Overview of evaluations

Depending on the selected evaluation, the type of data and the desired further use, you can show evaluations in list and/or windows and save them to text files and/or database files:

  • Direct Output: The data of the evaluation is saved as text files. In text files, semicolons are used as a separator. Thus you can import text files into spreadsheet programs, e.g. Microsoft™ Excel™, and use them for calculations, analyses or graphical display.

You can also save the data of the following evaluations to database files:

Some evaluations contain raw data. These are already written during the simulation, while the data of other evaluations are written after the simulation.

  • Result Attributes: Data is aggregated to result attributes during the simulation. You can show the result attributes like static attributes in the following program elements:
  • in result lists
  • in the attribute lists of network objects
  • in the quick view
  • in Network Editors as labeling of network objects
  • Windows: You may show the data of the following evaluations in windows:
  • Signal controller detector record (Evaluating signal controller detector records)
  • Signal changes (Evaluating signal changes)
  • Signal times table (Showing signal times table in a window)
  • Result Lists: Result lists contain the values of the attributes Simulation run and Time interval as well as the data of network object-specific attributes. You can save a result list to an attribute file *.att.

The table under the following list shows the output options for the result data of each evaluation:

  • Text file: save directly to *.txt file
  • Database file: save directly to a database file of the configured database (Configuring the database connection for evaluations).
  • ATT: Show result attributes in lists and if desired, save to *.att file
  • Window: display in a window in Vissim
  Direct output ATT Window

Text file

Database file


Discharge record

(Saving discharge record to a file)



OD pairs

(Displaying OD pair data in lists)



Lane changes

(Saving lane change data to a file)





Vehicle record

(Saving vehicle record to a file or database)




Vehicle network performance

(Vehicle network performance : Displaying network performance results (vehicles) in result lists)




Vehicle &Travel Times and Vehicle travel times (raw data)

(Evaluating vehicle travel time measurements)



Vehicle input data

(Saving vehicle input data to a file)





Vehicle inputs

(Displaying vehicle input results in lists)



Areas & Ramps

(Evaluating pedestrian density and speed based on areas)



Pedestrian grid cells

(Grid-based evaluation of pedestrian density and speed)



Pedestrian network performance

(Pedestrian network performance: Displaying network performance results (pedestrians) in lists)




Area measurements and Area measurements (raw data)

(Evaluating pedestrian areas with area measurements)




Pedestrian record

(Saving pedestrian record to a file or database)




Pedestrian travel times and Pedestrian travel times (raw data)

(Evaluating pedestrian travel time measurements)




Pedestrian travel times (OD data)

(Saving pedestrian travel time measurements from OD data to a file)




Green time distribution

(Saving signal controller green time distribution to a file)





Nodes and Nodes (raw data)

(Evaluating nodes)




(Saving data about the convergence of the dynamic assignment to a file)





Signal controller detector record

(Evaluating signal controller detector records)




Signal changes

(Evaluating signal changes)



Managed Lanes

(Saving managed lane data to a file)





Meso edges

(Showing meso edges results in lists)



Parking Lots

(Displaying parking lot results in lists)



Parking lot groups

(Displaying parking lot group results in lists)



Parking routing decisions

(Displaying parking routing decisions in lists)



Public transport waiting times

(Saving PT waiting time data to a file)





Data &Collection Measurements and Data &Collection Measurements (raw data)

(Evaluating data collection measurements)




Signal times table

(Showing signal times table in a window)





(Saving SSAM trajectories to a file)



Queue Counters

(Showing results of queue counters in lists)




Parking spaces

(Displaying parking space results in lists)




(Showing data from links in lists)





(Showing delay measurements in lists)





(Showing data about paths of dynamic assignment in lists)




Superordinate topic:

Performing evaluations