Modeling connectors

In order for vehicles to continue their journey on the following links, you must connect these links with connectors. This also allows you to model turn relations at junctions.

Connectors can only be inserted between two links. You cannot connect connectors to each other.

You can define connectors along which the number of lanes changes.


You model a narrowing and connect a link with four lanes with a link with two lanes. In the further course of the route, you model an expansion of the two-lane link to a link that has four lanes again. Modeling allows lanes to be located either on the far right or far left that have no from-link in the case of an expansion or no to-link in the case of a narrowing. This can be seen in the visualization of the connector in the network editor: when expanding, a lane is added along the connector, whereas when narrowing, a lane disappears until the end point of the connector.

You can also model inside merges accordingly, for example to reduce the number of lanes downstream of managed lanes facilities. Modeling allows one or several lanes to be located between the outer lanes, if they have not to-links. Lanes that start between the outer lanes disappear until the end point of the connector.

Lanes cannot cross each other in connectors.

Connectors have attributes and options which are largely comparable to those of links (Attributes of connectors), (Attributes of links).

You may move the start or end point of a connector to a different link later on.

Vissim automatically inserts connectors when you create a car park (Creating a car park).

Tip: You will find sample data and a description in your Vissim installation:

..\Examples TrainingExamples\Merging & Weaving

Superordinate topic:

Modeling the road network

Related topics:

Attributes of connectors