Excluding edges from dynamic assignment

If a node-edge graph has been generated, you can block edges to exclude them from dynamic assignment. Locked edges are not included in convergence calculation. If a toll route leads via a blocked edge, the corresponding managed lanes routing decision does not take effect.

1.  On the Lists menu, click > Network > Edges.

The list Edges opens.

2.  Activate the option Closed (Closed).

The edge is not taken into consideration in the dynamic assignment. The edge is marked red in the network editor.

After blocking or unblocking an edge, Vissim regenerates the node-edge graph of dynamic assignment (Building an Abstract Network Graph), (Generating a node-edge graph). When you choose the Undo or Redo command, the node-edge graph of dynamic assignment is deleted and must be regenerated (Generating a node-edge graph). You cannot use the Undo command to undo the regenerated graph.

Superordinate topic:

Creating and using edges

Related topics:

Attributes of edges