Generating basic surrounding traffic
Note: You must have an automotive license. |
You can generate basic surrounding traffic if you have a Vissim network without demand, such as one generated from an OpenDRIVE import. In this network, you can introduce a vehicle via the interface to an external driving simulator or using a DriverModel.dll. This vehicle moves within the simulation in a basic surrounding traffic scenario.
Vissim can define essential network objects for basic surrounding traffic and deploy vehicles into the Vissim network at the start of the simulation in Vissim. This saves you the effort of modeling the network objects manually.
1. Open the Vissim network of your choice.
2. On the Traffic menu, click > Generate basic surrounding traffic.
3. Start the simulation run.
If the Vissim network contains vehicle inputs and static vehicle routes exist, a window will open, allowing you to delete these network objects.
Vissim will then create new vehicle inputs on links that enter the Vissim network and have no connectors within 50 meters of their start. The vehicle volumes will use the vehicle composition with the lowest ID number. The volume will be set to 200 vehicles per hour per lane on each link.
If the Vissim network includes Evaluation type nodes, Vissim will generate static vehicle routes. Vissim will insert static vehicle routing decisions at the entry links and at the ends of a node, extending them through the next downstream nodes. The relative volume of the vehicle routes will match the smallest number of lanes on the links they traverse.