Using color distributions
Color distributions are relevant only for the graphical display and have no influence on the simulation results.
The color distribution is used instead of a single color for visualization of a type of vehicle or pedestrian. You can define a maximum of 10 colors for color distribution. By specifying a relative share, you can specify the frequency of occurrence of each color. The absolute share of Vissim is calculated automatically as a ratio of the individual relative share to the sum of all shares.
If you want to use only one color for a type, you must still define a color distribution. You assign only the desired color to this color distribution.
Some typical color distributions are predefined.
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Defining the empirical distribution
Defining a normal distribution
Editing the graph of a function or distribution
Deleting intermediate point of a graph
Using emission class distributions
Attributes of free distributions
Defining 2D/3D model distributions for 2D/3D models