Exporting network files and corresponding files to model archive

Note: This function is not available in all Vissim versions.

You can pack and save the network file and all relevant files to an archive file <Name network file>.zip. This allows you, for example, to conveniently share files for unpacking and use in a Vissim instance on another computer or with PTV GROUP technical support. You can also use the model archive to archive a current version of the files, such as the paths or matrices used in the simulation.

1.  On the File menu, click > Export > Model archive (zip).

The Export to model archive window opens. Vissim enters path, file name and data type by default. You can change these details.

2.  Click the Save button.

Vissim compiles the relevant files and stores them in the model archive. When doing so, Vissim receives relative directory structures and adopts them into the model archive. Absolute path specifications are replaced.

If Vissim has to save files with identical names from different directories into one directory of the *.zip model archive, Vissim will add file names according to the following scheme and rename them accordingly _1, _2, ...

Vissim saves the following files, if available:

  • Network file *.inpx
  • Layout file *.layx
  • If files are available for the following functions and modules, PTV GROUP will create directories in the *.zip model archive and store the files there:
  • Display: 3D model files, graphic files for backgrounds, textures, logo
  • Signal control: for example program file, DLL file, supply files, WTT file
  • External driver model: DriverModel.dll, parameter file
  • Calculation of emissions: External emission model
  • Dynamic assignment: trip chain file *.fkt, path file *.weg, cost file *.bew
  • Script files
  • Detector: Audio file
  • Fire event: *.fds file, *.q file
  • ANM import: files *.panm, *.panmroutes
  • Scenario management: the currently opened base network or scenario

Vissim saves the files in the model archive sorted into directories. The names of these directories are English. This ensures reusability in other instances, if a different language is selected there.

Superordinate topic:

Exporting data