Defining display types

You can define display types. They specify the representation of network objects in the Vissim network, e.g. their fill style, fill color, border line style, border line color or texture. You then assign the desired display type to a network object in the Display Type attribute, e.g. the display type Road gray to a link.

In Vissim, display types are defined for road, rail, pedestrian areas, obstacles and sections, as well as for elements of escalators and elevators.

When you display network objects in the network editor, the display type settings have priority over the graphic parameter settings for network objects (List of graphic parameters for network objects).

The add-on module Viswalk allows you to show the following construction elements and specify their display type: areas, obstacles, ramps and stairs, and their display types.

Note: When you open a network file of a Vissim version that is older than Vissim 5.0, the following steps are automatically carried out:

  • The link types defined are used to generate link behavior types and display types that are then assigned to links.
  • Connectors are assigned the link behavior type and display type of their origin link.

1.  On the Base Data menu, click > Display Types.

The Display Types list opens. Some display types can be predefined.

By default, you can edit the list (Using lists).

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

2.  In the list, on the toolbar, click the Add button .

A new row with default data is inserted.

The Display Type window opens.

In the Display Type window, you enter attribute values. For display types already defined, you can open this window via the Display Types list, using the following functions:

  • ►  In the Display Types list, double-click the row with the desired display type.

The display type may have additional attributes. You can show all attributes and attribute values in the Display types list. You can open the list via the following functions:

  • ►  On the Lists menu, click > Base Data > Display Types.
  • ►  On the Base Data menu, click > Display Types.

You can edit attributes and attribute values in the lists (Selecting and editing data in lists).

Element Description


Unique number of display type


Name of display type


 If this option is selected, the display of links and construction elements is limited.

  • In 2D mode the edge is shown as a dashed line in the color of the display type assigned to the link or the construction element.
  • in 2D mode hidden during simulation
  • in 3D mode hidden

If vehicles and/or pedestrians are moving on the links and construction elements, they are shown.


Drawing order (DrawOrder3D): Priority in drawing order in relation to other objects, that intersect at the same height. Defines if this is drawn in the foreground or in the background:

  • Top 2: Top position
  • Top 1: Position on top of Center and under Top 2
  • Center
  • Bottom 1: Position under Center and on top of Bottom 2
  • Bottom 2: Bottom position

The drawing order also affects links whose display is based on the Use color scheme graphic parameter, since a display type is assigned to each link.

Fill style

  • No fill: show outline only. You cannot select a fill color.
  • Solid fill: show color between outline. Select the color in the Fill color box.

Fill color

Color between the outline of links, connectors and construction elements in the network. The graphic parameter Use display type of the network object type must be selected. The color is not accounted for in the Wireframe mode.

Border line style

  • No line: do not show outline. You cannot select an outline color.
  • Solid line: show outline as colored line. Select the color in the Border color box.

Border color

Color between outline border of links, connectors and construction elements in the network. The graphic parameter Use display type of the network object type must be selected. The color is not accounted for in the Wireframe mode.


Texture filename (TextureFilename) In the Texture box, select the desired graphic file for display of the link in 3D mode. If a texture is selected, the content of the graphic file of the texture is displayed in the TextureFilename column in the Display Types list.

For textures, graphic files are available in the formats *.jpg and *.bmp. By default, they are saved to the directory ..\3DModels\Textures of your Vissim installation:

  • ..\3DModels\Textures\Pavement Markings: Surfaces of various white lane markings
  • ..\3DModels\Textures\Material: Surfaces of different materials
  • ..\3DModels\Textures\roads: Surfaces of roads
  • ..\3DModels\Textures\signs: Traffic signs
  • ..\3DModels\Textures\Signal Head Pictograms: pictograms for signal heads

Texture horizontal length

Scales texture to length entered.


  • Follow link curvature: If required, display of the texture is adjusted to the link curvature or connector along the middle line. This is useful, for example, for labeling on the road.
  • Do not follow link curvature: Texture display is not adjusted.

Anisotropic filtering

Only as AnisoFilt column in Display types table:  If this option is selected in the table, the display quality of textures is improved when viewed from a very flat angle.

  • ►  Make sure that in the Control Panel of your computer, in the driver settings for your graphic card, under Anisotropic filtering, you select either Application-controlled or Use Application Settings.

Follow link curvature

Curved: in 3D mode:

  •  If the option is selected, the texture on the links of this display type is arranged along the center line of the link. This is useful, for example, for labeling on the road.
  •  If the option is not selected, the orientation of the texture is the same for all links, regardless of their curvature. Thus no edges are visible for overlapping links and overlapping connectors.


  • If the Mipmapping option On is selected in the Display type window, the No mipmapping attribute list is deactivated : The texture is displayed less sharp in the distance. For example, Mipmapping causes asphalt without markings to be rendered more realistically.
  • If the Mipmapping option Off is selected in the Display type window, the attribute list No mipmapping is selected : The texture is displayed at maximum resolution even at a greater distance from the viewer because there are no mipmapping effects. This is useful, for example, for labeling on a road so that it remains legible.

Coloring / texturing surfaces

  • Same color / texture for all: Lateral areas are displayed in the same texture as the top.
  • Color / texture only for top (default color for sides): Lateral areas are displayed in same fill color as the top This also applies when a texture is selected.
  • Shaded : If the option is selected, lateral areas are shaded.

Railroad tracks

Rail: If the option is selected, on the link, tracks are displayed in 3D mode. To define the display of tracks and ties, click the Rail Properties button.

You can also define rail properties (Defining track properties).