Evaluating pedestrian areas with area measurements

You can define or generate area measurements that record data of pedestrian areas with sections. You can display and store result attributes in evaluations and lists. To allow an area measurement to record data, the following conditions must be satisfied:

On a ramp, you can collect data from an area measurement with a section. To do so, in the Additional Level ( AddLvl ) attribute of the section, you must select the level leading to the ramp (Attributes of sections).

By default, the data for all pedestrian classes is entered together. You can also show the data for certain pedestrian classes separately in the evaluation (Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists).

Saving results of area measurements

Output data and formats

You can save the following data and data formats:

Output ASCII file MDB table

Attribute file from attribute list

Area measurements

Aggregated data



Raw data




Attributes of aggregated data output

You can display result attributes in the Area Measurement Results list.

Maximum, minimum, average all refer to time interval values.

Result attribute Long name

Short name


Number of pedestrians (maximum), (minimum), (average)

NumPedsMax, NumPedsMin, NumPedsAvg

maximum, minimum number of vehicles in sections, average number in sections

Number of stops


Number of stops during the evaluation interval. A pedestrian counts as standing still if his speed is less than 0.2 m/s.

Leave time maximum), (minimum), (average)

tLeavMax, tLeavMin, tLeavAvg first, last, and average point in time all pedestrians leave the sections [simulation second]

Orientation x


Average of the x component of the orientation vectors

Orientation y


Average of the y component of the orientation vectors

Walk-out count


Number of pedestrians who have left sections This does not include passengers boarding PT vehicles.

Density (maximum), (minimum), (average)

DensMax, DensMin, DensAvg

Pedestrian density in sections

Density experienced (maximum), (minimum), (average) DensityExp Pedestrian density experienced within the perception radius of a pedestrian. The count of pedestrians within the personal surrounding radius of a pedestrian excludes the pedestrian itself.

Calculated based on the pedestrian movements within the current time step. Therefore, it does not have a value in the first time step. Does not take into account pedestrians in the time step who are deleted at the end of this time step.

Entry time (maximum), (minimum), (average) tEntMax, tEntMin, tEntAvg first, last, and average point in time all pedestrians reach the sections [simulation second]
Walk-in count WalkInCnt Number of pedestrians walking in the sections. Pedestrians from inputs and pedestrians alighting from PT vehicles are not counted.
Area measurements AreaMeasurement Name and number of area measurement

Total distance (maximum), (minimum), (average)

TotDistMax, TotDistMin,TotDistAvg

maximum, minimum and average total distance traveled in sections of all pedestrians who have left the sections during the aggregation interval

Total time gain (average)


average total time gain in sections for pedestrians who have left the sections during the aggregation interval

Total delay (maximum), (minimum), (average)

TotDelayMax, TotDelayMin, TotDelayAvg

maximum, minimum and average total time delay in sections for pedestrians who have left the sections during the aggregation interval The total time delay refers to the sum of different time delays, for example waiting time at signal controller or obstruction due to other pedestrians.

Total dwell time (maximum), (minimum), (average)

TotDwlTmMax, TotDwlTmMin, TotDwlTmAvg

maximum, minimum and average total dwell time in sections of all pedestrians who have left the sections during the aggregation interval The total dwell time refers to the sum of different dwell times, for example waiting time at signal controller or travel time.

Speed (maximum), (minimum), (average)

SpeedMax, SpeedMin, SpeedAvg

maximum, minimum and average speed

Speed x-component (maximum), (minimum), (average)

SpeedXMax, SpeedXMin, SpeedXAvg

maximum, minimum, and average speed of x-component of speed vector

Speed y-component (maximum), (minimum), (average)

SpeedYMax, SpeedYMin, SpeedYAvg

maximum, minimum, and average speed of y-component of speed vector

Speed deviation (average)


average deviation of pedestrian speeds

Speed variance


Vectorial speed differences of all pedestrians within the personal environment radius of their own speed (Selecting network settings for pedestrian behavior)

Nearest neighbor distance (maximum), (minimum), (average)

NearNeighbDistMax, NearNeighbDistMin, NearNeighbDistAvg

Maximum, minimum and average distance to the center of the pedestrian to which the distance is lowest.

Source quantity


Number of pedestrians walking in the sections. This also includes pedestrians from inputs and pedestrians alighting from PT vehicles.

Stop delay (total)

StopDelay Tot

Total standstill time of pedestrians during the evaluation interval. A pedestrian counts as standing still if his speed is less than 0.2 m/s

Desired speed (average)


average desired speed of all pedestrians

World coordinate x (maximum), (minimum), (average)

WorldXMax, WorldXMin WorldXAvg,

maximum, minimum and average world coordinate x

World coordinate y (maximum), (minimum), (average)

WorldYMax, WorldYMin, WorldYAvg

maximum, minimum and average world coordinate y

World coordinate z (maximum), (minimum), (average)

WorldZMax, WorldZMin, WorldZAvg

maximum, minimum and average world coordinate z

Time interval TimeInt

Duration of the evaluation intervals in which the data is aggregated

Destination count DestCnt

Number of pedestrians that will not be leaving the sections, e.g. because their route ends in one of them or they are alighting a PT vehicle.

Output file of pedestrian area result

Structure of the output file *.merP:



Measurement area (raw data)

File title


Path and name of network file


Optional comment from the simulation parameters


Time of evaluation

PTV Vissim

Version number, service pack number, build number

List List of evaluated areas

Column names

Column headers and units

Data block

Data block with measurement data




Number of section


Time pedestrian entered the section [simulation second]


Time pedestrian left the section [simulation second]


Pedestrian number


Pedestrian type


Dwell time [s] pedestrians spent in section


Desired speed in the currently selected unit for the speed: average, minimum and maximum


Speed in the currently selected unit for the speed: average, minimum and maximum


Deviation of pedestrian speed in the currently selected unit for the speed


Pedestrian density in the sections [ped/m²] or [ped/ft²], depending on the unit set for short distances


Average of x values of orientation vector


Average of y values of orientation vector




World coordinate X

World coordinate Y

World coordinate Z


Time gain [s]: Total time gain is determined based on the delay time. The total time gain is determined only if the pedestrian is faster than desired.


Time delay [s]: Total time delay is determined from the "time lost" per time step. This is determined from the difference between actual speed and desired speed if the pedestrian is slower than desired.

Delays through using a detour are not taken into account in the delay.


Distance traveled so far in the sections, in the current unit set for short distances


Total distance traveled so far in the network in currently selected unit for short distances

Example of raw data *.merP

The data blocks below the file header contain the area results and all column identifiers.

Area Measurement (raw data)
File:    C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\PTV Vision\PTV Vissim 2025\Examples Demo\KAmerP2013.inpx
Date:    03.01.2024 12:23:33
PTV Vissim 2025.00-00* [238187]
Section No. : Section number
tEnter              : Time at which the pedestrian entered the section
                    [Simulation second]
tLeave              : Time at which the pedestrian left the section
                    [Simulation second]
PedNo       : Pedestrian number
PedType     : Pedestrian type
Dwell time : total time [s] that the pedestrian
                    spent within the sections
vDes        : Desired speed [km/h]
vX          : X component of the speed vector [km/h]
vY          : Y component of the speed vector [km/h]
v           : Speed [km/h]
DevSpeed    : Deviation of pedestrian speed [km/h]
Density     : Pedestrian density in section [ped/m²]
AvgXOri     : Average of x values of orientation vector
AvgYOri     : Average of y values of orientation vector
WorldX      : World coordinate x
WorldY      : World coordinate y
WorldZ      : World coordinate z
TimeDelay   : Time delay [s]
TimeGain    : Time gain [s]
Distance    : Distance [m] the pedestrian
                    covered within the sections
DistNetwork : Distance [m] pedestrian traveled in networt so far
MeasurementAreaNo;      tEnter;       tLeave;   PedNo; PedType;  Dwell time;
                2;       9.0;       28.8;     19;   100;          19.8;
       vDes;   vDes;       vDes;         vX;     vX;     vX;           vY;
Average;   Min;       Max; Average;    Min;    Max;   Average;
       5.1;   5.1;       5.1;        4.8;    0.0;    5.0;         -1.2;
        vY;    vY;          v;         v;      v; DevSpeed;    Density;
       Min;   Max; Average;       Min;    Max;          ;Average;
      -1.3;  -0.0;        4.9;       0.0;    5.1;      0.15;      0.00;
    Density; Density; AvgXOri; AvgYOri;   WorldX;    WorldX;     WorldX;
       Min;    Max;                    Average;      Min;       Max;
      0.00;   0.00;    0.9703;   -0.2413; -1178.1;   0.9703;   -0.2413;
     WorldY;  WorldY;     WorldY;     WorldZ;   WorldZ;    WorldZ;Time delay;
Average;    Min;       Max;Average;     Min;      Max;           ;
     115.3;  111.9;     118.6;       0.0;     0.0;      0.0;        0.6;
TimeGain;        TravDist;     DistNetwork;
       0.0;              27.5;               27.5;