Using vehicle classes
You can group vehicle types into vehicle classes. A vehicle class may contain any number of vehicle types. Vehicle classes provide the basis for speed data, evaluations, path selection behavior and other network objects. Per default, a vehicle class contains a vehicle type of the same name. You may assign a vehicle type to several vehicle classes. A vehicle class is, for example, used to obtain data for specific vehicle types or to recognize and distinguish them based on their color during simulation.
Vehicles with different technical driving properties must belong to different vehicle types. Group vehicle types to a vehicle class in the following cases:
- If for these vehicles you still want to define the same properties, for example route choice behavior.
- If you wish to collect aggregated data.
If vehicles with the same technical driving properties only differ in shape or color, they vehicles can still be assigned to the same vehicle type. To be able to distinguish between individual vehicles, for this vehicle type, select a suitable 2D/3D model distribution and color distribution.
Superordinate topic:
Managing vehicle types, vehicle classes and vehicle categories
Information on editing:
Editing static data of a vehicle type
Editing functions and distributions of a vehicle type
Editing specific vehicle type data
Setting cost coefficients and destination parking lot selection for vehicle type
Defining route guidance as equipment for vehicle type
Specifying duration of boarding and alighting for a PT vehicle type
Configuring emission calculation for a vehicle type