Using named color schemes

In addition to the predefined color schemes, you can define additional color schemes and save them as named color schemes in the *.layx layout file. These are then available, like the predefined color schemes, in the graphic parameters of the network object types, in which you can use a color scheme. This also applies to label color schemes.

If named color schemes are stored in the *.layx layout file, you can also use them in other Vissim networks. To do this, read the *.layx layout file additionally into the corresponding Vissim network.

Adding a named label color scheme

1.  On the network object sidebar, in the row of the desired network object type, click the Edit graphic parameters button (Editing graphic parameters for network objects).

2.  In the Use label color scheme row, click the button in the right margin.

The Edit Label Color Scheme window opens.

3.  Select the desired Attribute.

4.  Set Class bounds and colors.

5.  Click the button.

6.  Click Add.

7.  If desired, overwrite the Own color scheme entry.

8.  Confirm with .

Adding a named color scheme

1.  On the network object sidebar, in the row of the desired network object type, click the Edit graphic parameters button (Editing graphic parameters for network objects).

2.  Click on the Color scheme configuration row.

3.  In the Color scheme configuration row, click the button in the right margin.

The Edit Color Scheme window opens.

4.  Select the desired options for classification.

5.  Select the desired Attribute for classification.

6.  Set Class bounds and colors.

7.  Click the button.

8.  Click Add.

9.  If desired, overwrite the Own color scheme entry.

10.  Confirm with .

Editing a color scheme in a named color scheme

You can apply the class boundaries and colors of a predefined or other named color scheme to a named color scheme.

1.  Open the Edit Color Scheme window.

2.  Click the button.

3.  Click the predefined or named color scheme whose class boundaries and colors you want to apply.

4.  In the Color Schemes section, position the mouse pointer on the color scheme to which you want to assign the class boundaries and colors.

5.  Click the Overwrite with shown Color Scheme button .

Renaming a named color scheme

1.  Open the Edit Color Scheme window.

2.  Click the button.

3.  In the Color Schemes section, position the mouse pointer on the desired color scheme.

4.  Click the Rename button .

5.  Overwrite the name.

6.  Confirm with .

Deleting a named color scheme

1.  Open the Edit Color Scheme window.

2.  Click the button.

3.  In the Color Schemes section, position the mouse pointer on the desired color scheme.

4.  Click the Delete button .

Reading a named color scheme additionally

You can read named color schemes additionally into your Vissim network from a *.layx layout file.

1.  On the File menu, click > Read Additionally > Named Color Schemes.

A window opens.

2.  Select the desired *.layx file.

3.  Click the Open button.

When you click the button in the Edit Color Scheme window, the imported color schemes are displayed in the Color Schemes section.