Saving vehicle record to a file or database

The vehicle record outputs the attribute values for each vehicle as raw data in one row per time step. You can restrict the evaluation to vehicle classes and individual vehicles. Links and vehicle inputs must defined for the network and OD matrices for the dynamic assignment (Modeling links for vehicles and pedestrians), (Modeling vehicle inputs for private transportation), (Modeling traffic demand with origin-destination matrices)

For result attributes that contain data from routes or platooning, the vehicle record displays values for the end of the time step, i.e. for when the vehicle has traversed the marker of a routing decision and/or, if applicable, the lead vehicle of a platoon has left the Vissim network.

The vehicle record includes link data, if for links the attribute vehicle record  has been selected (Attributes of links).

You can output the following data and data formats:


ASCII file

MDB file

Attribute file from attribute list

Aggregated data



Raw data




Tip: You can show many output attributes of the Vehicle record in parallel, also during the simulation, as a result list Vehicles In Network (Displaying vehicles in the network in a list).

1.  On the Evaluation menu, click > Configuration > Direct Output tab.

2.  In the Vehicle record row, select the option Write to file.

3.  You can change the time if you wish (Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results to files).

4.  Click the More button.

The Vehicle record window opens.

5.  Make the desired changes:




Simulation resolution of time steps

Including parked vehicles

Only with the add-on module Dynamic Assignment.

 If this option is selected, vehicles in parking lots are also taken into account in the evaluation.


  • All vehicles: takes all vehicles into account in the evaluation
  • Filter by vehicle classes: Takes only the selected vehicle classes into account
  • Filter by sections: takes only the selected sections into account Sections have to be defined (Modeling sections). The level with the section and the level on which vehicles move are the same. The middle of the vehicle's front edge lies outside the section.
  • Filter by vehicle classes: If this option is selected, you can right-click the list and select the vehicles by their number. Only the selected vehicles are taken into account.

Attribute selection

The Attributes button: Opens the window Vehicles In network: Select attributes. You can select attributes for the evaluation (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

For import of the * .fzp file into the Autodesk 3DS MAX plug-in Civil View, the attributes and subattributes in the following table are relevant.

Do not change the default settings specified in the Decimals column and the Format column, if you choose to import these attributes and subattributes.

Relevant attributes and subattributes for Autodesk 3DS MAX plug-in Civil View:


Default value of column

Decimals Format

Simulation second



Coordinates front



Coordinates rear



Vehicle type\Name



if Vehicle type\Name does not exist, Autodesk 3DS MAX Civil View looks for Vehicle type\Number and then Vehicle type:

Vehicle type\Number

0 Default

Vehicle type

0 Default

6.  Confirm with OK.

7.  Start the simulation (Running a simulation).

A *.fzp file is saved.


  • Stops at PT stops and in parking lots are not counted as stops for the Number of stops and Delay time in the vehicle record.
  • You can filter and record the data of all vehicles to determine the total values of delays or travel time in the network. This is the maximum per vehicle before leaving the network. At the same time, the data of the vehicles that remain after the simulation in the network must be recorded.
Result of vehicle record evaluation

A vehicle record *.fzp may contain the following data:




Path and name of network file


Comment on simulation


Time of evaluation

PTV Vissim

Version number, service pack number, build number

Table Vehicles In network (Displaying vehicles in the network in a list)

Column names

Column headers and units

Data block

One row each with the number of the vehicle for each simulation step and the attribute values

The columns correspond to the sequence of the attributes in the selection.

The corresponding add-on module must be installed for some of the listed attributes so that correct values can be recorded, for example, the add-on module Dynamic Assignment.



Your selection of attributes determines which attribute values are included. You may also display these result attributes in the Vehicles In Network list (Displaying vehicles in the network in a list).

Vehicle record example: file *.fzp
* File: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Vissim 2025\Examples Demo\
3D - Complex Intersection Karlsruhe.DE\Karlsruhe 3D.inpx
* Comment:
* Date:    03.01.2024 12:23:33
* Application: PTV Vissim 2025.00-00* [238187]
*Table: Vehicles In Network
* SIMSEC: SimSec, simulation second (simulation time [s]) [s]
* NO: No, number (unique vehicle number)
* LANE\LINK\NO: lane\link\no., lane\link\number (unique number of the 
* LANE\INDEX: lane\index, lane\index (unique number of the lane)
* POS: Pos, position (distance on the link from the start point of the link or 
connector) [m]
* POSLAT: PosLat, Position (lateral) (lateral position at the end of the time step.
Value range 0-1:  0: at the edge of the right lane  0.5: in the middle of the lane
1: at the edge of the left lane)
* SimSec;No;Ln\Link\No;Ln\Index;Pos;PosLat
* Simulation second;Number;Lanes\Link\Number;Lanes\Index;Position;
  Position (lateral)