Vehicle network performance : Displaying network performance results (vehicles) in result lists

You can show vehicle specific attributes of the entire network compiled in lists.

In microscopic simulation, the network performance is updated with every time step. In mesoscopic simulation, the network performance is updated at the end of the evaluation interval.

Via the COM Interface, you can show and access user-defined attributes in the Network Performance (Vehicles) Results list. User-defined formula attributes are shown, if you use the subattribute Simulation run. User-defined attributes are saved when you save the network file.

Vehicle classes are grouped together

By default, the data for all vehicle classes is entered together. You can also show the data for certain vehicle classes separately in the evaluation (Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists).

Output data and formats

You can save the following data and data formats:

Output ASCII file MDB table

Attribute file from attribute list

Aggregated data



Raw data




Result of vehicle network performance

All attributes take into account the vehicles which have already left the network or reached their destination parking lot and the vehicles that are still in the network at the end of the evaluation interval.

The total demand of the input flows and origin-destination matrices during the simulation time results from:

Total = Vehicles In Network + vehicles which have left + vehicles which could not be used (immediately)

If you calculate and display emissions based on emission classes, an Internet connection is required to transfer the data at the end of the simulation run (Calculate accurate emissions with Bosch Cloud Service).

The results list Vehicle network performance results contains the following attributes. Emission quantities are specified in grams. The result attributes on emissions and delay do not take into account reversing vehicles.

Result attribute Long name

Short name


Emissions (evaporation) HC


Evaporated hydrocarbons [grams]

Emissions 1,3-Butadiene


1,3 Butadiene (C4H6), (Vinyl Ethylene)

Emissions 2,2,4-trimethylpentane


2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (C8H18), (Isooctane)

Emissions Acetaldehyde


Acetaldehyde (C2H4O), (Ethanal)

Benzene emissions


Benzol (C6H6), (Benzene)

Emissions CH4


Methane (CH4)

Emissions CO


Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Emissions CO2


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Emissions ethyl benzene


Ethylbenzol (C8H10), (Ethylbenzene, Phenylethane)

Emissions Formaldehyde


Formaldehyde (CH2O), (Methanal)

Emissions HC


Unburned Hydrocarbons (HC)

Emissions Hexane


Hexane (C6H14)

Emissions elemental carbon


Carbon (C)

Emissions methyl tert-butyl ether


MTBE (C5H12O), (2-Methoxy-2-methylpropane)

Emissions N2O


Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Emissions Naphtalene gas


Naphthalene (C10H8)

Emissions NH3


Ammonia (NH3)

Emissions NMHC


Non-Methane Hydrocarbons without oxygen compounds (NMHC)

Emissions NMOG


Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC)

Emissions NO3


Nitrates (NO3)

Emissions NOx


Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)

Emissions particulates


Particulate matter

Brake PM10 Emissions


Brake abrasion according to standard PM10

Total PM10 Emissions


Total quantity of emissions according to standard PM10

Tire PM10 Emissions


Tire abrasion according to standard PM10

Brake PM2.5 Emissions

Emissions PM2.5 brakes

Brake abrasion according to standard PM2.5

Total PM2.5 Emissions


Total quantity of emissions according to standard PM2.5

Tire PM2.5 Emissions


Tire abrasion according to standard PM2.5

Emissions soot


Soot particles

Emissions SO2


Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Emissions sulfate particulates



Emissions total organic gases


Total Organic Gases (TOG)

Emissions toluene


Toluene (C7H8), (toluene, methyl benzene, phenyl methane, methyl benzene)

Emissions VOC


Volatile organic compounds (VOC)

Emissions xylene


Xylenes (C8H10)

Further result attributes of result list Vehicle network evaluation results:

Result attribute Long name

Short name


Vehicles (active)


Total number of vehicles driving forward or reversing in the network at the end of the simulation.

Vehicles arrived VehArr (Vehicles (arrived)) and vehicles not being used are not included in the attribute Vehicles (active).

Mesoscopic simulation does not include vehicles on zone connector edges.

Vehicles (arrived)


Vehicles arrived: Total number of vehicles driving forward or reversing which have already reached their destination and have left the network before the end of the simulation. In dynamic assignment and mesoscopic simulation, this also includes vehicles that have reached their destination parking lot.

Speed (average)


Average speed [km/h] or [mph]

Total distance DistTot / Total travel time TravTmTot

Weighted average of speed of all vehicles. The weight is the respective travel time of the vehicles. This means that vehicles that have only a short travel time have less influence on the value of this result attribute than vehicles that have been in the Vissim network for a long time.

Stops (total)


Total number of stops of all vehicles that are in the network or have already arrived. This includes stopping at the turning point after backing out of the parking space before the vehicle continues driving forward.

The following stops are not included in the attribute Stops (total):

  • Scheduled stop times of buses and trains at public transport stops
  • Parking times in parking lots

The attribute does not contain any values in mesoscopic simulation.

A stop is counted if the speed of the vehicle at the end of the previous time step was greater than 0 and is 0 at the end of the current time step.

Stops (average)


Average number of stops per vehicle:

Total number of stops / (Number of veh in network + number of veh that have arrived)

The attribute does not contain any values in mesoscopic simulation.

Fuel consumption


Fuel consumption [grams]

Demand (latent)


Number of vehicles from meso origin connector edges, vehicle inputs and parking lots that could not be used until the end of the simulation.

These vehicles are not added to the result attribute VehAct (Vehicles (active)).

Travel time (total)


Total travel time of vehicles traveling forward or backward within the network or that have already left the network.

Simulation run


Number of simulation run

Delay (total)


Total delay: Total delay of all vehicles in the network or of those that have already exited it.

The delay of a vehicle in a time step is the part of the time step that must also be used because the actual speed is less than the desired speed.

The value is calculated by subtracting the quotient of the actual distance travelled in this time step divided by the desired speed from the duration of the time step.

Delay, for instance, includes stop times at stop signs.

The following times are not included in the attribute Delay (total):

  • Scheduled stop times of buses and trains at public transport stops
  • Passenger service times
  • Parking times in parking lots

Delay (latent)


Total delay of vehicles that could not be used (immediately).

Total waiting time of vehicles from input flows and parking lots that were not used at their actual start time in the network. This value may also include the waiting time of vehicles that enter the network before the end of the simulation.

The Delay (latent) is recorded for the defined evaluation intervals.

Delay (average)


Average delay per vehicle:

Total delay / (Number of veh in the network + number of veh that have arrived)

Delay stopped (total)


Total standstill time of all vehicles that are in the network or have already arrived.

Standstill time = time in which the vehicle is stationary (speed = 0)

The following times are not included in the attribute Delay stopped (total):

  • Scheduled stop times of buses and trains at public transport stops
  • Parking times, regardless of parking lot type

The attribute does not contain any values in mesoscopic simulation.

Delay stopped (average)


Average standstill time per vehicle:

Total standstill time / (Number of veh in network + number of vehicles that have arrived)

The attribute does not contain any values in mesoscopic simulation.

Distance (total)


Total distance of vehicles traveling forward or backward within the network and of vehicles that have already left the network. Forward and backward driven distance add up.