3-D network view Using the 3-D network view |
copying graphic parameters selected for Network editor Copying graphic parameters of the Network editor window |
displaying prisms Displaying prisms |
opening Opening the 3-D network view |
saving Saving the 3-D network view |
setting the camera position Opening and saving camera positions |
synchronize Synchronizing 3-D network view with other windows |
3D flight mode Flight over the network |
activities Managing activities (ABM) |
activity executions Managing activity executions |
activity locations Managing activity locations |
Comparison with macro models Comparison of macroscopic and activity-based demand models |
households Managing households |
locations Managing locations |
managing objects Managing objects of activity-based models |
model Activity-based model (ABM) |
persons Managing persons |
schedules Managing schedules |
structure Structure of the activity-based model |
tours Managing tours |
trips Managing trips |
ABM model |
demand objects Demand objects of the activity-based model |
Abstract network model ANM interface |
exporting subnetwork Exporting subnetworks via ANM interface |
notes on imported data Description of the data generated by an ANM import |
Activities Modeling demand, Managing activities, activity pairs and activity chains, Activities, activity pairs, activity chains, Transport demand model |
attributes (EVA) EVA data model |
creating Creating demand objects |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
properties and options Properties and options of activities |
Activity-based model (ABM) Activity-based model (ABM) |
Activity chains Tour-based model, Managing activities, activity pairs and activity chains, Activities, activity pairs, activity chains, Tour-based model - Trip generation |
creating Creating an activity chain |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
properties and options Properties and options of activity chains |
Activity executions |
displaying Displaying activity executions |
labeling Displaying labels for trips and activity executions |
properties and options Properties and options of activity executions |
Activity locations |
properties and options Properties and options of activity locations |
Activity pairs Managing activities, activity pairs and activity chains, Activities, activity pairs, activity chains, Transport demand model |
attributes (EVA) EVA data model |
creating Creating demand objects |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
for selected activities |
creating automatically Creating an activity pair |
properties and options Properties and options of activity pairs |
Activity profiles Activity profiles |
Activity protocol Using protocol files, Adding a comment to the activity protocol, Examples: Protocol files |
ActivitySim interface ActivitySim interface |
Add-ins |
adjusting parameters Adjusting Add-in parameters |
embedding Embedding add-ins automatically via a project directory |
Add-on programs Combined add-on programs |
Add-ons Add-ons |
enabling or disabling Enabling or disabling add-ons |
Adjusting the junction editor view Editing the display of the geometry view |
Adjusting the transfers display of regular services Adjusting the transfers display of regular services |
Air pollution emissions Air pollution emissions |
calculating Calculating air pollution emissions |
displaying Graphic display of air pollution emissions, Displaying air pollution emissions, List output of air pollution emissions |
saving Saving air pollution emissions |
setting parameters Setting environmental impact parameters |
Akcelik (VD function) Predefined VD functions |
Allocating crosswalks Editing signal times |
Analysis |
analysis horizon Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
analysis period Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
specifying Setting the analysis period and analysis time intervals |
analysis periods Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
analysis time intervals Temporal distinction with analysis time intervals, Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
specifying Setting the analysis period and analysis time intervals |
Analysis time interval sets |
managing Managing time interval sets |
Analysis time intervals |
managing Managing time interval sets |
ANM export |
checking the network for suitability Checking the network |
Annual calendar Calendar |
Applying hierarchical filters Working with hierarchical filters |
Assessment types EVA trip distribution and mode choice, Calculating EVA weighting |
Assignment |
bicycle traffic |
steps Steps of the bicycle assignment |
Assignment analysis Analyzing the assignment quality |
PrT Assignment analysis PrT |
PuT Assignment analysis PuT |
Assignment matrices Creating a matrix calculated from a formula, Using calculated matrices |
saving as formula matrices Saving flow bundle matrices and assignment matrices automatically as formula matrices |
Assignment quality Convergence criteria of assignment quality |
Assignment time period Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
Assignment with ICA |
evaluation Evaluation of the Assignment with ICA |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of assignment with ICA |
Assignments Multimodal user model, User model PrT, Multimodal assignment |
bicycle traffic Bicycle assignment |
deleting results Deleting PrT/PuT assignment results |
demand segments Demand segments |
distribution models Distribution models in the assignment |
multimodal assignment procedure Settings for the Multimodal user model |
multimodal assignments Multimodal assignment |
PrT assignment procedures Setting and calculating the parameters for PrT assignment, User model PrT |
PuT assignment procedure User model PuT, Settings for the PuT user model |
PuT assignment procedures |
tour planning Creating trip requests during the procedure sequence, Executing tour planning in the procedure sequence |
Attraction Editing the demand of EVA-P demand strata, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, Editing the demand of Standard 4-step demand strata |
Attractions Trip generation |
Attribute files Attribute interface |
reading Reading an attribute file |
saving from lists Saving a list as an attribute file |
Attribute.xls The Attribute.xls file |
Attributes Managing attributes, The Attribute.xls file |
accessing attributes Accessing attributes |
activities Properties and options of activities |
activity chains Properties and options of activity chains |
activity executions Properties and options of activity executions |
activity locations Properties and options of activity locations |
activity pairs Properties and options of activity pairs |
aggregation functions Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys |
alias definition Specifying an alias for attribute names |
block versions Attributes of line block versions |
connectors Connectors: General attributes, Connectors: Basis tab, Properties and options of connectors |
copy Duplicating attributes |
copying attribute ID Selection of attributes |
count locations Properties and options of count locations |
decimal places Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys |
demand models Properties and options of demand models |
demand segments Editing the attribute values of demand segments, Properties and options of demand segments |
demand strata Properties and options of demand strata |
demand time series Creating demand time series |
Description of all attributes See Attribute.xls |
detectors Detectors: Nodes tab, Detectors: Basis tab, Detectors: Count location tab, Detectors: General attributes, Properties and options of detectors |
direct Direct attributes |
displaying short or long names Displaying short names or long names of attributes |
DUE Resetting DUE attributes to the default values |
duplicate Duplicating attributes |
duplicate in selection window Selection of attributes |
editing Editing attribute values of network objects |
editing display settings Editing the display properties of attributes |
editing user-defined attributes Editing attribute values of user-defined attributes |
exporting Exporting attributes to a database |
households Properties and options of households |
indirect Indirect attributes |
line blocks Properties and options of line blocks |
lines Properties and options of lines |
links Properties and options of links |
locations Properties and options of locations |
main lines Properties and options of main lines |
main nodes Properties and options of main nodes |
main zones Main zones: Basis tab, Properties and options of main zones |
managing Managing attributes |
matrices Showing and editing matrix attribute values |
modes Properties and options of modes, Editing the attribute values of modes |
nodes Properties and options of nodes |
operating periods Properties and options of operating periods |
output attributes The attribute value zero |
path sets Properties and options of path sets |
person groups Properties and options of person groups |
POIs Properties and options of POIs |
presetting the analysis time slot Preselection filter of the analysis period |
PrT paths Properties and options of PrT paths |
reading Reading an attribute file |
relation types and aggregation functions of indirect attributes Indirect attributes: relation types and aggregation functions |
saving Saving a list as an attribute file |
schedules Properties and options of schedules |
screenlines Properties and options of screenlines, Screenlines: Link attributes tab |
sectors Properties and options of sectors |
selecting one attribute Selection of attributes |
selecting several Selection of attributes |
Sharing stations Sharing station: General attributes |
signal coordination groups Properties and options of signal coordination groups |
standard sorting Specifying settings for the attribute selection windows |
stop areas Properties and options of stop areas |
stop points Properties and options of stop points |
stops Properties and options of stops, Stops: General attributes |
structural properties Properties and options of structural properties |
system routes System routes: Basis tab, Properties and options of system routes, System routes: General attributes |
territories Properties and options of territories, Territories: General attributes, Territories: Basis tab |
time-varying Time-varying attributes, Managing time-varying attributes |
creating Creating time-varying attributes |
edit in junction editor Editing time-varying attributes in the junction editor |
editing Deleting time-varying attribute data |
editing data Entering and editing time-varying data for time-varying attributes |
managing Managing time-varying attributes |
time-varying user-defined |
editing Editing time-varying user-defined attributes |
toll systems Properties and options of restricted traffic areas |
tours Properties and options of tours |
Tours Properties and options of trips |
transport systems (TSys) Properties and options of transport systems |
user-defined Managing user-defined attributes, User-defined attributes |
copying Copying user-defined attributes via the clipboard |
creating Creating a user-defined attribute, Generating user-defined attributes when reading attributes |
creating while reading Generating user-defined attributes when reading attributes |
deleting Deleting user-defined attributes |
duplicating Duplicating user-defined attributes |
editing Editing a user-defined attribute |
formula attributes Creating a user-defined attribute |
managing Managing user-defined attributes |
tabular timetable Editing the values of vehicle journey attributes |
vacation days Properties and options of vacation days |
valid days Properties and options of valid days |
vehicle combinations Properties and options of vehicle combinations |
vehicle units Properties and options of vehicle units |
zones Properties and options of zones |
Attributes.xls Managing attributes, Direct attributes |
Average Excess Cost AEC (PrT assignment quality) Convergence criteria of assignment quality |
Background formats Supported background file formats |
Background map |
dynamically embed Dynamically embedding background maps provided on the Internet |
statically embed Statically embedding background maps provided on the Internet |
Background maps |
show in the Junction editor Displaying background maps in the Junction editor |
Backgrounds Backgrounds, Using backgrounds in the network display |
automatic positioning Automatic positioning of the background in the network with World files |
by Bing Maps Backgrounds by Bing Maps |
creating Creating a background from a file |
deleting Deleting backgrounds |
dynamically embed |
from the Internet Dynamic background map |
editing Editing a background |
editing the drawing order Editing the drawing order of backgrounds |
from Shapefile Editing backgrounds of the type shape |
from the Internet Inserting background images of map services provided on the Internet |
hiding/showing Showing and hiding backgrounds |
manual editing Editing a background manually |
measuring links Measuring links with the scale |
saving Saving a background |
Search locations Searching locations in background maps |
statically embed |
from the Internet Statically embedding background images by map providers |
tie points Setting a tie point |
Balance/Epics |
checking the network for suitability Checking the network |
Bar display Bars |
Bar labels |
rotate with the mouse Rotating labels of link bars |
rotating Rotating labels of link bars |
Bars |
displaying Displaying properties via bars, Displaying turns, main turns, and turn volumes |
Best-route assignment Incremental assignment |
Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe Equilibrium assignment Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe |
BFW procedure The procedure of Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe |
Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe |
calculate in combination with ICA Combining BFW with the node impedance calculation ICA |
Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe (BFW) Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe (BFW) |
Block check |
running Performing the line block check |
Block day |
deleting Deleting a block day |
Block display |
editing line blocks Editing block versions and line blocks |
Block item types Block item and block item type |
creating Creating a block item type |
deleting Deleting a block item type |
editing Editing a block item type |
managing Managing line block item types |
Block versions |
attributes and options Attributes of line block versions |
block item types Managing line block item types |
check coverage Checking the coverage |
creating Creating a line block version |
editing Editing block versions and line blocks, Editing a block version, Joining line block versions |
Block view Displaying line blocks in the block view |
graphic parameters Setting the graphic parameters of the Line block editor |
Blocking back model General notes on the blocking back model, Blocking back model, Blocking back model settings and calculation |
Boundary |
deleting faces Deleting faces |
deleting polygon points Deleting polygon points, Shifting faces |
shifting polygon points Shifting polygon points |
Bounding Connection search using Branch and Bound |
Box-Cox model The Box-Cox model in the assignment |
BPR (VD function) Predefined VD functions |
Branch and bound Timetable-based assignment: Search page |
Branch and Bound Connection search using Branch and Bound |
Buffer Buffers |
C-Logit approach Similarity of routes and commonality factor |
Calculate skim matrix (procedure) PrT skims |
Calculated results |
temporal distinction Spatial distinction with territories |
Calculating |
PuT skim matrices Calculating PuT skims |
Calculating PrT skim matrices Calculating PrT skims |
Calculation results |
temporal distinction Temporal distinction with analysis time intervals |
Calendar Calendar, The line hierarchy |
selecting Selecting a calendar |
Calendar period Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
Capacities |
adjusting to demand values Adjustment of the capacities to the demand values |
Cascetta Similarity of routes and commonality factor |
Chained up vehicle journey sections Managing chained up vehicle journey sections |
creating Creating chained up vehicle journey sections |
deleting Deleting chained up vehicle journey sections |
editing Editing chained up vehicle journey sections |
finding invalid ones Checking the network |
Changing attribute values |
links Editing the attribute values of links |
Changing the language of the graphical user interface Setting the language |
Charts |
column charts Column charts, Labeling with charts |
pie charts Labeling with charts |
Check auto link orientation Checking the network |
Check coverage |
of block versions Checking the coverage |
Check network consistency Checking the network |
Checking controllers Checking Vissig controllers |
Checking suitability for ICA Checking the network |
Choice models |
with independence Independence of connections |
Circle lines Network objects of the line hierarchy |
Cold start excess emissions |
calculation according to HBEFA Basis for calculating cold start excess emissions |
Column charts Creating column charts, Column charts |
displaying Displaying column charts |
example Displaying column charts |
exporting Exporting a column chart |
Command line parameters Specifying command line parameters for the start of Visum |
Commonality factor Similarity of routes and commonality factor |
Compare current network with version file Showing differences between the current network and a version file |
Comparison of macroscopic and activity-based demand models Comparison of macroscopic and activity-based demand models |
Comparison of run and dwell times Editing a time profile |
Comparison pattern Comparing scenarios |
Comparison patterns Creating comparison patterns |
Configuration file Starting Visum with different settings |
example Changes to settings in the configuration file |
Conflicts |
specifying display Setting the display of conflicts |
Conical (VD function) Predefined VD functions |
Conical marginal (VD function) Predefined VD functions |
Connecting activity pairs and standard time series Connecting activity pairs and standard time series |
Connecting edges to desired stops Setting the layout for schematic line diagrams |
Connecting journeys and transfer flows |
displaying Displaying connections and transfer flows at stops |
Connecting journeys window Displaying reached and missed connecting journeys |
Connection choice |
timetable-based assignment Connection choice |
Connection search Connection search |
Connections |
exporting Timetable-based assignment: Connection export page |
importing Importing connections |
independence (timetable-based assignment) Independence of connections |
saving Settings for saving PrT assignment results |
skims Skims of time |
Connectors Managing connectors, Connectors |
allocating VD functions Allocating a VDF to proportional connectors without MPA |
copying attribute values Copying the attribute values of a connector to the opposite direction |
creating Creating a connector |
deleting Deleting connectors |
destination connector Connectors |
displaying bars Displaying properties via bars |
distributing traffic demand |
PrT Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors |
distributing travel demand |
PrT Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors |
PuT Distribution of the travel demand to PuT connectors, Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors |
distribution of demand Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors, Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors, Distributing the demand to PrT connectors |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of connectors |
generating Generating connectors |
impedances The impedance of a PrT route |
marking Selecting connectors, Setting active/passive connectors |
Multi Point Assignment (MPA) Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors, Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors |
origin connector Connectors |
properties and options Connectors: General attributes, Connectors: Basis tab, Properties and options of connectors |
selecting transport systems Connectors: Transport systems tab |
setting default values Specifying default values for connectors |
Connectors selecting Selecting connectors, Setting active/passive connectors |
Constant from time profile attribute (headway calculation) Headway calculation |
Constraints Tour-based model, EVA trip generation |
Control types at node Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA) |
Convergence |
number of non-converging objects Limiting the number of non-converged network objects logged to the log file |
Convergence criteria Viewing convergence criteria and convergence speed |
Converting RBC controls into Vissig controls Converting an RBC control into a Vissig control |
Coordinate systems Coordinate systems |
switching Selecting a coordinate system |
Coordination groups Function of coordination groups |
for headway-based assignment Creating a coordination group |
Copying attribute values Copying the attribute values of a connector to the opposite direction |
Copying the classification of profiles Copying a classification between temporal distribution and detail view |
Cordon links Main nodes |
editing Effects of cordon link changes |
Cordon nodes |
toll system Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area |
Cost (PuT) Calculation of operating costs and fare gains (revenues) |
Cost model |
of PuT Creating a cost model |
Costs (PuT) |
infrastructure Infrastructure costs |
vehicle-bound Vehicle-bound costs |
Count data Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys |
Count locations Managing count locations, Count locations and detectors |
creating Creating a count location |
deleting Deleting count locations |
editing attribute values Editing attribute values of count locations |
marking Marking count locations, Setting count locations active/passive |
moving Moving a count location |
properties and options Properties and options of count locations |
selecting Selecting count locations, Setting count locations active/passive |
setting polygon allocation Setting the polygon allocation of count locations |
Country |
regional information on the start page Using the start page |
Coupling of vehicle journeys Coupling of vehicle journeys |
Couplings |
create automatically Coupling vehicle journeys automatically |
finding inconsistent couplings Checking the network |
Create trip matrices |
tour-based freight model Creating trip matrices for the tour-based freight model |
Creating |
an operator Creating an operator |
Creating circle lines Creating a circle line |
Creating locations from POIs Converting POIs into other polygonal network objects or locations |
Creating trip requests Creating trip requests |
Crosswalks Geometries |
creating Creating crosswalks |
editing attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
Customizing the Network window Network window |
Cycle and split optimization Optimizing signal cycle and split times |
Cycle time optimization Signal time optimization |
Data |
exporting Using interfaces for data exchange |
importing Using interfaces for data exchange |
Data model The Attribute.xls file |
Data Transfer tool Using the Data Transfer Tool |
Database export |
Access Exporting Visum data to an Access database |
SQL Exporting Visum data to an SQL database |
SQLite Exporting Visum data to an SQLite database |
Database import |
Access Importing an Access database |
SQL Importing an SQL database |
SQLite Importing an SQLite database |
Decimal places Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys, Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys |
Default setting Selecting the direction of traffic |
Defining constraints Defining constraints |
Defining user-defined tables Creating a table definition |
Delay analysis |
timetable-based assignment Example of delay analysis |
Delays |
analyzing Timetable-based assignment: Risk of delay page |
Delete assignment results Deleting PrT/PuT assignment results |
Deleting |
activities Deleting activities |
demand strata Deleting demand strata |
person groups Deleting person groups |
Deleting activity chains Deleting activity chains |
Deleting activity pairs Deleting activity pairs |
Deleting boundaries |
main zones Deleting the boundaries of several main zones |
POIs Deleting the boundaries of several POIs |
polygonal network objects Deleting boundaries |
territories Deleting the boundaries of several territories |
toll systems Deleting the boundaries of multiple restricted traffic areas |
zones Deleting the boundaries of several zones |
deleting intermediate points of links Deleting intermediate points of links |
Deleting trip requests Deleting trip requests |
Delivery concepts Manage sectors and delivery concepts |
creating Creating demand objects |
deleting Deleting delivery concepts |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
properties and options Properties and options of delivery concepts |
deltaT |
early Temporal utility of a connection |
late Temporal utility of a connection |
DeltaT Temporal utility of a connection |
Demand |
calculate |
Tour-based freight model Calculating demand with the help of the tour-based freight model |
calculate from path sequences Calculation of demand from path sequences |
calculating |
EVA model for passenger demand Calculating demand with the EVA-P model |
path sequences Calculating demand from path sequences |
Standard 4-step model Calculating demand with the Standard 4-step model |
Tour-based model Calculating demand with the tour-based model (VISEM) |
Demand-based models |
activity chain based Activity chain based model (tour-based model) |
Demand-responsive transport Creating trip requests during the procedure sequence, Executing tour planning in the procedure sequence |
Demand data files |
reading Reading the entire OD demand data file |
reading additively Reading OD demand data additively |
saving Saving demand data |
Demand description Modeling demand |
reading Reading the entire OD demand data file |
reading additively Reading OD demand data additively |
saving Saving demand data |
Demand matrices Showing matrices in the Matrices window, Modeling demand, Creating a matrix calculated from a formula, Transport demand model, Managing matrices, Matrices |
calculated matrices Using calculated matrices |
calibrating (PrT) Calibrating a PrT matrix |
combining with demand segment Connecting demand matrices and demand segments |
updating Updating demand matrices – general information |
updating using 'least squares' Updating demand matrices using the least squares method |
updating using TFlowFuzzy Updating demand matrix with TFlowFuzzy |
Demand model Fundamentals of the program |
Demand model structure Modeling demand, Demand models |
Demand models Managing demand objects, Transport demand model, Demand model, Fundamentals of the program |
ABM model Activity-based model (ABM) |
activity-based Activity-based model (ABM) |
creating Creating a demand model |
deleting Deleting demand models |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
EVA model for passenger demand EVA (passenger demand model), Transport demand model |
Nested demand model Nested demand model |
properties and options Properties and options of demand models |
reading in predefined Importing predefined demand models *.dmd |
standard 4-step model |
sequential calculation 4-step model with sequential calculation |
Standard 4-step model Transport demand model, Standard 4-step model in two variants |
time series Transport demand model |
Tour-based model Transport demand model, Activity chain based model (tour-based model) |
Demand objects Transport demand model, Demand objects |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
Demand objects of the activity-based model Demand objects of the activity-based model |
Demand responsive transport Demand responsive transport |
ride sharing Ride sharing in combination with public transport (first mile / last mile concept), Ride sharing |
demand Tour planning procedure, Demand for ride sharing |
services offered Ride sharing services |
Demand segments Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Demand segments, Demand segments |
Demand segments (DSeg) Managing transport systems, modes and demand segments, Managing demand segments |
adding up volumes Saving volumes by demand segment or additively |
creating Creating a demand segment |
deleting Deleting demand segments |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand segments |
properties and options Editing the attribute values of demand segments, Properties and options of demand segments |
time reference Selecting a time reference for demand segments |
Demand strata Demand strata, Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing demand strata |
attraction Trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation |
attributes (EVA) EVA data model |
create |
automatically Creating a demand stratum, Creating a demand stratum |
creating Creating a demand stratum |
automatically Creating a demand stratum, Creating a demand stratum |
individually Creating demand objects |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
editing the demand |
EVA model for passenger demand Editing the demand of EVA-P demand strata |
Standard 4-step model Editing the demand of Standard 4-step demand strata |
Tour-based model Editing the demand of tour-based demand strata |
home trips EVA trip generation, Tour-based model - Trip generation |
production Trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation |
properties and options Properties and options of demand strata |
sectors and delivery concepts Modeling demand |
Demand time series Creating demand time series |
combining with demand segments Combining demand time series and demand segment |
creating Creating demand time series |
deleting Deleting demand time series |
properties and options Creating demand time series |
Description of all attributes See Attribute.xls |
Desire lines Displaying desire lines, Desire lines |
hiding individual Hiding the display of single desire lines |
Detectors Managing detectors, Count locations and detectors |
at nodes |
creating Creating detectors |
editing attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
creating Creating a detector for a count location |
detectors Deleting detectors |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of a detector, Editing the attribute values of all or all active detectors, Editing the attribute values of marked detectors |
marking Setting active/passive detectors, Marking detectors |
moving Moving a detector |
properties and options Detectors: Nodes tab, Detectors: Basis tab, Detectors: Count location tab, Detectors: General attributes, Properties and options of detectors |
selecting Setting active/passive detectors, Selecting detectors |
Direct assignment Survey data assignment |
Direct assignment of survey data Assignment of survey data |
Display |
2D 2D display |
3-D network view 3-D network view |
Display selected links in the junction editor Editing the display of the geometry view |
Displaying |
isochrones in lists Displaying isochrones in lists |
Displaying bars Displaying bars and adjusting basic settings |
Displaying bars for desire lines Displaying bars for desire lines |
Displaying effective signal groups Managing signal groups |
Displaying license information Displaying details on program and license |
Displaying profiles Displaying profiles |
Displaying program information Displaying details on program and license |
Displaying route courses Displaying route courses |
Displaying route courses in groups Displaying route courses in groups |
Displaying transfer flows PuT connections and transfer flows |
Displaying turn volumes Turn volumes |
Distributed calculation |
calculating procedures Distributed calculation of procedures |
defining compute nodes Specifying compute nodes for procedure calculation |
managing compute nodes Managing compute nodes |
Distributed computing |
requirements Prerequisites for using distributed computing |
Distribution models Distribution models in the assignment |
Box-Cox model The Box-Cox model in the assignment |
Kirchhoff model The Kirchhoff model in the assignment |
Logit model The Logit model in the assignment |
Lohse model The Lohse model in the assignment |
Distribution models_Lohse model |
with variable beta Lohse model with variable beta in the assignment |
DMRB guideline TD 16/93 (roundabouts) Roundabouts according to the TRL/Kimber method |
Documents Documents |
Dominance Connection search using Branch and Bound |
equivalent connections Timetable-based assignment: Search page |
export Saving the graphical timetable to a graphics file, Saving the block view as a graphics file, Saving free actions as a graphics file |
DXF export DXF export |
DXFexport |
transfers display of regular services Exporting the transfers display of regular services as graphics file |
Dynamic equilibrium assignment |
example Example of dynamic user equilibrium |
Dynamic stochastic assignment Dynamic stochastic assignment, Dynamic stochastic assignment |
evaluation Evaluation of dynamic stochastic assignment |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of dynamic stochastic assignment |
procedure The procedure of stochastic assignment, The procedure of dynamic stochastic assignment |
Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE), Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE), Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) |
evaluation Fields of application of dynamic equilibrium assignment |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of dynamic user equilibrium |
e-ticket data |
at system boundaries |
plausibilization Plausibilization of e-ticket data collected at system boundaries |
E-ticket data |
in vehicle |
plausibility check Plausibilization of e-ticket data collected in vehicles |
Edge Tables in the surface model |
Editing attribute values Editing the properties of objects in lists, Editing attribute values of network objects |
activities Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
activity chains Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
activity pairs Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
allocating values Rounding attribute values, Allocating an attribute value to a different attribute |
allocating with source attribute Allocating attribute values by intersecting a source attribute |
as procedure Editing attribute values during a procedure sequence |
connectors Editing the attribute values of connectors |
count locations Editing attribute values of count locations |
delivery concepts Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
demand models Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
demand objects Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
demand strata Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
detectors Editing the attribute values of a detector, Editing the attribute values of all or all active detectors, Editing the attribute values of marked detectors |
exchanging values Exchanging attribute values via the clipboard, Pasting attribute values from the clipboard |
line routes Editing the attribute values of all or all active line routes, Editing the attribute values of marked line routes, Editing the attribute values of line routes |
lines Editing the attribute values of a line, Editing the attribute values of marked lines |
main lines Editing the attribute values of main lines |
main nodes Editing the attribute values of main nodes, Editing the attribute values of all or all active main nodes, Editing the attribute values of marked main nodes |
main zones Editing the attribute values of main zones, Editing the attribute values of all or all active main zones |
multiplying by factor Multiplying an attribute value with a factor |
nodes Editing the attribute values of nodes |
operators Editing the attribute values of operators |
path sets Editing the attribute values of all or all active path sets |
person groups Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
POIs Editing the attribute values of POIs, Editing the attribute values of marked POIs, Editing the attribute values of all or all active POIs |
recalculating Calculating attribute values from the values of other attributes |
screenlines Editing attribute values of screenlines |
sectors Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
set attributes Editing attribute values of set attributes |
standard time series Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
stop areas Editing the attribute values of stop areas |
stop points Editing the attribute values of a stop point, Editing the attribute values of marked stop points, Editing the attribute values of all or all active stop points |
stops Editing the attribute values of all or all active stops, Editing the attribute values of a stop, Editing the attribute values of marked stops |
structural properties Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
system routes Editing the attribute values of system routes |
territories Editing the attribute values of a territory, Editing the attribute values of marked territories, Editing the attribute values of all or all active territories |
Timetable editor Editing the attribute values of all or all active vehicle journey sections, Editing the attribute values of all or all active vehicle journeys |
toll systems Editing attribute values of restricted traffic areas |
user-defined attributes Editing attribute values of user-defined attributes |
valid days Editing attribute values of valid days |
vehicle combinations Editing the attribute values of vehicle combinations |
vehicle units Editing the attributes of vehicle units |
zones Editing the attribute values of zones |
Editing boundaries Managing boundaries of polygonal network objects |
adding new faces Creating new faces |
merging polygon points of two polygons Merging polygon points of two polygons |
polygon points Editing polygon points |
separating merged polygon points Separating merged polygon points |
Editing constraint values Editing non-constant constraint factors values |
Editing node leg attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
Editing project directories Opening and saving a project directories file |
Editing PuT directions Managing PuT directions |
Editing the directory file Opening and saving a project directories file |
Editing the scale Editing the network scale |
Editing the script menu Editing the script menu |
editing user-defined network attributes Editing user-defined network attributes |
Emission calculation |
displaying results Displaying the emission calculation results |
graphical display of results Graphic display of HBEFA results |
saving results Saving HBEFA results |
settings Settings for emission calculation according to HBEFA |
Emission calculation according to HBEFA HBEFA-based emission calculation |
Emissions |
calculating according to HBEFA Calculating emissions according to HBEFA |
Emme import Emme import |
settings |
resetting Resetting the Emme import settings |
saving Saving the settings for the Emme import |
Emme import settings |
reading Reading the settings for an Emme import |
Empty trips |
inserting Inserting an empty trip into a line block |
Environmental impact model Environmental impact model and HBEFA, Settings for the environmental impact model and emission calculation according to HBEFA |
air pollution emissions Air pollution emissions |
calculating Calculating air pollution emissions |
displaying Graphic display of air pollution emissions, Displaying air pollution emissions, List output of air pollution emissions |
saving Saving air pollution emissions |
editing link attributes Editing environmental link attributes |
noise volume Noise volume |
noise volumes |
calculating Calculating noise volume |
saving Saving noise volumes |
Pollution-Emis procedure Pollution-Emis procedure |
resetting calculation Resetting the calculation |
setting parameters Setting environmental impact parameters |
Environmental impact model noise volumes |
displaying Displaying noise volumes |
Equilibrium assignment Equilibrium assignment (static), Equilibrium assignment |
evaluation Evaluation of the equilibrium assignment |
examples Introductory example of equilibrium assignment |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of equilibrium assignment |
procedure The procedure of equilibrium assignment |
Equilibrium assignment (LUCE) |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of equilibrium assignment (LUCE) |
Equilibrium_Lohse Equilibrium_Lohse, Equilibrium_Lohse assignment (static) |
evaluation Evaluation of the Equilibrium_Lohse procedure |
examples Example of the Equilibrium_Lohse procedure |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of the Equilibrium_Lohse procedure |
procedure The procedure of Equilibrium_Lohse assignment |
EVA (passenger demand model) EVA (passenger demand model), Transport demand model, Demand model |
EVA model for passenger demand |
activities EVA data model |
activity pairs EVA data model |
assessment types EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
balance factors EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
balancing EVA trip generation |
constraints EVA trip generation |
demand strata EVA data model |
elasticity functions EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
evaluation EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
evaluation functions EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
weighting probabilities EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
Furness method |
trilinear EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
home trips EVA trip generation |
mobility rates EVA trip generation |
mode choice EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
Multi procedure |
trilinear EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
structural properties EVA data model |
study area factors EVA trip generation |
trip distribution EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
trip generation EVA trip generation |
zones EVA data model |
Evaluating the quality of the PrT assignment Evaluating the quality of the PrT assignment |
Examples of use Examples of use |
Export |
Shape files Exporting shape files |
to Visum Publisher Visum Publisher export |
Vissim routes Vissim route export |
Exporting Using interfaces for data exchange |
DXF DXF export |
graphics Graphics interfaces |
GTFS data General Transit Feed interface |
MaaS Modeller Mobility as a Service (MaaS) interface |
screen Exporting a screenshot or raster graphic from screen |
screenshot Exporting a screenshot or raster graphic from screen |
Shapefiles Exporting Shapefiles |
SVG Exporting a network display as a *.svg graphics file, Exporting the print area as *.svg graphics file |
to MaaS Modeller Mobility as a Service (MaaS) export |
VDV452 VDV 452 interface |
Vissim ANM interface |
Exporting database |
Access Exporting Visum data to an Access database |
SQL Exporting Visum data to an SQL database |
SQLite Exporting Visum data to an SQLite database |
Extended projection PuT operating indicators: User-defined attributes tab |
Face items Tables in the surface model |
Faces Tables in the surface model |
Fare systems |
defining Defining fare systems |
Fares Fares |
Fields of application |
planning tasks PrT Fields of application for Visum in PrT and PuT |
planning tasks PuT Fields of application for Visum in PrT and PuT |
File extensions File types |
Files |
opening Opening a file, Opening and saving files |
saving Opening and saving files, Saving a file |
settings Settings for opening and saving data files |
Filter |
switching all on or off Switching all filters on or off |
Filter for OD pairs Exception: Filter for OD pairs |
Filters |
applying hierarchical filters Working with hierarchical filters |
bracketing in filter terms Setting filter conditions in brackets |
copying Copying filters to a different Visum instance |
defining filter conditions Specifying filter conditions and applying filters |
deleting Deleting a filter |
initializing filter conditions Initializing filter conditions |
reading Reading filters during a procedure sequence, Reading filters |
saving Saving filters |
setting active/passive Using filters to set network objects active or passive |
using Aggregation function in filters with 1:1 relations, Switching off several filters at the same time, Switching on filters, Switching filters on or off, Switching off individual filters |
using OD pair filters Exception: Filter for OD pairs |
Find links without succeeding links Checking the network |
Finding |
in lists Finding objects in lists |
Finding data record number in list Searching for data records in PuT path lists |
Finding dead-ends without a connector Checking the network |
Finding errors in the network Checking the network and fixing errors |
Finding invalid matrix values Checking the network |
Finding isolated nodes Checking the network |
Finding multiple straight turns Checking the network |
Finding turns that do not make sense Checking the network |
Finding zigzag courses Checking the network |
Finding zones without a connector Checking the network |
Fixing errors in the network Displaying the results of the check and fixing errors |
Fleet compositions |
defining Defining fleet compositions for the calculation |
Flow bundle matrices Creating a matrix calculated from a formula, Saving flow bundle volumes, Using calculated matrices |
saving as formula matrices Saving flow bundle matrices and assignment matrices automatically as formula matrices |
Flow bundles Flow bundles |
alternative routes Flow bundles with alternative routes |
by fare zones Stops by selected fare zones |
combining flow bundle criteria Combining flow bundle criteria |
creating Linking flow bundle conditions with AND THEN and OR, Inserting a flow bundle |
defining flow bundles Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects |
displaying Displaying flow bundles |
displaying attributes in lists Displaying flow bundles in lists |
displaying in lists Displaying flow bundles in lists |
displaying paths Flow bundles with alternative routes |
link flow bundles Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects |
main node flow bundles Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects |
node flow bundles Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects |
putting conditions into brackets Linking flow bundle conditions with AND THEN and OR |
restoring conditions Inserting a flow bundle |
saving volumes Saving flow bundle volumes |
selecting network objects Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects |
selecting types of traffic Flow bundle definition through selection of traffic types |
setting graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for the display of flow bundles |
setting the bar display Setting graphic parameters for the display of flow bundles |
Sharing station flow bundle Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects |
stop point, stop area, and stop flow bundles Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects |
traffic type-based flow bundle Filtering paths via active and passive network objects and traffic types |
with temporal restrictions PuT flow bundles with temporal restrictions, PrT flow bundles with temporal restrictions |
zone and main zone flow bundles Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects |
Flow bundles with time reference Flow bundles with time reference |
PrT Flow bundle with time reference - PrT |
PuT Flow bundle with time reference - PuT |
Forced chainings |
deleting Deleting chained up vehicle journey sections |
Formula matrices Creating a matrix calculated from a formula |
Formula matrix Editing formula matrices |
Gap (PrT assignment quality) Convergence criteria of assignment quality |
GEH Statistic GEH Statistic |
Generate path sequences from tours Generating path sequences from filtered ABM tours |
Generating world file Generating world file |
Generation and distribution |
Tour-based freight model Tour-based freight calculation procedure |
Geographic information systems (GIS) GIS functionality |
Georeferencing Coordinate systems |
GIS objects GIS objects, Connection to the Personal Geodatabase and GIS objects, GIS objects |
creating Showing objects from a personal geodatabase in Visum |
deleting Ending the display of objects from a personal geodatabase |
displaying in lists Output of GIS objects in lists |
editing attribute values Editing attribute values of GIS objects |
finding Finding a GIS object |
marking Marking a GIS object |
selecting Selecting GIS objects |
setting graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for GIS objects, Displaying GIS objects |
Global layout Views of a model in the global layout |
opening a Opening the global layout |
saving a Saving a global layout |
use of a Opening and saving a global layout |
Global layouts |
in scenario management Specifying global layouts |
overwriting existing Overwriting global layouts |
Go to procedure Go to procedure, Average determination using the Method of Successive Averages (MSA) |
Go to the procedure Transport demand model, Go to a procedure in the procedure sequence (Go to the procedure) |
Google Transit export General Transit Feed interface |
Graphic objects Inserting additional information in the network display, Processing the network display with graphic objects |
backgrounds Using backgrounds in the network display |
legend Creating a legend |
polygons Using polygons in the network display |
texts Using texts in the network display |
Graphic parameters Specifying basic settings for the Network editor window |
2D display of attributes Two-dimensional display of attribute values around point objects |
adding charts to network objects Adding charts to network objects |
basic settings Specifying basic settings |
block view Setting the graphic parameters of the Line block editor |
classified display (attribute values) Displaying classified objects based on attribute values |
copying Copying list layout to a different Visum instance, Copying graphic parameters into another Visum instance |
displaying bars Displaying properties via bars |
displaying bars along lines Configuring the display of a line bar |
displaying bars along paths Configuring the display of a PrT path bar |
displaying chained up vehicle journey sections Setting the display for chained up vehicle journey sections |
displaying difference values of bars Configuring a difference bar display |
displaying forced chainings Setting the display for chained up vehicle journey sections |
displaying lane allocations Displaying lane allocations in the Network editor window |
displaying route courses Displaying route courses in the network editor window |
displaying stop catchment areas Displaying stop catchment areas in the Network editor window |
displaying traversed stop points Displaying traversed stop points |
displaying trip chains Setting the display for chained up vehicle journey sections |
displaying turns Displaying turns and main turns |
editing layers Editing the display and order of drawing settings for graphic layers |
GIS objects Setting graphic parameters for GIS objects, Displaying GIS objects |
isochrones Displaying isochrones and the accessibility of network objects |
labeling with tables Adding tables to network objects |
Line block editor Setting the graphic parameters of the Line block editor |
line objects Displaying line objects in the Network editor window |
matrix window Setting graphic parameters for the Matrix editor window |
one-way roads Displaying one-way roads |
point objects Displaying point objects in the Network editor window |
POIs Displaying Points of Interest |
saving and reading Reading and saving graphic parameters of the Network editor window |
schematic line diagram Setting graphic parameters for the schematic line diagram |
shortest path search Setting the graphic parameters for shortest paths |
signal time-space diagrams Setting graphic parameters for the signal time-space diagram |
specifying line style properties Setting the line style properties |
specifying the line style Setting parameters for the line style |
tours Displaying tours in the network |
transfer relations Displaying transfer relations |
Transfers display of regular services Setting the graphic parameters for the Transfers display of regular services |
turn volumes Adjusting the basic settings for the display of turn volumes |
Graphical display Tabular and graphical display |
Graphical timetable Using the graphical and tabular timetable, Graphical timetable |
creating a legend Creating a legend for the graphical timetable |
editing vehicle journeys Marking and editing vehicle journeys in the graphical timetable |
evaluations Evaluations in the graphical and tabular timetable |
exporting |
DXF Saving the graphical timetable to a graphics file |
SVG Saving the graphical timetable to a graphics file |
graphic parameters |
reading in Reading graphic parameters for the timetable |
restoring Resetting the graphic parameters of the timetable |
saving Saving graphic parameters for the graphical and tabular timetable |
horizontal alignment Setting the orientation of the graphical timetable |
layout |
reading Reading the graphical timetable layout |
saving Saving the graphical timetable layout |
marking vehicle journeys Marking and editing vehicle journeys in the graphical timetable |
opening Opening the graphical and the tabular timetable |
print Printing the graphical timetable |
set print frame Setting the print frame |
selecting line routes Line routes: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
selecting lines Lines: Setting the line selection for the timetable, Selecting lines to be displayed in the timetable, Lines: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
setting a layout Saving and reading the layout of the graphical timetable |
showing stop areas Stop areas: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
showing stops Stop points: opening the graphical or tabular timetable, Stops: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
synchronizing Synchronizing the graphical and tabular timetables with other windows |
User preferences Setting options for the display of timetables |
vehicle journey sections Managing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections |
vehicle journeys Managing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections |
vertical alignment Setting the orientation of the graphical timetable |
window The graphical timetable window |
Graphical timetable parameters |
setting graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for the graphical timetable |
Graphics interfaces Graphics interfaces |
Graphics parameters |
changing the display of a bar Changing the display or label of a bar |
Gravity model Trip distribution, Gravity model calculation |
calculating Gravity model calculation |
calibrating Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI) |
Green time optimization Signal time optimization |
Green times |
optimization Optimizing signal cycle and split times |
GTF import General Transit Feed (GTFS) import |
GTFS export General Transit Feed interface |
GTFS import |
settings |
reading Reading settings for the GTFS import |
resetting Resetting the GTFS import settings |
saving Saving settings for a GTFS import |
HAFAS import HAFAS import |
settings |
reading Reading settings for the HAFAS import |
resetting Resetting the HAFAS import settings |
saving Saving settings for HAFAS import |
allocating input attributes Input attributes for calculation |
basis for calculating cold start excess emissions Basis for calculating cold start excess emissions |
basis for calculating warm emissions Basis for calculating warm emissions |
defining fleet compositions Defining fleet compositions for the calculation |
displaying results Displaying the emission calculation results |
displaying results graphically Graphic display of HBEFA results |
emission calculation HBEFA-based emission calculation |
resetting emission calculation Resetting emission calculation |
saving results Saving HBEFA results |
settings for emission calculation Settings for emission calculation according to HBEFA |
HCM Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA) |
Headway-based assignment Parameters of headway-based assignment, Headway-based assignment |
coordination Coordination |
generalized costs Generalized costs as impedance |
headway calculation Headway calculation |
impedance Generalized costs as impedance |
Headway-based supply |
timetable-based assignment Considering headway-based supply in the timetable-based assignment |
Headway calculation |
from mean headway Headway calculation |
from mean wait time Headway calculation |
Headway end |
edit Editing regular services |
Headway offset optimization Headway offset optimization |
Headway start |
edit Editing regular services |
Headway time |
edit Editing regular services |
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA) |
Histogram Displaying matrix values as a histogram |
Home trips Editing the demand of EVA-P demand strata, Editing the demand of tour-based demand strata, EVA trip generation, Tour-based model - Trip generation |
Households |
properties and options Properties and options of households |
Hypothetic vehicle impedance (PrT assignment quality) Convergence criteria of assignment quality |
ICA See Intersection Capacity Analysis (ICA) |
ICA convergence criteria Convergence criteria |
Impact models Impact models – methods to calculate the impact of traffic, Impact models, Fundamentals of the program |
Environmental impact model The environmental impact model |
Operator model The operator model |
User model The user model |
Impedance |
restricted traffic areas The impedance of a PrT route |
Impedance functions Impedance functions |
at node Impedances at nodes |
EVA model for passenger demand EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
for transport systems Defining impedance functions for transport systems |
headway-based assignment Generalized costs as impedance |
PrT assignments The impedance of a PrT route |
timetable-based assignment Impedance and Perceived journey time (PJT) of a connection |
Impedances |
connectors The impedance of a PrT route |
examples Example of link impedance calculation |
headway-based assignment Generalized costs as impedance |
links The impedance of a PrT route |
main turns The impedance of a PrT route |
nodes The impedance of a PrT route |
preloaded volume The impedance of a PrT route |
routes The impedance of a PrT route |
turns The impedance of a PrT route |
Imperial system |
as standard setting Specifying standard units for length and speed |
Import |
database |
SQLite Importing an SQLite database |
intersection data Importing intersection data |
Tour plans Import of tour plans |
Importing Using interfaces for data exchange |
connections Importing connections |
Emme data Importing Emme data |
from MaaS Modeller MaaS import - Notes on imported files, DBF import |
GPX data Importing GPX |
GTF data General Transit Feed (GTFS) import |
HAFAS data Importing HAFAS data, HAFAS import |
MapFan data MapFan DB import |
MapFan DB data Notes on MapFan DB data, Importing MapFan DB data |
path sequences Importing path sequences |
PuT supply from Visum Importing PuT supply data, Importing PuT supply data, Importing PuT supply data |
routing settings Importing PuT supply data |
stop point settings Importing PuT supply data |
railML data RailML® interface |
routes Importing routes |
SATURN data SATURN import |
Shapefiles Importing Shapefiles |
SQL database Importing an SQL database |
Synchro data Synchro import |
VDV452 data VDV 452 interface |
Vistro data Vistro import |
Importing Access database Importing an Access database |
Importing ANM Reading an abstract network model |
Importing GPX Importing GPX |
Importing UTDF data Importing UTDF data |
Incremental assignment Incremental assignment, Incremental assignment (static) |
evaluation Evaluation of incremental assignment |
examples Example of incremental assignment |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of incremental assignment |
procedure The procedure of incremental assignment |
Independence of connections Independence of connections |
Indicators Skims / indicators |
aggregation along line hierarchy Aggregation along the line hierarchy |
availability More documents |
calculating aggregation levels Calculation of indicators on different aggregation levels |
calculation for coupled sections Impact caused by couplings |
calculation for partially traversed links Partially traversed links |
calculation principles Basic calculation principles for indicators |
documentation More documents |
examples Indicator data by time slice, Indicators at the line hierarchy, Evaluation of indicators on the operator level, Indicator data by territory |
global indicators Global indicators |
projection of additional attributes Projection of additional attributes |
projection to analysis horizon Projection to the analysis horizon |
source More documents |
temporal dependencies (example) Example of temporal dependencies of indicators |
territory-based cut Spatial cut (Territory cut) |
Territory-based evaluation (aggregation levels) Territory-based evaluation on different aggregation levels |
time cut Temporal cut (Time cut) |
Indirect attributes |
aggregation functions Indirect attributes |
Average and AverageActive Indirect attributes |
Concatenate and ConcatenateActive Indirect attributes |
Count and CountActive Indirect attributes |
Distinct and DistinctActive Indirect attributes |
ExactlyOne Indirect attributes |
Frequency and FrequencyActive Indirect attributes |
Max and MaxActive Indirect attributes |
Min and MinActive Indirect attributes |
relations Indirect attributes |
relations with conditions Relations with conditions |
Sum and SumActive Indirect attributes |
Information sign |
deleting Deleting information signs |
Information signs |
creating Creating information signs |
editing Editing information signs |
using Using information signs |
Infrastructure costs (PuT) |
entering Infrastructure costs |
INRETS (VD function) Predefined VD functions |
Inserting tile map layers Managing map services of the background map |
Interactive analyses |
flow bundles Flow bundles |
isochrones Isochrones |
shortest path search Shortest path search |
Interactive evaluations |
flow bundles with time reference Flow bundles with time reference |
PrT Flow bundle with time reference - PrT |
PuT Flow bundle with time reference - PuT |
Interfaces Using interfaces for data exchange |
Interim results |
logging Using protocol files |
Interlining matrix |
calculating Calculating skim matrices for interlining trips |
Interlining trip Calculating skim matrices for interlining trips |
Intermediate points Tables in the surface model |
Intersecting |
network objects Intersecting objects |
use cases Use cases |
Intersecting objects Intersecting objects |
Intersection Capacity Analysis (ICA) Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA) |
all-way stop All-way stop |
assignment Assignment with ICA |
procedure The procedure of assignment with ICA |
calculating and exporting Calculating and exporting ICA |
Import data from SATURN SATURN import |
node impedance calculation Calculating node impedances using Node impedance calculation (ICA) |
roundabouts Roundabouts according to the HCM method |
signalized nodes Signalized nodes |
two-way stop nodes Two-way stop nodes |
uncontrolled nodes Uncontrolled nodes |
Intersection data |
importing Importing intersection data |
Notes Notes on the imported intersection data |
restoring import settings Resetting the intersection data import settings |
settings |
save Saving settings for an intersection data import |
Intersection data import |
settings |
reading Reading settings for the intersection data import |
Isochrones Isochrones |
accessibility of nodes and zones Displaying the accessibility of network object types according to classes |
displaying Displaying isochrones and the accessibility of network objects |
PrT Displaying isochrones and accessibility in PrT |
PrT isochrones PrT isochrones |
PuT Displaying isochrones and accessibility in PuT |
PuT isochrones PuT isochrones |
saving Saving isochrones |
setting graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for the display of isochrones |
Isochrones at links |
setting graphic parameters Setting the display for PrT isochrones at links |
Journey sections Network objects of the line hierarchy |
Journeys Network objects of the line hierarchy |
export Saving the block view as a graphics file, Saving free actions as a graphics file |
Junction |
traffic-related modeling Junction modeling |
Junction editor |
adjusting the attribute selection Adjusting the attribute selection in the Junction editor |
adjusting the display Editing the display of the geometry view |
calculating ICA Calculating and exporting ICA |
closing turns Editing main node attributes in the list view |
creating crosswalks Creating crosswalks |
creating detectors Creating detectors |
editing link attributes Editing link attributes in the list view |
editing links Editing links in the Junction editor |
editing main node attributes Editing main node attributes in the list view |
editing main nodes Editing a main node in the junction editor |
editing main turn attributes Editing main turn attributes in the list view |
editing main turns Editing main turns in the Junction editor |
editing node attributes Editing node attributes in the list view |
editing nodes Editing a node in the junction editor |
editing signal times in graphics Editing signal times |
editing the geometry Editing the geometry of a node |
editing TModel attributes Editing link attributes in the list view |
editing turn attributes Editing main node attributes in the list view |
editing turns Editing turns in the Junction editor |
inserting lane turns Inserting lane turns |
moving nodes Moving nodes |
opening Displaying a network object in the Junction editor |
Restrict link display Editing the display of the geometry view |
setting opacity background color Displaying background maps in the Junction editor |
Show only selected links Editing the display of the geometry view |
showing background maps Displaying background maps in the Junction editor |
showing node leg attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
signal controllers Managing signal controllers |
signal groups Managing signal groups |
specifying link orientations Editing links in the schematic view |
specifying major flows Editing nodes in the schematic view |
stretching and compressing signal programs Editing signal times |
switching link labels on/off Editing link attributes in the list view |
switching to another network object Switching to a different network object |
synchronization with other windows Synchronizing the junction editor with other windows |
using Junction editor and signal control |
Junction geometry |
repairing Repairing incorrect node geometry |
Junction model Junction modeling |
signalization Signalization |
Junction modeling Junction modeling |
KALIBRI Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI) |
Kirchhoff model The Kirchhoff model in the assignment |
Lane allocations |
displaying Displaying lane allocations in the Network editor window |
setting graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for lane allocation |
Lane turns |
allocating Editing signal times |
editing attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
inserting Inserting lane turns |
Lanes Geometries |
creating pockets Creating pockets |
displaying attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
editing attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
lane allocation Lane allocation |
lane turns Geometries |
marking Marking lanes |
resetting data Resetting the lane data at nodes |
Language |
settings Setting the language |
Leg templates Geometries |
Legend Creating a legend, Legend |
changing the width interactively Inserting a legend |
creating Inserting a legend |
edit directly Editing the legend |
editing Editing the legend |
hiding/showing Hiding the legend |
opening Opening and saving legend parameters, Opening legend parameters |
restricting the width Inserting a legend |
saving Opening and saving legend parameters |
Wizard Inserting a legend |
Legs Geometries |
marking Marking legs |
Length and speed data |
standard settings Specifying standard units for length and speed |
Level of Service Two-way stop nodes |
Level of Service (ICA) |
all-way stops All-way stop |
roundabouts Roundabout |
signalized nodes Signalized nodes |
two-way stops Two-way stop nodes |
licenses |
user group-specific issues License Management – Questions & Answers |
Licenses |
managing License Management – Questions & Answers |
Licensing |
MaaS Modeller Licensing for MaaS Modeller |
Limiting edge display to time slot Setting the layout for schematic line diagrams |
Line block check Line block check |
common Line block check |
forced Line block check |
Line block editor |
editing line blocks Editing block versions and line blocks |
graphic parameters Setting the graphic parameters of the Line block editor |
layout |
saving Saving the Line block editor layout |
synchronizing Synchronizing the line block editor with other windows |
Line block items Block item and block item type |
moving Moving line block items to a new line block |
shift Shifting block items to different line block or block day |
Line block versions Calculating PuT line blocks, Block version |
deleting Deleting a line block version |
Line blocking Executing the PuT line blocking procedure, Introduction to the line blocking procedure, Introduction to the line blocking procedure, Line blocking |
block check Line block check |
block item and block item type Block item and block item type |
block version Block version |
blocks Block |
cost function Attributes of the line blocking cost function |
coverage check Coverage check |
data model Line blocking application example |
depots Downtimes at depots and stop points |
displaying results Displaying line blocks in the block view |
displaying results in lists Tabular output of line block results |
distributing empty trips and empty times Distribution of empty trips and empty times to vehicle journeys |
evaluation of the procedure Introduction to the line blocking procedure |
examples Line blocking application example |
executing Executing the PuT line blocking procedure |
exporting Block view |
DXF Saving the block view as a graphics file |
JPG Saving the block view as a graphics file |
SVG Saving the block view as a graphics file |
exporting free actions |
DXF Saving free actions as a graphics file |
JPG Saving free actions as a graphics file |
SVG Saving free actions as a graphics file |
layover times Downtimes at depots and stop points |
lists Specific network object lists |
optimization problem Introduction to the line blocking procedure |
parameters Parameters of the line blocking procedure |
print output of the block display Printing the block view |
printing free actions Printing free actions |
procedure description Construction of the graph |
PuT interlining matrix PuT interlining matrix procedure |
reset Resetting line blocking results |
with recurring activities Description of the line blocking procedure with recurring activities |
with vehicle interchange Executing the PuT line blocking procedure |
procedure description Line blocking description with vehicle interchange |
without vehicle interchange Executing the PuT line blocking procedure, Line blocking description without vehicle interchange |
Line blocks Block |
attributes and options Properties and options of line blocks |
block view Line block display and editing in the Line block editor, Displaying line blocks in the block view |
displaying Tabular output of line block results, Displaying line blocks in the block view |
editing Editing block versions and line blocks |
Line hierarchy The line hierarchy |
data consistency Data consistency along the line hierarchy |
Line routes Network objects of the line hierarchy, Managing line routes and time profiles |
aggregating Aggregating line routes, Aggregation of line routes |
classified display Classified display of line routes |
connecting Connecting line routes |
copying Copying a line route |
creating Creating a line route |
creating profile points automatically Adjusting time profiles automatically |
creating the opposite direction Creating the opposite direction of a line route |
creating with system routes System routes |
deleting Deleting line routes |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of all or all active line routes, Editing the attribute values of marked line routes, Editing the attribute values of line routes |
editing course Creating a line route |
editing line route items Editing line route items, Basic rules: Editing a route course |
editing the course Editing a line route, Editing line route items |
extend with Copy & Paste Extending line routes with Copy & Paste |
generating from system routes Tabular editing of a line route course |
marking Setting active/passive line routes, Marking line routes |
opening graphical timetable Line routes: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
opening tabular timetable Line routes: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
opening window Opening the Line routes window |
removing zigzags Removing zigzags from a route course |
selecting Setting active/passive line routes, Selecting line routes, Marking line routes |
setting default values Specifying default values for lines and line routes |
setting directions Specifying the direction of the line route |
setting lengths Specifying the lengths of line routes |
setting parameters Creating a line route |
setting profile points Generating profile points for line route items |
setting route points Setting route points |
shorten to extension of maximum vehicle journey Shortening line routes to the extension of the maximum vehicle journey |
shortening Editing line route items |
specifying lengths Specifications of lengths and times |
swapping Swapping line routes |
time profiles Managing time profiles, Creating a time profile |
Linear bottle-neck (VD function) Predefined VD functions |
Lines Network objects of the line hierarchy, Managing lines |
aggregating Aggregating lines |
circle line Network objects of the line hierarchy |
copying Copying lines |
creating Creating a line |
deleting Deleting lines, Deleting active lines, Deleting marked lines |
disaggregating Disaggregating lines |
displaying Configuring the display of a line bar |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of a line, Editing the attribute values of marked lines |
marking Marking lines, Setting lines active/passive |
opening graphical timetable Lines: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
opening tabular timetable Lines: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
properties and options Properties and options of lines |
selecting Marking lines, Selecting lines to be displayed in the timetable, Setting lines active/passive, Selecting lines |
setting default values Specifying default values for lines and line routes |
Link attribute values |
replacing Allocating default values to link attributes |
Link courses |
editing in junction editor Editing link courses interactively |
editing interactively Editing link courses interactively |
Link orientations Link orientations |
recalculate in the network Recalculating link orientations |
recalculating Recalculating link orientations |
Link toll Link toll |
Link types |
adjusting Adjusting link types |
allocating default values Allocating link types default values |
allocating VD functions Selecting VDFs for link types |
creating Creating link types |
defining Specifying link types |
deleting Deleting link types |
group by global type Grouping the view by global type |
properties and options Properties and options of link types |
Links Links |
adapting VD functions Adjusting the VD functions used |
allocating VD functions Selecting VDFs for link types |
blocking back model Links: Congestion tab |
calculating the slope from z-coordinates Calculating the slope from z-coordinates |
changing attribute values Editing the attribute values of links |
checking the symmetry of the directions Checking the symmetry of both directions of a link |
copying attributes Copying attribute values to the opposite direction |
creating Creating a link |
defining link types Specifying link types |
deleting Deleting links |
determining link course based on shortest path search Determining the link course based on a shortest path search |
displaying bars Displaying properties via bars |
Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) Links: DUE tab |
environmental impact analysis Links: Environment tab |
finding links with a PuT-Aux time = 0 Checking the network |
finding links with a PuT-Walk time = 0 Checking the network |
finding links with a PuT run time = 0 Checking the network |
generalizing link polygons Generalizing links |
generating link attributes Generating link attribute values from turn attribute values |
generating link run times Generating link run times from line run times, Generating link run times from line run times in a procedure sequence |
impedances The impedance of a PrT route |
interpolating z-coordinates Interpolating z-coordinates |
labeling link bars Labeling link bars |
link courses |
correcting Reshaping the course of a link |
editing Editing the link course |
link types Link types |
major flows Link types |
managing Managing links |
marking Selecting links |
marking in geometry view Marking links |
node impedance calculation (ICA) Links: ICA tab |
permitted transport systems Permitted transport systems |
properties and options Properties and options of links |
PrT capacity PrT capacity, speed and travel time |
PrT speed PrT capacity, speed and travel time |
PrT travel time PrT capacity, speed and travel time |
PuT run time PuT run time |
reallocating Reallocating links |
removing intermediate points Removing collinear points |
resetting DUE attributes Resetting DUE attributes to the default values |
resetting link polygons Deleting intermediate points of links |
Restrict display in junction editor Editing the display of the geometry view |
selecting Selecting links |
specifying lengths Specifications of lengths and times |
specifying link run time Specifications of lengths and times |
specifying settings |
PrT Links: PrT TSys tab |
PuT Links: PuT TSys tab |
specifying the PuT run time Specifying a rounding factor for the PuT run time on links |
split at surface boundaries Splitting links at surface boundaries |
splitting Splitting links at link stop points, Splitting a link |
at link stop point Splitting links at link stop points |
spltting |
by specifying length Splitting a link |
Toll Link toll |
List |
deactivate column filter Filtering the data of a column |
filtering the data of a column Filtering the data of a column |
Network attributes Editing user-defined network attributes |
set column filter passive Filtering the data of a column |
Showing empty values Filtering the data of a column |
List layout |
sorting in advance Sorting lists in advance |
List windows |
synchronizing Synchronizing network object lists with other windows |
Lists Lists |
adjusting the layout Adjusting the list layout |
aggregating rows Aggregating rows of a list, The list window |
assignment analysis Evaluation lists |
attributes |
displaying Viewing/Hiding attributes |
exporting Exporting attributes to a database |
hiding Viewing/Hiding attributes |
reading Importing and exporting list contents |
saving Importing and exporting list contents |
chained up vehicle journey sections Specific network object lists |
connecting journeys |
restrict to active vehicle journey items Limiting list display to a selection |
restrict to direction of vehicle journey Limiting list display to a selection |
restrict to stops Limiting list display to a selection, Limiting list display to a selection |
restrict to vehicle journey Limiting list display to a selection |
Copying column values to UDA Saving values of a column as user-defined attribute |
coupling section items Specific network object lists |
coupling sections Specific network object lists |
different types Working with lists |
displaying sections on items lists Limiting list display to a selection |
editing attribute values Editing the properties of objects in lists |
editing window titles Editing window headers of lists |
emissions HBEFA Evaluation lists |
filtering matrix views Limiting list display to a selection |
filtering objects Applying filters to lists |
finding a data record number in path lists Searching for data records in PuT path lists |
finding a network object Finding objects in lists |
formatting Viewing/Hiding attributes, Setting list options |
GIS objects lists Output of GIS objects in lists |
hiding walk links in PuT path leg list Limiting list display to a selection |
item lists Specific network object lists |
line blocks Specific network object lists |
block item types Specific network object lists |
line block items Specific network object lists |
line block lists Specific network object lists |
line block versions Specific network object lists |
line lists Specific network object lists |
line route items Specific network object lists |
Lines per direction Specific network object lists |
list layout |
adjusting Adjusting the list layout |
reading Reading a list layout |
saving Saving a list layout |
saving as standard layout Saving a list layout |
network information Evaluation lists |
OD pair lists Specific network object lists |
opening Opening a list |
path items Evaluation lists |
path lists |
exporting to database Exporting attributes to a database |
finding zone pairs Finding objects in PrT paths lists |
path sets Evaluation lists |
paths Evaluation lists |
preselecting a boarding passenger event at stops Limiting list display to a selection |
preselecting a category Limiting list display to a selection |
preselecting a demand segment Limiting list display to a selection, Limiting list display to a selection |
preselecting a path set Limiting list display to a selection |
preselecting active links Limiting list display to a selection |
preselecting active time profiles Limiting list display to a selection |
preselecting alighting events at stops Limiting list display to a selection |
preselecting paths Limiting list display to a selection |
preselecting transfer events at stops Limiting list display to a selection |
printing Printing a list |
PrT |
quality assignment with ICA Evaluation lists |
simulation-based assignment quality Evaluation lists |
PrTassignment quality Evaluation lists |
PrTpaths Evaluation lists |
PrTpaths on link level Evaluation lists |
PuT |
assignment statistics Evaluation lists |
OD pairs Evaluation lists |
path legs Evaluation lists |
PuT assignment statistics Evaluation lists |
PuTdetail list Specific network object lists |
PuTpaths Evaluation lists |
renaming Editing window headers of lists |
restricting alighting events Limiting list display to a selection |
restricting boarding events Limiting list display to a selection |
restricting to a selection Limiting list display to a selection |
restricting transfer events Limiting list display to a selection |
saving as PDF Saving the list as a PDF |
sections |
selecting via the keyboard Selecting list sections via the keyboard |
selecting with the mouse Marking list sections with the mouse |
selecting columns Viewing/Hiding attributes |
setting column headers Setting list options |
setting options Setting list options |
shortest path search Displaying shortest path searches in lists, Evaluation lists |
sorting Sorting a list |
stop lists Specific network object lists |
stop points - arrivals/departures Specific network object lists |
stop transfers and stop area walk times Specific network object lists |
system route items Specific network object lists |
territory lists Specific network object lists |
time profile items Specific network object lists |
time profiles |
transition walk times Specific network object lists |
toolbar The list window |
transfers Evaluation lists |
transport systems |
transition walk times Specific network object lists |
values |
copying and pasting Exchanging list contents via the Clipboard |
vehicle journey items Specific network object lists |
window The list window |
Locations |
create in network editor Creating a location |
creating Creating a location |
display in network Displaying locations in the network |
properties and options Properties and options of locations |
Log file Using protocol files |
Protocol.txt Examples: Protocol files |
Logit model (Distribution model) The Logit model in the assignment |
Lohse (VD function) Predefined VD functions |
Lohse model The Lohse model in the assignment |
with variable beta Lohse model with variable beta in the assignment |
Linear User Cost Equilibrium Equilibrium assignment LUCE |
MaaS Modeller |
export Mobility as a Service (MaaS) interface, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) export |
import MaaS import - Notes on imported files, DBF import |
requesting a license Licensing for MaaS Modeller |
select tenant Licensing for MaaS Modeller |
Main lines Network objects of the line hierarchy, Managing main lines |
adding lines Properties and options of main lines |
creating Creating a main line |
deleting Deleting main lines, Deleting all or all active main lines, Deleting a main line |
deleting lines Properties and options of main lines |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of main lines |
properties and options Properties and options of main lines |
selecting Setting active/passive main lines |
setting active/passive Setting active/passive main lines |
Main node |
creating Creating a main node |
fuzzy surface alignment Fuzzy alignment of main node surfaces |
Main nodes Main nodes, Managing main nodes |
allocating nodes Allocating nodes to one or multiple main nodes |
boundaries |
deleting Deleting the boundaries of several main nodes |
managing Managing the boundary of a main node |
converting Converting main nodes into other polygonal network objects |
create missing lane turns Creating missing lane turns for main nodes |
deleting Deleting main nodes |
deleting enclaves Deleting enclaves of main nodes |
displaying main turns Displaying turn volumes |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of main nodes, Editing the attribute values of all or all active main nodes, Editing the attribute values of marked main nodes |
editing cordon links Effects of cordon link changes |
marking Setting main nodes active/passive, Marking main nodes |
moving the centroid Moving the centroid of a main node |
normalizing surfaces Normalizing surfaces of main nodes |
properties and options Properties and options of main nodes |
resetting lane data Resetting the lane data of main nodes |
selecting Setting main nodes active/passive, Selecting main nodes |
setting coordination groups for signal controllers Setting coordination groups for signal controllers |
setting labels Setting main node labels to the centroids |
setting polygon allocation Setting the polygon allocation of main nodes |
specifying major flows Editing main nodes in the schematic view, Specifying major flows at main nodes |
updating impedances Updating the impedances at main nodes, Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes |
Main OD pairs Main zones and main OD pairs, Managing main OD pairs |
Main turns Main turns |
allocating values to Allocating standard data or shortest path data to main turns |
calculating main turn lengths from shortest paths Calculating main turn lengths from shortest paths |
closing Editing main turn attributes in the list view |
creating Creating a main turn |
deleting Deleting main turns |
displaying turn volumes Displaying turn volumes |
editing Editing main turns in the Junction editor |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of main turns |
editing attributes Editing main turn attributes in the list view |
graphic parameters Displaying turns and main turns |
impedances The impedance of a PrT route |
recalculating transport systems Recalculating the transport system set of main turns |
selecting Selecting main turns, Displaying main turns in the Junction editor |
setting active/passive Setting main turns active/passive |
viewing in the Junction editor Displaying main turns in the Junction editor |
Main zone matrices |
disaggregating Calculating a zone matrix from a main zone matrix, Converting zone and main zone matrix into each other |
Main zones Main zones and main OD pairs, Managing main zones |
boundaries |
deleting Deleting the boundaries of several main zones |
managing Managing the boundary of a main zone |
creating Creating a main zone |
deleting Deleting main zones |
deleting enclaves Deleting enclaves from main zones |
displaying the traffic demand Main zones: Demand tab |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of main zones, Editing the attribute values of all or all active main zones |
fuzzy surface alignment Fuzzy alignment of main zone surfaces |
marking Selecting main zones |
merging zone polygons Merging zone polygons, Merging the zone polygons per main zone, Merging the zone polygons of a main zone |
properties and options Main zones: Basis tab, Properties and options of main zones |
selecting Selecting main zones |
setting labels Moving main zone labels to the centroids |
shifting centroids Moving the centroid of a main zone |
Main zones. converting Converting main zones into other polygonal network objects |
Major flows Link types |
Managing activity executions Managing activity executions |
Managing activity locations Managing activity locations |
Managing boundaries |
main nodes Managing the boundary of a main node |
main zones Managing the boundary of a main zone |
POIs Managing the boundary of a POI |
restricted traffic areas Managing the boundary of a restricted traffic area |
territories Managing the boundary of a territory |
toll systems Managing the boundary of a restricted traffic area |
zones Managing the boundary of a zone |
Managing households Managing households |
Managing licenses License handling for PTV Vision users |
Managing locations Managing locations |
Managing objects of activity-based models Managing objects of activity-based models |
Managing persons Managing persons |
Managing schedules Managing schedules |
Managing signal coordination groups Managing signal coordination groups |
Managing tours Managing tours |
Managing trips Managing trips |
Map services |
deleting Managing map services of the background map |
duplicating Managing map services of the background map |
managing Managing map services of the background map |
MapFan DB import Notes on MapFan DB data, Importing MapFan DB data |
MapFan import MapFan DB import |
Marking |
POIs Marking POIs |
Marking window Marking window |
Matched transfers Matched transfers |
Matrices Transport demand model, Managing matrices, Matrices |
adding columns or rows Extending matrices, Extending external matrices during an arithmetic operation |
adding complex term Combining matrices and attribute vectors |
adding up Adding up matrix values |
aggregating Calculating a main zone matrix from a zone matrix, Aggregating matrix objects |
aggregating columns or rows Aggregating or deleting matrix columns and rows |
aggregating zone matrices to main zone matrices Calculating a main zone matrix from a zone matrix |
areas |
selecting via the keyboard Selecting cells using the keyboard |
calculating combinations Combining matrices and attribute vectors during the procedure sequence run, Combining matrices and attribute vectors |
calculating formula-based Creating a matrix calculated from a formula |
calibrating Calibrating a PrT matrix |
calibrating (PrT) Calibrating PrT matrices |
changing the view Filtering matrix data, Showing matrix values in an aggregated form, Changing the matrix data view |
classifying matrix values Displaying matrix values as a histogram |
combining matrices and vectors Calculate the combination of matrices and vectors |
combining with demand segment Connecting demand matrices and demand segments |
comparing Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot |
copy to clipboard Copying and pasting a matrix |
copying the diagonal Copying and pasting matrix diagonal values |
correcting Correcting matrices, Matrix correction, Updating demand matrices – general information, Updating demand matrix with TFlowFuzzy, Updating demand matrices using the least squares method |
preparing data Preparing data for the matrix update |
correcting with 'Least squares’ Updating matrices with TFlowFuzzy or 'Least squares', Matrix correction using Least squares |
correcting with TFlowFuzzy Updating matrices with TFlowFuzzy or 'Least squares', Matrix correction using TFlowFuzzy |
generating filter matrices Creating a filter matrix |
correcting with TFlowFuzzy diagnosis Performing analyses of TFlowFuzzy solution procedures |
deleting Deleting Visum matrices |
demand matrices Matrices, Using calculated matrices |
diagonal Showing and editing matrix attribute values |
extracting Copy, paste and apply diagonal |
setting Copy, paste and apply diagonal, Replacing the matrix diagonal |
disaggregating Calculating a zone matrix from a main zone matrix |
disaggregating main zone matrices to zone matrices Calculating a zone matrix from a main zone matrix |
dividing Dividing matrix values |
editing Displaying and editing matrices |
functions Displaying and editing matrices |
editing attribute values Showing and editing matrix attribute values |
editing window titles Editing window titles of matrices |
estimating gravitation parameters Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI) |
exponential function Exponential function, Form reciprocal, raise to power, take logarithm, exponential function |
extending Extending matrices, Extending external matrices during an arithmetic operation |
filtering the display of histograms Filtering matrix data |
filtering the display of matrix comparisons Filtering matrix data |
filtering the view Filtering matrix data |
forming maximum or minimum Maximum or minimum formation |
forming reciprocal Forming the reciprocal of matrix values, Form reciprocal, raise to power, take logarithm, exponential function |
generating Generating a new matrix |
graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for the Matrix editor window |
gravity model |
calculating Gravity model calculation |
calibrating Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI) |
histogram Showing matrices in a histogram |
interactive editing of matrix values Editing matrix values interactively |
main zones Showing and editing matrix attribute values |
making symmetric Make symmetrical: mean value upper / lower triangle |
matrix values |
copying Exchanging matrix values between opened matrices |
editing Editing matrix values interactively |
marking Marking matrix data |
reading Replacing matrix values |
replacing Replacing all matrix values |
matrix valuesreplacing Setting new matrix values based on a condition |
maximum Replacing matrix data by a maximum value |
mean value |
upper/lower triangle Symmetrizing a matrix |
mean value upper/lower triangle Make symmetrical: mean value upper / lower triangle |
minimum Replacing matrix data by a minimum value |
multiplying Multiplying matrix values |
OD pair Matrices overview |
opening Opening matrices |
overview Matrices window, Matrices overview |
projecting Projection, Projecting matrix values, Projecting matrix values in the procedure sequence |
projecting path volumes (PrT) Projecting PrT path volumes, Projecting PrT path volumes |
projection by territory Projecting matrix values by territory |
projection of aggregated areas Projection by territory |
properties Showing and editing matrix attribute values |
properties and options Showing and editing matrix attribute values |
raising to power Raise to power, Form reciprocal, raise to power, take logarithm, exponential function |
reading $O format Settings for reading matrices from file in $O format |
reading an external matrix into the network Importing an external matrix into a network model |
reading in Importing an external matrix into a network model |
reflecting Transpose, reflect upper or lower triangle, apply mean value |
lower triangle Reflecting the lower triangle of a matrix |
upper triangle Reflecting the upper triangle of a matrix |
rounding Rounding matrix values |
saving Saving matrices, Saving matrices during procedure sequence execution |
as file Saving matrices |
as partial matrix Saving partial matrices |
scatter plot Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot, Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot |
scatterplots |
printing Printing a matrix comparison, Printing a matrix comparison |
setting values Replacing matrix values |
settings |
display Basic settings for matrices |
editing Basic settings for matrices |
skim matrices Matrices |
splitting Splitting columns and rows, Splitting (extending) matrix objects |
subtracting Subtracting matrix values |
symmetrizing Symmetrizing a matrix |
taking the logarithm Take logarithm, Form reciprocal, raise to power, take logarithm, exponential function |
transposing Transposing the matrix values, Transpose, reflect upper or lower triangle, apply mean value |
using conversion functions Using matrix conversion functions |
using matrix combination functions Using matrix combination functions |
using matrix references Using matrix references for demand calculation |
using the ForEach function Performing calculations for multiple matrices |
weighting matrices EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
window The Matrix editor window |
zones Showing and editing matrix attribute values |
Matrices correcting with TFlowFuzzy opening old settings Reading old TFlowFuzzy settings from file |
Matrix comparison Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot |
DXF export Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot |
export as graphics Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot |
JPG export Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot |
SVG export Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot |
Matrix comparisons |
printing Printing a matrix comparison |
Matrix correction Correcting matrices |
calibrating matrix (PrT) Calibrating PrT matrices |
projecting path volumes (PrT) Projecting PrT path volumes |
Matrix editor Displaying and editing matrices, Transport demand model, Matrices, The Matrix editor window |
editing filtered entries Editing filtered entries |
Matrix editor window The Matrix editor window |
layout Saving and opening the layout of a Matrix editor, histogram, or matrix comparison window |
Matrix toll Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area |
Matrix types Showing matrices in the Matrices window |
Matrix values |
aggregated display Showing matrix values in an aggregated form |
export Exporting matrix values to a database |
filtering Showing matrix values in an aggregated form |
reading Adding matrix values of a file during procedure sequence, Importing matrix values during execution of the procedure sequence |
rounding Rounding matrix values |
Matrix window |
graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for the Matrix editor window |
setting options Setting options for display in the Matrix editor window |
Mean value |
calculating |
matrices Average determination using the Method of Successive Averages (MSA) |
Merge network Network merge |
opening Creating a network merge |
terminating Creating a network merge |
Merging networks Merging networks |
Message file Using protocol files, Specifying settings for warnings, Messages window, Examples: Protocol files |
Messages window Messages window, Messages window |
Messages.txt Using protocol files, Messages window |
Method of Successive Averages Average determination using the Method of Successive Averages (MSA) |
Metric system |
as standard setting Specifying standard units for length and speed |
Mobility sharing Ride sharing in combination with public transport (first mile / last mile concept), Vehicle sharing |
Mode choice Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing demand strata, Nested mode choice (Nested demand) |
allocating modes |
Tour-based model Creating demand matrices for tour-based model - trip distribution and mode choice |
EVA model for passenger demand EVA trip distribution and mode choice, Calculating EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
nested (standard 4-step model) 4-step model with sequential calculation, Nested demand model, Nested mode choice (Nested demand) |
standard 4-step model Mode choice |
Standard 4-step model Calculating mode choice |
Tour-based model Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice, Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined |
Model transfer file |
applying Applying model transfer files |
creating Creating a model transfer file |
Model transfer files Model transfer files |
Models |
comparing Comparing and transferring networks |
Modes Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Managing transport systems, modes and demand segments, Modes, Managing modes |
creating Creating modes |
deleting Deleting modes |
properties and options Properties and options of modes, Editing the attribute values of modes |
Modifications Managing modifications |
MPA See Multi Point Assignment |
MSA See Method of Successive Averages |
Multi-point assignment Distributing the demand to PrT connectors |
Multi Point Assignment Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors, Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors |
Multi procedure Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI), Projection, Gravity model calculation |
trilinear (EVA) EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
NCHRP 255 NCHRP 255, NCHRP 255 (Post-processor for PrT assignments) |
Nested demand |
Standard 4-step model Calculating demand with the Nested demand model |
Network |
checking Checking the network |
displaying the check results Displaying the results of the check and fixing errors |
editing Editing the network |
finding errors Checking the network |
fixing errors Displaying the results of the check and fixing errors |
generating subnetwork Using the subnetwork generator |
rotate Rotate, shift, scale network |
scale Rotate, shift, scale network |
shift Rotate, shift, scale network |
Network-wide signal optimization Network-wide signal optimization, Network-wide signal optimization |
Network attributes |
List Editing user-defined network attributes |
Network check Network check |
Network display |
bars Bars |
classified Classified display with attribute values |
labeling with charts Labeling with charts |
labeling with tables Labeling with tables |
saving as PDF file Saving the network display as a PDF file |
Network editor |
synchronizing Synchronization with other windows, Junction editor and signal control |
Network files |
adding data to complete line routes or system routes Reading a network file with incomplete line routes or system routes |
opening Opening and saving a network file and adding comments |
reading additively Reading network data additively |
reading with incomplete line routes or system routes Reading a network file with incomplete line routes or system routes |
Network merge Network merge |
analysis time intervals Network merge |
examples Network merge |
Network model Fundamentals of the program, Network model – the transport supply |
Network object types The Attribute.xls file, Network object types |
displaying in the network Checking the state of network objects |
Network objects |
adding charts Adding charts to network objects |
adding tables Adding tables to network objects |
block Block |
block item Block item and block item type |
block item types Network objects |
block version Block version |
block versions Network objects |
buffer Buffers |
calculating intersection Calculation Intersection |
classified display Displaying classified objects based on attribute values |
column charts Creating column charts |
connectors Connectors, Network objects |
count locations Count locations and detectors, Network objects |
deleting Deleting several marked network objects, Deleting active network objects, Deleting object in list, Deleting network objects, Deleting marked network objects |
demand segments Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Demand segments, Network objects, Demand segments |
detectors Count locations and detectors, Network objects |
displaying the state Checking the state of network objects |
editing Using filters to set network objects active or passive, Setting network objects active/passive via the spatial selection |
editing attribute values Exchanging attribute values via the clipboard, Editing attribute values of network objects, Editing attribute values during a procedure sequence |
editing boundaries Managing boundaries of polygonal network objects |
examples of intersect operations Examples of intersect operations |
fare zones Network objects |
filters |
copying Copying filters to a different Visum instance |
deleting Deleting a filter |
reading Reading filters during a procedure sequence, Reading filters |
saving Saving filters |
finding in the network Finding network objects in the network |
editing results Editing search results |
GIS objects Network objects, Connection to the Personal Geodatabase and GIS objects, GIS objects |
initializing filter conditions Initializing filter conditions |
intersecting Buffers, Intersect |
line blocking Line blocking application example |
line routes Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects |
lines Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects |
link types Network objects |
links Links, Network objects |
locations Network objects |
main lines Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects |
main nodes Network objects, Main nodes |
main OD pairs Main zones and main OD pairs |
main turns Main turns, Network objects |
main zones Main zones and main OD pairs, Network objects |
marking Marking network objects in the network |
modes Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Modes, Network objects |
network object types Network object types |
nodes Nodes, Network objects |
OD pairs Network objects |
Operator model (PuT) Network objects in the Operator model |
path sequences Path sequences |
paths Network objects, Paths |
Points of Interest (POI) Network objects, Points of Interest (POI) |
PuT coordination groups Network objects |
PuT operators Network objects, PuT operators |
PuT vehicles PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations |
renumbering Automatic renumbering of network objects |
restricted traffic areas Network objects |
Restricted traffic areas Restricted traffic areas |
screenlines Screenlines, Network objects |
selecting Marking network objects in the network |
setting network objects active/passive by spatial selection Reading a spatial selection of network objects, Inverting the active/passive state of network objects, Setting network objects active/passive via the spatial selection |
sharing Network objects |
sharing stations Sharing stations |
showing and hiding Editing the display and order of drawing settings for graphic layers |
stop areas Stop areas, Network objects |
stop points Stop points, Network objects |
stops Network objects, Stops |
system routes Network objects, System routes |
territories Network objects, Territories |
ticket types Network objects |
Time interval sets Network objects |
Time intervals Network objects |
time profiles Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects |
transport systems Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Transport systems, Network objects |
turn standards Network objects |
turns Turns, Network objects |
using filters to set network objects active or passive Using filters to set network objects active or passive |
valid days Network objects, The line hierarchy, Valid days |
vehicle combinations PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations, Network objects |
vehicle journey sections Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects |
vehicle journeys Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects |
vehicle units PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations, Network objects |
zones Zones, Network objects |
Network window Network window |
customizing the view Network window |
Networks |
comparing Comparing and transferring networks |
merging Merging networks |
Node Nodes |
Node geometry Geometries, Editing the geometry of a node |
crosswalks Geometries |
lane turns Geometries |
lanes Geometries |
leg templates Geometries |
link orientations Link orientations |
node legs Geometries |
node templates Geometries |
Node impedance |
methods Methods for node impedance calculation |
Node impedance calculation |
Intersection Capacity Analysis (ICA) Calculating node impedances using Node impedance calculation (ICA) |
Nodes VDF Calculating node impedances using Nodes VDF |
selecting the method Selecting the method for node impedance calculation |
Turns VDF Calculating node impedances via Turns VDF |
Node impedances Impedances at nodes |
calculate according to HCM Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA) |
calculating Calculating node impedances |
nodes VD function (TModel) Node impedance of nodes VD function |
turns VD function Node impedances of turns VD function |
Node templates Geometries |
Node topology Geometries |
graphically displaying Lane allocation |
Node types |
allocating VD functions Selecting VDFs for node types |
Nodes Managing nodes |
aggregating isolated Aggregating isolated nodes |
allocating main nodes Allocating nodes to one or multiple main nodes |
allocating signal controllers Properties and options of signal controllers |
allocating VD functions Selecting VDFs for node types |
connect via links Automatically connecting nodes via links |
control types Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA) |
create missing lane turns Creating missing lane turns for nodes |
creating Creating a node |
creating leg templates Editing the geometry in the list view |
creating node templates Editing the geometry in the list view |
deleting Deleting a node, Deleting several marked nodes, Deleting nodes, Deleting active nodes |
displaying turns Displaying turn volumes |
displaying turns as bars Displaying turns, main turns, and turn volumes |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of nodes |
editing in the junction editor Junction editor and signal control |
finding Finding a node |
impedances The impedance of a PrT route, Impedances at nodes |
inserting stops Inserting stop points, stop areas, and stops at nodes |
merging Merging nodes |
moving Moving nodes |
properties and options Properties and options of nodes |
resetting lane data Resetting the lane data at nodes |
selecting Finding a node, Selecting nodes |
setting polygon allocation Setting the polygon allocation of nodes |
signal timing |
editing Editing the signal times of a node, Changing offsets in the signal time-space diagram |
signal group-based control Editing signal times |
signalization Signalization |
specifying major flows Specifying major flows at nodes |
stages |
creating Editing signal times |
updating impedances Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes |
updating impedances with signal cycle and split optimization Updating impedances at nodes |
Nodes VD function (TModel) Node impedance of nodes VD function |
Nodes VDF Calculating node impedances using Nodes VDF |
Noise-Emis-Nordic The environmental impact model |
Noise calculation according to RLS-19 The environmental impact model |
Noise volume Noise volume |
Noise-Emis-Nordic procedure Noise volume, Noise-Emis-Nordic procedure |
Noise-Emis-RLS90 procedure Noise calculation according to RLS-19 |
Noise volumes |
calculating Calculating noise volume |
displaying Displaying noise volumes |
saving Saving noise volumes |
setting parameters Setting environmental impact parameters |
Normalizing Multi-part surfaces, Normalizing all surfaces |
Notes |
HAFAS data Notes on the imported HAFAS data |
OD demand Transport demand model, Demand model |
OD pair filter assignment matrices Creating a matrix calculated from a formula, Using calculated matrices |
OD pairs Managing OD pairs, OD pairs |
One-way roads |
displaying Displaying one-way roads |
Open the license agreement Open the license agreement |
Opening the privacy privacy statement Opening the privacy privacy statement |
OpenStreetMap import OpenStreetMap import |
checking import results Checking the import results |
configuration sets Structure of the configuration sets |
creating network sections Creating a network section for data import |
defining import processes Defining the import process |
downloading data Downloading and preparing OpenStreetMap data |
editing data Downloading and preparing OpenStreetMap data |
importing network sections Creating a network section for data import |
using default configuration Running the import process with a predefined configuration |
using user-defined configuration Running the import process with a user-defined configuration |
OpenStreetMap importadapting the import process Adapting the import process |
Operating modes The operating modes of the network model |
Operating periods |
allocating Replacing valid days by a combination of valid day and operating period |
creating Creating operating periods |
delete Deleting operating periods |
editing attribute values Editing attribute values of operating periods |
insert complement Inserting the complement for an operating period |
properties and options Properties and options of operating periods |
Operator model Network objects in the Operator model, Settings for the PuT operator model |
Operator model (PuT) Operator model PuT, The operator model |
examples Indicator data by time slice, Indicators at the line hierarchy, Introductory examples for PuT indicators, Evaluation of indicators on the operator level, Indicator data by territory |
Indicators (aggregation levels) Calculation of indicators on different aggregation levels |
line blocking Line blocking |
network objects Network objects in the Operator model |
Territory-based evaluation (aggregation levels) Territory-based evaluation on different aggregation levels |
work flow Typical work flow in the PuT operator model |
Operators |
deleting Deleting operators |
in the operator model Network objects in the Operator model |
Optimizing cycle and green time Optimizing signal cycles and split of a single signal controller |
Optimizing offset times Signal coordination (Signal offset optimization) |
Optimizing signal cycle and split Data model for signal cycle and split optimization |
Origin-destination pair Matrices overview |
Origin wait time (Timetable-based assignment) Perceived journey time |
Overview |
the Matrices window Showing matrices in the Matrices window |
P+R procedure |
path sequences P+R procedures and path sequences |
Parallelization Specifying the number of processor cores to be used |
Parameter files |
saving Saving settings for special matrix operations |
Park & Ride Modeling Park + Ride trips |
Park + Ride |
calculating leg split Calculating Park + Ride leg split |
calculating the lot choice Calculating Park + Ride lot choice |
leg split Park + Ride leg split |
lot choice Park + Ride lot choice |
modeling Modeling Park + Ride |
Passenger sample survey Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys |
Passenger survey Check ridership data for plausibility, Processing collected survey data |
data |
checking Plausibilization of survey data |
direct assignment Survey data assignment |
loading ridership data Loading ridership data |
survey data |
assignment Survey data assignment |
loading Loading survey data |
plausibilize Plausibilization of survey data, Plausibilization of survey data |
Path legs |
PrT PrT paths |
PuT PuT paths |
Path search |
setting parameters Creating a PrT path |
Path sequence activities |
creating Creating path sequence activities |
Path sequence sets |
creating Creating path sequence sets |
deleting Deleting path sequence activities, Deleting path sequence sets |
managing Managing path sequences |
Path sequences Path sequences |
deleting Deleting path sequences |
displaying Displaying path sequence items |
importing Importing path sequences |
inserting skims Specifying skims for path sequences |
label Labeling path sequence items |
Path sets |
creating Creating a path set |
deleting Deleting path sets |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of path sets, Editing the attribute values of all or all active path sets |
marking Marking path sets |
properties and options Properties and options of path sets |
selecting Selecting path sets |
setting active/passive Setting active/passive path sets |
Paths Managing PrT paths and sets of paths, Paths in PrT and PuT, Paths |
converting Converting a path |
displaying (flow bundles) Flow bundles with alternative routes |
editing course Editing the course of a path |
filtering (flow bundles) Flow bundles |
finding Creating a PrT path |
PrT PrT paths |
PuT PuT paths |
saving Settings for saving PrT assignment results |
settings Settings for saving PuT assignment results |
PDV procedure Comparison of the PDV procedure with dynamic assignment, Pseudo-dynamic volumes (PDV), Procedure parameters, input and output attributes of the PDV procedure |
Use of the results Use of the results |
Perceived journey time Perceived journey time, Perceived journey time |
Percentage time series |
convert to matrix time series Converting percentage time series to matrix time series |
converting Converting percentage time series to matrix time series |
Person groups Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing person groups, Person groups |
creating Creating demand objects |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
properties and options Properties and options of person groups |
Person groupsediting the number of persons Editing the number of persons in a person group |
Personal Geodatabase Connecting Visum to a Personal Geodatabase |
connecting to a Showing objects from a personal geodatabase in Visum |
disconnecting Ending the display of objects from a personal geodatabase |
Personal Geodatabase (PGD) Connection to the Personal Geodatabase and GIS objects |
PGD See Personal Geodatabase |
Planned connecting journeys |
create Managing planned connecting journeys |
Playing an SBA recording Playing an SBA recording |
POI categories |
creating Creating a POI category |
deleting Deleting a POI category |
editing Allocating a POI to a different category, Editing a POI category |
using user-defined attributes Using user-defined attributes for POI categories |
Point Tables in the surface model |
Points of Interest (POI) Points of Interest (POI) |
POIs |
aggregating Aggregating marked or active POIs to one POI |
allocating POIs: Allocations tab, Allocating network objects to a POI |
boundaries |
deleting Deleting the boundaries of several POIs |
convert to locations Converting POIs into other polygonal network objects or locations |
converting Converting POIs into other polygonal network objects or locations |
creating Creating a POI |
deleting Deleting POIs |
deleting enclaves Deleting enclaves of POIs |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of POIs, Editing the attribute values of marked POIs, Editing the attribute values of all or all active POIs |
editing category Allocating a POI to a different category |
editing image size and rotation angle Changing the image size and rotation angle of a POI |
fuzzy surface alignment Fuzzy alignment of POIs surfaces |
graphic parameters Displaying Points of Interest |
managing Managing Points of Interest (POIs) |
managing boundaries Managing the boundary of a POI |
normalizing surfaces Normalizing surfaces of POIs |
properties and options Properties and options of POIs |
restricting the selection Restricting the selection of POIs to one category |
selecting Selecting POIs |
setting active/passive Setting POIs active/passive |
setting labels Setting POI labels to the centroids |
shifting Moving POIs |
Pollution-Emis The environmental impact model |
Pollution-Emis procedure Pollution-Emis procedure |
Polygons Polygons, Using polygons in the network display, The surface data model in Visum |
copying Copying and pasting a polygon |
creating line/polygon Creating lines/polygons |
creating rectangles Creating a rectangle |
deleting Deleting a polygon |
deleting all Deleting all polygons |
editing Editing the properties of an open polygon, Editing the properties of a closed polygon |
merging points Merging all polygon points with identical co-ordinates |
normalizing surfaces Normalizing all surfaces |
saving Saving polygons |
shifting Shifting a polygon |
PopulationSim interface ActivitySim interface |
Position data Creating a background from a file |
Possible applications |
Planning tasks of newer forms of mobility or combinations Fields of application for Visum in PrT and PuT |
Preparation time Editing a vehicle journey section |
Preset the analysis time slot Specifying settings for the attribute selection windows |
Printing Printing the network display |
print output |
starting Starting print output |
setting a printed page Setting a printed page |
specifying a print area Specifying the print area |
specifying a print frame Settings for print frame, header and footer |
Procedure |
executing procedures in version comparisons Executing procedures in version comparisons |
move in the sequence Changing the order of procedures and groups in the sequence |
move to group Changing the order of procedures and groups in the sequence |
Procedure description |
line blocking without vehicle interchange Line blocking description without vehicle interchange |
Procedure parameters |
in the scenario management Specifying procedure parameters |
opening and saving Saving procedure parameters to a file and loading them from a file |
Procedure sequence Setting up and starting the procedure sequence |
adding procedure Adding procedures to the procedure sequence |
Adjusting column selection Selecting attributes for the Procedure sequence window |
creating Creating a procedure sequence automatically |
creating and editing group Forming and naming groups |
distributed computing Swapping entire procedure sequences to compute nodes, Distributed computing of procedure sequence |
executing procedures Executing procedures in the procedure sequence |
general settings Adjusting the general procedure settings |
interrupting Interrupting the procedure sequence |
opening Opening the procedure sequence |
opening and saving Saving procedure parameters to a file and loading them from a file |
opening layout Opening the layout for the procedure sequence window |
organize hierarchically Changing the order of procedures and groups in the sequence |
saving layout Saving the layout for the procedure sequence window |
setting up and starting Setting up and starting the procedure sequence |
viewing the calculation status Displaying the calculation status |
Procedure settings Adjusting the general procedure settings |
opening and saving Saving procedure parameters to a file and loading them from a file |
Procedure variables |
creating Creating procedure variables |
defining Defining procedure variables and setting values |
editing Editing procedure variables |
editing values Editing values of procedure variables |
Procedures |
copy to clipboard Copying procedures or groups to the clipboard |
exchange via clipboard Exchanging procedures or groups of procedures via the clipboard |
line blocking Executing the PuT line blocking procedure |
parallelized calculation Specifying the number of processor cores to be used |
pasting content from the clipboard Pasting procedures or groups from the clipboard |
PuT interlining matrix Calculating skim matrices for interlining trips |
showing/hiding a group Showing or hiding the procedures of a group |
Processor cores Specifying the number of processor cores to be used |
Production Editing the demand of EVA-P demand strata, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, Editing the demand of Standard 4-step demand strata |
Production and distribution |
Tour-based freight model Calculating production and distribution using the tour-based freight model |
Productions Trip generation |
Profiles |
copying a classification Copying a classification between temporal distribution and detail view |
exporting Exporting profiles |
open layout Opening the layout of profiles |
opening Opening the profile view |
saving and opening layouts Saving and opening the layout of profiles |
saving the layout Saving the layout of profiles |
setting graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for profiles |
specifying settings Specifying settings for profiles |
window The profile window |
Program interface Program interface |
Program start Using a different configuration file during program start |
Projecting path volumes (PrT) Projecting PrT path volumes |
Projection Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
examples Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
matrices Projecting matrix values, Projecting matrix values in the procedure sequence |
vehicle journey section attributes PuT operating indicators: User-defined attributes tab |
Projections Coordinate systems |
Property |
delivery concepts Properties and options of delivery concepts |
Protocol files Using protocol files |
activity protocol Using protocol files, Adding a comment to the activity protocol |
examples Examples: Protocol files |
log file Using protocol files |
message file Using protocol files |
settings Using protocol files |
specifying settings Specifying settings for protocol files |
Protocol.txt Using protocol files, Examples: Protocol files |
PrT |
path legs PrT paths |
path objects Paths |
paths PrT paths |
PrT assignment procedure User model PrT |
Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe (BFW) Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe (BFW) |
convergence criteria Convergence criteria of assignment quality |
example network Example network for PrT assignment procedures |
Simulation-based dynamic assignment Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA) |
PrT assignment procedures Setting and calculating the parameters for PrT assignment, Settings for the PrT user model |
dynamic stochastic assignment Dynamic stochastic assignment, Dynamic stochastic assignment |
Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE), Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) |
equilibrium assignment Equilibrium assignment (static), Equilibrium assignment |
Equilibrium assignment Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe Equilibrium assignment Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe |
Equilibrium_Lohse Equilibrium_Lohse, Equilibrium_Lohse assignment (static) |
ICA convergence criteria Convergence criteria |
impedance functions The impedance of a PrT route |
incremental assignment Incremental assignment, Incremental assignment (static) |
Level of detail for results Settings for saving PrT assignment results |
Linear User Cost Equilibrium (LUCE) Equilibrium assignment LUCE |
settings Setting parameters for PrT assignments |
stochastic assignment Stochastic assignment, Stochastic assignment (static) |
taking base volume into account Taking base volume into account |
toll The TRIBUT procedure |
TRIBUT The TRIBUT procedure |
TRIBUT - Equilibrium assignment TRIBUT - Equilibrium assignment |
TRIBUT - Equilibrium_Lohse TRIBUT - Equilibrium_Lohse (static) |
using solution as initial solution The impedance of a PrT route |
VD functions Predefined VD functions |
with blocking-back model Blocking back model settings and calculation |
PrT assignment quality data |
convergence criteria Viewing convergence criteria and convergence speed |
PrT path sets Managing PrT paths and sets of paths |
PrT paths |
converting Converting paths |
creating Creating a PrT path |
deleting Deleting paths |
displaying Configuring the display of a PrT path bar |
distributing a matrix to paths Distributing a matrix on paths |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of PrT paths |
opening paths Opening the Paths window |
parameters for the path search Creating a PrT path |
properties and options Properties and options of PrT paths |
selecting Selecting paths |
setting active/passive Setting paths active/passive |
setting travel times Setting travel times for paths |
PrT skims |
user-defined User-defined PrT skims |
Pseudo-dynamic volumes Method |
PuT |
Aux transport systems Handling of public transport systems of the PuT-Aux type |
operating indicators PuT interlining matrix procedure |
cost and revenue model Calculation of operating costs and fare gains (revenues) |
cost per hour Vehicle type-dependent costs |
examples Example for PuT operating indicators, Operator cost |
kilometer costs Vehicle type-dependent costs |
line route and timetable analysis Indicators for line route and timetable evaluation |
link costs Link costs, Link costs |
network performance measurement Measurement of the network performance |
operating cost Calculation of the operating costs, Calculation of operating costs and fare gains (revenues) |
operator costs Operator cost |
stop point costs Stop point cost |
transport supply measurement Measurement of the transport supply |
vehicle costs Vehicle type-dependent costs |
vehicle type costs Vehicle type-dependent costs, Vehicle type-dependent costs |
Operating indicators |
distributing empty trips and empty times Distribution of empty trips and empty times to vehicle journeys |
Operator model Impact models – methods to calculate the impact of traffic, Network objects in the Operator model |
operators Network objects in the Operator model, PuT operators |
deleting Deleting operators |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of operators |
passenger surveys Processing collected survey data |
path legs PuT paths |
paths PuT paths |
revenues Calculation of the fare revenues (revenue calculation) |
calculate using fare model Revenue calculation using the fare model |
distribute across PuT path legs Revenue distribution |
fixed revenue per PTripUnlinked Revenue calculation from fixed revenue per passenger trip |
fixed revenue per traversed fare point Revenue calculation from fixed revenue per traversed fare point |
vehicle units |
creating Creating a vehicle unit |
vehicles PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations |
PuT assignment procedure User model PuT |
headway-based Headway-based assignment |
timetable-based Timetable-based assignment |
TSys-based Transport system-based assignment |
PuT assignment procedures Setting and calculating PuT assignment parameters, Settings for the PuT user model |
headway-based Parameters of headway-based assignment |
settings Setting parameters for PuT assignments |
timetable-based Parameters of timetable-based assignment |
TSys-based Parameters of the TSys-based assignment |
PuT connections and transfer flows PuT connections and transfer flows |
PuT cost model Creating a cost model |
PuT fare zones |
creating Creating fare zones |
deleting Deleting a fare zone |
PuT fares |
defining Defining PuT fares |
PuT interlining matrix PuT interlining matrix procedure |
PuT operating indicators |
deleting Discarding calculated PuT operating indicators |
PuT operator model Settings for the PuT operator model |
PuT revenues |
cost coverage calculation Calculation of cost coverage |
PuT supply import |
settings |
reading Reading settings for PuT supply import |
resetting Resetting the PuT supply import settings |
saving Saving settings for PuT supply import |
PuT transfer relations PuT transfer relations |
PuToperating indicators |
revenue calculation Calculation of the fare revenues (revenue calculation) |
Python |
Python Console Opening a Python Console in Visum |
Reference More documents |
script language Selecting your own Python virtual environment, Opening a Python Console in Visum |
selecting a virtual environment Selecting your own Python virtual environment |
Queues Predefined VD functions |
Quick view |
open layout Opening a layout for the quick view |
saving layout Saving Quick view layout |
settings Editing Quick view settings |
window Quick view window |
Quick View |
editing attribute values Modifying attribute values in the Quick view |
Quick view window Quick view window |
RailML |
exporting data to railML Exporting Visum data to railML® |
importing RailML® interface |
loading import settings Reading in settings for railML® import |
notes on imported data Notes on imported railML® data |
resetting export settings Resetting railML® export settings |
restoring import settings Resetting the railML® import settings |
saving export settings Saving settings for railML® export |
saving import settings Saving settings for railML® import |
RailMLloading |
reading in export settings Loading settings for railML® export |
Ramp metering Predefined VD functions |
Read network data additively |
Renumber network objects Specifying settings for conflict avoidance and conflict handling |
Reading an abstract network model Reading an abstract network model |
Reading network data additively |
adjusting settings Specifying settings for reading in additional network data |
defining conflict avoidance and handling Specifying settings for conflict avoidance and conflict handling |
selecting data tables Selecting data tables you want to read in |
Reading stage templates Editing signal times |
Recalculating lengths Recalculating lengths |
Rectangles Creating a rectangle |
Redo |
restoring the previously undone action Redoing undone actions |
Regular service information |
editing Editing regular services |
Regular services |
creating Create regular services |
editing Editing regular services |
Relations with conditions Relations with conditions |
Removing link intermediate points from junction areas Removing link intermediate points from junction areas |
removing link intermediate points on junctions Repairing incorrect node geometry |
Resetting DUE attributes Resetting DUE attributes to the default values |
Restricted traffic areas Restricted traffic areas |
deleting Deleting restricted traffic areas |
deleting enclaves Deleting enclaves of restricted traffic areas |
editing attribute values Editing attribute values of restricted traffic areas |
finding Finding restricted traffic areas |
Fuzzy alignment of surfaces Fuzzy alignment of restricted traffic areas |
impedances The impedance of a PrT route |
managing boundaries Managing the boundary of a restricted traffic area |
marking Setting restricted traffic areas active / passive, Marking restricted traffic areas |
moving the centroid Moving the centroid of a restricted traffic area |
normalizing surfaces Normalizing surfaces of restricted traffic areas |
selecting Setting restricted traffic areas active / passive, Selecting restricted traffic areas |
setting labels Setting restricted traffic area labels to the centroid |
specifying a matrix toll Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area |
Result analysis Analysis of results |
Revenues (PuT) Calculation of operating costs and fare gains (revenues) |
fares Fares |
Ride sharing Ride sharing |
Ridership data |
plausibility check Check ridership data for plausibility |
Risk of delay Timetable-based assignment: Risk of delay page |
analyze Risk of delay |
procedure parameters Procedure parameters risk of delay |
Risk of delay analysis |
calculate Calculations |
RLS-19 Noise calculation according to RLS-19, The environmental impact model |
Rounding |
attribute value Rounding attribute values |
demand and volume Rounding demand and volume data |
matrix values Rounding matrix values |
Rounding demand data Rounding demand and volume data |
Rounding volume data Rounding demand and volume data |
Route loading |
TSys-based assignment Route loading |
Route search |
TSys-based assignment Route search |
Routes |
distribution of demand Distribution models in the assignment |
impedances The impedance of a PrT route |
importing Importing routes |
importing (extended) Extended route import |
saving Settings for saving PrT assignment results |
skims Skims of time |
Safety Visum Safety |
carrying out accident predictions Carrying out accident predictions |
importing accidents Importing accidents |
objects and attributes Objects and attributes |
opening Opening Visum Safety |
Placing and allocating accidents Placing and allocating accidents |
SATURN import SATURN import |
Saving |
PrT assignment results Settings for saving PrT assignment results |
user preferences Saving, opening and restoring user preferences |
Saving a backup copy Settings for opening and saving data files, Settings for opening and saving data files |
Saving an abstract network model Saving an abstract network model |
Saving files |
setting a language Setting a language for saving Visum files |
SBA trajectories |
adjust display Adjusting the display of SBA trajectories |
subsequent recording Recording trajectories afterwards |
SBA visualization |
synchronize Synchronizing the SBA visualization with other windows |
window Opening the 3-D network view - SBA |
Scalable Vector Graphics SVG export |
Scenario management Managing scenarios, Scenario management |
Cache edit Saving interim results of an edit |
converting a project into a file-based project Converting an SQL server database project into a file-based project |
Converting a project into an SQL server database Converting a file-based project into an SQL server database |
creating new project Creating a project for scenario management |
creating user-defined attributes Creating user-defined attributes for scenario management objects |
distributed computing Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers |
adding compute nodes manually Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers |
calculating scenarios Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers |
copying files to compute node Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers |
downloading result files Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers |
managing compute nodes Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers |
setting up the calculation server Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers |
editing the base version Editing the base version |
exchange of projects in multi-user mode Exchange of projects in multi-user mode |
exporting a partial project Exporting a partial project |
exporting a project Exporting a scenario management project |
exporting data Exporting data of a Scenario management project |
global layout |
applying Applying a global layout to background network |
editing Editing the global layout |
load from file Loading a global layout from file |
global layouts |
creating Creating a global layout |
integrating a project Integrating a project |
modifications Managing modifications |
Multi-user mode Scenario management in multi-user mode |
renaming the base version Editing basic settings of the project |
specifying global layouts Specifying global layouts |
specifying procedure parameters Specifying procedure parameters |
work flow Scenario management |
Scenarios Managing scenarios, Scenario management |
calculating Calculating scenarios and showing results, Calculating scenarios |
comparing Comparing scenarios |
create based on modifications Defining scenarios based on modifications |
creating Creating scenarios |
defining modifications Defining modifications |
managing Managing scenarios |
Schedules |
properties and options Properties and options of schedules |
Schematic line diagram Schematic line diagram |
adjusting centered label for multiple edges Adjusting the centered label of multiple edges |
bundling the edges Bundling edges |
by service patterns Bundling edges |
coupled edges Bundling edges |
with same attribute values Bundling edges |
creating a legend Creating a legend for the schematic line diagram |
deleting transfer nodes Manually editing schematic line diagrams |
displaying statistics Displaying statistics |
moving edge courses at right angles Manually editing schematic line diagrams |
moving edge courses in parallel Manually editing schematic line diagrams |
moving transfer nodes Manually editing schematic line diagrams |
printing Printing schematic line diagrams |
rearranging edge courses Manually editing schematic line diagrams |
Shift centered labels Setting the position of centered labels at edges |
transfer nodes |
adjusting labels Setting transfer node labels |
Schematic line diagrams Creating schematic line diagrams |
deleting unused edge courses Deleting unused edge courses |
displaying Opening schematic line diagrams, Displaying active stops as transfer nodes, Setting graphic parameters for the schematic line diagram |
displaying demand and transfer flows Display of demand and transfer flows in the schematic line diagram |
displaying individual stops Displaying individual stops as transfer nodes |
displaying stops Displaying active stops as transfer nodes |
displaying supply Display of supply in the schematic line diagram |
editing Defining and editing a schematic line diagram |
manual post-processing Manually editing schematic line diagrams |
refreshing the view Refreshing the view of the schematic line diagram |
saving and reading the layout Reading and saving the layout of schematic line diagrams |
selecting aggregation level Selecting display level for displayed edges |
selecting vehicle journeys Displaying vehicle journeys in the schematic line diagram |
separating all edges Separating all edges |
setting the layout Setting the layout for schematic line diagrams |
transferring the layout Saving layout information and transferring layouts to variants |
Screenlines Screenlines, Managing screenlines |
course |
editing Editing the course of a screenline |
creating Creating a screenline |
creating the opposite direction Creating the opposite direction |
deleting Deleting screenlines |
editing attribute values Editing attribute values of screenlines |
marking Marking screenlines, Setting screenlines active/passive |
properties and options Properties and options of screenlines, Screenlines: Link attributes tab |
selecting Setting screenlines active/passive, Selecting screenlines |
Screenshot |
exporting Exporting a screenshot or raster graphic from screen |
Script code |
integrating into the procedure sequence Integrating script files or script code into the procedure sequence |
Script files |
integrating into the procedure sequence Integrating script files or script code into the procedure sequence |
Python Selecting your own Python virtual environment, Opening a Python Console in Visum |
running Running script files |
Search addresses Searching locations in background maps |
Search locations in backgrounds Searching locations in background maps |
Sectors Manage sectors and delivery concepts |
create Creating demand objects |
delete Delete sectors |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
properties and options Properties and options of sectors |
Select |
multiple network objects simultaneously Selecting multiple network objects |
Selecting a decimal point Selecting a decimal point |
Selecting multiple network objects Selecting multiple network objects |
Selecting the direction of traffic Selecting the direction of traffic |
Service trip patterns |
calculating Calculating service trip patterns |
displaying Editing regular services |
Setting a rotation angle for bar labels Rotating labels of link bars |
Setting coordination groups for signal controllers Setting coordination groups for signal controllers |
main nodes Setting coordination groups for signal controllers |
Setting polygon allocation |
count locations Setting the polygon allocation of count locations |
main nodes Setting the polygon allocation of main nodes |
nodes Setting the polygon allocation of nodes |
stop areas Setting the polygon allocation of stop areas |
stop points Setting the polygon allocation of stop points |
stops Setting the polygon allocation of stops |
Setting route points Setting route points |
Shape files The Shapefiles interface, Shape files as a GIS interface |
Shapefiles |
exporting Exporting Shapefiles |
importing Importing Shapefiles |
Sharing stations Managing sharing stations, Sharing stations |
creating Creating sharing stations |
deleting Deleting sharing stations |
marking Selecting sharing stations |
properties and options Sharing stations: Basis tab |
Properties and options Sharing station: General attributes |
selecting Selecting sharing stations |
setting active/passive Setting sharing stations active/passive |
territories Sharing stations: Basis tab |
Shortcuts in Visum Shortcuts and functions keys in Visum |
Shortest path search Connection search using shortest path search, Shortest path search, Searching for and displaying shortest paths |
displaying in lists Displaying shortest path searches in lists |
PrT Shortest path search, Shortest path search PrT |
PuT Shortest path search, Shortest path search PuT |
timetable-based search Shortest path search PuT |
transport system-based search Shortest path search PuT |
saving Saving a shortest path search |
setting graphic parameters Setting the graphic parameters for shortest paths |
Showing missed connecting journeys Displaying reached and missed connecting journeys |
Showing node leg attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
Showing reached connecting journeys Displaying reached and missed connecting journeys |
Showing/hiding extended markings Showing/hiding extended markings |
Signal controllers Managing signal controllers |
allocating nodes Properties and options of signal controllers |
calculating coordination Signal timing optimization and coordination |
creating Creating a signal controller |
deleting a Deleting a signal controller |
editing Editing the control of a signal controller, Editing the attribute values of a signal controller |
editing signal times Editing the signal times of a node, Changing offsets in the signal time-space diagram |
optimizing offset times Signal coordination (Signal offset optimization) |
optimizing signal cycle and split Data model for signal cycle and split optimization, Optimizing signal cycle and split times, Optimizing signal cycles and split of a single signal controller |
signal time-space diagram Displaying signal time-space diagrams |
Signal coordination Signal coordination (Signal offset optimization), Data model for signal cycle and split optimization, Optimizing signal cycles and split of a single signal controller |
Signal coordination groups |
properties and options Properties and options of signal coordination groups |
Signal cycle and split optimization Signal cycle and split optimization |
Signal groups Managing signal groups |
allocating |
lane turns or crosswalks Editing the geometry in the list view |
lanes or legs Editing the geometry in the list view |
allocating crosswalks Editing signal times |
allocating lane turns Editing signal times |
creating Creating a signal group |
deleting Deleting a signal group |
editing attributes Editing the geometry in the list view |
properties and options Properties and options of signal groups |
Signal programs |
changing Switching off or manually changing signal programs in Visum, Switching off signal programs |
managing (Vissig) Managing signal programs |
switching off Switching off or manually changing signal programs in Visum, Switching off signal programs |
Signal time-space diagram Signal time-space diagram |
Signal time-space diagrams Displaying signal time-space diagrams |
exporting (SVG) Printing or exporting the signal time-space diagram |
setting graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for the signal time-space diagram |
Signal time optimization Signal time optimization |
Signal times |
adjusting the column display Editing signal times |
display options Editing signal times |
displaying all Editing signal times |
Signal timing coordination Optimizing signal cycle and split times |
Signalization Signalization |
stage templates Signalization |
Simulation-based dynamic assignment Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA), Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA) |
calculating path costs Calculating path costs |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes |
procedure Steps of simulation-based dynamic assignment |
route search Route search (shortest path search) |
simulation Simulation = network loading |
subsequent evaluations Subsequent evaluations |
volume balancing Distribution of demand across paths (volume balancing) |
Skim matrices Showing matrices in the Matrices window, Managing matrices, Matrices |
calculating |
Path sequences Calculating skim matrices from path sequences |
calculating for PrT Calculating PrT skims |
calculating for PuT Calculating PuT skims |
main diagonal |
specifying values Setting metadata for skim matrices |
meta data Setting metadata for skim matrices |
settings Setting metadata for skim matrices |
Skims Skims / indicators |
calculating (PrT) PrT skims |
PuT Skims for path sequences, Skims of attribute data, Monetary skims, Skims of frequency, Skims of length, Skims of time, Derived skims |
skim matrices Skim matrices |
Skims for path sequences Specifying skims for path sequences |
Slopes |
displaying Calculating the slope from z-coordinates |
Smart map |
applying graphic parameters Setting the graphic parameters for the Smart map window |
refreshing Refreshing the Smart map |
window The Smart map window |
Spatial network view |
Displaying 3D bars Displaying 3D bars |
selecting a display type Selecting a display type |
Spatial selection |
displaying network object types Checking the state of network objects |
inverting active/passive Inverting the active/passive state of network objects |
mode Activating the Spatial selection mode |
reading from file Reading a spatial selection of network objects |
setting active/passive Setting network objects active/passive via the spatial selection |
Special functions |
graphical timetable Special functions in the graphical timetable |
Specifying directories Editing the storage location of files |
Specifying major flows |
main nodes Specifying major flows at main nodes |
nodes Specifying major flows at nodes |
Specifying project directories Editing the storage location of files |
Split optimization Split optimization |
standard 4-step model |
time-of-day choice Time-of-day choice |
Standard 4-step model Transport demand model, Demand model, Standard 4-step model in two variants |
mode choice Mode choice |
nested 4-step model with sequential calculation, Nested mode choice (Nested demand) |
sequential calculation 4-step model with sequential calculation |
trip distribution Trip distribution |
trip generation Trip generation |
Standard time series Creating standard time series |
creating Creating standard time series |
deleting Deleting standard time series |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of demand objects |
editing for pairs of zone types Allocating different standard time series to relations between certain zone types |
editing the start time Editing the start day and start time of standard time series |
properties and options Properties and options of standard time series, Properties and options of standard time series |
time intervals |
creating Creating multiple time intervals of identical length, Creating time intervals for standard time series |
deleting Deleting time intervals of standard time series |
editing Editing time intervals of standard time series |
Start page |
Country for regional information Using the start page |
Stochastic assignment Stochastic assignment, Stochastic assignment (static) |
commonality factor Similarity of routes and commonality factor |
distribution models Distribution models in the assignment |
evaluation Evaluation of stochastic assignment |
examples Example of stochastic assignment |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of stochastic assignment |
Stop areas Managing stop areas |
connecting (nodes) Setting access nodes |
creating Creating a stop area |
deleting Deleting stop areas, Deleting stop areas |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of stop areas |
generate zones Generating zones for stop areas |
marking Marking stop areas, Setting stop areas active/passive |
moving Moving a stop area |
opening the graphical timetable Stop areas: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
opening the tabular timetable Stop areas: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
properties and options Properties and options of stop areas |
selecting Selecting stop areas, Setting stop areas active/passive |
setting access nodes Setting access nodes |
setting specific transfer walk times Setting transfer times for stop areas |
Stop areas setting |
polygon allocation Setting the polygon allocation of stop areas |
Stop catchment areas |
displaying Displaying stop catchment areas in the Network editor window |
setting graphic parameters Editing the graphic parameters of stop catchment areas |
Stop points Managing stop points, Stop points |
creating Creating a stop point |
deleting Deleting stop points |
displaying time profiles Stop points: Time profiles tab |
displaying transport systems Stop points: Transport systems tab |
displaying vehicle combinations Stop points: Depot tab |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of a stop point, Editing the attribute values of marked stop points, Editing the attribute values of all or all active stop points |
marking Setting stop points active/passive, Selecting stop points |
merging Merging stop points |
opening the graphical timetable Stop points: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
opening the tabular timetable Stops: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
properties and options Properties and options of stop points |
recurring activities Stop points: Recurring activities tab |
selecting Setting stop points active/passive, Selecting stop points |
setting polygon allocation Setting the polygon allocation of stop points |
shifting Moving stop points |
Stop sequence |
displaying sections Setting the display of stop sequence sections |
settings Basic stop sequence settings |
Stops Managing stops, Stops |
converting link stop points Converting link stop points into node stop points |
creating Creating a stop |
deleting Deleting stops |
deleting walk and wait times Deleting specific walk and wait times |
displaying catchment areas Stop catchment areas |
displaying twin stop events Setting the vehicle journeys display |
editing chained up vehicle journey sections Editing chained up vehicle journey sections |
editing the matrix Stops: Wait times tab, Stops: Walk times / stop areas tab |
finding stops without a connector Checking the network |
hierarchies Stop hierarchy: Stops, stop areas, stop points |
inserting Inserting stop points, stop areas, and stops at nodes |
marking Setting stops active/passive, Selecting stops |
merging Merging stops |
moving Moving stops |
opening the graphical timetable Stops: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
opening the tabular timetable Stop points: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
properties and options Properties and options of stops, Stops: General attributes |
selecting Setting stops active/passive, Selecting stops |
setting specific transition walk times Setting specific transition walk times |
stop areas Stop areas |
Stops setting |
polygon allocation Setting the polygon allocation of stops |
Storyboard |
deleting Deleting a storyboard |
editing a Editing a storyboard |
loading a Loading an existing storyboard |
recording Recording a storyboard as video |
Storyboards |
manage in Editor Using storyboards |
using Using storyboards |
Straps Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area |
Structural properties Modeling demand, Managing structural properties, Trip generation |
creating Creating demand objects |
deleting Deleting structural properties |
editing values Editing the attribute values of demand objects, Editing structural property data |
EVA model for passenger demand EVA data model |
properties and options Properties and options of structural properties |
tour-based model Tour-based model |
Structure of activity-based models Structure of the activity-based model |
Subnetwork |
generating Subnetwork generation, Exporting subnetworks via ANM interface |
options for line routes Selecting options for line routes |
Subnetwork generator Subnetwork generator |
Support Posting a support request, Submitting a support request |
Suppress warnings Specifying settings for warnings |
Surface items Tables in the surface model |
Surface model The surface data model in Visum |
multi-part surface Multi-part surfaces |
normalizing surfaces Multi-part surfaces |
tables Tables in the surface model |
Surfaces Tables in the surface model, The surface data model in Visum |
normalizing Normalizing all surfaces |
Survey data |
assigning Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys |
assignment Survey data assignment |
checking Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys |
loading Loading survey data |
plausibilization Plausibilization of survey data, Check ridership data for plausibility, Plausibilization of survey data, Plausibilization of survey data |
reading Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys |
SVG SVG export |
SVG export |
editing the coding Changing the coding of Visum SVG files |
signal time-space diagrams Printing or exporting the signal time-space diagram |
SVGexport |
transfers display of regular services Exporting the transfers display of regular services as graphics file |
Switching all filters on or off Switching all filters on or off |
Synchro import Synchro import |
Synchronization |
3-D network view Synchronizing 3-D network view with other windows |
3-D network view (SBA) Synchronizing the SBA visualization with other windows |
graphical timetable Synchronizing the graphical and tabular timetables with other windows |
junction editor Synchronizing the junction editor with other windows |
Line block editor Synchronizing the line block editor with other windows |
list window Synchronizing network object lists with other windows |
model transfer file Showing the content of a model transfer file |
Network editor Synchronization with other windows, Junction editor and signal control |
schematic line diagram Synchronizing the schematic line diagram with other windows |
signal time-space diagram Synchronizing the signal time-space diagram with other windows |
tabular timetable Synchronizing the graphical and tabular timetables with other windows |
transfers display of regular services Synchronizing the transfers display of regular services with other windows |
System optimum Predefined VD functions, Equilibrium assignment |
System routes Managing system routes, System routes |
applying run times Editing a time profile |
changing time attributes System routes: Vehicle combinations tab |
copying Copying a system route |
creating Creating system routes, Creating a system route |
creating a run time per vehicle combination System routes: Vehicle combinations tab |
creating the opposite direction Creating the opposite direction of a system route |
deleting Deleting system routes |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of system routes |
editing the course Editing system route items |
marking Marking system routes, Setting system routes active or passive |
properties and options System routes: Basis tab, Properties and options of system routes, System routes: General attributes |
selecting Marking system routes, Setting system routes active or passive, Selecting system routes |
setting parameters Creating a system route |
using for empty trips Attributes of line block versions |
using for line routes Tabular editing of a line route course |
TableLookup function Using the TableLookup function |
Tabular display Tabular and graphical display |
Tabular timetable Using the graphical and tabular timetable, Tabular timetable |
copying to clipboard Exporting and printing the tabular timetable |
creating user-defined atrributes Editing the values of vehicle journey attributes |
evaluations Evaluations in the graphical and tabular timetable |
exporting Exporting and printing the tabular timetable |
graphic parameters |
reading in Reading graphic parameters for the timetable |
restoring Resetting the graphic parameters of the timetable |
saving Saving graphic parameters for the graphical and tabular timetable |
layout |
reading Reading the tabular timetable layout |
opening Opening the graphical and the tabular timetable |
printing Exporting and printing the tabular timetable |
selecting line routes Line routes: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
selecting lines Lines: Setting the line selection for the timetable, Selecting lines to be displayed in the timetable, Lines: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
setting graphic parameters Setting graphic parameters for the tabular timetable |
showing attributes |
stop sequence Selecting the attributes to be displayed |
vehicle journey sections Selecting the attributes to be displayed |
vehicle journeys Selecting the attributes to be displayed |
showing stop areas Stop areas: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
showing stops Stop points: opening the graphical or tabular timetable, Stops: opening the graphical or tabular timetable |
specifying layout Specifying the tabular timetable layout |
synchronizing Synchronizing the graphical and tabular timetables with other windows |
table background settings Specifying the background of the table |
User preferences Setting options for the display of timetables |
Vehicle journey items |
specifying symbols Specifying the display of the symbols of vehicle journey items |
vehicle journey sections Managing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections |
vehicle journeys Managing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections |
window The tabular timetable window |
Taking base volume into account (PrT) Taking base volume into account |
tCur Predefined VD functions |
Temporal utility Temporal utility |
Territories Managing territories, Spatial distinction with territories, Territories |
boundaries |
deleting Deleting the boundaries of several territories |
converting Converting territories into other polygonal network objects |
creating Creating a territory |
deleting Deleting territories |
deleting enclaves Deleting enclaves from territories |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of a territory, Editing the attribute values of marked territories, Editing the attribute values of all or all active territories |
fuzzy surface alignment Fuzzy alignment of territory surfaces |
managing boundaries Managing the boundary of a territory |
marking Selecting territories |
moving centroids Moving the centroid of a territory |
normalizing surfaces Normalizing surfaces of territories |
properties and options Properties and options of territories, Territories: General attributes, Territories: Basis tab |
selecting Selecting territories |
setting labels Setting territory labels to the centroids |
Texts Using texts in the network display, Texts |
changing the font Editing the font of background / legend texts |
copying Copying and pasting a text |
creating Inserting background/legend text |
deleting Deleting a text |
deleting all Deleting all existing background / legend texts |
editing Editing background/legend text |
editing the font size Editing the font size of background / legend texts |
opening Opening texts |
rotating Rotating a text |
saving Saving texts |
shifting Shifting a text |
TFlowFuzzy |
example diagnostics list Performing analyses of TFlowFuzzy solution procedures |
example statistics list Performing analyses of TFlowFuzzy solution procedures |
Third-party components Displaying the list of third-party components, Displaying the list of third-party components |
Thousands separators |
using Using thousands separators |
Ticket types |
creating Creating ticket types |
Tie points Setting a tie point, Editing a background |
Time |
entering Specifying time periods and points in time |
entering units Specifying time periods and points in time |
Time-of-day choice |
calculating Calculating Time-of-day choice |
standard 4-step model Time-of-day choice |
utility function Calculating Time-of-day choice |
Time data |
entering Specifying time periods and points in time |
Time interval |
deleting Deleting time intervals |
Time interval set |
deleting Deleting time interval sets |
Time interval sets |
creating Creating time interval sets |
managing Managing time interval sets |
time intervals |
creating Inserting several time intervals of the same length into a time interval set, Inserting a time interval in a time interval set |
Time intervals |
edit Editing time intervals of time interval sets |
Time profiles Managing time profiles, Network objects of the line hierarchy, Creating a time profile |
accessing Managing time profiles |
adjusting Adjusting time profiles |
copying Copying a time profile |
creating Creating a time profile |
deleting Deleting a time profile |
deleting courses Managing time profiles |
deleting unused profile points Deleting unused time profile points |
editing Editing a time profile, Editing a time profile, Editing a time profile, Managing time profiles |
editing run and dwell times Editing a time profile |
editing vehicle combinations Editing a time profile |
manually removing a reference stop point Editing a time profile |
manually setting a reference stop point Editing a time profile |
setting times for time profile items Editing a time profile |
shifting the departure times of vehicle journeys Editing a time profile |
specifying a reference journey Setting the reference journey for a time profile |
specifying fare points Editing a time profile |
specifying run times Specifications of lengths and times |
Time reference |
demand segments Selecting a time reference for demand segments |
Time series Time series, Modeling demand, Time reference of the demand (time series) |
examples Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection |
managing Managing time series |
matrix numbers Time series, Time reference of the demand (time series), Transport demand model |
percentage Time series, Time reference of the demand (time series), Transport demand model |
Times of regular services |
editing Editing regular services |
Timetable-based assignment Parameters of timetable-based assignment, Timetable-based assignment |
adjusting the registry Adjusting the Visum registry to speed up timetable-based assignment calculation |
connection choice Example for the connection choice, Example for the connection choice, Connection choice |
connection preselection Connection preselection |
connection search Connection search |
Branch and Bound Connection search using Branch and Bound |
shortest path search Connection search using shortest path search |
considering headway-based supply Considering headway-based supply in the timetable-based assignment |
delay analysis Example of delay analysis |
distributed calculation Calculating a timetable-based assignment distributed to several computers |
distribution of trips over connections Distribution of trips over connections |
evaluation Evaluation of the timetable-based assignment |
impedance Impedance and Perceived journey time (PJT) of a connection |
independence of connections Independence of connections |
opening Opening of the timetable-based assignment: Export/Import of connections |
perceived journey time Perceived journey time |
PuT-Aux TSys Handling of public transport systems of the PuT-Aux type |
speeding up calculation Adjusting the Visum registry to speed up timetable-based assignment calculation |
temporal utility Temporal utility |
temporal utility of a connection Temporal utility of a connection |
Timetable editor |
layout |
saving Saving the tabular timetable layout |
Timetables The term timetable in Visum |
displaying attributes Selecting the attributes to be displayed |
line selection |
adopting from stops Adopting the line selection for the timetable from objects of the stop hierarchy |
calculating based on stop sequence Calculating line selection based on stop sequence |
Making a basic selection Selecting basic lines for display in the timetable |
TModel Node impedance of nodes VD function |
uncontrolled nodes Uncontrolled nodes |
using Calculating node impedances using Nodes VDF |
Toll in the assignment The TRIBUT procedure |
Toll systems |
boundaries |
deleting Deleting the boundaries of multiple restricted traffic areas |
creating Creating a restricted traffic area |
deleting enclaves Deleting enclaves of restricted traffic areas |
editing attribute values Editing attribute values of restricted traffic areas |
fuzzy surface alignment Fuzzy alignment of restricted traffic areas |
managing boundaries Managing the boundary of a restricted traffic area |
normalizing surfaces Normalizing surfaces of restricted traffic areas |
properties and options Properties and options of restricted traffic areas |
setting labels Setting restricted traffic area labels to the centroid |
shifting centroids Moving the centroid of a restricted traffic area |
specifying the matrix toll Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area |
Toolbars |
customizing Showing and hiding windows and toolbars |
overview Tool bars |
resetting settings Restoring window settings |
Total Excess Cost TEC (PrT assignment quality) Convergence criteria of assignment quality |
Tour-based freight |
generation and distribution Tour-based freight calculation procedure |
Tour-based freight model |
Production and distribution Calculating production and distribution using the tour-based freight model |
trip generation Calculating trip generation using the tour-based freight model, Tour-based freight calculation procedure |
Tour-based model Transport demand model, Activity chain based model (tour-based model), Demand model |
activity chain based model Activity chain based model (tour-based model) |
constraints Tour-based model |
destination choice Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined |
home trips Tour-based model - Trip generation |
mode choice |
combined Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined |
rubber banding Using the rubber banding function for trip distribution |
structural properties Tour-based model |
trip distribution |
combined Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined |
trip generation Tour-based model - Trip generation |
utility function Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined, Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined |
Tour planning |
select tenant Licensing for MaaS Modeller |
Tour plans |
Import Import of tour plans |
Tours |
displaying Displaying tours |
properties and options Properties and options of trips, Properties and options of tours |
setting graphic parameters Displaying tours in the network |
Traffic demand |
distributing across routes Distribution models in the assignment |
Transfer relations PuT transfer relations |
displaying Displaying transfer relations between stop areas |
setting graphic parameters Displaying transfer relations |
Transfer wait time (Timetable-based assignment) Perceived journey time |
Transfers display of regular services |
create legend Creating a legend for the Transfers display of regular services |
displaying Activating the transfers display of regular services |
exporting (DXF) Exporting the transfers display of regular services as graphics file |
exporting (SVG) Exporting the transfers display of regular services as graphics file |
printing Printing the transfers display of regular services |
reading graphic parameters Opening graphic parameters of the transfers display of regular services |
saving and reading graphic parameters Reading and saving graphic parameters for the Transfers display of regular services |
saving graphic parameters Saving the graphic parameters of the transfers display of regular services |
setting graphic parameters Setting the graphic parameters for the Transfers display of regular services |
setting graphic parameters for minimum walk times Setting graphic parameters for transfer times and minimum walk times |
setting graphic parameters for transfer times Setting graphic parameters for transfer times and minimum walk times |
setting scales Setting the graphic parameters for the scale |
setting the bar display for transfer flows Setting the bar display for transfer flows |
setting the graphic parameters for through passenger edges Setting the display for through passenger edges |
setting the graphic parameters for transfer flows Setting the graphic parameters for transfer flows |
synchronizing Synchronizing the transfers display of regular services with other windows |
using a supply filter Using a supply filter for operating groups |
window The Transfers display of regular services window |
Transport demand |
model Demand modeling procedures, Fundamentals of the program |
time reference Time reference of the demand (time series) |
time series Time reference of the demand (time series) |
Transport system-based assignment Parameters of the TSys-based assignment, Transport system-based assignment |
Transport systems Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Transport systems |
Transport systems (TSys) Managing transport systems, modes and demand segments, Managing transport systems |
creating Creating a transport system |
deleting Deleting transport systems |
properties and options Properties and options of transport systems |
Travel demand Fundamentals of the program |
distributing across PrT connectors Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors |
distribution to PuT connectors Distribution of the travel demand to PuT connectors |
TRIBUT - Equilibrium assignment TRIBUT - Equilibrium assignment |
TRIBUT - Equilibrium_Lohse TRIBUT - Equilibrium_Lohse (static) |
TRIBUT procedure The TRIBUT procedure |
input and output attributes Input and output attributes of the TRIBUT procedure |
Trip distribution Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing demand strata |
EVA model for passenger demand EVA trip distribution and mode choice, Calculating EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
generating demand matrices |
Tour-based model Creating demand matrices for tour-based model - trip distribution and mode choice |
standard 4-step model Trip distribution |
Standard 4-step model Calculating trip distribution |
tour-based model Tour-based model - Trip generation |
Tour-based model Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice, Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined |
editing the curve progression Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice |
generate tours Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice |
rubber banding Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice |
Save tours as path sequences Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice |
utility function Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice |
Trip generation Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing demand strata |
EVA model for passenger demand Calculating EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation |
standard 4-step model Trip generation |
Standard 4-step model Calculating trip generation |
tour-based freight model Calculating trip generation using the tour-based freight model |
Tour-based freight model Tour-based freight calculation procedure |
Tour-based model Calculating Tour-based model - Trip generation |
Trip requests Managing trip requests |
editing multiple Editing trip requests |
Trips |
displaying Displaying trips |
labeling Displaying labels for trips and activity executions |
TSys-based assignment |
evaluation Evaluation of the transport system-based assignment |
route loading Route loading |
route search Route search |
Turn Turns |
Turn volumes |
angle from link orientation Displaying turn volumes in the Junction editor |
displaying Displaying turn volumes |
displaying in the Junction editor Displaying turn volumes in the Junction editor |
exporting as graphics Exporting turn volumes as graphics |
print frame parameters Specifying settings for the print frame of turn volumes |
setting graphic parameters Adjusting the basic settings for the display of turn volumes |
Turns |
adapting VD functions Adjusting the VD functions used |
allocating standard data Allocating standard data to turns |
allocating VD functions Selecting VDFs for turn types |
automatic allocation of the turn type Specifying an automatic allocation of the turn type |
closing Editing main node attributes in the list view |
closing U-turns when inserting Creating turns |
copying attributes to reverse direction Editing main node attributes in the list view |
creating Creating turns |
deleting Deleting turns |
deleting turn standards Deleting turn standards |
displaying bars Displaying turns, main turns, and turn volumes |
displaying turn volumes Displaying turn volumes |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of turns |
editing in the Junction editor Editing turns in the Junction editor |
graphic parameters Displaying turns and main turns |
impedances The impedance of a PrT route |
managing Managing turns |
PrT capacity PrT capacity and turn time |
recalculating transport systems Recalculating the transport system set of turns |
selecting Selecting turns |
turn standards Turn standards |
creating Creating turn standards |
editing Editing turn standards |
turn types Turn types, PrT capacity and turn time |
allocating VD functions Selecting VDFs for turn types |
Turns VD function Node impedances of turns VD function |
Turns VDF Calculating node impedances via Turns VDF |
Undirected values The list window |
Undo Undoing and redoing actions |
redo Redoing undone actions |
Undoing actions Undoing and redoing actions |
Updating impedances |
main nodes Updating the impedances at main nodes, Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes |
nodes Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes, Updating impedances at nodes |
User-defined attributes |
in scenario management Creating user-defined attributes for scenario management objects |
User-defined group |
deleting Deleting user-defined groups |
User-defined groups |
allocating user-defined attributes Allocating user-defined attributes to user-defined groups |
duplicating and deleting attributes Duplicating or deleting all attributes of a group |
filtering the display Filtering the display of groups in the attribute selection window |
inserting |
creating Creating a user-defined group |
managing Managing user-defined groups |
User-defined tables Managing user-defined tables |
inserting values Creating table entries |
User-defined time interval sets User-defined time interval sets and time intervals |
User-defined time intervals User-defined time interval sets and time intervals |
User interface |
changing the language Setting the language |
User models Impact models – methods to calculate the impact of traffic |
User optimum Predefined VD functions, Equilibrium assignment |
User preferences |
diagnostic data Collecting usage data |
opening the window Saving, opening and restoring user preferences |
overview User preferences overview |
restoring Saving, opening and restoring user preferences |
usage data Collecting usage data |
Using the subnetwork generator Using the subnetwork generator |
UTDF data |
notes Notes on UTDF data |
UTDF import UTDF import |
Utility terms |
adding up Combining matrices and attribute vectors |
Vacation days |
creating Creating a vacation day |
deleting Deleting vacation days |
editing attribute values Editing attribute values of vacation days |
properties and options Properties and options of vacation days |
Valid days The line hierarchy, Valid days |
creating Creating a valid day |
delete unused days Deleting valid days |
deleting Deleting valid days |
editing attribute values Editing attribute values of valid days |
grouping Grouping valid days |
properties and options Properties and options of valid days |
Value of time (VT) Basics of TRIBUT assignment with toll consideration |
VD functions Predefined VD functions, Definition and application of volume-delay functions, Allocating VDFs to network object types |
Akcelik Predefined VD functions |
allocating connectors Allocating a VDF to proportional connectors without MPA |
allocating link types Selecting VDFs for link types |
allocating node types Selecting VDFs for node types |
allocating turn types Selecting VDFs for turn types |
BPR (according to Traffic Assignment Manual) Predefined VD functions |
calculating node impedances Calculating node impedances |
conical Predefined VD functions |
conical marginal Predefined VD functions |
INRETS Predefined VD functions |
linear bottle-neck Predefined VD functions |
logistic Predefined VD functions |
Lohse Predefined VD functions |
quadratic Predefined VD functions |
SIGMOIDAL_MMF_LINKS Predefined VD functions |
SIGMOIDAL_MMF_NODES Predefined VD functions |
specifying parameters Selecting a VDF and setting the parameters |
user-defined Applying user-defined volume-delay functions, User-defined VD functions |
VDiagGUI.exe Performing error diagnostics with VDiagGUI.exe |
VDV 452 import VDV 452 interface |
Vehicle-bound costs (PuT) |
defining Vehicle-bound costs |
Vehicle combination set Line blocking description with vehicle interchange, Line blocking description with vehicle interchange |
Vehicle combinations PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations, Managing PuT vehicles |
creating Creating vehicle combinations |
deleting Deleting vehicle combinations |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of vehicle combinations |
in the operator model Network objects in the Operator model |
properties and options Properties and options of vehicle combinations |
replacing on vehicle journey sections Replacing a vehicle journey combination on vehicle journey sections |
specifying charging functions Vehicle combinations: Ranges and charging tab |
specifying cost rates Vehicle units: Cost rates tab, Vehicle combinations: Cost rates tab |
specifying ranges Vehicle combinations: Ranges and charging tab |
storing vehicle combination sets Vehicle combinations: Basis tab |
vehicle units |
adding Vehicle combinations: Basis tab |
deleting Vehicle combinations: Basis tab |
editing Vehicle combinations: Basis tab |
Vehicle journey items |
projecting attributes PuT operating indicators: User-defined attributes tab |
specifying bar display Setting the vehicle journeys display |
specifying label Setting the vehicle journeys display |
Vehicle journey sections Network objects of the line hierarchy |
creating Creating vehicle journey sections |
deleting Deleting vehicle journey sections |
editing Editing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections, Editing a vehicle journey section |
normalizing Normalizing vehicle journey sections |
projecting attributes PuT operating indicators: User-defined attributes tab |
replacing vehicle combinations Replacing a vehicle journey combination on vehicle journey sections |
resetting Deleting vehicle journey sections |
Vehicle journeys Network objects of the line hierarchy |
aggregating Aggregating vehicle journeys |
automatic numbering Specifying default values for lines and line routes |
coupling Coupling of vehicle journeys, Coupling vehicle journeys automatically, Coupling vehicle journeys |
creating Creating a vehicle journey, Create regular services |
deleting Deleting vehicle journeys |
displaying Showing only vehicle journeys relevant to the current stop sequence, Showing only active vehicle journeys |
editing Editing vehicle journeys, Editing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections |
editing items Editing vehicle journey items |
editing run times Editing vehicle journey items |
editing vehicle journey items Editing vehicle journey items |
finding Finding vehicle journeys |
in schematic line diagram Displaying vehicle journeys of the schematic line diagram |
marking Marking vehicle journeys |
Maximum extension of couplings Setting couplings to the maximum extension |
moving to a different time profile Creating a vehicle journey |
separating Separating vehicle journeys or shortening the coupled section |
shifting temporally Shifting vehicle journeys temporally |
shifting to a different line Shifting vehicle journeys to a different line |
Vehicle units PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations, Managing PuT vehicles |
deleting Deleting vehicle units |
editing attribute values Editing the attributes of vehicle units |
in the operator model Network objects in the Operator model |
properties and options Properties and options of vehicle units |
Version comparison Comparing version files, Version comparison |
deleting Deleting version comparisons or attributes |
editing Editing version comparisons |
executing procedures Executing procedures in version comparisons |
saving values in attribute Copying comparison values to user-defined attributes |
updating Updating version comparisons |
Version files |
comparing Comparing version files |
Versions |
comparing Comparing and transferring networks, Comparing and transferring versions and networks |
opening Opening and saving a version file, Opening a version file |
saving Opening and saving a version file, Saving a version file |
settings Settings for opening and saving data files |
Vissig |
Checking controllers Checking Vissig controllers |
Vissim export ANM interface |
node preview ANM interface |
settings |
reading Reading settings for a Vissim export |
saving Saving settings for a Vissim export |
Vissim route export Vissim route export |
Vistro import Vistro import |
Visualization of the vehicles from SBA Visualization of vehicles from the simulation-based dynamic assignment |
Visualizing vehicles of the SBA assignment Visualizing vehicles of the SBA assignment |
Visum |
description of interfaces More documents |
documents Documents, More documents |
Examples Examples of use |
FAQs Usage of manual and FAQ list |
fields of application Fields of application for Visum in PrT and PuT |
Help Help |
installation How to install and start Visum |
installation guide More documents |
License container License container |
Release Notes More documents |
settings for program start Using a different configuration file during program start |
start How to install and start Visum |
support Service & Support |
update Download and installation of software updates |
Visum Manual Manual |
Visum Publisher export Using the Data Transfer Tool |
network object selection |
deleting Changing the selection of network objects for export to Visum Publisher |
editing Changing the selection of network objects for export to Visum Publisher |
settings |
reading Loading settings for a Visum Publisher export |
saving Saving settings for a Visum Publisher export |
Volume delay functions |
defining Definition and application of volume-delay functions |
Volumes |
distribute over vehicle journey sections Distributing volumes across vehicle journey sections |
distributing Distributing volumes across vehicle journey sections |
filter Applying the volume attributes filter |
filter by active OD pairs Applying the volume attributes filter |
filter by active public transport paths Applying the volume attributes filter |
filter by time profiles Applying the volume attributes filter |
filter by vehicle journey sections Applying the volume attributes filter |
saving Saving volumes by demand segment or additively |
saving additively Saving volumes by demand segment or additively |
Warnings |
settings Specifying settings for warnings |
WebTag |
converting Conversion of WebTAG to Visum |
Weekly calendar Calendar |
Weighting |
calculating Calculating EVA weighting |
weighting function |
editing the curve progression Calculating EVA weighting |
Weighting (EVA) EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
evaluation functions EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
Box-Cox EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
Box-Tukey EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
combined EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
EVA1 EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
EVA2 EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
Kirchhoff EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
Logit EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
Schiller EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
TModel EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
weighting matrices EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
weighting probabilities EVA trip distribution and mode choice |
Window |
Network editor Network editor window |
changing the view Displaying previous views, Reducing the view (zooming out), Enlarging the view (zooming in), Specifying a new view of the Network editor window, Moving the view |
copying graphic parameters Copying list layout to a different Visum instance, Copying graphic parameters into another Visum instance |
Display order of layers Editing the display and order of drawing settings for graphic layers |
displaying view by analysis time interval View by analysis time interval |
measuring distances Measuring distances |
moving the view Moving the Network editor view, Enlarging and reducing the view of the Network editor window |
Print Printing the network display |
Set section to print area Setting the section to the print area |
showing entire network Displaying the entire network |
synchronizing Synchronization with other windows |
Updating the view Refreshing the view |
Smart map |
changing the view Enlarging or reducing the Smart map view (zoom) |
Start page Using the start page |
Transfers display of regular services The Transfers display of regular services window |
Windows |
customizing Restoring window settings, Showing and hiding windows and toolbars |
defining user preferences Making settings for windows upon opening version files or program start |
docking windows together Docking windows together |
graphical timetable The graphical timetable window |
grouping Docking windows together |
list window The list window |
moving Moving windows |
Quick view Quick view window |
removing docking Removing window docking |
resetting settings Restoring window settings |
Smart map The Smart map window |
tabular timetable The tabular timetable window |
WMS services |
editing Managing map services of the background map |
inserting Managing map services of the background map |
World files Automatic positioning of the background in the network with World files |
Zone |
selecting Selecting zones |
Zone matrices |
aggregating Calculating a main zone matrix from a zone matrix, Converting zone and main zone matrix into each other |
Zones Zones, Managing zones |
aggregating Aggregating zones based on main zones, Aggregating marked or active zones to one zone |
attributes (EVA) EVA data model |
boundaries |
deleting Deleting the boundaries of several zones |
managing Managing the boundary of a zone |
converting Converting zones into other polygonal network objects |
creating Creating a zone |
deleting Deleting zones |
deleting enclaves Deleting enclaves from zones |
displaying the demand segments Zones: Demand tab, Zones: Demand tab |
editing attribute values Editing the attribute values of zones |
editing attribute values for emission calculation Zones: HBEFA tab |
editing productions and attractions Zones: DStrata tab |
finding zones without a public transport connection Checking the network |
fuzzy surface alignment Fuzzy alignment of zone surfaces |
generate for stop areas Generating zones for stop areas |
generating Generating zones |
marking Selecting zones |
Mobility sharing Zones: Mobility sharing tab |
moving centroids Moving the centroid of a zone |
normalizing surfaces Normalizing surfaces of zones |
properties and options Properties and options of zones |
setting labels Setting zone labels to the centroids |
specifying basic settings Zones: Basis tab |
specifying connectors Zones: Connections tab |
splitting Splitting zones |