Base data for simulation
The stochastic nature of traffic begs the necessity to provide this type of variability in Vissim models. The heart of Vissim, Wiedemann's car-following model, accounts for this by implementing parameters based on stochastic distribution (Operating principles of the car following model).
The base data for simulation includes the settings for the entire network and all basic objects for modeling vehicle and pedestrian movement, e.g. distributions, functions, and behavior parameters. Base data further contains types and classes. These allow you to group properties that are the same for many network objects, so that you need not set them for each individual object.
In addition to input and output attributes, you can define user-defined attributes for all network objects. User-defined attributes may be edited and managed in lists in the same way as predefined attributes.
For each attribute, you can specify an alternative name as an alias (Using aliases for attribute names).
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Defining link behavior types for links and connectors
Related topics:
Using aliases for attribute names
Using acceleration and deceleration functions
Using curve speed and lateral drift speed
Using the Boarding Delay function
Managing vehicle types, vehicle classes and vehicle categories