Inserting intermediate points into a vehicle route
You may insert intermediate points into a vehicle route. Subsequently, you can change the routing process (Changing routing procedure via intermediate points). When you add a destination section, it is highlighted by default and a colored band shows the course of the link. This identifies the following possibilities:
- You can add additional destination sections for the routing decisions (Defining parking routes).
When you select a destination section, it is highlighted by default and a colored band indicates the course of the road. This identifies the following possibilities:
- You may move the destination section.
- You can add intermediate points on the vehicle route before the marked destination section.
1. Make sure that the network object type Vehicle Routes is selected on the network object sidebar.
2. Click the destination section of the vehicle route into which you want to insert the intermediate points.
The link sequence is shown as a colored band.
3. Keep the Ctrl key pressed and right-click the desired positions for intermediate points on the colored band of the vehicle route.
The intermediate points are added.
4. If you do not wish to add any additional intermediate points or destination sections, click on the free space in the Network Editor.
Superordinate topic:
Modeling vehicle routing decision, vehicle routes and partial vehicle routes
Related topics:
Placing the routing decision and the mode of action in the simulation
Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions
Attributes of parking routing decisions
Attributes of static vehicle routes
Attributes of managed lanes routing decisions
Attributes of managed lane routes
Attributes of route closure decisions