- Direct Output: The data of the evaluation is saved as text files. In text files, semicolons are used as a separator. Thus you can import text files into spreadsheet programs, e.g. Microsoft™ Excel™, and use them for calculations, analyses or graphical display.
You can also save the data of the following evaluations to database files:
- Vehicle record (Saving vehicle record to a file or database)
- Vehicle travel times (raw data) (Evaluating vehicle travel time measurements)
- Pedestrian record (Saving pedestrian record to a file or database)
- Nodes (raw data) (Evaluating nodes)
- Signal changes (Evaluating signal changes)
Some evaluations contain raw data. These are already written during the simulation, while the data of other evaluations are written after the simulation.
- Result Attributes: Data is aggregated to result attributes during the simulation. You can show the result attributes like static attributes in the following program elements:
- in result lists
- in the attribute lists of network objects
- in the quick view
- in Network Editors as labeling of network objects
- Windows: You may show the data of the following evaluations in windows:
- Signal controller detector record (Evaluating signal controller detector records)
- Signal changes (Evaluating signal changes)
- Signal times table (Showing signal times table in a window)
- Result Lists: Result lists contain the values of the attributes Simulation run and Time interval as well as the data of network object-specific attributes. You can save a result list to an attribute file *.att.
The table under the following list shows the output options for the result data of each evaluation:
- Text file: save directly to *.txt file
- Database file: save directly to a database file of the configured database (Configuring the database connection for evaluations).
- ATT: Show result attributes in lists and if desired, save to *.att file
- Window: display in a window in Vissim
Direct output | ATT | Window | ||
Evaluation |
Text file |
Database file |
Discharge record |
*.dis |
OD pairs |
Lane changes |
*.spw |
Vehicle record |
*.fzp |
Vehicle network performance (Vehicle network performance : Displaying network performance results (vehicles) in result lists) |
Vehicle &Travel Times and Vehicle travel times (raw data) |
*.rsr |
Vehicle input data |
*.fhz |
Vehicle inputs |
Areas & Ramps |
Pedestrian grid cells |
Pedestrian network performance (Pedestrian network performance: Displaying network performance results (pedestrians) in lists) |
Area measurements and Area measurements (raw data) |
*.merp |
Pedestrian record |
*.pp |
Pedestrian travel times and Pedestrian travel times (raw data) |
*.rsrp |
Pedestrian travel times (OD data) (Saving pedestrian travel time measurements from OD data to a file) |
*.rsmp |
Green time distribution (Saving signal controller green time distribution to a file) |
*.lzv |
Nodes and Nodes (raw data) |
*.knr |
Convergence (Saving data about the convergence of the dynamic assignment to a file) |
*.cva |
Signal controller detector record |
*.ldp |
Signal changes |
*.lsa |
Managed Lanes |
*.mle |
Meso edges |
Parking Lots |
Parking lot groups |
Parking routing decisions |
Public transport waiting times |
*.ovw |
Data &Collection Measurements and Data &Collection Measurements (raw data) |
*.mer |
Signal times table |
*.trj |
Queue Counters |
Parking spaces |
Links |
Delays |
Paths |
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