Edit timing data entries

You can sort, add or delete table columns. You can edit the signal timing data entries in the tables.

Only items selected within the Tree view will be shown in the tables of the area on the right hand side.

Sort, add or delete column

1.  In the tables area scroll to the desired table.

2.  Next to the table title, click .

3.  Click the desired entry:

Sort <item name>


Delete <item name>

Displays in the columns headers.

1.  Click on the columns you want to delete.

2.  Click Close.

Add <item name>

Inserts a new column on the right-hand side.

Tip: Alternatively, you can click to the right of the table header.

When the maximum permitted number of columns is reached, the menu command and button are displayed deactivated.

Edit the signal timing data entries

1.  In the tables area scroll to the desired table.

2.  Click into the desired field.

Depending on the data format, the following editing options are available:

Editing option


Text input field

SG Name



Value input field

Max Green 1

Selection List Pattern Settings > Permissive Mode: Single Band/Multi Band

Time input field hh:mm:ss

Schedule > Pattern Start Time