Defining pedestrian travel time measurement

Pedestrian travel time measurement is based on a start point (in a start area) and a destination point (in an end area). The travel time is determined from entering the start area until entering the end area including wait times. Pedestrians can enter the start area and end area multiple times. If a pedestrian enters the start area more than once before reaching the end area, the travel time measurement begins with the last entry into the start area. Conversely, if a pedestrian enters the end area multiple times before re-entering the start area, the travel time measurement ends with the first entry into the end area.

You can show this data in an evaluation (Evaluating pedestrian travel time measurements).

Ensuring desired level of start and destination areas

If you define travel time measurements in multistory buildings on levels, for example, check whether the respective level is correct for each pedestrian travel time measurement. Go to the list Pedestrian Travel Time Measurements and select the attributes Start area > level and End area > level. Check the correct position on the various levels in 2D mode by selecting the visibility for the desired level and hiding the other levels (Using the Level toolbar).

Travel time measurements are not shown in 3D mode.


Defining pedestrian travel time measurement for start and destination area

1.  On the network object sidebar, click Pedestrian Travel Times.

In the next step, you may choose the position of the start point in the start area.

2.  Press the Ctrl key and right-click in the start area.

Per default, a pink circle is inserted.

3.  Drag the cursor to the destination area.

4.  Click.

Per default, a green dot is inserted. The Pedestrian Travel Time Measurements list opens.

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

5.  Edit the attributes:




Number of travel time measurement. You can enter a different number.

Use a continuous numbering system for the Vissim network. This simplifies the evaluations.


Name of travel time measurement


Start area: Number and name of the area where the start point is located


Destination area: Number and name of the area where the destination point is located

StartPt Start point: Position of the start point based on the coordinates of start point (x) and start point (y)
StartX Start point (x): coordinate
StartY Start point (y): coordinate

Start - show label: If this option is not selected, the label on the start point for an individual pedestrian travel time measurement is hidden if the label for all pedestrian travel time measurements is selected.

StartLabPosRelPt Start label position relative: Coordinates of the label position when the label on the start section is offset
StartLabPosRelX Start label position relative (x): X-coordinate of the label position when the label on the start point is offset
StartLabPosRelY Start label position relative (y): Y-coordinate of the label position when the label on the start point is offset
Endpt End point: Position of the end point based on the coordinates of end point (x) and end point (y)

End - show label: If this option is not selected, the label on the destination point for an individual pedestrian travel time measurement is hidden if the label for all pedestrian travel time measurements is selected.

EndLabPosRelX End label position relative (x): X-coordinate of the label position when the label on the destination point is offset

End label position relative (y): Y-coordinate of the label position when the label on the destination point is offset


End label position relative: Coordinates of the label position when the label on the destination point is offset

Superordinate topic:

Pedestrian simulation