less fluid.
  • Value < 1: The animation runs slower. As a result, each individual state is displayed for a longer time The display may appear less fluid.


Total number of states of all animation sequences of the 3D model

Number of stops

Number of stops (cumulated): All situations in which a vehicle comes to a standstill (speed = 0). This includes stopping at the turning point after backing out of the parking space before the vehicle continues driving forward.

The Number of stops does not include stops at PT stops and in parking lots.

Dwell time

Dwell time [s] at a stop sign, in a parking lot or at a PT stop.

For PT stops: Actual dwell time according to PT line-specific attributes (Calculating dwell time according to the advanced passenger model).

When the dwell time is set to 0, the vehicle drives off.


Orientation angle: angle (degrees) of the orientation vector of the current vehicle orientation


Defines the number of persons or passengers in a vehicle. This value is output before and after boarding and alighting.


Current state of vehicle turn signal. Corresponds to current visualization during simulation:

  • No: Vehicle is not indicating
  • Left
  • Right

For add-on module API package only: Results of emission calculation for selected file EmissionModel.dll (Configuring emission calculation for a vehicle type). Emission values are also displayed in:

Following distance (gross),

Following distance (net)

Distance [m] to the interaction object Vehicle or Network Object. Vissim calculates this value before the time step and thus before any movement of the vehicle.

Based on the interaction object and the interaction state Close up , the following distance specifies the following distance:

  • If vehicle is not in the interaction state Closing up (Interaction state of the vehicle):
  • Following distance (gross): distance from the front edge of the vehicle to the front edge of the interaction vehicle
  • Following distance (net): distance from the front edge of the vehicle to the rear edge of the interaction vehicle
  • If the vehicle is in the interaction state of Closing up, the following distance indicates the distance to the expected waiting position of the vehicle ahead.
  • When the vehicle interacts with a network object downstream, the Following distance (gross) and Following distance (net) refer to the distance between the front edge of the vehicle and a position in the network object that varies depending on the net object type. (Position near interaction object relevant for gross and net value).

Vehicle type

Number of vehicle type

Motion state

Driving state of the vehicle in the simulation while taking its route within the Vissim network (Driving state of a vehicle).

Speed (theoretical)

Theoretical speed without hindrance

Speed difference

Relative to the preceding vehicle in the time step (>0 = faster)

Speed misestimate factor

Value of the Speed misestimate distribution selected for the driving behavior Misestimation that has an effect on the vehicle (Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error). If the value x of the selected general distribution for the vehicle is not equal to 1, the vehicle ignores the current and future acceleration and deceleration of other vehicles. The vehicle only takes into account the result of multiplying the current speed of the vehicles and the x factor.


Weight [t]

In queue

  • + = Vehicle in queue
  • - = Vehicle not in queue

Index in platoon

Position of the vehicle within the platoon, lead vehicle = 1, first vehicle that follows the lead vehicle = 2 etc.

Interaction state

Short identifier for the state which determines the acceleration or deceleration of the vehicle in the previous time step (Interaction state of the vehicle).

Coordinates rear

The coordinates (x), (y) or (z) of the rear edge of the vehicle at the end of the time step

Coordinates front

The coordinates (x), (y) or (z) of the front edge of the vehicle at the end of the time step

Coordinate rear (x), (y), (z)

The coordinates (x), (y) or (z) of the rear edge of the vehicle at the end of the time step

Coordinate front (x), (y), (z)

The coordinates (x), (y), (z) of the front edge of the vehicle at the end of the time step

Cost (total)

Costs accrued so far

Fuel consumption

Fuel consumption [grams/second]



Longitude (WGS84)

Geographical longitude of the vehicle's front edge according to WGS84

Latitude (WGS84)

Geographical latitude of the vehicle's front edge according to WGS84


Power [kW]

Individual maximum acceleration function

The maximum acceleration function that impacts the vehicle via the COM interface during the simulation run In this case, the maximum acceleration function assigned to the vehicle class of the vehicle does not take effect. Default value: empty

Individual maximum deceleration function

The maximum deceleration function that impacts the vehicle via the COM interface during the simulation run In this case, the maximum deceleration function assigned to the vehicle class of the vehicle does not take effect. Default value: empty


Name of vehicle type

Next trip departure time

Time of departure of vehicle from parking lot (simulation second)

Next trip activity

Number of the activity

Next trip activity minimum duration

Minimum duration of activity


Number of the vehicle

Public transport - dwell time (total)

Total of all stop dwell times

Public transport - course number

Number of course

Parking state

  • None: The vehicle is in none of the following parking states:
  • Blocked while leaving parking space: The vehicle is parked in the parking space and wants to leave, but is blocked by other vehicles.
  • Driving to parking space: The vehicle is driving on the parking route.
  • Parked: The vehicle is parked with speed = 0 in the parking space. A vehicle’s parking state is not Blocked while leaving parking space: If the vehicle's dwell time is increased while it is parking, it is considered parked for this period; once a dwell time of 0 is reached, it cannot be increased again.
  • Parking request rejected: The vehicle could not be assigned a parking space, as the requirements for assignment are not met (Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside).
  • Waiting for free parking space: The vehicle is located in front of the parking space and is waiting until it becomes available. Prerequisite: Wait is selected for the attribute Full occupancy behavior of the parking routing decision and all parking spaces of the parking lot are occupied. If all parking spaces are occupied when the vehicle is located or is driving over the parking routing decision and a vehicle is already waiting in front of each parking space, the vehicle will not be assigned a parking space in front of which it can wait.
  • The speed of the vehicle = 0.
  • Its parking state is not Parked.
  • The front edge or rear edge of the vehicle is still in the parking space it wants to leave.
  • If the length of the vehicle requires more than one parking space, it will not wait and Vissim will not assign it a parking route.

Examples of when a vehicle is in the state Blocked while leaving parking space:

  • The vehicle wants to back out of the parking space because its dwell time has reached 0, but it waits because of the traffic in the drive aisle.
  • The vehicle has parked in the first row and is blocked by parked vehicles in the second row.
  • At a very short distance downstream of the parking space, there is a signal controller or stop sign, so that the vehicle must stop while it is still in the parking space with its rear edge.
  • Back to route: Vehicle was in the parking state Parked, is currently not in the parking state Blocked while leaving parking space and is getting back on its vehicle route. This may include backing out of the parking space until the turning point at which the vehicle changes between forward and reverse gear as well as waiting for the change of direction time.

In dynamic assignment, there is no return path to a route. When the vehicle leaves a parking space, it is given a new route. Dynamic assignment does not support result attributes of a return path.

With dynamic assignment, the vehicle is not in a parking state when driving to a real parking space, as long as it has not been assigned a parking space.

You can show the vehicle’s parking state in color during the simulation. The parking state takes into account the effects of routing decisions made in the same time step.

Platoon leader number

Vehicle number of the platoon lead vehicle. If the vehicle is not a platoon vehicle, this field is empty.

Platoon size

Total number of vehicles in this platoon. If the vehicle is not a platoon vehicle, this field is empty.

Position (lateral)

Lateral position at the end of the time step. Value range 0 - 1:

  • 0: at the right lane edge
  • 0.5: middle of the lane
  • 1: at the left lane edge

Origin parking lot

Number of the origin parking lot

Origin zone

Number of zone

Route number

Number of route

Routing decision no.

Number of routing decision

Safety distance (gross),

Safety distance (net)

Safety distance [m] to the interaction object vehicle or network object that the driver wants to keep. Vissim calculates this value before the time step and thus before any movement of the vehicle.

The value depends on whether the vehicle interacts with another vehicle in front or with a downstream network object:

  • Trailing vehicle - interaction vehicle: the calculation of the safety distance between the edges of the two vehicles includes the speed of the trailing vehicle (Defining the Wiedemann 74 model parameters)
  • Safety distance (gross): distance from the front edge of the vehicle to the front edge of its preceding vehicle
  • Safety distance (net): distance from the front edge of the vehicle to the rear edge of its preceding vehicle

Simulation second

Simulation time in seconds [ss,f], where f (fraction) is a two-digit number

Simulation time (time of day)

Simulation time as time of day [hh:mm:ss,f], where f (fraction) is a two-digit number

Start time

Network entry time [simulation second ss,f], where f (fraction) is a two-digit number

Start time (time of day)

Start time as time of day [hh:mm:ss,f], where f (fraction) is a two-digit number


Gradient for the vehicle used in the simulation :

  • If the attribute Z-coordinates is selected in the network settings for Link gradient based on, the gradient is calculated from the z-coordinates of the front edge and rear edge of the vehicle.

  • If the Gradient attribute is selected, the gradient will correspond to the gradient of the link at the front edge of the vehicle.

In both cases, the sign of the gradient is reversed when the vehicle is driving in reverse.


V2I stop line distance: Distance to next signal head


V2I stop line ETA: Estimated time until arrival at next signal head along the vehicle's route


V2I signal head: Signal head that other V2I vehicle attributes refer to


V2I destination MAPLane: Starting from the next signal head along the vehicle route up to a maximum of 100 m downstream: Value of the lane attribute V2I MAPLane of the first lane which has a different value than the lane on which the vehicle is currently located.

Remaining distraction duration

Remaining distraction during with effect on the driver. With each simulation step, Vissim calculates the remaining distraction duration based on the Duration distribution selected for the driving behavior Misestimation. This has an effect on the driver (Editing the driving behavior parameter driver error).

Delay time

Difference between optimal (ideal, theoretical) driving time

Leading target number

Number of closest preceding vehicle

Spacing, Clearance

Distance [m] to the interaction object Vehicle or Network Object. Vissim calculates this value before the time step and thus before any movement of the vehicle.

This value depends on whether the vehicle interacts with its preceding vehicle or with a downstream network object (Position near interaction object relevant for gross and net value). The clearance specifies the following distance depending on the interaction object:

  • Trailing vehicle - interaction vehicle:
  • Following distance (gross): distance from the front edge of the vehicle to the front edge of its preceding vehicle
  • Following distance (net): distance from the front edge of the vehicle to the rear edge of its preceding vehicle
  • Trailing vehicle - network object: When the vehicle interacts with a network object downstream, the Following distance (gross) and Following distance (net) refer to the distance between the front edge of the vehicle and a position in the network object that varies depending on the net object type. (Position near interaction object relevant for gross and net value).

A red signal is considered an interaction object like a vehicle in front, a green signal is not.

Distance traveled (total)

Total distance traveled so far


WKT location (WGS84): Position of the vehicle's front edge in WGS84 coordinates (longitude / latitude) formatted as WKT-POINT

Desired speed

Desired speed

Individual desired acceleration function

Desired acceleration function that impacts the vehicle via the COM interface during the simulation run. In this case, the desired acceleration function assigned to the vehicle class of the vehicle does not take effect. Default value: empty

Individual desired deceleration function

Desired deceleration function that impacts the vehicle via the COM interface during the simulation run. In this case, the desired deceleration function assigned to the vehicle class of the vehicle does not take effect. Default value: empty

Time in network (total)

The total time during which the vehicle uses the network.

Destination zone

Number of the destination zone where the vehicle is parked

Destination parking lot

Number of the destination parking lot

The following applies for the following PT attributes:

  • Before and after boarding and alighting, the values are zero. Values are only displayed, when the PT vehicle is stationary at the PT stop.
  • During boarding and alighting, the values are current for each time step, with the exception of the attributes Public transport - waiting passengers and Public transport - waiting time (average).
  • For real passengers, the attribute values Public transport - waiting passengers and Public transport - waiting time (average) are evaluated when the vehicle stops at the waiting area. These values do not change while the PT vehicle is stationary.

Public transport - alighting passengers

Number of alighting passengers at the current PT stop

Public transport - boarding passengers

Number of boarding passengers at the current PT stop

Public transport - passenger service time

Total passenger service time [s] at the current stop.

  • The Public transport - passenger service time is counted up during the dwell time.
  • Per default, the Public transport - passenger service time is one time step at the beginning of the dwell time. This ensures that at the end of boarding and alighting, the Public transport - passenger service time includes the entire Public transport - dwell time (current).

Public transport stop

Number of current stop

Public transport - dwell time (current)

Expected remaining dwell time at current PT stop. Slack time fraction is taken into account.

Public transport - waiting time (average)

Average waiting time of boarding passengers at the current PT stop. For real pedestrians the waiting time is evaluated with the time step of arrival.

Public transport - lateness

Lateness in departing from the current PT stop (>0 = late)

Public transport - waiting passengers

Number of waiting passengers at the current PT stop.

  • For real pedestrians: The number is only evaluated with the time step of arrival and displayed during time steps in which the PT vehicle is stationary.
  • For the calculated number of boarding and alighting passengers: The number calculated is displayed with the time step of PT vehicle arrival and is displayed in the time steps during which the PT vehicle is stationary.
Lateral deviation (distraction)

Change in the lateral deviation of the vehicle within the current time step, caused by distraction of the driver. The vehicle deviates temporarily from the route.

Vissim calculates the lateral deviation (distraction) based on the following vehicle behavior attributes that have an effect on the vehicle (Editing driving behavior parameters):

  • The value of the Distraction probability must be greater than 0.
  • The value of theDistraction duration distribution defines the distraction duration, i.e. the period of time until the vehicle starts to return to the original route. While the vehicle is returning to its original route, the Lateral deviation (distraction) can again affect the vehicle.
  • The value of the Distraction lane angle distribution defines the angle at which the vehicle deviates from the route as radian measure. Value range radian: 0 rad to 1.5 rad.

In addition,

  • the vehicle must not change lanes during the current time step.
  • No lateral deviation should affect the vehicle.
  • The direction of the lateral deviation to the left or right is based on a probability 50 %.
  • If the vehicle deviates to a neighboring lane due to a lateral deviation, this is not considered a lane change.
  • If the vehicle is also affected by a lateral deviation (excessive speed), in the same direction to the left or right as the lateral deviation (distraction), the vehicle will follow the lateral deviation with the higher value. Lateral deviations are not added.
  • If the vehicle is also affected by a lateral deviation (excessive speed), in the other direction to the left or right as the lateral deviation (distraction), the vehicle will follow the lateral deviation (excessive speed).
  • If a lateral deviation has an effect on a vehicle overtaking within a lane, the vehicle can select a new desired lateral position to complete the overtaking maneuver.

If the driver is distracted, the Temporary lack of attention attribute will also have an effect. If the vehicle accelerated in the preceding time step, this acceleration is maintained (Editing the driving behavior parameter Following behavior).

  • Positive value: Vehicle deviates to the left.
  • Negative value: Vehicle deviates to the right.
  • Default 0

If the lateral deviation is no longer effective on the basis of the Distraction duration distribution attribute, the vehicle will return to its desired lateral position.

Lateral deviation (excessive speed)

Change in the lateral deviation of the vehicle within the current time step, caused by excessive speed. The vehicle is temporarily not well handled through the bend or drifts sideways.

Vissim calculates the lateral deviation (excessive speed) based on the functions Curve speed and Drifting speed (Defining curve speed), (Using lateral drift speed). The value of the Radius attribute defined for 3D points of the link is included in the calculation of the critical speed (Attributes of links).

  • Positive value: Vehicle deviates to the left.
  • Negative value: Vehicle deviates to the right.
  • Default 0

Lateral deviation (distraction) and Lateral deviation (excessive speed) have no effect on the following vehicles:

  • Vehicles used for the simulation method Meso
  • Vehicles of the vehicle type within the Railway category
  • Vehicles driving in the reverse direction

Lateral deviations do not lead to the interaction of another vehicle, such as a vehicle approaching.

Position near interaction object relevant for gross and net value

Vissim measures the gross and net values of the attributes Following distance, Clearance and Safety distance from the front edge of the vehicle to a position near the interaction object. This position depends on various factors, such as whether the vehicle interacts with another vehicle or with a network object, its markers, and the network object type.

In the case of attributes Spacing and Clearance, the interaction object is the preceding vehicle or the closest interaction object in the direction of travel.

Interaction object

Attribute value net

Attribute value groos


Rear edge

Front edge

Signal head

0.5 m upstream of the signal head

Position of signal head

Priority rule

Value of Position attribute of the marker

Value of Position attribute of the marker

Stop sign

Value of Position attribute of the stop sign

Value of Position attribute of the stop sign

Conflict area

Upstream start of lane conflict

Downstream end of lane conflict

Parking lot

Downstream end or middle of the parking lot

Downstream end or middle of the parking lot

Public transport stop

Downstream end of the stop

Downstream end of the stop

Reduced speed area

Value of Position attribute of the reduced speed area

Value of Position attribute of the reduced speed area