Defining toll pricing calculation models

You can assign pricing models by time interval to managed lanes as a relation (Defining managed lane facilities).

Function of toll pricing calculation model

To determine toll pricing, you can use a toll pricing calculation model. The toll pricing calculation model can determine the toll depending on the travel time saving and/or average speed on the managed lanes.


  • You want the toll to be 0, if the travel time saving is less than 5 minutes.
  • You want the toll to be 5, if the travel time saving is greater than 5 minutes and less than 15 minutes.
  • You want the toll to be 7, if the travel time saving is greater than 15 minutes and the average speed on the managed lanes is slower than 80 km/h.
  • You want the toll to be 10, if the travel time saving is greater than 15 minutes and the average speed on the managed lanes is faster than 80 km/h.
Pricing model of toll pricing calculation model

Each toll pricing calculation model contains a price model. The toll price model determines when and how the managed lane facility calculates the toll charge. For this the occupancy rate of the vehicle is also relevant.

The following occupancy rates are predefined as attributes in the pricing model by time interval:

Occupancy rate Vehicle occupancy Vehicle occupants

a vehicle occupant or, if an autonomous vehicle is empty, no vehicle occupant

Driver of non-autonomous vehicle


two vehicle occupants

driver and one passenger


three or more vehicle occupants

driver and several passengers

During the simulation, the vehicle occupancy is derived from the occupancy rate of the vehicle type.

Since the vehicle occupancy is always a whole number, the following is valid for the calculation:

  • From an occupancy rate of Toll1 for vehicle type A is derived that all vehicles of type A are occupied by only one person. If an autonomous vehicle is empty, there is no vehicle occupant.
  • From an occupancy rate of Toll1.4 for vehicle type B is derived that 60% of all vehicles of type B are occupied by only one person and 40% by two persons.

1.  On the menu Traffic, click > Toll Pricing Calculation Models.

The Toll Pricing Calculation Models list opens.

2.  In the list, on the toolbar, click the Add button .

A new row with default data is inserted.

3.  Enter a number and name.

4.  On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click > TollPricingCalculationModelElement.

5.  In the list on right, on the toolbar, click the Add button .

A new row with default data is inserted.

6.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description

Position of toll pricing calculation model element in the list



Range of travel time saving with managed lanes compared to use of toll free lanes


Arithmetically connects the elements of toll pricing calculation model (travel time saving and average speed) using AND or OR.



Range of average speed on managed lanes


Toll costs. For fixed price = 0.0 no toll is charged. Also a user-defined toll pricing calculation model can result in a toll fee of 0.0.



  • Toll = 0.0 does not automatically mean that all vehicles choose this managed lane.
  • If you delete a toll pricing calculation model which is still assigned to a managed lanes facility, a constant toll of 0.0 is used.

The toll charge is calculated according to the selected toll pricing calculation model at each managed lanes facility for all three occupancy rates and is valid until the next update time. The update time of the managed lane facilities on the network needs not be identical.