Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists

You can select and configure evaluations whose result attributes you want to show in attribute lists or result lists. The configuration is saved to the file *.inpx.

Notes: Evaluation data of previous simulation runs are deleted:

  • When you select the Delete previous simulation runs option from the Result Management tab, (Managing results)
  • When you change the configuration of the evaluation
  • When you edit or delete network objects the evaluation is based on

Before Vissim deletes the data, a message is displayed.

1.  Ensure that the desired settings are defined for managing the result data (Managing results)

2.  On the Evaluation menu, click > Configuration > Result Attributes tab.

3.  Select the desired evaluations in the Collect data column.

4.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description
Additionally collect data for these classes
  • Vehicle classes
  • Pedestrian Classes

By default, the data for all vehicle classes and pedestrian classes is entered together. You can also show the data for certain vehicle classes and/or pedestrian classes separately in the evaluation.

Collect data Select the desired evaluations before the simulation starts
From time Simulation seconds in which the evaluation is started
To time Simulation seconds in which the evaluation is finished
Interval Duration of the evaluation intervals in which the data is aggregated

Evaluation-specific parameters. These are described in the individual evaluations:

5.  Confirm with OK.

6.  Open the desired program elements in which you want to show the result attributes, for example, attribute lists or result lists of network object types (Displaying result attributes in attribute lists), (Showing result attributes in result lists).

7.  If desired, show further columns for the desired attributes in the list.


8.  Start the simulation (Running a simulation).

The data from the simulation is shown in the attribute lists or result lists.

Tip: After the simulation, you can save lists manually or automatically to an attribute file .att (List toolbar).