Toll pricing and defining managed lanes
You can define managed lanes in the Managed Lanes Facilities list (Defining managed lane facilities). You may assign each managed lane the following objects:
- A decision model with the attributes cost coefficient, time coefficient and base utility. In doing so, you can distinguish between individual vehicle classes. The decision model determines the probability of a vehicle actually using the managed lane (Defining decision model for managed lane facilities).
- Toll pricing calculation models for each time interval with pricing models Based on the number of occupants, the toll pricing model determines the toll, travel time saving and average speed (Defining toll pricing calculation models).
On the desired link sequence, you define the vehicle routes Managed and General purpose of the type Managed Lanes (Defining a vehicle route of the type managed lane). In the Managed Lanes Routing Decisions list, assign the Managed lanes routing decision of this vehicle route the managed lanes facility of your choice (Attributes of managed lanes routing decisions).
Toll pricing is not taken into account during dynamic assignment.
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Defining link behavior types for links and connectors
Defining managed lane facilities
Defining decision model for managed lane facilities
Related topics:
Example: Using the decision model to calculate a managed lane