Saving managed lane data to a file

During a simulation run, you can save attribute values of managed lanes, general purpose lanes and other attribute values of managed lane facilities in the Vissim network to an *.mle file. The following must be defined:

Output data and formats

You can save the following data and data formats:

Output ASCII file MDB table

Aggregated data



Raw data



Result of managed lanes evaluation

The managed lanes evaluation file *.mle contains the following data:

Element Description

File title

Name of evaluation


Path and name of network file


Optional comment from the simulation parameters


Time of evaluation


Version number, service pack number, build number

Managed lanes facility

Name and number of the Managed Lanes

Data block

Data block with a column for each attribute

Example of managed lanes evaluation file *.mle
Managed Lanes Evaluation
File:    C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Vissim 2025\Examples Demo\example.inpx
Comment:  Example, SC 3-10
Date:    03.01.2024 12:23:33
PTV Vissim 2025.00-00* [238187]
ManagedLanesFacility 1:           Miller Road
Managed Lanes Routing Decision 2:    Managed Lanes Routing Decision Miller
Time           : Simulation time [s]
FacilityNo     : Managed lanes facility number
TTS            : TTS [seconds]
AvsML          : Average speed on managed lanes route [mph]
AvsGPL         : Average speed on general purpose route [km/h]
SOV            : Toll user class SOV
HOV2           : Toll user class HOV2
HOV3+          : Toll user class HOV3+
Revenues       : Total toll revenue (at managed lanes routing decision)
VehML(All)     : Number of vehicles at end of managed lanes route, All vehicle types
VehGPL(All)    : Number of vehicles at end of general purpose route, All vehicle types
Time; FacilityNo; TTS; AvsML; AvsGPL; SOV; HOV2; HOV3+; Revenues; VehML(All); VehGPL(All);
 0.0;   1; 0; 96.56; 96.56; 3.00;  2.00;  0.00;   0.00;  0;   0;
60.0;   1; 0; 96.56; 96.56; 3.00;  2.00;  0.00;  21.00;  0;   0;
120.0;  1; 0; 51.14; 53.18; 3.00;  2.00;  0.00;  36.00;  8;  14;
180.0;  1; 0; 50.37; 52.50; 3.00;  2.00;  0.00;  33.00; 12;  17;
240.0;  1; 0; 51.02; 52.85; 3.00;  2.00;  0.00;  36.00; 10;  19;
300.0;  1; 0; 50.06; 28.78; 3.00;  2.00;  1.00;  39.00; 14;   7;
Total; 1; 0; 50.56; 49.87; 3.00;  2.00;  0.00; 165.00; 44;  57;