Modeling pedestrian routing decisions, pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routes
The static pedestrian route takes pedestrians from one area, via other areas and ramps if necessary, to an area where the destination of the pedestrian route is located (Properties of static pedestrian routes and pedestrian routing decisions). Use partial pedestrian routes to distribute pedestrians locally from one area to other areas or ramps (Properties of partial pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routing decisions).
The definition and editing of pedestrian routing decisions, static pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routes is mostly similar to that for vehicles (Modeling vehicle routing decision, vehicle routes and partial vehicle routes).
Static pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routes are edited identically in the network editor. Therefore, descriptions relating to routing decisions and pedestrian routes will always refer to both types, unless explicit distinction is made between static pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routes in the following sections.
For editing and inserting, choose Pedestrian route (static) or Pedestrian route (partial route) from the network object bar (Defining static pedestrian routes), (Defining partial pedestrian routing decisions).
Start, course and end of the pedestrian route
A pedestrian route is a defined sequence of areas and ramps:
- The pedestrian route begins at its first route location, the pedestrian routing decision. This must be located in an area and is represented by a red circle by default. Several pedestrian routes to different destinations can also start at the pedestrian routing decision. These destinations can be located in different areas.
- The pedestrian route ends at its last route location, which is called the destination. The destination can be located in an area or on a ramp and is represented by a turquoise circle by default.
If a pedestrian has reached his destination area and the area does not contain any additional routing decisions he can use, he is removed from the simulation.
- All other route locations on a pedestrian route are intermediate destinations. They can be located as intermediate points in an area or a ramp .
Delete routing decisions removes associated routes
If you delete a routing decision, the associated pedestrian routes are deleted.
Superordinate topic:
Modeling pedestrian demand and routing of pedestrians
Information on editing:
Defining static pedestrian routes
Adding route locations for selected static routes
Adding route locations for selected partial pedestrian routes
Route choice method using the Travel time criterion
Route choice method using the Quantity criterion
Route choice method using the Density criterion
Defining partial pedestrian routing decisions
Modeling the course of pedestrian routes using intermediate points
Related topics:
Properties of static pedestrian routes and pedestrian routing decisions
Properties of partial pedestrian routes and partial pedestrian routing decisions
Route choice method for partial pedestrian routes
Use cases for static partial routes of pedestrians
Attributes of pedestrian route locations
Attributes of static routing decisions for pedestrian routes
Attributes of static pedestrian routes