Showing reference points

You can define a point in the live map as a reference point and assign it to the corresponding coordinate of Vissim (Mapping Vissim network to background position). The coordinates of both reference points are shown in the network settings.

1.  On the Base Data menu, click > Network Settings.

2.  Select the Display tab.

The coordinates are shown in the Background maps area. The entry No map assignment defined is displayed, when in the Network editor, no network object has been inserted.

Element Description

Reference point in map

The coordinates specify the location of the Vissimnetwork geocoded on the background map. The Reference point in network is assigned to the Reference point in map. This means the two reference points overlap.

The coordinates of the reference point in the map are Mercator coordinates. They refer to the point of intersection of the Equator and the international prime meridian. The intersection has the coordinates 0.000 (x, horizontal), 0.000 (y, vertical).

Reference point in network

The coordinates specify where the Vissimnetwork is anchored to the reference point on the background map. The coordinates 0.000, 0.000 indicate that the reference point in the network lies precisely on the reference point in the map.

The Vissimnetwork is based on Cartesian coordinates, whereas the background map is based on Mercator coordinates. This why with increasing distance from the reference point in the network, deviations occur between the Vissimnetwork and the background map. However, there are no area distortions between the Vissim network and the background map where the reference point in the network and the reference point in the map overlap.

For the Mercator coordinates of the background map, Vissim internally uses a PTV Mercator projection (which is based on the spherical Mercator projection ESRI:53004). This differs from the Web Mercator projection used by services such as Google Maps and Bing Maps. Although both projections function similarly, they are based on different assumptions about the Earth's radius.

Converting Vissimcoordinates into decimal degrees

You can convert Vissimcoordinates into decimal degrees.

You can find programs for the conversion of decimal degrees into other coordinate systems on the Internet. Check the results obtained for correctness prior to using the data.

Converting Vissim coordinates to WGS 84 coordinates

An example of how to convert Vissim coordinates to WGS 84 coordinates can be found in your Vissim installation at:

..\Examples Training\\Evaluation\WGS Coordinates.UDA

Superordinate topic:

Selecting network settings