Saving managed lane data to a file
During a simulation run, you can save attribute values of managed lanes, general purpose lanes and other attribute values of managed lane facilities in the Vissim network to an *.mle file. The following must be defined:
- Managed lanes routing decision (Modeling vehicle routing decision, vehicle routes and partial vehicle routes)
- Toll pricing calculation model (Defining toll pricing calculation models)
- Decision model for managed lanes facilities (Defining decision model for managed lane facilities)
- Managed lanes facility (Defining managed lane facilities)
Output data and formats
You can save the following data and data formats:
Output | Text file | Database file |
Aggregated data |
- |
- |
Raw data |
*.mle |
- |
- Save data to file (Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results to files)
Result of managed lanes evaluation
The managed lanes evaluation file *.mle contains the following data:
Element | Description |
File title |
Name of evaluation |
File |
Path and name of network file |
Comment |
Optional comment from the simulation parameters |
Date |
Time of evaluation |
Vissim |
Version number, service pack number, build number |
Managed lanes facility |
Name and number of the Managed Lanes |
Data block |
Data block with a column for each attribute |
Example of managed lanes evaluation file *.mle
Managed Lanes Evaluation
File: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Vissim 2025\Examples Demo\example.inpx
Comment: Example, SC 3-10
Date: 03.01.2024 12:23:33
PTV Vissim 2025.00-00* [238187]
ManagedLanesFacility 1: Miller Road Managed Lanes Routing Decision 2: Managed Lanes Routing Decision Miller Time : Simulation time [s]
FacilityNo : Managed lanes facility number
TTS : TTS [seconds]
AvsML : Average speed on managed lanes route [mph]
AvsGPL : Average speed on general purpose route [km/h]
SOV : Toll user class SOV
HOV2 : Toll user class HOV2
HOV3+ : Toll user class HOV3+
Revenues : Total toll revenue (at managed lanes routing decision)
VehML(All) : Number of vehicles at end of managed lanes route, All vehicle types
VehGPL(All) : Number of vehicles at end of general purpose route, All vehicle types
Time; FacilityNo; TTS; AvsML; AvsGPL; SOV; HOV2; HOV3+; Revenues; VehML(All); VehGPL(All);
0.0; 1; 0; 96.56; 96.56; 3.00; 2.00; 0.00; 0.00; 0; 0;
60.0; 1; 0; 96.56; 96.56; 3.00; 2.00; 0.00; 21.00; 0; 0;
120.0; 1; 0; 51.14; 53.18; 3.00; 2.00; 0.00; 36.00; 8; 14;
180.0; 1; 0; 50.37; 52.50; 3.00; 2.00; 0.00; 33.00; 12; 17;
240.0; 1; 0; 51.02; 52.85; 3.00; 2.00; 0.00; 36.00; 10; 19;
300.0; 1; 0; 50.06; 28.78; 3.00; 2.00; 1.00; 39.00; 14; 7;
Total; 1; 0; 50.56; 49.87; 3.00; 2.00; 0.00; 165.00; 44; 57;
Superordinate topic:
Configuring evaluations for direct output
Information on editing:
Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results to files