Checking and repairing routes
When you split or delete links and connectors that run across routes, these routes are disconnected. Even if you then insert new links or connectors there, these routes remain disconnected. You can have disconnected routes repaired by Vissim.
1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.
2. Right-click in the Network editor.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Check and repair all routes.
Vissim will find new routes for disconnected routes. These may run via the added or other links and connectors in the network.
Superordinate topic:
Modeling vehicle routing decision, vehicle routes and partial vehicle routes
Related topics:
Placing the routing decision and the mode of action in the simulation
Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions
Attributes of parking routing decisions
Attributes of static vehicle routes
Attributes of managed lanes routing decisions
Attributes of managed lane routes
Attributes of route closure decisions