Properties of partial pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routing decisions
- Each pedestrian partial route starts at a route decision of type Pedestrian route (partial route).
- Multiple partial pedestrian routing decisions may be located in a single area.
- Partial pedestrian routes do not change the internal Vissim pedestrian OD matrix, which Vissim calculates on the basis of pedestrian inputs, static pedestrian route decisions, and static pedestrian routes.
- If multiple partial pedestrian routes begin at the partial pedestrian routing decision, their destinations must located in the same area. This does not only apply to partial pedestrian routes whose route location is in an area with the Queuing attribute. In this case, this route location is required in order to allow pedestrians to join the queue.
Conditions for assigning a partial pedestrian route
If the following conditions are met, a new partial pedestrian route is assigned to a pedestrian by a partial pedestrian routing decision.
Decision model attribute defines the time of assignment
- If the Entering the area option is chosen for the Decision model attribute of the pedestrian partial routing decision, the route selection only impacts the pedestrian in the time step when the pedestrian enters the area containing the partial pedestrian routing decision (Defining partial pedestrian routing decisions).
- If the Every time step option is chosen for the Decision model attribute of the partial pedestrian routing decision, the route selection impacts the pedestrian from the time step when they enter the area containing the partial pedestrian routing decision until the time step when they leave the area. (Defining partial pedestrian routing decisions). If a time distribution is assigned to the area, it does not take effect in this context.
Assigning a partial pedestrian route to a waiting pedestrian based on a time distribution depends on service point selection
Whether partial pedestrian routes in a given time step affect pedestrians waiting based on a time distribution assigned to the area depends on whether the route selection method Service point selection is chosen (Route selection method Use service point selection):
- No service point selection: Pedestrian routing decisions and partial pedestrian routing decisions become effective when the pedestrian reaches the designated area. The pedestrian then waits according to the specified time distribution (Attributes of areas).
- With service point selection: Pedestrian routing decisions and partial pedestrian routing decisions come into effect only after the pedestrian has completed the waiting time defined in the area's time distribution (Attributes of areas).
If the pedestrian moves while waiting and enters another area with a partial pedestrian routing decision, he cannot be assigned a partial pedestrian route there either.
Assigning pedestrians in queue to a partial pedestrian route
If a partial routing decision impacts a pedestrian who is en route to a queue or is already waiting in a queue, the pedestrian adopts the partial route, exits the queue, and proceeds along the partial route.
Assigning pedestrians within the waiting area of an elevator or en route to an elevator to a partial pedestrian route
If a partial pedestrian routing decision impacts a pedestrian who is en route to an elevator waiting area or is already waiting at the area, the pedestrian adopts the partial route and proceeds accordingly. This also applies to pedestrians who return to the waiting area because the elevator has left without them.
Pedestrians at the elevator do not respond to partial pedestrian routing decisions in the following scenarios
- Pedestrians on their way from the waiting area to the elevator
- Pedestrians inside the elevator
- Pedestrians exiting the elevator but still within the elevator area
The route choice method Service point selection enables pedestrians to deviate from their initial static pedestrian route
If the Service point selection entry is selected for the Route choice method attribute, the partial pedestrian route can be assigned to the pedestrian, if a route location of his static pedestrian route or his previous partial pedestrian route is located in the area (Route selection method Use service point selection).
Destination must be part of the previous static pedestrian route
The destination of the partial pedestrian route that is assigned is located in an area or on a ramp which also includes a route location of the previous static pedestrian route or partial pedestrian route. The pedestrian must not have reached this route location yet.
Pedestrian type or class must be selected
For the partial pedestrian routing decision, either the All pedestrian types attribute or the pedestrian class that the pedestrian belongs to must be selected.
Relative volume of a partial route > 0
At least one partial route of the routing decision must have a relative volume of >0.
Current partial pedestrian route will not be reconsidered
If the pedestrian is on a partial pedestrian route of the partial pedestrian routing decision: The partial pedestrian routing decision does not reassign the pedestrian to the same partial pedestrian route he is currently using.
Partial pedestrian routing decision with lowest number is relevant
If there are several partial pedestrian routing decisions referring to the area that the pedestrian could use, the partial pedestrian routing decision assigns the new partial pedestrian route with the lowest Number to the pedestrian. All other partial routing decisions are ignored.
Weighting partial pedestrian routes
You can weight partial pedestrian routes using the attributes below and thus influence the attractiveness of a partial pedestrian route or take into account different capacities of partial pedestrian routes: (Attributes of partial pedestrian routes):
- Additional quantity
- Additional quantity - service point selection
- Additional density
- Additional travel time
Effect of the pedestrian routing decision or partial pedestrian routing decision on route locations
While static pedestrian routing decisions have the effect that route locations are added, partial pedestrian route decisions either insert or replace route locations.
- Replacing route locations: Effect of a partial pedestrian routing decision, if the destination of the partial pedestrian route is the second next or later route location of a static pedestrian route. This also applies to a number of partial pedestrian routes.
- Inserting route locations: Effect of a partial pedestrian routing decision, if the destination of the partial pedestrian route is the next route location of a static pedestrian route. This also applies to a number of partial pedestrian routes.
- Attaching effect at the end of the static pedestrian route: a route location can only be added if the area includes a new pedestrian routing decision that affects the pedestrian who ends his previous pedestrian route in that area. However, this pedestrian routing decision will be ignored by the pedestrian if there is a pedestrian input to this area. In this case, the pedestrian is removed from the simulation. The pedestrian routing decision has an effect on the pedestrians who are added to this area at the respective pedestrian input. A new route location can thus be added to their pedestrian route.
Superordinate topic:
Modeling pedestrian routing decisions, pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routes
Information on editing:
Defining static pedestrian routes
Adding route locations for selected static routes
Adding route locations for selected partial pedestrian routes
Route choice method using the Travel time criterion
Route choice method using the Quantity criterion
Route choice method using the Density criterion
Defining partial pedestrian routing decisions
Modeling the course of pedestrian routes using intermediate points