Saving pedestrian record to a file or database

Note: You will need the add-on module Viswalk.

The pedestrian record outputs the attribute values for each pedestrian in one row per time step. You can restrict the evaluation to pedestrian classes and individual pedestrians. Pedestrian areas and inputs must defined for the network and OD matrices for the dynamic assignment (Modeling construction elements), (Modeling pedestrian inputs), (Pedestrian OD matrices). In areas where pedestrians are to be recorded, the Pedestrian record active option must be selected (Attributes of areas).

If under Links, you selected the attribute Is pedestrian area and now want to save the link data to the Pedestrian record, select Vehicle record active (Attributes of links).

You can output the following data and data formats:


ASCII file

MDB file

Attribute file from attribute list

Aggregated data



Raw data




Tip: You can show many output attributes of the Pedestrian record in parallel, also during the simulation, as a result list Pedestrians in network.

1.  On the Evaluation menu, click > Configuration > Direct Output tab.

2.  In the Pedestrian record row, select the option Write to file.

3.  You can change the time if you wish (Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results to files).

4.  Click the More button.

The Pedestrian record window opens.

5.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description
Resolution Simulation resolution of time steps
  • All pedestrians: Includes all pedestrians in the evaluation, regardless of their vehicle class
  • Filter by pedestrian classes: Takes only the selected pedestrian classes into account
  • Filter by sections: takes only the selected sections into account Sections have to be defined (Modeling sections). The level with the section and the the level on which pedestrians move are the same. The pedestrians' center lies within the section.
  • Filter by individual pedestrians:  If this option is selected, you can right-click the list and select pedestrians by their number. Only the selected pedestrians are taken into account.
Attribute selection The Pedestrians in Network: Select Attributes window opens. You can select attributes for the evaluation (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

6.  Confirm with OK.

7.  Start the simulation (Running a simulation).

A *.pp file is saved.

Result of pedestrian record

A pedestrian record *.pp may contain the following data:




Path and name of network file


Comment on simulation


Time of evaluation

PTV Vissim

Version number, service pack number, build number

Table Pedestrians In Network

Column names

Column headers and units

Data block

One row each with the number of the pedestrian for each simulation step and the attribute values

The columns correspond to the sequence of the attributes in the selection.



Your selection of attributes determines which attribute values are included. You may also display these result attributes in the Pedestrians In Network list. For example, the following attributes may be included:



Current walking behavior

Walking behavior of the pedestrian type When the walking behavior is area-based, it refers to the walking behavior of the area.

Current destination number

Number of construction element which is the destination

Current destination type

Type of construction element which is the destination


Width of the pedestrian


Number of level

Pedestrian type

Number of pedestrian type

Distance traveled (total)

Total distance traveled so far

Time in network (total)

The total time a pedestrian is in the network [s].


Speed at the end of the time step


Size of pedestrian [m]

Construction element number

Number of construction element

Construction element type

Type of construction element


Height of pedestrian [m]


Pedestrian number

Start time

Network entry time [simulation second ss,f], where f (fraction) is a two-digit number

Start time (time of day)

Start time as time of day [hh:mm:ss,f], where f (fraction) is a two-digit number

Simulation time (time of day)

Simulation time as time of day [hh:mm:ss,f], where f (fraction) is a two-digit number

Simulation second

Simulation time in seconds [ss,f], where f (fraction) is a two-digit number

Static route number

Number of static pedestrian route

Static routing decision number

Number of static pedestrian routing decision

Partial route number

Number of pedestrian route (partial)

Partial routing decision number

Number of pedestrian partial routing decision

Remaining distance

Remaining distance (short length) to the next internal destination.

If the next destination or intermediate destination is at the current level of the pedestrian, this is the distance to this destination or intermediate destination. If the next destination or intermediate destination is at another level, the value specifies the distance to the foot of the targeted stairways.

Previous destination number

The number corresponds to the construction element that was the previous destination or, immediately after insertion of pedestrian into the network, the number of the area in which the pedestrian was inserted.

Previous destination type

Object type of the construction element that was the previous destination, e.g. Area. Area is also displayed as soon as the pedestrian is placed within an area in the network.

Distance to queue start

Direct distance (short length) to the start of the current queue

Queuing area number

Number of the area in which the current queue is located.

0 = pedestrian is not in a queue

Coordinates rear

Coordinates (x), (y), (z) of the rear edge of the pedestrian at the end of the time step

Coordinates front

Coordinates (x), (y), (z) of the front edge of the pedestrian at the end of the time step

Desired speed

Desired speed [km/h]

Time gains

Time gain [s]: Total time gain is determined based on the time delay. The total time gain is determined only if the pedestrian is faster than desired.

Time delays

Time delay [s]: Total time delay is determined from the "time lost" per time step. This is determined from the difference between actual speed and desired speed if the pedestrian is slower than desired.

Delays through using a detour are not taken into account in the delay.

Public transport state

Is the pedestrian waiting, is he alighting from the PT vehicle or walking towards it:

  • None
  • Waiting
  • Approaching
  • Alighting

Instead of the attribute PT status, use the attribute Motion state, which allows you to record more motion states of pedestrians. You can continue to use existing data with the attribute PT status.

Motion state

MotionState: The current motion state of a pedestrian shows for how long the pedestrian does a certain activity (Showing pedestrians in the network in a list).

Pedestrian record example: file *.pp
* File: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Vissim 2025\
Examples Training\Pedestrians\Standards & Guidelines\RiMEA\Rimea 0.inpx
* Comment:
* Date:    03.01.2024 12:23:33
* Application: PTV Vissim 2025.00-00* [238187]
* Table: Pedestrians In Network
* SIMSEC: SimSec, simulation second (simulation time [s]) [s]
* NO: No., Number (Unique number of the pedestrian)
* CONSTRELTYPE: ConstrElType, Construction element type 
(Type of construction element, on which the pedestrian is located)
* CONSTRELNO: ConstrElNo, Construction element number 
(Number of construction element, on which the pedestrian is located)
* SimSec;No;ConstrElType;ConstrElNo
* Simulation second;number;type of construction element;
Construction element number