RBC Editor menues

Open the RBC Editor

1.  Make sure that the inpx network file is saved.

2.  From the menu select Signal Control > Signal Controllers.

The Signal Controllers list is opened.

3.  Double-click the desired RBC signal controller.

The Signal Controller dialog is opened.

4.  Click the Edit signal groups button.

The RBC editor is opened. The menues are shown:

Menu File

New File

Opens a blank PRBC supply file.

Warning: If signal groups are assigned to the existing controller in the window when creating a new file, and the signal groups are not recreated within the new controller, signal group information for signal head network objects may be lost.

Import File

Supported import file formats:

  • PRBC files (*.prbc): Imports a previously defined PRBC supply file.
  • Backup Files (*.prbc.bak): Imports a previously saved PRBC backup supply file. The backup file is saved automatically when you save your PRBC supply file.
  • Old RBC files (*.rbc): Imports a RBC supply file which was previously defined in a Vissim version before Vissim 2022.

Warning: If signal groups are assigned to the existing controller in the window when importing a file, and the signal groups are not contained within the imported controller, signal group information for signal head network objects may be lost.


Undo changes and revert to initial version.

Save a Copy

Save your PRBC supply file with the defined name. When creating a new signal controller you must save your RBC supply file before exi ting, if you want to use the signal timings defined in the interface.

After the file has been saved with a name, any signal timing changes can be saved by clicking OK in the dialog.

When creating a new controller or changing the name of the signal controller PRBC supply file, save your Vissim input file, otherwise the Vissim input file will not use the new PRBC supply file when reopened.


Prints your signal timing information to your desired printer.

Print Preview

Allows you to view the document that will be printed. There are no options for configuration within this dialog. If Print Selection in the menu is checked, only the items selected in the tree view will be shown.


Exits the RBC editor without saving the PRBC supply file.

Menu Edit

Tip: Undo, Redo: Alternatively, you can use the hotkeys Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y.

Menu View

Basic View

Opens a default basic view settings file, hiding advanced controller features. These hidden features can be shown again by selecting them for display in the tree view.

Hide Default and Read-Only rows

Selects exactly those attributes for display which have some non-default value in the current supply.

Tree View

Opens and closes the tree view table selection window.

Message Panel

Opens and closes the message panel window. When the panel is closed, you can still expand the window, but when it is not expanded you will no longer see the message panel with the tabs with the number of errors, warnings, and messages.

Save Settings

Saves the state of your editor to an RBC settings file (*.rbcdialogsettings). These settings can be used by any RBC editor.

This changes only the RBC editor display. This does not change nor save any signal timing values.

Load Settings

Loads the controller display settings file (*.rbcdialogsettings) that was previously saved. This changes only the RBC editor display. This does not change nor save any signal timing values.

Menu Help


Opens a browser and displays the Using RBC help topic of the Vissim Help.

Tip: In each field of the RBC Editor tables you can press F1 to display the help for the field.