Using the Ring Barrier Controller (RBC) add-on module

Note: To utilize Preemption or Transit Priority features, a Ring Barrier Controller Level 3 license is required.

The Ring Barrier Controller is used in North America.

In Vissim, the signal controller type Ring Barrier Controller has a graphic user interface and additional functions.

In Vissim the settings are saved as an external file with the file extension *.prbc.

Defining Ring Barrier Controller RBC

1.  On the Signal Control menu, click > Signal Controllers.

The Signal Controllers list opens.

By default, you can edit the list (Using lists).

2.  Right-click the entry of your choice.

3.  On the shortcut menu, click Edit.

The Signal Controller window opens.

4.  Select field Type > Ring Barrier Controller.

5.  In the Data file box, select the file of your choice. By default, this is a *.prbc file since Vissim 2022.

The control procedure additionally uses the following files:

Element Description
Program file

ProgFile: rbc_controller.dll file: program file of the control logic ab Vissim version 2022. The control logic is used to control the node. Provided as a 64-bit version according to your 64-bit license. By default, the file is stored in the Exe directory of your Vissim installation. The file supports free running configurations and basic coordination functions.

Dialog DLL file

GUIFile: rbc.dll file: is provided as a 64-bit version according to your 64-bit license. By default, the file is stored in the Exe directory of your Vissim installation.

WTT files WTTFiles: Value type tables: These contain the data types of the control logic which are to be shown in the Signal Control Detector Record (Evaluating signal controller detector records) or in the Signal Times Table window (Showing signal times table in a window), as well as the display type. If the control consists of several TL modules, you must specify the associated *.wtt file for each module. By default, the file is stored in the ..\Exe directory of your Vissim installation.

6.  Click Edit signal groups.

The Ring Barrier Controller window opens.

Converting Ring Barrier Controller of previous version

From Vissim version 2022, Vissim saves all supply data to a *.prbc file. In previous versions, the supply data is saved to an external supply data file. When opening an *.inpx file of a previous version that contains an RBC controller, you can convert it into the current format.


  • The conversion cannot transfer all parameters from RBC (old) to RBC for reasons inherent to the system.
  • Use Vissim 2022, if you want to start the simulation in an *.inpx file of a previous version, without converting it into the new format. You cannot use Vissim from version 2023 and higher for this step.

1.  On the Signal Control menu, click > Signal Controllers.

The Signal Controllers list opens.

2.  Right-click the desired signal control of the type Ring Barrier Controller (old).

3.  From the shortcut menu, choose Convert RBC (old) to RBC.

Vissim saves supply data to a *.prbc file.