

3-D network view  Using the 3-D network view
copying graphic parameters selected for Network editor  Copying graphic parameters of the Network editor window
displaying prisms  Displaying prisms
opening  Opening the 3-D network view
saving  Saving the 3-D network view
setting the camera position  Opening and saving camera positions
synchronize  Synchronizing 3-D network view with other windows
3D flight mode  Flight over the network


activities  Managing activities (ABM)
activity executions  Managing activity executions
activity locations  Managing activity locations
Comparison with macro models  Comparison of macroscopic and activity-based demand models
households  Managing households
locations  Managing locations
managing objects  Managing objects of activity-based models
model  Activity-based model (ABM)
persons  Managing persons
schedules  Managing schedules
structure  Structure of the activity-based model
tours  Managing tours
trips  Managing trips
ABM model
demand objects  Demand objects of the activity-based model
Abstract network model  ANM interface
exporting subnetwork  Exporting subnetworks via ANM interface
notes on imported data  Description of the data generated by an ANM import
Activities  Modeling demand, Managing activities, activity pairs and activity chains, Activities, activity pairs, activity chains, Transport demand model
attributes (EVA)  EVA data model
creating  Creating demand objects
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
properties and options  Properties and options of activities
Activity-based model (ABM)  Activity-based model (ABM)
Activity chains  Tour-based model, Managing activities, activity pairs and activity chains, Activities, activity pairs, activity chains, Tour-based model - Trip generation
creating  Creating an activity chain
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
properties and options  Properties and options of activity chains
Activity executions
displaying  Displaying activity executions
labeling  Displaying labels for trips and activity executions
properties and options  Properties and options of activity executions
Activity locations
properties and options  Properties and options of activity locations
Activity pairs  Managing activities, activity pairs and activity chains, Activities, activity pairs, activity chains, Transport demand model
attributes (EVA)  EVA data model
creating  Creating demand objects
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
for selected activities
creating automatically  Creating an activity pair
properties and options  Properties and options of activity pairs
Activity profiles  Activity profiles
Activity protocol  Using protocol files, Adding a comment to the activity protocol, Examples: Protocol files
ActivitySim interface  ActivitySim interface
adjusting parameters  Adjusting Add-in parameters
embedding  Embedding add-ins automatically via a project directory
Add-on programs  Combined add-on programs
Add-ons  Add-ons
enabling or disabling  Enabling or disabling add-ons
Adjusting the junction editor view  Editing the display of the geometry view
Adjusting the transfers display of regular services  Adjusting the transfers display of regular services
Air pollution emissions  Air pollution emissions
calculating  Calculating air pollution emissions
displaying  Graphic display of air pollution emissions, Displaying air pollution emissions, List output of air pollution emissions
saving  Saving air pollution emissions
setting parameters  Setting environmental impact parameters
Akcelik (VD function)  Predefined VD functions
Allocating crosswalks  Editing signal times
analysis horizon  Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
analysis period  Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
specifying  Setting the analysis period and analysis time intervals
analysis periods  Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
analysis time intervals  Temporal distinction with analysis time intervals, Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
specifying  Setting the analysis period and analysis time intervals
Analysis time interval sets
managing  Managing time interval sets
Analysis time intervals
managing  Managing time interval sets
ANM export
checking the network for suitability  Checking the network
Annual calendar  Calendar
Applying hierarchical filters  Working with hierarchical filters
Assessment types  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, Calculating EVA weighting
bicycle traffic
steps  Steps of the bicycle assignment
Assignment analysis  Analyzing the assignment quality
PrT  Assignment analysis PrT
PuT  Assignment analysis PuT
Assignment matrices  Creating a matrix calculated from a formula, Using calculated matrices
saving as formula matrices  Saving flow bundle matrices and assignment matrices automatically as formula matrices
Assignment quality  Convergence criteria of assignment quality
Assignment time period  Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
Assignment with ICA
evaluation  Evaluation of the Assignment with ICA
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of assignment with ICA
Assignments  Multimodal user model, User model PrT, Multimodal assignment
bicycle traffic  Bicycle assignment
deleting results  Deleting PrT/PuT assignment results
demand segments  Demand segments
distribution models  Distribution models in the assignment
multimodal assignment procedure  Settings for the Multimodal user model
multimodal assignments  Multimodal assignment
PrT assignment procedures  Setting and calculating the parameters for PrT assignment, User model PrT
PuT assignment procedure  User model PuT, Settings for the PuT user model
PuT assignment procedures
tour planning  Creating trip requests during the procedure sequence, Executing tour planning in the procedure sequence
Attraction  Editing the demand of EVA-P demand strata, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, Editing the demand of Standard 4-step demand strata
Attractions  Trip generation
Attribute files  Attribute interface
reading  Reading an attribute file
saving from lists  Saving a list as an attribute file
Attribute.xls  The Attribute.xls file
Attributes  Managing attributes, The Attribute.xls file
accessing attributes  Accessing attributes
activities  Properties and options of activities
activity chains  Properties and options of activity chains
activity executions  Properties and options of activity executions
activity locations  Properties and options of activity locations
activity pairs  Properties and options of activity pairs
aggregation functions  Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys
alias definition  Specifying an alias for attribute names
block versions  Attributes of line block versions
connectors  Connectors: General attributes, Connectors: Basis tab, Properties and options of connectors
copy  Duplicating attributes
copying attribute ID  Selection of attributes
count locations  Properties and options of count locations
decimal places  Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys
demand models  Properties and options of demand models
demand segments  Editing the attribute values of demand segments, Properties and options of demand segments
demand strata  Properties and options of demand strata
demand time series  Creating demand time series
Description of all attributes  See Attribute.xls
detectors  Detectors: Nodes tab, Detectors: Basis tab, Detectors: Count location tab, Detectors: General attributes, Properties and options of detectors
direct  Direct attributes
displaying short or long names  Displaying short names or long names of attributes
DUE  Resetting DUE attributes to the default values
duplicate  Duplicating attributes
duplicate in selection window  Selection of attributes
editing  Editing attribute values of network objects
editing display settings  Editing the display properties of attributes
editing user-defined attributes  Editing attribute values of user-defined attributes
exporting  Exporting attributes to a database
households  Properties and options of households
indirect  Indirect attributes
line blocks  Properties and options of line blocks
lines  Properties and options of lines
links  Properties and options of links
locations  Properties and options of locations
main lines  Properties and options of main lines
main nodes  Properties and options of main nodes
main zones  Main zones: Basis tab, Properties and options of main zones
managing  Managing attributes
matrices  Showing and editing matrix attribute values
modes  Properties and options of modes, Editing the attribute values of modes
nodes  Properties and options of nodes
operating periods  Properties and options of operating periods
output attributes  The attribute value zero
path sets  Properties and options of path sets
person groups  Properties and options of person groups
POIs  Properties and options of POIs
presetting the analysis time slot  Preselection filter of the analysis period
PrT paths  Properties and options of PrT paths
reading  Reading an attribute file
relation types and aggregation functions of indirect attributes  Indirect attributes: relation types and aggregation functions
saving  Saving a list as an attribute file
schedules  Properties and options of schedules
screenlines  Properties and options of screenlines, Screenlines: Link attributes tab
sectors  Properties and options of sectors
selecting one attribute  Selection of attributes
selecting several  Selection of attributes
Sharing stations  Sharing station: General attributes
signal coordination groups  Properties and options of signal coordination groups
standard sorting  Specifying settings for the attribute selection windows
stop areas  Properties and options of stop areas
stop points  Properties and options of stop points
stops  Properties and options of stops, Stops: General attributes
structural properties  Properties and options of structural properties
system routes  System routes: Basis tab, Properties and options of system routes, System routes: General attributes
territories  Properties and options of territories, Territories: General attributes, Territories: Basis tab
time-varying  Time-varying attributes, Managing time-varying attributes
creating  Creating time-varying attributes
edit in junction editor  Editing time-varying attributes in the junction editor
editing  Deleting time-varying attribute data
editing data  Entering and editing time-varying data for time-varying attributes
managing  Managing time-varying attributes
time-varying user-defined
editing  Editing time-varying user-defined attributes
toll systems  Properties and options of restricted traffic areas
tours  Properties and options of tours
Tours  Properties and options of trips
transport systems (TSys)  Properties and options of transport systems
user-defined  Managing user-defined attributes, User-defined attributes
copying  Copying user-defined attributes via the clipboard
creating  Creating a user-defined attribute, Generating user-defined attributes when reading attributes
creating while reading  Generating user-defined attributes when reading attributes
deleting  Deleting user-defined attributes
duplicating  Duplicating user-defined attributes
editing  Editing a user-defined attribute
formula attributes  Creating a user-defined attribute
managing  Managing user-defined attributes
tabular timetable  Editing the values of vehicle journey attributes
vacation days  Properties and options of vacation days
valid days  Properties and options of valid days
vehicle combinations  Properties and options of vehicle combinations
vehicle units  Properties and options of vehicle units
zones  Properties and options of zones
Attributes.xls  Managing attributes, Direct attributes
Average Excess Cost AEC (PrT assignment quality)  Convergence criteria of assignment quality


Background formats  Supported background file formats
Background map
dynamically embed  Dynamically embedding background maps provided on the Internet
statically embed  Statically embedding background maps provided on the Internet
Background maps
show in the Junction editor  Displaying background maps in the Junction editor
Backgrounds  Backgrounds, Using backgrounds in the network display
automatic positioning  Automatic positioning of the background in the network with World files
by Bing Maps  Backgrounds by Bing Maps
creating  Creating a background from a file
deleting  Deleting backgrounds
dynamically embed
from the Internet  Dynamic background map
editing  Editing a background
editing the drawing order  Editing the drawing order of backgrounds
from Shapefile  Editing backgrounds of the type shape
from the Internet  Inserting background images of map services provided on the Internet
hiding/showing  Showing and hiding backgrounds
manual editing  Editing a background manually
measuring links  Measuring links with the scale
saving  Saving a background
Search locations  Searching locations in background maps
statically embed
from the Internet  Statically embedding background images by map providers
tie points  Setting a tie point
checking the network for suitability  Checking the network
Bar display  Bars
Bar labels
rotate with the mouse  Rotating labels of link bars
rotating  Rotating labels of link bars
displaying  Displaying properties via bars, Displaying turns, main turns, and turn volumes
Best-route assignment  Incremental assignment
Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe  Equilibrium assignment Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe
BFW procedure  The procedure of Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe
Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe
calculate in combination with ICA  Combining BFW with the node impedance calculation ICA
Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe (BFW)  Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe (BFW)
Block check
running  Performing the line block check
Block day
deleting  Deleting a block day
Block display
editing line blocks  Editing block versions and line blocks
Block item types  Block item and block item type
creating  Creating a block item type
deleting  Deleting a block item type
editing  Editing a block item type
managing  Managing line block item types
Block versions
attributes and options  Attributes of line block versions
block item types  Managing line block item types
check coverage  Checking the coverage
creating  Creating a line block version
editing  Editing block versions and line blocks, Editing a block version, Joining line block versions
Block view  Displaying line blocks in the block view
graphic parameters  Setting the graphic parameters of the Line block editor
Blocking back model  General notes on the blocking back model, Blocking back model, Blocking back model settings and calculation
deleting faces  Deleting faces
deleting polygon points  Deleting polygon points, Shifting faces
shifting polygon points  Shifting polygon points
Bounding  Connection search using Branch and Bound
Box-Cox model  The Box-Cox model in the assignment
BPR (VD function)  Predefined VD functions
Branch and bound  Timetable-based assignment: Search page
Branch and Bound  Connection search using Branch and Bound
Buffer  Buffers


C-Logit approach  Similarity of routes and commonality factor
Calculate skim matrix (procedure)  PrT skims
Calculated results
temporal distinction  Spatial distinction with territories
PuT skim matrices  Calculating PuT skims
Calculating PrT skim matrices  Calculating PrT skims
Calculation results
temporal distinction  Temporal distinction with analysis time intervals
Calendar  Calendar, The line hierarchy
selecting  Selecting a calendar
Calendar period  Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
adjusting to demand values  Adjustment of the capacities to the demand values
Cascetta  Similarity of routes and commonality factor
Chained up vehicle journey sections  Managing chained up vehicle journey sections
creating  Creating chained up vehicle journey sections
deleting  Deleting chained up vehicle journey sections
editing  Editing chained up vehicle journey sections
finding invalid ones  Checking the network
Changing attribute values
links  Editing the attribute values of links
Changing the language of the graphical user interface  Setting the language
column charts  Column charts, Labeling with charts
pie charts  Labeling with charts
Check auto link orientation  Checking the network
Check coverage
of block versions  Checking the coverage
Check network consistency  Checking the network
Checking controllers  Checking Vissig controllers
Checking suitability for ICA  Checking the network
Choice models
with independence  Independence of connections
Circle lines  Network objects of the line hierarchy
Cold start excess emissions
calculation according to HBEFA  Basis for calculating cold start excess emissions
Column charts  Creating column charts, Column charts
displaying  Displaying column charts
example  Displaying column charts
exporting  Exporting a column chart
Command line parameters  Specifying command line parameters for the start of Visum
Commonality factor  Similarity of routes and commonality factor
Compare current network with version file  Showing differences between the current network and a version file
Comparison of macroscopic and activity-based demand models  Comparison of macroscopic and activity-based demand models
Comparison of run and dwell times  Editing a time profile
Comparison pattern  Comparing scenarios
Comparison patterns  Creating comparison patterns
Configuration file   Starting Visum with different settings
example  Changes to settings in the configuration file
specifying display  Setting the display of conflicts
Conical (VD function)  Predefined VD functions
Conical marginal (VD function)  Predefined VD functions
Connecting activity pairs and standard time series  Connecting activity pairs and standard time series
Connecting edges to desired stops  Setting the layout for schematic line diagrams
Connecting journeys and transfer flows
displaying  Displaying connections and transfer flows at stops
Connecting journeys window  Displaying reached and missed connecting journeys
Connection choice
timetable-based assignment  Connection choice
Connection search  Connection search
exporting  Timetable-based assignment: Connection export page
importing  Importing connections
independence (timetable-based assignment)  Independence of connections
saving  Settings for saving PrT assignment results
skims  Skims of time
Connectors  Managing connectors, Connectors
allocating VD functions  Allocating a VDF to proportional connectors without MPA
copying attribute values  Copying the attribute values of a connector to the opposite direction
creating  Creating a connector
deleting  Deleting connectors
destination connector  Connectors
displaying bars  Displaying properties via bars
distributing traffic demand
PrT  Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors
distributing travel demand
PrT  Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors
PuT  Distribution of the travel demand to PuT connectors, Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors
distribution of demand  Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors, Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors, Distributing the demand to PrT connectors
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of connectors
generating  Generating connectors
impedances  The impedance of a PrT route
marking  Selecting connectors, Setting active/passive connectors
Multi Point Assignment (MPA)  Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors, Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors
origin connector  Connectors
properties and options  Connectors: General attributes, Connectors: Basis tab, Properties and options of connectors
selecting transport systems  Connectors: Transport systems tab
setting default values  Specifying default values for connectors
Connectors selecting  Selecting connectors, Setting active/passive connectors
Constant from time profile attribute (headway calculation)  Headway calculation
Constraints  Tour-based model, EVA trip generation
Control types at node  Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA)
number of non-converging objects  Limiting the number of non-converged network objects logged to the log file
Convergence criteria  Viewing convergence criteria and convergence speed
Converting RBC controls into Vissig controls  Converting an RBC control into a Vissig control
Coordinate systems  Coordinate systems
switching  Selecting a coordinate system
Coordination groups  Function of coordination groups
for headway-based assignment  Creating a coordination group
Copying attribute values  Copying the attribute values of a connector to the opposite direction
Copying the classification of profiles  Copying a classification between temporal distribution and detail view
Cordon links  Main nodes
editing  Effects of cordon link changes
Cordon nodes
toll system  Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area
Cost (PuT)  Calculation of operating costs and fare gains (revenues)
Cost model
of PuT  Creating a cost model
Costs (PuT)
infrastructure  Infrastructure costs
vehicle-bound  Vehicle-bound costs
Count data  Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys
Count locations  Managing count locations, Count locations and detectors
creating  Creating a count location
deleting  Deleting count locations
editing attribute values  Editing attribute values of count locations
marking  Marking count locations, Setting count locations active/passive
moving  Moving a count location
properties and options  Properties and options of count locations
selecting  Selecting count locations, Setting count locations active/passive
setting polygon allocation  Setting the polygon allocation of count locations
regional information on the start page  Using the start page
Coupling of vehicle journeys  Coupling of vehicle journeys
create automatically  Coupling vehicle journeys automatically
finding inconsistent couplings  Checking the network
Create trip matrices
tour-based freight model  Creating trip matrices for the tour-based freight model
an operator  Creating an operator
Creating circle lines  Creating a circle line
Creating locations from POIs  Converting POIs into other polygonal network objects or locations
Creating trip requests  Creating trip requests
Crosswalks  Geometries
creating  Creating crosswalks
editing attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
Customizing the Network window  Network window
Cycle and split optimization  Optimizing signal cycle and split times
Cycle time optimization  Signal time optimization


exporting  Using interfaces for data exchange
importing  Using interfaces for data exchange
Data model  The Attribute.xls file
Data Transfer tool  Using the Data Transfer Tool
Database export
Access  Exporting Visum data to an Access database
SQL   Exporting Visum data to an SQL database
SQLite  Exporting Visum data to an SQLite database
Database import
Access  Importing an Access database
SQL  Importing an SQL database
SQLite  Importing an SQLite database
Decimal places  Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys, Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys
Default setting  Selecting the direction of traffic
Defining constraints  Defining constraints
Defining user-defined tables  Creating a table definition
Delay analysis
timetable-based assignment  Example of delay analysis
analyzing  Timetable-based assignment: Risk of delay page
Delete assignment results  Deleting PrT/PuT assignment results
activities  Deleting activities
demand strata  Deleting demand strata
person groups  Deleting person groups
Deleting activity chains  Deleting activity chains
Deleting activity pairs  Deleting activity pairs
Deleting boundaries
main zones  Deleting the boundaries of several main zones
POIs  Deleting the boundaries of several POIs
polygonal network objects  Deleting boundaries
territories  Deleting the boundaries of several territories
toll systems  Deleting the boundaries of multiple restricted traffic areas
zones  Deleting the boundaries of several zones
deleting intermediate points of links  Deleting intermediate points of links
Deleting trip requests  Deleting trip requests
Delivery concepts  Manage sectors and delivery concepts
creating  Creating demand objects
deleting  Deleting delivery concepts
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
properties and options  Properties and options of delivery concepts
early  Temporal utility of a connection
late  Temporal utility of a connection
DeltaT  Temporal utility of a connection
Tour-based freight model  Calculating demand with the help of the tour-based freight model
calculate from path sequences  Calculation of demand from path sequences
EVA model for passenger demand  Calculating demand with the EVA-P model
path sequences  Calculating demand from path sequences
Standard 4-step model  Calculating demand with the Standard 4-step model
Tour-based model  Calculating demand with the tour-based model (VISEM)
Demand-based models
activity chain based  Activity chain based model (tour-based model)
Demand-responsive transport  Creating trip requests during the procedure sequence, Executing tour planning in the procedure sequence
Demand data files
reading  Reading the entire OD demand data file
reading additively  Reading OD demand data additively
saving  Saving demand data
Demand description  Modeling demand
reading  Reading the entire OD demand data file
reading additively  Reading OD demand data additively
saving  Saving demand data
Demand matrices  Showing matrices in the Matrices window, Modeling demand, Creating a matrix calculated from a formula, Transport demand model, Managing matrices, Matrices
calculated matrices  Using calculated matrices
calibrating (PrT)  Calibrating a PrT matrix
combining with demand segment  Connecting demand matrices and demand segments
updating  Updating demand matrices – general information
updating using 'least squares'  Updating demand matrices using the least squares method
updating using TFlowFuzzy  Updating demand matrix with TFlowFuzzy
Demand model  Fundamentals of the program
Demand model structure  Modeling demand, Demand models
Demand models  Managing demand objects, Transport demand model, Demand model, Fundamentals of the program
ABM model  Activity-based model (ABM)
activity-based  Activity-based model (ABM)
creating  Creating a demand model
deleting  Deleting demand models
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
EVA model for passenger demand  EVA (passenger demand model), Transport demand model
Nested demand model  Nested demand model
properties and options  Properties and options of demand models
reading in predefined  Importing predefined demand models *.dmd
standard 4-step model
sequential calculation  4-step model with sequential calculation
Standard 4-step model  Transport demand model, Standard 4-step model in two variants
time series  Transport demand model
Tour-based model  Transport demand model, Activity chain based model (tour-based model)
Demand objects  Transport demand model, Demand objects
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
Demand objects of the activity-based model  Demand objects of the activity-based model
Demand responsive transport  Demand responsive transport
ride sharing  Ride sharing in combination with public transport (first mile / last mile concept), Ride sharing
demand  Tour planning procedure, Demand for ride sharing
services offered  Ride sharing services
Demand segments  Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Demand segments, Demand segments
Demand segments (DSeg)  Managing transport systems, modes and demand segments, Managing demand segments
adding up volumes  Saving volumes by demand segment or additively
creating  Creating a demand segment
deleting  Deleting demand segments
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand segments
properties and options  Editing the attribute values of demand segments, Properties and options of demand segments
time reference  Selecting a time reference for demand segments
Demand strata  Demand strata, Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing demand strata
attraction  Trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation
attributes (EVA)  EVA data model
automatically  Creating a demand stratum, Creating a demand stratum
creating  Creating a demand stratum
automatically  Creating a demand stratum, Creating a demand stratum
individually  Creating demand objects
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
editing the demand
EVA model for passenger demand  Editing the demand of EVA-P demand strata
Standard 4-step model  Editing the demand of Standard 4-step demand strata
Tour-based model  Editing the demand of tour-based demand strata
home trips  EVA trip generation, Tour-based model - Trip generation
production  Trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation
properties and options  Properties and options of demand strata
sectors and delivery concepts  Modeling demand
Demand time series  Creating demand time series
combining with demand segments  Combining demand time series and demand segment
creating  Creating demand time series
deleting  Deleting demand time series
properties and options  Creating demand time series
Description of all attributes  See Attribute.xls
Desire lines  Displaying desire lines, Desire lines
hiding individual  Hiding the display of single desire lines
Detectors  Managing detectors, Count locations and detectors
at nodes
creating  Creating detectors
editing attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
creating  Creating a detector for a count location
detectors  Deleting detectors
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of a detector, Editing the attribute values of all or all active detectors, Editing the attribute values of marked detectors
marking  Setting active/passive detectors, Marking detectors
moving  Moving a detector
properties and options  Detectors: Nodes tab, Detectors: Basis tab, Detectors: Count location tab, Detectors: General attributes, Properties and options of detectors
selecting  Setting active/passive detectors, Selecting detectors
Direct assignment  Survey data assignment
Direct assignment of survey data  Assignment of survey data
2D  2D display
3-D network view  3-D network view
Display selected links in the junction editor  Editing the display of the geometry view
isochrones in lists  Displaying isochrones in lists
Displaying bars  Displaying bars and adjusting basic settings
Displaying bars for desire lines  Displaying bars for desire lines
Displaying effective signal groups  Managing signal groups
Displaying license information  Displaying details on program and license
Displaying profiles  Displaying profiles
Displaying program information  Displaying details on program and license
Displaying route courses  Displaying route courses
Displaying route courses in groups  Displaying route courses in groups
Displaying transfer flows  PuT connections and transfer flows
Displaying turn volumes  Turn volumes
Distributed calculation
calculating procedures  Distributed calculation of procedures
defining compute nodes  Specifying compute nodes for procedure calculation
managing compute nodes  Managing compute nodes
Distributed computing
requirements  Prerequisites for using distributed computing
Distribution models  Distribution models in the assignment
Box-Cox model  The Box-Cox model in the assignment
Kirchhoff model  The Kirchhoff model in the assignment
Logit model  The Logit model in the assignment
Lohse model  The Lohse model in the assignment
Distribution models_Lohse model
with variable beta  Lohse model with variable beta in the assignment
DMRB guideline TD 16/93 (roundabouts)  Roundabouts according to the TRL/Kimber method
Documents  Documents
Dominance  Connection search using Branch and Bound
equivalent connections  Timetable-based assignment: Search page
export  Saving the graphical timetable to a graphics file, Saving the block view as a graphics file, Saving free actions as a graphics file
DXF export  DXF export
transfers display of regular services  Exporting the transfers display of regular services as graphics file
Dynamic equilibrium assignment
example  Example of dynamic user equilibrium
Dynamic stochastic assignment  Dynamic stochastic assignment, Dynamic stochastic assignment
evaluation  Evaluation of dynamic stochastic assignment
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of dynamic stochastic assignment
procedure  The procedure of stochastic assignment, The procedure of dynamic stochastic assignment
Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE)  Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE), Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE), Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE)
evaluation  Fields of application of dynamic equilibrium assignment
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of dynamic user equilibrium


e-ticket data
at system boundaries
plausibilization  Plausibilization of e-ticket data collected at system boundaries
E-ticket data
in vehicle
plausibility check  Plausibilization of e-ticket data collected in vehicles
Edge  Tables in the surface model
Editing attribute values  Editing the properties of objects in lists, Editing attribute values of network objects
activities  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
activity chains  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
activity pairs  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
allocating values  Rounding attribute values, Allocating an attribute value to a different attribute
allocating with source attribute  Allocating attribute values by intersecting a source attribute
as procedure  Editing attribute values during a procedure sequence
connectors  Editing the attribute values of connectors
count locations  Editing attribute values of count locations
delivery concepts  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
demand models  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
demand objects  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
demand strata  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
detectors  Editing the attribute values of a detector, Editing the attribute values of all or all active detectors, Editing the attribute values of marked detectors
exchanging values  Exchanging attribute values via the clipboard, Pasting attribute values from the clipboard
line routes  Editing the attribute values of all or all active line routes, Editing the attribute values of marked line routes, Editing the attribute values of line routes
lines  Editing the attribute values of a line, Editing the attribute values of marked lines
main lines  Editing the attribute values of main lines
main nodes  Editing the attribute values of main nodes, Editing the attribute values of all or all active main nodes, Editing the attribute values of marked main nodes
main zones  Editing the attribute values of main zones, Editing the attribute values of all or all active main zones
multiplying by factor  Multiplying an attribute value with a factor
nodes  Editing the attribute values of nodes
operators  Editing the attribute values of operators
path sets  Editing the attribute values of all or all active path sets
person groups  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
POIs  Editing the attribute values of POIs, Editing the attribute values of marked POIs, Editing the attribute values of all or all active POIs
recalculating  Calculating attribute values from the values of other attributes
screenlines  Editing attribute values of screenlines
sectors  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
set attributes  Editing attribute values of set attributes
standard time series  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
stop areas  Editing the attribute values of stop areas
stop points  Editing the attribute values of a stop point, Editing the attribute values of marked stop points, Editing the attribute values of all or all active stop points
stops  Editing the attribute values of all or all active stops, Editing the attribute values of a stop, Editing the attribute values of marked stops
structural properties  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
system routes  Editing the attribute values of system routes
territories  Editing the attribute values of a territory, Editing the attribute values of marked territories, Editing the attribute values of all or all active territories
Timetable editor  Editing the attribute values of all or all active vehicle journey sections, Editing the attribute values of all or all active vehicle journeys
toll systems  Editing attribute values of restricted traffic areas
user-defined attributes  Editing attribute values of user-defined attributes
valid days  Editing attribute values of valid days
vehicle combinations  Editing the attribute values of vehicle combinations
vehicle units  Editing the attributes of vehicle units
zones  Editing the attribute values of zones
Editing boundaries  Managing boundaries of polygonal network objects
adding new faces  Creating new faces
merging polygon points of two polygons  Merging polygon points of two polygons
polygon points  Editing polygon points
separating merged polygon points  Separating merged polygon points
Editing constraint values  Editing non-constant constraint factors values
Editing node leg attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
Editing project directories  Opening and saving a project directories file
Editing PuT directions  Managing PuT directions
Editing the directory file  Opening and saving a project directories file
Editing the scale  Editing the network scale
Editing the script menu  Editing the script menu
editing user-defined network attributes  Editing user-defined network attributes
Emission calculation
displaying results  Displaying the emission calculation results
graphical display of results  Graphic display of HBEFA results
saving results  Saving HBEFA results
settings  Settings for emission calculation according to HBEFA
Emission calculation according to HBEFA  HBEFA-based emission calculation
calculating according to HBEFA  Calculating emissions according to HBEFA
Emme import  Emme import
resetting  Resetting the Emme import settings
saving  Saving the settings for the Emme import
Emme import settings
reading  Reading the settings for an Emme import
Empty trips
inserting  Inserting an empty trip into a line block
Environmental impact model  Environmental impact model and HBEFA, Settings for the environmental impact model and emission calculation according to HBEFA
air pollution emissions  Air pollution emissions
calculating  Calculating air pollution emissions
displaying  Graphic display of air pollution emissions, Displaying air pollution emissions, List output of air pollution emissions
saving  Saving air pollution emissions
editing link attributes  Editing environmental link attributes
noise volume  Noise volume
noise volumes
calculating  Calculating noise volume
saving  Saving noise volumes
Pollution-Emis procedure  Pollution-Emis procedure
resetting calculation  Resetting the calculation
setting parameters  Setting environmental impact parameters
Environmental impact model noise volumes
displaying  Displaying noise volumes
Equilibrium assignment  Equilibrium assignment (static), Equilibrium assignment
evaluation  Evaluation of the equilibrium assignment
examples  Introductory example of equilibrium assignment
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of equilibrium assignment
procedure  The procedure of equilibrium assignment
Equilibrium assignment (LUCE)
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of equilibrium assignment (LUCE)
Equilibrium_Lohse  Equilibrium_Lohse, Equilibrium_Lohse assignment (static)
evaluation  Evaluation of the Equilibrium_Lohse procedure
examples  Example of the Equilibrium_Lohse procedure
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of the Equilibrium_Lohse procedure
procedure  The procedure of Equilibrium_Lohse assignment
EVA (passenger demand model)  EVA (passenger demand model), Transport demand model, Demand model
EVA model for passenger demand
activities  EVA data model
activity pairs  EVA data model
assessment types  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
balance factors  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice
balancing  EVA trip generation
constraints  EVA trip generation
demand strata  EVA data model
elasticity functions  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
evaluation  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
evaluation functions  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice
weighting probabilities  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
Furness method
trilinear  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
home trips  EVA trip generation
mobility rates  EVA trip generation
mode choice  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
Multi procedure
trilinear  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
structural properties  EVA data model
study area factors  EVA trip generation
trip distribution  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
trip generation  EVA trip generation
zones  EVA data model
Evaluating the quality of the PrT assignment  Evaluating the quality of the PrT assignment
Examples of use  Examples of use
Shape files  Exporting shape files
to Visum Publisher  Visum Publisher export
Vissim routes  Vissim route export
Exporting  Using interfaces for data exchange
DXF  DXF export
graphics  Graphics interfaces
GTFS data  General Transit Feed interface
MaaS Modeller  Mobility as a Service (MaaS) interface
screen  Exporting a screenshot or raster graphic from screen
screenshot  Exporting a screenshot or raster graphic from screen
Shapefiles  Exporting Shapefiles
SVG  Exporting a network display as a *.svg graphics file, Exporting the print area as *.svg graphics file
to MaaS Modeller  Mobility as a Service (MaaS) export
VDV452  VDV 452 interface
Vissim  ANM interface
Exporting database
Access  Exporting Visum data to an Access database
SQL   Exporting Visum data to an SQL database
SQLite  Exporting Visum data to an SQLite database
Extended projection  PuT operating indicators: User-defined attributes tab


Face items  Tables in the surface model
Faces  Tables in the surface model
Fare systems
defining  Defining fare systems
Fares  Fares
Fields of application
planning tasks PrT  Fields of application for Visum in PrT and PuT
planning tasks PuT  Fields of application for Visum in PrT and PuT
File extensions  File types
opening  Opening a file, Opening and saving files
saving  Opening and saving files, Saving a file
settings  Settings for opening and saving data files
switching all on or off  Switching all filters on or off
Filter for OD pairs  Exception: Filter for OD pairs
applying hierarchical filters  Working with hierarchical filters
bracketing in filter terms  Setting filter conditions in brackets
copying  Copying filters to a different Visum instance
defining filter conditions  Specifying filter conditions and applying filters
deleting  Deleting a filter
initializing filter conditions  Initializing filter conditions
reading  Reading filters during a procedure sequence, Reading filters
saving  Saving filters
setting active/passive  Using filters to set network objects active or passive
using  Aggregation function in filters with 1:1 relations, Switching off several filters at the same time, Switching on filters, Switching filters on or off, Switching off individual filters
using OD pair filters  Exception: Filter for OD pairs
Find links without succeeding links  Checking the network
in lists  Finding objects in lists
Finding data record number in list  Searching for data records in PuT path lists
Finding dead-ends without a connector  Checking the network
Finding errors in the network  Checking the network and fixing errors
Finding invalid matrix values  Checking the network
Finding isolated nodes  Checking the network
Finding multiple straight turns  Checking the network
Finding turns that do not make sense  Checking the network
Finding zigzag courses  Checking the network
Finding zones without a connector  Checking the network
Fixing errors in the network  Displaying the results of the check and fixing errors
Fleet compositions
defining  Defining fleet compositions for the calculation
Flow bundle matrices  Creating a matrix calculated from a formula, Saving flow bundle volumes, Using calculated matrices
saving as formula matrices  Saving flow bundle matrices and assignment matrices automatically as formula matrices
Flow bundles  Flow bundles
alternative routes  Flow bundles with alternative routes
by fare zones  Stops by selected fare zones
combining flow bundle criteria  Combining flow bundle criteria
creating  Linking flow bundle conditions with AND THEN and OR, Inserting a flow bundle
defining flow bundles  Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects
displaying  Displaying flow bundles
displaying attributes in lists  Displaying flow bundles in lists
displaying in lists  Displaying flow bundles in lists
displaying paths  Flow bundles with alternative routes
link flow bundles  Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects
main node flow bundles  Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects
node flow bundles  Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects
putting conditions into brackets  Linking flow bundle conditions with AND THEN and OR
restoring conditions  Inserting a flow bundle
saving volumes  Saving flow bundle volumes
selecting network objects  Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects
selecting types of traffic  Flow bundle definition through selection of traffic types
setting graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for the display of flow bundles
setting the bar display  Setting graphic parameters for the display of flow bundles
Sharing station flow bundle  Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects
stop point, stop area, and stop flow bundles  Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects
traffic type-based flow bundle  Filtering paths via active and passive network objects and traffic types
with temporal restrictions  PuT flow bundles with temporal restrictions, PrT flow bundles with temporal restrictions
zone and main zone flow bundles  Flow bundle definition through selection of network objects
Flow bundles with time reference  Flow bundles with time reference
PrT  Flow bundle with time reference - PrT
PuT  Flow bundle with time reference - PuT
Forced chainings
deleting  Deleting chained up vehicle journey sections
Formula matrices  Creating a matrix calculated from a formula
Formula matrix  Editing formula matrices


Gap (PrT assignment quality)  Convergence criteria of assignment quality
GEH Statistic  GEH Statistic
Generate path sequences from tours  Generating path sequences from filtered ABM tours
Generating world file  Generating world file
Generation and distribution
Tour-based freight model  Tour-based freight calculation procedure
Geographic information systems (GIS)  GIS functionality
Georeferencing  Coordinate systems
GIS objects  GIS objects, Connection to the Personal Geodatabase and GIS objects, GIS objects
creating  Showing objects from a personal geodatabase in Visum
deleting  Ending the display of objects from a personal geodatabase
displaying in lists  Output of GIS objects in lists
editing attribute values  Editing attribute values of GIS objects
finding  Finding a GIS object
marking  Marking a GIS object
selecting  Selecting GIS objects
setting graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for GIS objects, Displaying GIS objects
Global layout  Views of a model in the global layout
opening a  Opening the global layout
saving a  Saving a global layout
use of a  Opening and saving a global layout
Global layouts
in scenario management  Specifying global layouts
overwriting existing  Overwriting global layouts
Go to procedure  Go to procedure, Average determination using the Method of Successive Averages (MSA)
Go to the procedure  Transport demand model, Go to a procedure in the procedure sequence (Go to the procedure)
Google Transit export  General Transit Feed interface
Graphic objects  Inserting additional information in the network display, Processing the network display with graphic objects
backgrounds  Using backgrounds in the network display
legend  Creating a legend
polygons  Using polygons in the network display
texts  Using texts in the network display
Graphic parameters  Specifying basic settings for the Network editor window
2D display of attributes  Two-dimensional display of attribute values around point objects
adding charts to network objects  Adding charts to network objects
basic settings  Specifying basic settings
block view  Setting the graphic parameters of the Line block editor
classified display (attribute values)  Displaying classified objects based on attribute values
copying  Copying list layout to a different Visum instance, Copying graphic parameters into another Visum instance
displaying bars  Displaying properties via bars
displaying bars along lines  Configuring the display of a line bar
displaying bars along paths  Configuring the display of a PrT path bar
displaying chained up vehicle journey sections  Setting the display for chained up vehicle journey sections
displaying difference values of bars  Configuring a difference bar display
displaying forced chainings  Setting the display for chained up vehicle journey sections
displaying lane allocations  Displaying lane allocations in the Network editor window
displaying route courses  Displaying route courses in the network editor window
displaying stop catchment areas  Displaying stop catchment areas in the Network editor window
displaying traversed stop points  Displaying traversed stop points
displaying trip chains  Setting the display for chained up vehicle journey sections
displaying turns  Displaying turns and main turns
editing layers  Editing the display and order of drawing settings for graphic layers
GIS objects  Setting graphic parameters for GIS objects, Displaying GIS objects
isochrones  Displaying isochrones and the accessibility of network objects
labeling with tables  Adding tables to network objects
Line block editor  Setting the graphic parameters of the Line block editor
line objects  Displaying line objects in the Network editor window
matrix window  Setting graphic parameters for the Matrix editor window
one-way roads  Displaying one-way roads
point objects  Displaying point objects in the Network editor window
POIs  Displaying Points of Interest
saving and reading  Reading and saving graphic parameters of the Network editor window
schematic line diagram  Setting graphic parameters for the schematic line diagram
shortest path search  Setting the graphic parameters for shortest paths
signal time-space diagrams  Setting graphic parameters for the signal time-space diagram
specifying line style properties  Setting the line style properties
specifying the line style  Setting parameters for the line style
tours  Displaying tours in the network
transfer relations  Displaying transfer relations
Transfers display of regular services  Setting the graphic parameters for the Transfers display of regular services
turn volumes  Adjusting the basic settings for the display of turn volumes
Graphical display  Tabular and graphical display
Graphical timetable  Using the graphical and tabular timetable, Graphical timetable
creating a legend  Creating a legend for the graphical timetable
editing vehicle journeys  Marking and editing vehicle journeys in the graphical timetable
evaluations  Evaluations in the graphical and tabular timetable
DXF  Saving the graphical timetable to a graphics file
SVG  Saving the graphical timetable to a graphics file
graphic parameters
reading in  Reading graphic parameters for the timetable
restoring  Resetting the graphic parameters of the timetable
saving  Saving graphic parameters for the graphical and tabular timetable
horizontal alignment  Setting the orientation of the graphical timetable
reading  Reading the graphical timetable layout
saving  Saving the graphical timetable layout
marking vehicle journeys  Marking and editing vehicle journeys in the graphical timetable
opening  Opening the graphical and the tabular timetable
print  Printing the graphical timetable
set print frame  Setting the print frame
selecting line routes  Line routes: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
selecting lines  Lines: Setting the line selection for the timetable, Selecting lines to be displayed in the timetable, Lines: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
setting a layout  Saving and reading the layout of the graphical timetable
showing stop areas  Stop areas: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
showing stops  Stop points: opening the graphical or tabular timetable, Stops: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
synchronizing  Synchronizing the graphical and tabular timetables with other windows
User preferences  Setting options for the display of timetables
vehicle journey sections  Managing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections
vehicle journeys  Managing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections
vertical alignment  Setting the orientation of the graphical timetable
window  The graphical timetable window
Graphical timetable parameters
setting graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for the graphical timetable
Graphics interfaces  Graphics interfaces
Graphics parameters
changing the display of a bar  Changing the display or label of a bar
Gravity model  Trip distribution, Gravity model calculation
calculating  Gravity model calculation
calibrating  Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI)
Green time optimization  Signal time optimization
Green times
optimization  Optimizing signal cycle and split times
GTF import  General Transit Feed (GTFS) import
GTFS export  General Transit Feed interface
GTFS import
reading  Reading settings for the GTFS import
resetting  Resetting the GTFS import settings
saving  Saving settings for a GTFS import


HAFAS import  HAFAS import
reading  Reading settings for the HAFAS import
resetting  Resetting the HAFAS import settings
saving  Saving settings for HAFAS import
allocating input attributes  Input attributes for calculation
basis for calculating cold start excess emissions  Basis for calculating cold start excess emissions
basis for calculating warm emissions  Basis for calculating warm emissions
defining fleet compositions  Defining fleet compositions for the calculation
displaying results  Displaying the emission calculation results
displaying results graphically  Graphic display of HBEFA results
emission calculation  HBEFA-based emission calculation
resetting emission calculation  Resetting emission calculation
saving results  Saving HBEFA results
settings for emission calculation  Settings for emission calculation according to HBEFA
HCM  Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA)
Headway-based assignment  Parameters of headway-based assignment, Headway-based assignment
coordination  Coordination
generalized costs  Generalized costs as impedance
headway calculation  Headway calculation
impedance  Generalized costs as impedance
Headway-based supply
timetable-based assignment  Considering headway-based supply in the timetable-based assignment
Headway calculation
from mean headway  Headway calculation
from mean wait time  Headway calculation
Headway end
edit  Editing regular services
Headway offset optimization  Headway offset optimization
Headway start
edit  Editing regular services
Headway time
edit  Editing regular services
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)  Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA)
Histogram  Displaying matrix values as a histogram
Home trips  Editing the demand of EVA-P demand strata, Editing the demand of tour-based demand strata, EVA trip generation, Tour-based model - Trip generation
properties and options  Properties and options of households
Hypothetic vehicle impedance (PrT assignment quality)  Convergence criteria of assignment quality


ICA  See Intersection Capacity Analysis (ICA)
ICA convergence criteria  Convergence criteria
Impact models  Impact models – methods to calculate the impact of traffic, Impact models, Fundamentals of the program
Environmental impact model  The environmental impact model
Operator model  The operator model
User model  The user model
restricted traffic areas  The impedance of a PrT route
Impedance functions  Impedance functions
at node  Impedances at nodes
EVA model for passenger demand  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
for transport systems  Defining impedance functions for transport systems
headway-based assignment  Generalized costs as impedance
PrT assignments  The impedance of a PrT route
timetable-based assignment  Impedance and Perceived journey time (PJT) of a connection
connectors  The impedance of a PrT route
examples  Example of link impedance calculation
headway-based assignment  Generalized costs as impedance
links  The impedance of a PrT route
main turns  The impedance of a PrT route
nodes  The impedance of a PrT route
preloaded volume  The impedance of a PrT route
routes  The impedance of a PrT route
turns  The impedance of a PrT route
Imperial system
as standard setting  Specifying standard units for length and speed
SQLite  Importing an SQLite database
intersection data  Importing intersection data
Tour plans  Import of tour plans
Importing  Using interfaces for data exchange
connections  Importing connections
Emme data  Importing Emme data
from MaaS Modeller  MaaS import - Notes on imported files, DBF import
GPX data  Importing GPX
GTF data  General Transit Feed (GTFS) import
HAFAS data   Importing HAFAS data, HAFAS import
MapFan data  MapFan DB import
MapFan DB data  Notes on MapFan DB data, Importing MapFan DB data
path sequences  Importing path sequences
PuT supply from Visum  Importing PuT supply data, Importing PuT supply data, Importing PuT supply data
routing settings  Importing PuT supply data
stop point settings  Importing PuT supply data
railML data  RailML® interface
routes  Importing routes
SATURN data  SATURN import
Shapefiles  Importing Shapefiles
SQL database  Importing an SQL database
Synchro data  Synchro import
VDV452 data  VDV 452 interface
Vistro data  Vistro import
Importing Access database  Importing an Access database
Importing ANM  Reading an abstract network model
Importing GPX  Importing GPX
Importing UTDF data  Importing UTDF data
Incremental assignment  Incremental assignment, Incremental assignment (static)
evaluation  Evaluation of incremental assignment
examples  Example of incremental assignment
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of incremental assignment
procedure  The procedure of incremental assignment
Independence of connections  Independence of connections
Indicators  Skims / indicators
aggregation along line hierarchy  Aggregation along the line hierarchy
availability  More documents
calculating aggregation levels  Calculation of indicators on different aggregation levels
calculation for coupled sections  Impact caused by couplings
calculation for partially traversed links  Partially traversed links
calculation principles  Basic calculation principles for indicators
documentation  More documents
examples  Indicator data by time slice, Indicators at the line hierarchy, Evaluation of indicators on the operator level, Indicator data by territory
global indicators  Global indicators
projection of additional attributes  Projection of additional attributes
projection to analysis horizon  Projection to the analysis horizon
source  More documents
temporal dependencies (example)  Example of temporal dependencies of indicators
territory-based cut  Spatial cut (Territory cut)
Territory-based evaluation (aggregation levels)  Territory-based evaluation on different aggregation levels
time cut  Temporal cut (Time cut)
Indirect attributes
aggregation functions  Indirect attributes
Average and AverageActive  Indirect attributes
Concatenate and ConcatenateActive  Indirect attributes
Count and CountActive  Indirect attributes
Distinct and DistinctActive  Indirect attributes
ExactlyOne  Indirect attributes
Frequency and FrequencyActive  Indirect attributes
Max and MaxActive  Indirect attributes
Min and MinActive  Indirect attributes
relations  Indirect attributes
relations with conditions  Relations with conditions
Sum and SumActive  Indirect attributes
Information sign
deleting  Deleting information signs
Information signs
creating  Creating information signs
editing  Editing information signs
using  Using information signs
Infrastructure costs (PuT)
entering  Infrastructure costs
INRETS (VD function)  Predefined VD functions
Inserting tile map layers  Managing map services of the background map
Interactive analyses
flow bundles  Flow bundles
isochrones  Isochrones
shortest path search  Shortest path search
Interactive evaluations
flow bundles with time reference  Flow bundles with time reference
PrT  Flow bundle with time reference - PrT
PuT  Flow bundle with time reference - PuT
Interfaces  Using interfaces for data exchange
Interim results
logging  Using protocol files
Interlining matrix
calculating  Calculating skim matrices for interlining trips
Interlining trip  Calculating skim matrices for interlining trips
Intermediate points  Tables in the surface model
network objects  Intersecting objects
use cases  Use cases
Intersecting objects  Intersecting objects
Intersection Capacity Analysis (ICA)  Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA)
all-way stop  All-way stop
assignment  Assignment with ICA
procedure  The procedure of assignment with ICA
calculating and exporting  Calculating and exporting ICA
Import data from SATURN  SATURN import
node impedance calculation  Calculating node impedances using Node impedance calculation (ICA)
roundabouts  Roundabouts according to the HCM method
signalized nodes  Signalized nodes
two-way stop nodes  Two-way stop nodes
uncontrolled nodes  Uncontrolled nodes
Intersection data
importing  Importing intersection data
Notes  Notes on the imported intersection data
restoring import settings  Resetting the intersection data import settings
save  Saving settings for an intersection data import
Intersection data import
reading  Reading settings for the intersection data import
Isochrones  Isochrones
accessibility of nodes and zones  Displaying the accessibility of network object types according to classes
displaying  Displaying isochrones and the accessibility of network objects
PrT  Displaying isochrones and accessibility in PrT
PrT isochrones  PrT isochrones
PuT  Displaying isochrones and accessibility in PuT
PuT isochrones  PuT isochrones
saving  Saving isochrones
setting graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for the display of isochrones
Isochrones at links
setting graphic parameters  Setting the display for PrT isochrones at links


Journey sections  Network objects of the line hierarchy
Journeys  Network objects of the line hierarchy
export  Saving the block view as a graphics file, Saving free actions as a graphics file
traffic-related modeling  Junction modeling
Junction editor
adjusting the attribute selection  Adjusting the attribute selection in the Junction editor
adjusting the display  Editing the display of the geometry view
calculating ICA  Calculating and exporting ICA
closing turns  Editing main node attributes in the list view
creating crosswalks  Creating crosswalks
creating detectors  Creating detectors
editing link attributes  Editing link attributes in the list view
editing links  Editing links in the Junction editor
editing main node attributes  Editing main node attributes in the list view
editing main nodes  Editing a main node in the junction editor
editing main turn attributes  Editing main turn attributes in the list view
editing main turns  Editing main turns in the Junction editor
editing node attributes  Editing node attributes in the list view
editing nodes  Editing a node in the junction editor
editing signal times in graphics  Editing signal times
editing the geometry  Editing the geometry of a node
editing TModel attributes  Editing link attributes in the list view
editing turn attributes  Editing main node attributes in the list view
editing turns  Editing turns in the Junction editor
inserting lane turns  Inserting lane turns
moving nodes  Moving nodes
opening  Displaying a network object in the Junction editor
Restrict link display  Editing the display of the geometry view
setting opacity background color  Displaying background maps in the Junction editor
Show only selected links  Editing the display of the geometry view
showing background maps  Displaying background maps in the Junction editor
showing node leg attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
signal controllers  Managing signal controllers
signal groups  Managing signal groups
specifying link orientations  Editing links in the schematic view
specifying major flows  Editing nodes in the schematic view
stretching and compressing signal programs  Editing signal times
switching link labels on/off  Editing link attributes in the list view
switching to another network object  Switching to a different network object
synchronization with other windows  Synchronizing the junction editor with other windows
using  Junction editor and signal control
Junction geometry
repairing  Repairing incorrect node geometry
Junction model  Junction modeling
signalization  Signalization
Junction modeling  Junction modeling


KALIBRI  Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI)
Kirchhoff model  The Kirchhoff model in the assignment


Lane allocations
displaying  Displaying lane allocations in the Network editor window
setting graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for lane allocation
Lane turns
allocating  Editing signal times
editing attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
inserting  Inserting lane turns
Lanes  Geometries
creating pockets  Creating pockets
displaying attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
editing attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
lane allocation  Lane allocation
lane turns  Geometries
marking  Marking lanes
resetting data  Resetting the lane data at nodes
settings  Setting the language
Leg templates  Geometries
Legend  Creating a legend, Legend
changing the width interactively  Inserting a legend
creating  Inserting a legend
edit directly  Editing the legend
editing  Editing the legend
hiding/showing  Hiding the legend
opening  Opening and saving legend parameters, Opening legend parameters
restricting the width  Inserting a legend
saving  Opening and saving legend parameters
Wizard  Inserting a legend
Legs  Geometries
marking  Marking legs
Length and speed data
standard settings  Specifying standard units for length and speed
Level of Service  Two-way stop nodes
Level of Service (ICA)
all-way stops  All-way stop
roundabouts  Roundabout
signalized nodes  Signalized nodes
two-way stops  Two-way stop nodes
user group-specific issues  License Management – Questions & Answers
managing  License Management – Questions & Answers
MaaS Modeller  Licensing for MaaS Modeller
Limiting edge display to time slot  Setting the layout for schematic line diagrams
Line block check  Line block check
common  Line block check
forced  Line block check
Line block editor
editing line blocks  Editing block versions and line blocks
graphic parameters  Setting the graphic parameters of the Line block editor
saving  Saving the Line block editor layout
synchronizing  Synchronizing the line block editor with other windows
Line block items  Block item and block item type
moving  Moving line block items to a new line block
shift  Shifting block items to different line block or block day
Line block versions  Calculating PuT line blocks, Block version
deleting  Deleting a line block version
Line blocking  Executing the PuT line blocking procedure, Introduction to the line blocking procedure, Introduction to the line blocking procedure, Line blocking
block check  Line block check
block item and block item type  Block item and block item type
block version  Block version
blocks  Block
cost function  Attributes of the line blocking cost function
coverage check  Coverage check
data model  Line blocking application example
depots  Downtimes at depots and stop points
displaying results  Displaying line blocks in the block view
displaying results in lists  Tabular output of line block results
distributing empty trips and empty times  Distribution of empty trips and empty times to vehicle journeys
evaluation of the procedure  Introduction to the line blocking procedure
examples  Line blocking application example
executing  Executing the PuT line blocking procedure
exporting Block view
DXF  Saving the block view as a graphics file
JPG  Saving the block view as a graphics file
SVG  Saving the block view as a graphics file
exporting free actions
DXF  Saving free actions as a graphics file
JPG  Saving free actions as a graphics file
SVG  Saving free actions as a graphics file
layover times  Downtimes at depots and stop points
lists  Specific network object lists
optimization problem  Introduction to the line blocking procedure
parameters  Parameters of the line blocking procedure
print output of the block display  Printing the block view
printing free actions  Printing free actions
procedure description  Construction of the graph
PuT interlining matrix  PuT interlining matrix procedure
reset  Resetting line blocking results
with recurring activities  Description of the line blocking procedure with recurring activities
with vehicle interchange  Executing the PuT line blocking procedure
procedure description  Line blocking description with vehicle interchange
without vehicle interchange  Executing the PuT line blocking procedure, Line blocking description without vehicle interchange
Line blocks  Block
attributes and options  Properties and options of line blocks
block view  Line block display and editing in the Line block editor, Displaying line blocks in the block view
displaying  Tabular output of line block results, Displaying line blocks in the block view
editing  Editing block versions and line blocks
Line hierarchy  The line hierarchy
data consistency  Data consistency along the line hierarchy
Line routes  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Managing line routes and time profiles
aggregating  Aggregating line routes, Aggregation of line routes
classified display  Classified display of line routes
connecting  Connecting line routes
copying  Copying a line route
creating  Creating a line route
creating profile points automatically  Adjusting time profiles automatically
creating the opposite direction  Creating the opposite direction of a line route
creating with system routes  System routes
deleting  Deleting line routes
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of all or all active line routes, Editing the attribute values of marked line routes, Editing the attribute values of line routes
editing course  Creating a line route
editing line route items  Editing line route items, Basic rules: Editing a route course
editing the course  Editing a line route, Editing line route items
extend with Copy & Paste  Extending line routes with Copy & Paste
generating from system routes  Tabular editing of a line route course
marking  Setting active/passive line routes, Marking line routes
opening graphical timetable  Line routes: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
opening tabular timetable  Line routes: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
opening window  Opening the Line routes window
removing zigzags  Removing zigzags from a route course
selecting  Setting active/passive line routes, Selecting line routes, Marking line routes
setting default values  Specifying default values for lines and line routes
setting directions  Specifying the direction of the line route
setting lengths  Specifying the lengths of line routes
setting parameters  Creating a line route
setting profile points  Generating profile points for line route items
setting route points  Setting route points
shorten to extension of maximum vehicle journey  Shortening line routes to the extension of the maximum vehicle journey
shortening  Editing line route items
specifying lengths  Specifications of lengths and times
swapping  Swapping line routes
time profiles  Managing time profiles, Creating a time profile
Linear bottle-neck (VD function)  Predefined VD functions
Lines  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Managing lines
aggregating  Aggregating lines
circle line  Network objects of the line hierarchy
copying  Copying lines
creating  Creating a line
deleting  Deleting lines, Deleting active lines, Deleting marked lines
disaggregating  Disaggregating lines
displaying  Configuring the display of a line bar
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of a line, Editing the attribute values of marked lines
marking  Marking lines, Setting lines active/passive
opening graphical timetable  Lines: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
opening tabular timetable  Lines: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
properties and options  Properties and options of lines
selecting  Marking lines, Selecting lines to be displayed in the timetable, Setting lines active/passive, Selecting lines
setting default values  Specifying default values for lines and line routes
Link attribute values
replacing  Allocating default values to link attributes
Link courses
editing in junction editor  Editing link courses interactively
editing interactively  Editing link courses interactively
Link orientations  Link orientations
recalculate in the network  Recalculating link orientations
recalculating  Recalculating link orientations
Link toll  Link toll
Link types
adjusting  Adjusting link types
allocating default values  Allocating link types default values
allocating VD functions  Selecting VDFs for link types
creating  Creating link types
defining  Specifying link types
deleting  Deleting link types
group by global type  Grouping the view by global type
properties and options  Properties and options of link types
Links  Links
adapting VD functions  Adjusting the VD functions used
allocating VD functions  Selecting VDFs for link types
blocking back model  Links: Congestion tab
calculating the slope from z-coordinates  Calculating the slope from z-coordinates
changing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of links
checking the symmetry of the directions  Checking the symmetry of both directions of a link
copying attributes  Copying attribute values to the opposite direction
creating  Creating a link
defining link types  Specifying link types
deleting  Deleting links
determining link course based on shortest path search  Determining the link course based on a shortest path search
displaying bars  Displaying properties via bars
Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE)  Links: DUE tab
environmental impact analysis  Links: Environment tab
finding links with a PuT-Aux time = 0  Checking the network
finding links with a PuT-Walk time = 0  Checking the network
finding links with a PuT run time = 0  Checking the network
generalizing link polygons  Generalizing links
generating link attributes  Generating link attribute values from turn attribute values
generating link run times  Generating link run times from line run times, Generating link run times from line run times in a procedure sequence
impedances  The impedance of a PrT route
interpolating z-coordinates  Interpolating z-coordinates
labeling link bars  Labeling link bars
link courses
correcting  Reshaping the course of a link
editing  Editing the link course
link types  Link types
major flows  Link types
managing  Managing links
marking  Selecting links
marking in geometry view  Marking links
node impedance calculation (ICA)  Links: ICA tab
permitted transport systems  Permitted transport systems
properties and options  Properties and options of links
PrT capacity  PrT capacity, speed and travel time
PrT speed  PrT capacity, speed and travel time
PrT travel time  PrT capacity, speed and travel time
PuT run time  PuT run time
reallocating  Reallocating links
removing intermediate points  Removing collinear points
resetting DUE attributes  Resetting DUE attributes to the default values
resetting link polygons  Deleting intermediate points of links
Restrict display in junction editor  Editing the display of the geometry view
selecting  Selecting links
specifying lengths  Specifications of lengths and times
specifying link run time  Specifications of lengths and times
specifying settings
PrT  Links: PrT TSys tab
PuT  Links: PuT TSys tab
specifying the PuT run time  Specifying a rounding factor for the PuT run time on links
split at surface boundaries  Splitting links at surface boundaries
splitting  Splitting links at link stop points, Splitting a link
at link stop point  Splitting links at link stop points
by specifying length  Splitting a link
Toll  Link toll
deactivate column filter  Filtering the data of a column
filtering the data of a column  Filtering the data of a column
Network attributes  Editing user-defined network attributes
set column filter passive  Filtering the data of a column
Showing empty values  Filtering the data of a column
List layout
sorting in advance  Sorting lists in advance
List windows
synchronizing  Synchronizing network object lists with other windows
Lists  Lists
adjusting the layout  Adjusting the list layout
aggregating rows  Aggregating rows of a list, The list window
assignment analysis  Evaluation lists
displaying  Viewing/Hiding attributes
exporting  Exporting attributes to a database
hiding  Viewing/Hiding attributes
reading  Importing and exporting list contents
saving  Importing and exporting list contents
chained up vehicle journey sections  Specific network object lists
connecting journeys
restrict to active vehicle journey items  Limiting list display to a selection
restrict to direction of vehicle journey  Limiting list display to a selection
restrict to stops  Limiting list display to a selection, Limiting list display to a selection
restrict to vehicle journey  Limiting list display to a selection
Copying column values to UDA  Saving values of a column as user-defined attribute
coupling section items  Specific network object lists
coupling sections  Specific network object lists
different types  Working with lists
displaying sections on items lists  Limiting list display to a selection
editing attribute values  Editing the properties of objects in lists
editing window titles  Editing window headers of lists
emissions HBEFA  Evaluation lists
filtering matrix views  Limiting list display to a selection
filtering objects  Applying filters to lists
finding a data record number in path lists  Searching for data records in PuT path lists
finding a network object  Finding objects in lists
formatting  Viewing/Hiding attributes, Setting list options
GIS objects lists  Output of GIS objects in lists
hiding walk links in PuT path leg list  Limiting list display to a selection
item lists  Specific network object lists
line blocks  Specific network object lists
block item types  Specific network object lists
line block items  Specific network object lists
line block lists  Specific network object lists
line block versions  Specific network object lists
line lists  Specific network object lists
line route items  Specific network object lists
Lines per direction  Specific network object lists
list layout
adjusting  Adjusting the list layout
reading  Reading a list layout
saving  Saving a list layout
saving as standard layout  Saving a list layout
network information  Evaluation lists
OD pair lists  Specific network object lists
opening  Opening a list
path items  Evaluation lists
path lists
exporting to database  Exporting attributes to a database
finding zone pairs  Finding objects in PrT paths lists
path sets  Evaluation lists
paths  Evaluation lists
preselecting a boarding passenger event at stops  Limiting list display to a selection
preselecting a category  Limiting list display to a selection
preselecting a demand segment  Limiting list display to a selection, Limiting list display to a selection
preselecting a path set  Limiting list display to a selection
preselecting active links  Limiting list display to a selection
preselecting active time profiles  Limiting list display to a selection
preselecting alighting events at stops  Limiting list display to a selection
preselecting paths  Limiting list display to a selection
preselecting transfer events at stops  Limiting list display to a selection
printing  Printing a list
quality assignment with ICA  Evaluation lists
simulation-based assignment quality  Evaluation lists
PrTassignment quality  Evaluation lists
PrTpaths  Evaluation lists
PrTpaths on link level  Evaluation lists
assignment statistics  Evaluation lists
OD pairs  Evaluation lists
path legs  Evaluation lists
PuT assignment statistics  Evaluation lists
PuTdetail list  Specific network object lists
PuTpaths  Evaluation lists
renaming  Editing window headers of lists
restricting alighting events  Limiting list display to a selection
restricting boarding events  Limiting list display to a selection
restricting to a selection  Limiting list display to a selection
restricting transfer events  Limiting list display to a selection
saving as PDF  Saving the list as a PDF
selecting via the keyboard  Selecting list sections via the keyboard
selecting with the mouse  Marking list sections with the mouse
selecting columns  Viewing/Hiding attributes
setting column headers  Setting list options
setting options  Setting list options
shortest path search  Displaying shortest path searches in lists, Evaluation lists
sorting  Sorting a list
stop lists  Specific network object lists
stop points - arrivals/departures  Specific network object lists
stop transfers and stop area walk times  Specific network object lists
system route items  Specific network object lists
territory lists  Specific network object lists
time profile items  Specific network object lists
time profiles
transition walk times  Specific network object lists
toolbar  The list window
transfers  Evaluation lists
transport systems
transition walk times  Specific network object lists
copying and pasting  Exchanging list contents via the Clipboard
vehicle journey items  Specific network object lists
window  The list window
create in network editor  Creating a location
creating  Creating a location
display in network  Displaying locations in the network
properties and options  Properties and options of locations
Log file  Using protocol files
Protocol.txt  Examples: Protocol files
Logit model (Distribution model)  The Logit model in the assignment
Lohse (VD function)  Predefined VD functions
Lohse model  The Lohse model in the assignment
with variable beta  Lohse model with variable beta in the assignment
Linear User Cost Equilibrium  Equilibrium assignment LUCE


MaaS Modeller
export  Mobility as a Service (MaaS) interface, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) export
import  MaaS import - Notes on imported files, DBF import
requesting a license  Licensing for MaaS Modeller
select tenant  Licensing for MaaS Modeller
Main lines  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Managing main lines
adding lines  Properties and options of main lines
creating  Creating a main line
deleting  Deleting main lines, Deleting all or all active main lines, Deleting a main line
deleting lines  Properties and options of main lines
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of main lines
properties and options  Properties and options of main lines
selecting  Setting active/passive main lines
setting active/passive  Setting active/passive main lines
Main node
creating  Creating a main node
fuzzy surface alignment  Fuzzy alignment of main node surfaces
Main nodes  Main nodes, Managing main nodes
allocating nodes  Allocating nodes to one or multiple main nodes
deleting  Deleting the boundaries of several main nodes
managing  Managing the boundary of a main node
converting  Converting main nodes into other polygonal network objects
create missing lane turns  Creating missing lane turns for main nodes
deleting  Deleting main nodes
deleting enclaves  Deleting enclaves of main nodes
displaying main turns  Displaying turn volumes
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of main nodes, Editing the attribute values of all or all active main nodes, Editing the attribute values of marked main nodes
editing cordon links  Effects of cordon link changes
marking  Setting main nodes active/passive, Marking main nodes
moving the centroid  Moving the centroid of a main node
normalizing surfaces  Normalizing surfaces of main nodes
properties and options  Properties and options of main nodes
resetting lane data  Resetting the lane data of main nodes
selecting  Setting main nodes active/passive, Selecting main nodes
setting coordination groups for signal controllers  Setting coordination groups for signal controllers
setting labels  Setting main node labels to the centroids
setting polygon allocation  Setting the polygon allocation of main nodes
specifying major flows  Editing main nodes in the schematic view, Specifying major flows at main nodes
updating impedances  Updating the impedances at main nodes, Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes
Main OD pairs  Main zones and main OD pairs, Managing main OD pairs
Main turns  Main turns
allocating values to  Allocating standard data or shortest path data to main turns
calculating main turn lengths from shortest paths  Calculating main turn lengths from shortest paths
closing  Editing main turn attributes in the list view
creating  Creating a main turn
deleting  Deleting main turns
displaying turn volumes  Displaying turn volumes
editing  Editing main turns in the Junction editor
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of main turns
editing attributes  Editing main turn attributes in the list view
graphic parameters  Displaying turns and main turns
impedances  The impedance of a PrT route
recalculating transport systems  Recalculating the transport system set of main turns
selecting  Selecting main turns, Displaying main turns in the Junction editor
setting active/passive  Setting main turns active/passive
viewing in the Junction editor  Displaying main turns in the Junction editor
Main zone matrices
disaggregating  Calculating a zone matrix from a main zone matrix, Converting zone and main zone matrix into each other
Main zones  Main zones and main OD pairs, Managing main zones
deleting  Deleting the boundaries of several main zones
managing  Managing the boundary of a main zone
creating  Creating a main zone
deleting  Deleting main zones
deleting enclaves  Deleting enclaves from main zones
displaying the traffic demand  Main zones: Demand tab
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of main zones, Editing the attribute values of all or all active main zones
fuzzy surface alignment  Fuzzy alignment of main zone surfaces
marking  Selecting main zones
merging zone polygons  Merging zone polygons, Merging the zone polygons per main zone, Merging the zone polygons of a main zone
properties and options  Main zones: Basis tab, Properties and options of main zones
selecting  Selecting main zones
setting labels  Moving main zone labels to the centroids
shifting centroids  Moving the centroid of a main zone
Main zones. converting  Converting main zones into other polygonal network objects
Major flows  Link types
Managing activity executions  Managing activity executions
Managing activity locations  Managing activity locations
Managing boundaries
main nodes  Managing the boundary of a main node
main zones  Managing the boundary of a main zone
POIs  Managing the boundary of a POI
restricted traffic areas  Managing the boundary of a restricted traffic area
territories  Managing the boundary of a territory
toll systems  Managing the boundary of a restricted traffic area
zones  Managing the boundary of a zone
Managing households  Managing households
Managing licenses  License handling for PTV Vision users
Managing locations  Managing locations
Managing objects of activity-based models  Managing objects of activity-based models
Managing persons  Managing persons
Managing schedules  Managing schedules
Managing signal coordination groups  Managing signal coordination groups
Managing tours  Managing tours
Managing trips  Managing trips
Map services
deleting  Managing map services of the background map
duplicating  Managing map services of the background map
managing  Managing map services of the background map
MapFan DB import  Notes on MapFan DB data, Importing MapFan DB data
MapFan import  MapFan DB import
POIs  Marking POIs
Marking window  Marking window
Matched transfers  Matched transfers
Matrices  Transport demand model, Managing matrices, Matrices
adding columns or rows  Extending matrices, Extending external matrices during an arithmetic operation
adding complex term  Combining matrices and attribute vectors
adding up  Adding up matrix values
aggregating  Calculating a main zone matrix from a zone matrix, Aggregating matrix objects
aggregating columns or rows  Aggregating or deleting matrix columns and rows
aggregating zone matrices to main zone matrices  Calculating a main zone matrix from a zone matrix
selecting via the keyboard  Selecting cells using the keyboard
calculating combinations  Combining matrices and attribute vectors during the procedure sequence run, Combining matrices and attribute vectors
calculating formula-based  Creating a matrix calculated from a formula
calibrating  Calibrating a PrT matrix
calibrating (PrT)  Calibrating PrT matrices
changing the view  Filtering matrix data, Showing matrix values in an aggregated form, Changing the matrix data view
classifying matrix values  Displaying matrix values as a histogram
combining matrices and vectors  Calculate the combination of matrices and vectors
combining with demand segment  Connecting demand matrices and demand segments
comparing  Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot
copy to clipboard  Copying and pasting a matrix
copying the diagonal  Copying and pasting matrix diagonal values
correcting  Correcting matrices, Matrix correction, Updating demand matrices – general information, Updating demand matrix with TFlowFuzzy, Updating demand matrices using the least squares method
preparing data  Preparing data for the matrix update
correcting with 'Least squares’  Updating matrices with TFlowFuzzy or 'Least squares', Matrix correction using Least squares
correcting with TFlowFuzzy  Updating matrices with TFlowFuzzy or 'Least squares', Matrix correction using TFlowFuzzy
generating filter matrices  Creating a filter matrix
correcting with TFlowFuzzy diagnosis  Performing analyses of TFlowFuzzy solution procedures
deleting   Deleting Visum matrices
demand matrices  Matrices, Using calculated matrices
diagonal  Showing and editing matrix attribute values
extracting  Copy, paste and apply diagonal
setting  Copy, paste and apply diagonal, Replacing the matrix diagonal
disaggregating  Calculating a zone matrix from a main zone matrix
disaggregating main zone matrices to zone matrices  Calculating a zone matrix from a main zone matrix
dividing  Dividing matrix values
editing  Displaying and editing matrices
functions  Displaying and editing matrices
editing attribute values  Showing and editing matrix attribute values
editing window titles  Editing window titles of matrices
estimating gravitation parameters  Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI)
exponential function  Exponential function, Form reciprocal, raise to power, take logarithm, exponential function
extending  Extending matrices, Extending external matrices during an arithmetic operation
filtering the display of histograms  Filtering matrix data
filtering the display of matrix comparisons  Filtering matrix data
filtering the view  Filtering matrix data
forming maximum or minimum  Maximum or minimum formation
forming reciprocal  Forming the reciprocal of matrix values, Form reciprocal, raise to power, take logarithm, exponential function
generating  Generating a new matrix
graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for the Matrix editor window
gravity model
calculating  Gravity model calculation
calibrating  Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI)
histogram  Showing matrices in a histogram
interactive editing of matrix values  Editing matrix values interactively
main zones  Showing and editing matrix attribute values
making symmetric  Make symmetrical: mean value upper / lower triangle
matrix values
copying  Exchanging matrix values between opened matrices
editing  Editing matrix values interactively
marking  Marking matrix data
reading  Replacing matrix values
replacing  Replacing all matrix values
matrix valuesreplacing  Setting new matrix values based on a condition
maximum  Replacing matrix data by a maximum value
mean value
upper/lower triangle  Symmetrizing a matrix
mean value upper/lower triangle  Make symmetrical: mean value upper / lower triangle
minimum  Replacing matrix data by a minimum value
multiplying  Multiplying matrix values
OD pair  Matrices overview
opening  Opening matrices
overview  Matrices window, Matrices overview
projecting  Projection, Projecting matrix values, Projecting matrix values in the procedure sequence
projecting path volumes (PrT)  Projecting PrT path volumes, Projecting PrT path volumes
projection by territory  Projecting matrix values by territory
projection of aggregated areas  Projection by territory
properties  Showing and editing matrix attribute values
properties and options  Showing and editing matrix attribute values
raising to power  Raise to power, Form reciprocal, raise to power, take logarithm, exponential function
reading $O format  Settings for reading matrices from file in $O format
reading an external matrix into the network  Importing an external matrix into a network model
reading in  Importing an external matrix into a network model
reflecting  Transpose, reflect upper or lower triangle, apply mean value
lower triangle  Reflecting the lower triangle of a matrix
upper triangle  Reflecting the upper triangle of a matrix
rounding  Rounding matrix values
saving  Saving matrices, Saving matrices during procedure sequence execution
as file  Saving matrices
as partial matrix  Saving partial matrices
scatter plot  Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot, Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot
printing  Printing a matrix comparison, Printing a matrix comparison
setting values  Replacing matrix values
display  Basic settings for matrices
editing  Basic settings for matrices
skim matrices  Matrices
splitting  Splitting columns and rows, Splitting (extending) matrix objects
subtracting  Subtracting matrix values
symmetrizing  Symmetrizing a matrix
taking the logarithm  Take logarithm, Form reciprocal, raise to power, take logarithm, exponential function
transposing  Transposing the matrix values, Transpose, reflect upper or lower triangle, apply mean value
using conversion functions  Using matrix conversion functions
using matrix combination functions  Using matrix combination functions
using matrix references  Using matrix references for demand calculation
using the ForEach function  Performing calculations for multiple matrices
weighting matrices  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
window  The Matrix editor window
zones  Showing and editing matrix attribute values
Matrices correcting with TFlowFuzzy opening old settings  Reading old TFlowFuzzy settings from file
Matrix comparison  Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot
DXF export  Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot
export as graphics  Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot
JPG export  Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot
SVG export  Comparing two matrices in a scatter plot
Matrix comparisons
printing  Printing a matrix comparison
Matrix correction  Correcting matrices
calibrating matrix (PrT)  Calibrating PrT matrices
projecting path volumes (PrT)  Projecting PrT path volumes
Matrix editor  Displaying and editing matrices, Transport demand model, Matrices, The Matrix editor window
editing filtered entries  Editing filtered entries
Matrix editor window  The Matrix editor window
layout  Saving and opening the layout of a Matrix editor, histogram, or matrix comparison window
Matrix toll  Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area
Matrix types  Showing matrices in the Matrices window
Matrix values
aggregated display  Showing matrix values in an aggregated form
export  Exporting matrix values to a database
filtering  Showing matrix values in an aggregated form
reading  Adding matrix values of a file during procedure sequence, Importing matrix values during execution of the procedure sequence
rounding  Rounding matrix values
Matrix window
graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for the Matrix editor window
setting options  Setting options for display in the Matrix editor window
Mean value
matrices  Average determination using the Method of Successive Averages (MSA)
Merge network  Network merge
opening  Creating a network merge
terminating  Creating a network merge
Merging networks  Merging networks
Message file  Using protocol files, Specifying settings for warnings, Messages window, Examples: Protocol files
Messages window  Messages window, Messages window
Messages.txt  Using protocol files, Messages window
Method of Successive Averages  Average determination using the Method of Successive Averages (MSA)
Metric system
as standard setting  Specifying standard units for length and speed
Mobility sharing  Ride sharing in combination with public transport (first mile / last mile concept), Vehicle sharing
Mode choice  Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing demand strata, Nested mode choice (Nested demand)
allocating modes
Tour-based model  Creating demand matrices for tour-based model - trip distribution and mode choice
EVA model for passenger demand  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, Calculating EVA trip distribution and mode choice
nested (standard 4-step model)  4-step model with sequential calculation, Nested demand model, Nested mode choice (Nested demand)
standard 4-step model  Mode choice
Standard 4-step model  Calculating mode choice
Tour-based model  Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice, Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined
Model transfer file
applying  Applying model transfer files
creating  Creating a model transfer file
Model transfer files  Model transfer files
comparing  Comparing and transferring networks
Modes  Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Managing transport systems, modes and demand segments, Modes, Managing modes
creating  Creating modes
deleting  Deleting modes
properties and options  Properties and options of modes, Editing the attribute values of modes
Modifications  Managing modifications
MPA  See Multi Point Assignment
MSA  See Method of Successive Averages
Multi-point assignment  Distributing the demand to PrT connectors
Multi Point Assignment  Distribution of demand of a zone to the connectors, Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors
Multi procedure  Estimating gravitation parameters (KALIBRI), Projection, Gravity model calculation
trilinear (EVA)  EVA trip distribution and mode choice


NCHRP 255  NCHRP 255, NCHRP 255 (Post-processor for PrT assignments)
Nested demand
Standard 4-step model  Calculating demand with the Nested demand model
checking  Checking the network
displaying the check results  Displaying the results of the check and fixing errors
editing  Editing the network
finding errors  Checking the network
fixing errors  Displaying the results of the check and fixing errors
generating subnetwork  Using the subnetwork generator
rotate  Rotate, shift, scale network
scale  Rotate, shift, scale network
shift  Rotate, shift, scale network
Network-wide signal optimization  Network-wide signal optimization, Network-wide signal optimization
Network attributes
List  Editing user-defined network attributes
Network check  Network check
Network display
bars  Bars
classified  Classified display with attribute values
labeling with charts  Labeling with charts
labeling with tables  Labeling with tables
saving as PDF file  Saving the network display as a PDF file
Network editor
synchronizing  Synchronization with other windows, Junction editor and signal control
Network files
adding data to complete line routes or system routes  Reading a network file with incomplete line routes or system routes
opening  Opening and saving a network file and adding comments
reading additively  Reading network data additively
reading with incomplete line routes or system routes  Reading a network file with incomplete line routes or system routes
Network merge  Network merge
analysis time intervals  Network merge
examples  Network merge
Network model  Fundamentals of the program, Network model – the transport supply
Network object types  The Attribute.xls file, Network object types
displaying in the network  Checking the state of network objects
Network objects
adding charts  Adding charts to network objects
adding tables  Adding tables to network objects
block  Block
block item  Block item and block item type
block item types  Network objects
block version  Block version
block versions  Network objects
buffer  Buffers
calculating intersection  Calculation Intersection
classified display  Displaying classified objects based on attribute values
column charts  Creating column charts
connectors  Connectors, Network objects
count locations  Count locations and detectors, Network objects
deleting  Deleting several marked network objects, Deleting active network objects, Deleting object in list, Deleting network objects, Deleting marked network objects
demand segments  Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Demand segments, Network objects, Demand segments
detectors  Count locations and detectors, Network objects
displaying the state  Checking the state of network objects
editing  Using filters to set network objects active or passive, Setting network objects active/passive via the spatial selection
editing attribute values  Exchanging attribute values via the clipboard, Editing attribute values of network objects, Editing attribute values during a procedure sequence
editing boundaries  Managing boundaries of polygonal network objects
examples of intersect operations  Examples of intersect operations
fare zones  Network objects
copying  Copying filters to a different Visum instance
deleting  Deleting a filter
reading  Reading filters during a procedure sequence, Reading filters
saving  Saving filters
finding in the network  Finding network objects in the network
editing results  Editing search results
GIS objects  Network objects, Connection to the Personal Geodatabase and GIS objects, GIS objects
initializing filter conditions  Initializing filter conditions
intersecting  Buffers, Intersect
line blocking  Line blocking application example
line routes  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects
lines  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects
link types  Network objects
links  Links, Network objects
locations  Network objects
main lines  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects
main nodes  Network objects, Main nodes
main OD pairs  Main zones and main OD pairs
main turns  Main turns, Network objects
main zones  Main zones and main OD pairs, Network objects
marking  Marking network objects in the network
modes  Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Modes, Network objects
network object types  Network object types
nodes  Nodes, Network objects
OD pairs  Network objects
Operator model (PuT)  Network objects in the Operator model
path sequences  Path sequences
paths  Network objects, Paths
Points of Interest (POI)  Network objects, Points of Interest (POI)
PuT coordination groups  Network objects
PuT operators  Network objects, PuT operators
PuT vehicles  PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations
renumbering  Automatic renumbering of network objects
restricted traffic areas  Network objects
Restricted traffic areas  Restricted traffic areas
screenlines  Screenlines, Network objects
selecting  Marking network objects in the network
setting network objects active/passive by spatial selection  Reading a spatial selection of network objects, Inverting the active/passive state of network objects, Setting network objects active/passive via the spatial selection
sharing  Network objects
sharing stations  Sharing stations
showing and hiding  Editing the display and order of drawing settings for graphic layers
stop areas  Stop areas, Network objects
stop points  Stop points, Network objects
stops  Network objects, Stops
system routes  Network objects, System routes
territories  Network objects, Territories
ticket types  Network objects
Time interval sets  Network objects
Time intervals  Network objects
time profiles  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects
transport systems  Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Transport systems, Network objects
turn standards  Network objects
turns  Turns, Network objects
using filters to set network objects active or passive  Using filters to set network objects active or passive
valid days  Network objects, The line hierarchy, Valid days
vehicle combinations  PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations, Network objects
vehicle journey sections  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects
vehicle journeys  Network objects of the line hierarchy, Network objects
vehicle units  PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations, Network objects
zones  Zones, Network objects
Network window  Network window
customizing the view  Network window
comparing  Comparing and transferring networks
merging  Merging networks
Node  Nodes
Node geometry  Geometries, Editing the geometry of a node
crosswalks  Geometries
lane turns  Geometries
lanes  Geometries
leg templates  Geometries
link orientations  Link orientations
node legs  Geometries
node templates  Geometries
Node impedance
methods  Methods for node impedance calculation
Node impedance calculation
Intersection Capacity Analysis (ICA)  Calculating node impedances using Node impedance calculation (ICA)
Nodes VDF  Calculating node impedances using Nodes VDF
selecting the method  Selecting the method for node impedance calculation
Turns VDF  Calculating node impedances via Turns VDF
Node impedances  Impedances at nodes
calculate according to HCM  Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA)
calculating  Calculating node impedances
nodes VD function (TModel)  Node impedance of nodes VD function
turns VD function  Node impedances of turns VD function
Node templates  Geometries
Node topology  Geometries
graphically displaying  Lane allocation
Node types
allocating VD functions  Selecting VDFs for node types
Nodes  Managing nodes
aggregating isolated  Aggregating isolated nodes
allocating main nodes  Allocating nodes to one or multiple main nodes
allocating signal controllers  Properties and options of signal controllers
allocating VD functions  Selecting VDFs for node types
connect via links  Automatically connecting nodes via links
control types  Intersection Capacity Analysis according to the Highway Capacity Manual (ICA)
create missing lane turns  Creating missing lane turns for nodes
creating  Creating a node
creating leg templates  Editing the geometry in the list view
creating node templates  Editing the geometry in the list view
deleting  Deleting a node, Deleting several marked nodes, Deleting nodes, Deleting active nodes
displaying turns  Displaying turn volumes
displaying turns as bars  Displaying turns, main turns, and turn volumes
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of nodes
editing in the junction editor  Junction editor and signal control
finding  Finding a node
impedances  The impedance of a PrT route, Impedances at nodes
inserting stops  Inserting stop points, stop areas, and stops at nodes
merging  Merging nodes
moving  Moving nodes
properties and options  Properties and options of nodes
resetting lane data  Resetting the lane data at nodes
selecting  Finding a node, Selecting nodes
setting polygon allocation  Setting the polygon allocation of nodes
signal timing
editing  Editing the signal times of a node, Changing offsets in the signal time-space diagram
signal group-based control  Editing signal times
signalization  Signalization
specifying major flows  Specifying major flows at nodes
creating  Editing signal times
updating impedances  Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes
updating impedances with signal cycle and split optimization  Updating impedances at nodes
Nodes VD function (TModel)  Node impedance of nodes VD function
Nodes VDF  Calculating node impedances using Nodes VDF
Noise-Emis-Nordic  The environmental impact model
Noise calculation according to RLS-19  The environmental impact model
Noise volume  Noise volume
Noise-Emis-Nordic procedure  Noise volume, Noise-Emis-Nordic procedure
Noise-Emis-RLS90 procedure  Noise calculation according to RLS-19
Noise volumes
calculating  Calculating noise volume
displaying  Displaying noise volumes
saving  Saving noise volumes
setting parameters  Setting environmental impact parameters
Normalizing  Multi-part surfaces, Normalizing all surfaces
HAFAS data  Notes on the imported HAFAS data


OD demand  Transport demand model, Demand model
OD pair filter assignment matrices  Creating a matrix calculated from a formula, Using calculated matrices
OD pairs  Managing OD pairs, OD pairs
One-way roads
displaying  Displaying one-way roads
Open the license agreement  Open the license agreement
Opening the privacy privacy statement  Opening the privacy privacy statement
OpenStreetMap import  OpenStreetMap import
checking import results  Checking the import results
configuration sets  Structure of the configuration sets
creating network sections  Creating a network section for data import
defining import processes  Defining the import process
downloading data  Downloading and preparing OpenStreetMap data
editing data  Downloading and preparing OpenStreetMap data
importing network sections  Creating a network section for data import
using default configuration  Running the import process with a predefined configuration
using user-defined configuration  Running the import process with a user-defined configuration
OpenStreetMap importadapting the import process  Adapting the import process
Operating modes  The operating modes of the network model
Operating periods
allocating  Replacing valid days by a combination of valid day and operating period
creating  Creating operating periods
delete  Deleting operating periods
editing attribute values  Editing attribute values of operating periods
insert complement  Inserting the complement for an operating period
properties and options  Properties and options of operating periods
Operator model  Network objects in the Operator model, Settings for the PuT operator model
Operator model (PuT)  Operator model PuT, The operator model
examples  Indicator data by time slice, Indicators at the line hierarchy, Introductory examples for PuT indicators, Evaluation of indicators on the operator level, Indicator data by territory
Indicators (aggregation levels)  Calculation of indicators on different aggregation levels
line blocking  Line blocking
network objects  Network objects in the Operator model
Territory-based evaluation (aggregation levels)  Territory-based evaluation on different aggregation levels
work flow  Typical work flow in the PuT operator model
deleting  Deleting operators
in the operator model  Network objects in the Operator model
Optimizing cycle and green time  Optimizing signal cycles and split of a single signal controller
Optimizing offset times  Signal coordination (Signal offset optimization)
Optimizing signal cycle and split  Data model for signal cycle and split optimization
Origin-destination pair  Matrices overview
Origin wait time (Timetable-based assignment)  Perceived journey time
the Matrices window  Showing matrices in the Matrices window


P+R procedure
path sequences  P+R procedures and path sequences
Parallelization  Specifying the number of processor cores to be used
Parameter files
saving  Saving settings for special matrix operations
Park & Ride  Modeling Park + Ride trips
Park + Ride
calculating leg split  Calculating Park + Ride leg split
calculating the lot choice  Calculating Park + Ride lot choice
leg split  Park + Ride leg split
lot choice  Park + Ride lot choice
modeling  Modeling Park + Ride
Passenger sample survey  Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys
Passenger survey   Check ridership data for plausibility, Processing collected survey data
checking  Plausibilization of survey data
direct assignment  Survey data assignment
loading ridership data  Loading ridership data
survey data
assignment  Survey data assignment
loading  Loading survey data
plausibilize  Plausibilization of survey data, Plausibilization of survey data
Path legs
PrT  PrT paths
PuT  PuT paths
Path search
setting parameters  Creating a PrT path
Path sequence activities
creating  Creating path sequence activities
Path sequence sets
creating  Creating path sequence sets
deleting  Deleting path sequence activities, Deleting path sequence sets
managing  Managing path sequences
Path sequences  Path sequences
deleting  Deleting path sequences
displaying  Displaying path sequence items
importing  Importing path sequences
inserting skims  Specifying skims for path sequences
label  Labeling path sequence items
Path sets
creating  Creating a path set
deleting  Deleting path sets
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of path sets, Editing the attribute values of all or all active path sets
marking  Marking path sets
properties and options  Properties and options of path sets
selecting  Selecting path sets
setting active/passive  Setting active/passive path sets
Paths  Managing PrT paths and sets of paths, Paths in PrT and PuT, Paths
converting  Converting a path
displaying (flow bundles)  Flow bundles with alternative routes
editing course  Editing the course of a path
filtering (flow bundles)  Flow bundles
finding  Creating a PrT path
PrT  PrT paths
PuT  PuT paths
saving  Settings for saving PrT assignment results
settings  Settings for saving PuT assignment results
PDV procedure  Comparison of the PDV procedure with dynamic assignment, Pseudo-dynamic volumes (PDV), Procedure parameters, input and output attributes of the PDV procedure
Use of the results  Use of the results
Perceived journey time  Perceived journey time, Perceived journey time
Percentage time series
convert to matrix time series  Converting percentage time series to matrix time series
converting  Converting percentage time series to matrix time series
Person groups  Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing person groups, Person groups
creating  Creating demand objects
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
properties and options  Properties and options of person groups
Person groupsediting the number of persons  Editing the number of persons in a person group
Personal Geodatabase  Connecting Visum to a Personal Geodatabase
connecting to a  Showing objects from a personal geodatabase in Visum
disconnecting  Ending the display of objects from a personal geodatabase
Personal Geodatabase (PGD)  Connection to the Personal Geodatabase and GIS objects
PGD  See Personal Geodatabase
Planned connecting journeys
create  Managing planned connecting journeys
Playing an SBA recording  Playing an SBA recording
POI categories
creating  Creating a POI category
deleting  Deleting a POI category
editing  Allocating a POI to a different category, Editing a POI category
using user-defined attributes  Using user-defined attributes for POI categories
Point  Tables in the surface model
Points of Interest (POI)  Points of Interest (POI)
aggregating  Aggregating marked or active POIs to one POI
allocating  POIs: Allocations tab, Allocating network objects to a POI
deleting  Deleting the boundaries of several POIs
convert to locations  Converting POIs into other polygonal network objects or locations
converting  Converting POIs into other polygonal network objects or locations
creating  Creating a POI
deleting  Deleting POIs
deleting enclaves  Deleting enclaves of POIs
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of POIs, Editing the attribute values of marked POIs, Editing the attribute values of all or all active POIs
editing category  Allocating a POI to a different category
editing image size and rotation angle  Changing the image size and rotation angle of a POI
fuzzy surface alignment  Fuzzy alignment of POIs surfaces
graphic parameters  Displaying Points of Interest
managing  Managing Points of Interest (POIs)
managing boundaries  Managing the boundary of a POI
normalizing surfaces  Normalizing surfaces of POIs
properties and options  Properties and options of POIs
restricting the selection  Restricting the selection of POIs to one category
selecting  Selecting POIs
setting active/passive  Setting POIs active/passive
setting labels  Setting POI labels to the centroids
shifting  Moving POIs
Pollution-Emis  The environmental impact model
Pollution-Emis procedure  Pollution-Emis procedure
Polygons  Polygons, Using polygons in the network display, The surface data model in Visum
copying  Copying and pasting a polygon
creating line/polygon  Creating lines/polygons
creating rectangles  Creating a rectangle
deleting  Deleting a polygon
deleting all  Deleting all polygons
editing  Editing the properties of an open polygon, Editing the properties of a closed polygon
merging points  Merging all polygon points with identical co-ordinates
normalizing surfaces  Normalizing all surfaces
saving  Saving polygons
shifting  Shifting a polygon
PopulationSim interface  ActivitySim interface
Position data  Creating a background from a file
Possible applications
Planning tasks of newer forms of mobility or combinations  Fields of application for Visum in PrT and PuT
Preparation time  Editing a vehicle journey section
Preset the analysis time slot  Specifying settings for the attribute selection windows
Printing  Printing the network display
print output
starting  Starting print output
setting a printed page  Setting a printed page
specifying a print area  Specifying the print area
specifying a print frame  Settings for print frame, header and footer
executing procedures in version comparisons  Executing procedures in version comparisons
move in the sequence  Changing the order of procedures and groups in the sequence
move to group  Changing the order of procedures and groups in the sequence
Procedure description
line blocking without vehicle interchange  Line blocking description without vehicle interchange
Procedure parameters
in the scenario management  Specifying procedure parameters
opening and saving  Saving procedure parameters to a file and loading them from a file
Procedure sequence  Setting up and starting the procedure sequence
adding procedure  Adding procedures to the procedure sequence
Adjusting column selection  Selecting attributes for the Procedure sequence window
creating  Creating a procedure sequence automatically
creating and editing group  Forming and naming groups
distributed computing  Swapping entire procedure sequences to compute nodes, Distributed computing of procedure sequence
executing procedures  Executing procedures in the procedure sequence
general settings  Adjusting the general procedure settings
interrupting  Interrupting the procedure sequence
opening  Opening the procedure sequence
opening and saving  Saving procedure parameters to a file and loading them from a file
opening layout  Opening the layout for the procedure sequence window
organize hierarchically  Changing the order of procedures and groups in the sequence
saving layout  Saving the layout for the procedure sequence window
setting up and starting  Setting up and starting the procedure sequence
viewing the calculation status  Displaying the calculation status
Procedure settings  Adjusting the general procedure settings
opening and saving  Saving procedure parameters to a file and loading them from a file
Procedure variables
creating  Creating procedure variables
defining  Defining procedure variables and setting values
editing  Editing procedure variables
editing values  Editing values of procedure variables
copy to clipboard  Copying procedures or groups to the clipboard
exchange via clipboard  Exchanging procedures or groups of procedures via the clipboard
line blocking  Executing the PuT line blocking procedure
parallelized calculation  Specifying the number of processor cores to be used
pasting content from the clipboard  Pasting procedures or groups from the clipboard
PuT interlining matrix  Calculating skim matrices for interlining trips
showing/hiding a group  Showing or hiding the procedures of a group
Processor cores  Specifying the number of processor cores to be used
Production  Editing the demand of EVA-P demand strata, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation, Editing the demand of Standard 4-step demand strata
Production and distribution
Tour-based freight model  Calculating production and distribution using the tour-based freight model
Productions  Trip generation
copying a classification  Copying a classification between temporal distribution and detail view
exporting  Exporting profiles
open layout  Opening the layout of profiles
opening  Opening the profile view
saving and opening layouts  Saving and opening the layout of profiles
saving the layout  Saving the layout of profiles
setting graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for profiles
specifying settings  Specifying settings for profiles
window  The profile window
Program interface  Program interface
Program start  Using a different configuration file during program start
Projecting path volumes (PrT)  Projecting PrT path volumes
Projection  Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
examples  Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
matrices  Projecting matrix values, Projecting matrix values in the procedure sequence
vehicle journey section attributes  PuT operating indicators: User-defined attributes tab
Projections  Coordinate systems
delivery concepts  Properties and options of delivery concepts
Protocol files  Using protocol files
activity protocol  Using protocol files, Adding a comment to the activity protocol
examples  Examples: Protocol files
log file  Using protocol files
message file  Using protocol files
settings  Using protocol files
specifying settings  Specifying settings for protocol files
Protocol.txt  Using protocol files, Examples: Protocol files
path legs  PrT paths
path objects  Paths
paths  PrT paths
PrT assignment procedure  User model PrT
Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe (BFW)  Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe (BFW)
convergence criteria  Convergence criteria of assignment quality
example network  Example network for PrT assignment procedures
Simulation-based dynamic assignment  Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA)
PrT assignment procedures  Setting and calculating the parameters for PrT assignment, Settings for the PrT user model
dynamic stochastic assignment  Dynamic stochastic assignment, Dynamic stochastic assignment
Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE)  Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE), Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE)
equilibrium assignment  Equilibrium assignment (static), Equilibrium assignment
Equilibrium assignment Bi-conjugate Frank Wolfe  Equilibrium assignment Bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe
Equilibrium_Lohse  Equilibrium_Lohse, Equilibrium_Lohse assignment (static)
ICA convergence criteria  Convergence criteria
impedance functions  The impedance of a PrT route
incremental assignment  Incremental assignment, Incremental assignment (static)
Level of detail for results  Settings for saving PrT assignment results
Linear User Cost Equilibrium (LUCE)  Equilibrium assignment LUCE
settings  Setting parameters for PrT assignments
stochastic assignment  Stochastic assignment, Stochastic assignment (static)
taking base volume into account  Taking base volume into account
toll  The TRIBUT procedure
TRIBUT  The TRIBUT procedure
TRIBUT - Equilibrium assignment  TRIBUT - Equilibrium assignment
TRIBUT - Equilibrium_Lohse  TRIBUT - Equilibrium_Lohse (static)
using solution as initial solution  The impedance of a PrT route
VD functions  Predefined VD functions
with blocking-back model  Blocking back model settings and calculation
PrT assignment quality data
convergence criteria  Viewing convergence criteria and convergence speed
PrT path sets  Managing PrT paths and sets of paths
PrT paths
converting  Converting paths
creating  Creating a PrT path
deleting  Deleting paths
displaying  Configuring the display of a PrT path bar
distributing a matrix to paths  Distributing a matrix on paths
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of PrT paths
opening paths  Opening the Paths window
parameters for the path search  Creating a PrT path
properties and options  Properties and options of PrT paths
selecting  Selecting paths
setting active/passive  Setting paths active/passive
setting travel times  Setting travel times for paths
PrT skims
user-defined  User-defined PrT skims
Pseudo-dynamic volumes  Method
Aux transport systems  Handling of public transport systems of the PuT-Aux type
operating indicators  PuT interlining matrix procedure
cost and revenue model  Calculation of operating costs and fare gains (revenues)
cost per hour  Vehicle type-dependent costs
examples  Example for PuT operating indicators, Operator cost
kilometer costs  Vehicle type-dependent costs
line route and timetable analysis  Indicators for line route and timetable evaluation
link costs  Link costs, Link costs
network performance measurement  Measurement of the network performance
operating cost  Calculation of the operating costs, Calculation of operating costs and fare gains (revenues)
operator costs  Operator cost
stop point costs  Stop point cost
transport supply measurement  Measurement of the transport supply
vehicle costs  Vehicle type-dependent costs
vehicle type costs  Vehicle type-dependent costs, Vehicle type-dependent costs
Operating indicators
distributing empty trips and empty times  Distribution of empty trips and empty times to vehicle journeys
Operator model  Impact models – methods to calculate the impact of traffic, Network objects in the Operator model
operators  Network objects in the Operator model, PuT operators
deleting  Deleting operators
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of operators
passenger surveys  Processing collected survey data
path legs  PuT paths
paths  PuT paths
revenues  Calculation of the fare revenues (revenue calculation)
calculate using fare model  Revenue calculation using the fare model
distribute across PuT path legs  Revenue distribution
fixed revenue per PTripUnlinked  Revenue calculation from fixed revenue per passenger trip
fixed revenue per traversed fare point  Revenue calculation from fixed revenue per traversed fare point
vehicle units
creating  Creating a vehicle unit
vehicles  PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations
PuT assignment procedure  User model PuT
headway-based  Headway-based assignment
timetable-based  Timetable-based assignment
TSys-based  Transport system-based assignment
PuT assignment procedures  Setting and calculating PuT assignment parameters, Settings for the PuT user model
headway-based  Parameters of headway-based assignment
settings  Setting parameters for PuT assignments
timetable-based  Parameters of timetable-based assignment
TSys-based  Parameters of the TSys-based assignment
PuT connections and transfer flows  PuT connections and transfer flows
PuT cost model  Creating a cost model
PuT fare zones
creating  Creating fare zones
deleting  Deleting a fare zone
PuT fares
defining  Defining PuT fares
PuT interlining matrix  PuT interlining matrix procedure
PuT operating indicators
deleting  Discarding calculated PuT operating indicators
PuT operator model  Settings for the PuT operator model
PuT revenues
cost coverage calculation  Calculation of cost coverage
PuT supply import
reading  Reading settings for PuT supply import
resetting  Resetting the PuT supply import settings
saving  Saving settings for PuT supply import
PuT transfer relations  PuT transfer relations
PuToperating indicators
revenue calculation  Calculation of the fare revenues (revenue calculation)
Python Console  Opening a Python Console in Visum
Reference  More documents
script language  Selecting your own Python virtual environment, Opening a Python Console in Visum
selecting a virtual environment  Selecting your own Python virtual environment


Queues  Predefined VD functions
Quick view
open layout  Opening a layout for the quick view
saving layout  Saving Quick view layout
settings  Editing Quick view settings
window  Quick view window
Quick View
editing attribute values  Modifying attribute values in the Quick view
Quick view window  Quick view window


exporting data to railML   Exporting Visum data to railML®
importing  RailML® interface
loading import settings  Reading in settings for railML® import
notes on imported data  Notes on imported railML® data
resetting export settings  Resetting railML® export settings
restoring import settings  Resetting the railML® import settings
saving export settings  Saving settings for railML® export
saving import settings  Saving settings for railML® import
reading in export settings  Loading settings for railML® export
Ramp metering  Predefined VD functions
Read network data additively
Renumber network objects  Specifying settings for conflict avoidance and conflict handling
Reading an abstract network model  Reading an abstract network model
Reading network data additively
adjusting settings  Specifying settings for reading in additional network data
defining conflict avoidance and handling  Specifying settings for conflict avoidance and conflict handling
selecting data tables  Selecting data tables you want to read in
Reading stage templates  Editing signal times
Recalculating lengths  Recalculating lengths
Rectangles  Creating a rectangle
restoring the previously undone action  Redoing undone actions
Regular service information
editing  Editing regular services
Regular services
creating  Create regular services
editing  Editing regular services
Relations with conditions  Relations with conditions
Removing link intermediate points from junction areas  Removing link intermediate points from junction areas
removing link intermediate points on junctions  Repairing incorrect node geometry
Resetting DUE attributes  Resetting DUE attributes to the default values
Restricted traffic areas  Restricted traffic areas
deleting  Deleting restricted traffic areas
deleting enclaves  Deleting enclaves of restricted traffic areas
editing attribute values  Editing attribute values of restricted traffic areas
finding  Finding restricted traffic areas
Fuzzy alignment of surfaces  Fuzzy alignment of restricted traffic areas
impedances  The impedance of a PrT route
managing boundaries  Managing the boundary of a restricted traffic area
marking  Setting restricted traffic areas active / passive, Marking restricted traffic areas
moving the centroid  Moving the centroid of a restricted traffic area
normalizing surfaces  Normalizing surfaces of restricted traffic areas
selecting  Setting restricted traffic areas active / passive, Selecting restricted traffic areas
setting labels  Setting restricted traffic area labels to the centroid
specifying a matrix toll  Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area
Result analysis  Analysis of results
Revenues (PuT)  Calculation of operating costs and fare gains (revenues)
fares  Fares
Ride sharing  Ride sharing
Ridership data
plausibility check   Check ridership data for plausibility
Risk of delay  Timetable-based assignment: Risk of delay page
analyze  Risk of delay
procedure parameters  Procedure parameters risk of delay
Risk of delay analysis
calculate  Calculations
RLS-19  Noise calculation according to RLS-19, The environmental impact model
attribute value  Rounding attribute values
demand and volume  Rounding demand and volume data
matrix values  Rounding matrix values
Rounding demand data  Rounding demand and volume data
Rounding volume data  Rounding demand and volume data
Route loading
TSys-based assignment  Route loading
Route search
TSys-based assignment  Route search
distribution of demand  Distribution models in the assignment
impedances  The impedance of a PrT route
importing  Importing routes
importing (extended)  Extended route import
saving  Settings for saving PrT assignment results
skims  Skims of time


Safety  Visum Safety
carrying out accident predictions  Carrying out accident predictions
importing accidents  Importing accidents
objects and attributes  Objects and attributes
opening   Opening Visum Safety
Placing and allocating accidents  Placing and allocating accidents
SATURN import  SATURN import
PrT assignment results  Settings for saving PrT assignment results
user preferences  Saving, opening and restoring user preferences
Saving a backup copy  Settings for opening and saving data files, Settings for opening and saving data files
Saving an abstract network model  Saving an abstract network model
Saving files
setting a language  Setting a language for saving Visum files
SBA trajectories
adjust display  Adjusting the display of SBA trajectories
subsequent recording  Recording trajectories afterwards
SBA visualization
synchronize  Synchronizing the SBA visualization with other windows
window  Opening the 3-D network view - SBA
Scalable Vector Graphics  SVG export
Scenario management  Managing scenarios, Scenario management
Cache edit  Saving interim results of an edit
converting a project into a file-based project  Converting an SQL server database project into a file-based project
Converting a project into an SQL server database  Converting a file-based project into an SQL server database
creating new project  Creating a project for scenario management
creating user-defined attributes  Creating user-defined attributes for scenario management objects
distributed computing  Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers
adding compute nodes manually  Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers
calculating scenarios  Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers
copying files to compute node  Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers
downloading result files  Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers
managing compute nodes  Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers
setting up the calculation server  Distributing scenario calculations across multiple computers
editing the base version  Editing the base version
exchange of projects in multi-user mode  Exchange of projects in multi-user mode
exporting a partial project  Exporting a partial project
exporting a project  Exporting a scenario management project
exporting data  Exporting data of a Scenario management project
global layout
applying  Applying a global layout to background network
editing  Editing the global layout
load from file  Loading a global layout from file
global layouts
creating  Creating a global layout
integrating a project  Integrating a project
modifications  Managing modifications
Multi-user mode  Scenario management in multi-user mode
renaming the base version  Editing basic settings of the project
specifying global layouts  Specifying global layouts
specifying procedure parameters  Specifying procedure parameters
work flow  Scenario management
Scenarios  Managing scenarios, Scenario management
calculating  Calculating scenarios and showing results, Calculating scenarios
comparing  Comparing scenarios
create based on modifications  Defining scenarios based on modifications
creating  Creating scenarios
defining modifications  Defining modifications
managing  Managing scenarios
properties and options  Properties and options of schedules
Schematic line diagram  Schematic line diagram
adjusting centered label for multiple edges  Adjusting the centered label of multiple edges
bundling the edges  Bundling edges
by service patterns  Bundling edges
coupled edges  Bundling edges
with same attribute values  Bundling edges
creating a legend  Creating a legend for the schematic line diagram
deleting transfer nodes  Manually editing schematic line diagrams
displaying statistics  Displaying statistics
moving edge courses at right angles  Manually editing schematic line diagrams
moving edge courses in parallel  Manually editing schematic line diagrams
moving transfer nodes  Manually editing schematic line diagrams
printing  Printing schematic line diagrams
rearranging edge courses  Manually editing schematic line diagrams
Shift centered labels  Setting the position of centered labels at edges
transfer nodes
adjusting labels  Setting transfer node labels
Schematic line diagrams  Creating schematic line diagrams
deleting unused edge courses  Deleting unused edge courses
displaying  Opening schematic line diagrams, Displaying active stops as transfer nodes, Setting graphic parameters for the schematic line diagram
displaying demand and transfer flows  Display of demand and transfer flows in the schematic line diagram
displaying individual stops  Displaying individual stops as transfer nodes
displaying stops  Displaying active stops as transfer nodes
displaying supply  Display of supply in the schematic line diagram
editing  Defining and editing a schematic line diagram
manual post-processing  Manually editing schematic line diagrams
refreshing the view  Refreshing the view of the schematic line diagram
saving and reading the layout  Reading and saving the layout of schematic line diagrams
selecting aggregation level  Selecting display level for displayed edges
selecting vehicle journeys  Displaying vehicle journeys in the schematic line diagram
separating all edges  Separating all edges
setting the layout  Setting the layout for schematic line diagrams
transferring the layout  Saving layout information and transferring layouts to variants
Screenlines  Screenlines, Managing screenlines
editing  Editing the course of a screenline
creating  Creating a screenline
creating the opposite direction  Creating the opposite direction
deleting  Deleting screenlines
editing attribute values  Editing attribute values of screenlines
marking  Marking screenlines, Setting screenlines active/passive
properties and options  Properties and options of screenlines, Screenlines: Link attributes tab
selecting  Setting screenlines active/passive, Selecting screenlines
exporting  Exporting a screenshot or raster graphic from screen
Script code
integrating into the procedure sequence  Integrating script files or script code into the procedure sequence
Script files
integrating into the procedure sequence  Integrating script files or script code into the procedure sequence
Python  Selecting your own Python virtual environment, Opening a Python Console in Visum
running  Running script files
Search addresses  Searching locations in background maps
Search locations in backgrounds  Searching locations in background maps
Sectors  Manage sectors and delivery concepts
create  Creating demand objects
delete  Delete sectors
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
properties and options  Properties and options of sectors
multiple network objects simultaneously  Selecting multiple network objects
Selecting a decimal point  Selecting a decimal point
Selecting multiple network objects  Selecting multiple network objects
Selecting the direction of traffic  Selecting the direction of traffic
Service trip patterns
calculating  Calculating service trip patterns
displaying  Editing regular services
Setting a rotation angle for bar labels  Rotating labels of link bars
Setting coordination groups for signal controllers  Setting coordination groups for signal controllers
main nodes  Setting coordination groups for signal controllers
Setting polygon allocation
count locations  Setting the polygon allocation of count locations
main nodes  Setting the polygon allocation of main nodes
nodes  Setting the polygon allocation of nodes
stop areas  Setting the polygon allocation of stop areas
stop points  Setting the polygon allocation of stop points
stops  Setting the polygon allocation of stops
Setting route points  Setting route points
Shape files  The Shapefiles interface, Shape files as a GIS interface
exporting  Exporting Shapefiles
importing  Importing Shapefiles
Sharing stations  Managing sharing stations, Sharing stations
creating  Creating sharing stations
deleting  Deleting sharing stations
marking  Selecting sharing stations
properties and options  Sharing stations: Basis tab
Properties and options  Sharing station: General attributes
selecting  Selecting sharing stations
setting active/passive  Setting sharing stations active/passive
territories  Sharing stations: Basis tab
Shortcuts in Visum  Shortcuts and functions keys in Visum
Shortest path search  Connection search using shortest path search, Shortest path search, Searching for and displaying shortest paths
displaying in lists  Displaying shortest path searches in lists
PrT  Shortest path search, Shortest path search PrT
PuT  Shortest path search, Shortest path search PuT
timetable-based search  Shortest path search PuT
transport system-based search  Shortest path search PuT
saving  Saving a shortest path search
setting graphic parameters  Setting the graphic parameters for shortest paths
Showing missed connecting journeys  Displaying reached and missed connecting journeys
Showing node leg attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
Showing reached connecting journeys  Displaying reached and missed connecting journeys
Showing/hiding extended markings  Showing/hiding extended markings
Signal controllers  Managing signal controllers
allocating nodes  Properties and options of signal controllers
calculating coordination  Signal timing optimization and coordination
creating  Creating a signal controller
deleting a  Deleting a signal controller
editing  Editing the control of a signal controller, Editing the attribute values of a signal controller
editing signal times  Editing the signal times of a node, Changing offsets in the signal time-space diagram
optimizing offset times  Signal coordination (Signal offset optimization)
optimizing signal cycle and split  Data model for signal cycle and split optimization, Optimizing signal cycle and split times, Optimizing signal cycles and split of a single signal controller
signal time-space diagram  Displaying signal time-space diagrams
Signal coordination  Signal coordination (Signal offset optimization), Data model for signal cycle and split optimization, Optimizing signal cycles and split of a single signal controller
Signal coordination groups
properties and options  Properties and options of signal coordination groups
Signal cycle and split optimization  Signal cycle and split optimization
Signal groups  Managing signal groups
lane turns or crosswalks  Editing the geometry in the list view
lanes or legs  Editing the geometry in the list view
allocating crosswalks  Editing signal times
allocating lane turns  Editing signal times
creating  Creating a signal group
deleting  Deleting a signal group
editing attributes  Editing the geometry in the list view
properties and options  Properties and options of signal groups
Signal programs
changing  Switching off or manually changing signal programs in Visum, Switching off signal programs
managing (Vissig)  Managing signal programs
switching off  Switching off or manually changing signal programs in Visum, Switching off signal programs
Signal time-space diagram  Signal time-space diagram
Signal time-space diagrams  Displaying signal time-space diagrams
exporting (SVG)  Printing or exporting the signal time-space diagram
setting graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for the signal time-space diagram
Signal time optimization  Signal time optimization
Signal times
adjusting the column display  Editing signal times
display options  Editing signal times
displaying all  Editing signal times
Signal timing coordination  Optimizing signal cycle and split times
Signalization  Signalization
stage templates  Signalization
Simulation-based dynamic assignment  Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA), Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA)
calculating path costs  Calculating path costs
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes
procedure  Steps of simulation-based dynamic assignment
route search  Route search (shortest path search)
simulation  Simulation = network loading
subsequent evaluations  Subsequent evaluations
volume balancing  Distribution of demand across paths (volume balancing)
Skim matrices  Showing matrices in the Matrices window, Managing matrices, Matrices
Path sequences  Calculating skim matrices from path sequences
calculating for PrT  Calculating PrT skims
calculating for PuT  Calculating PuT skims
main diagonal
specifying values  Setting metadata for skim matrices
meta data  Setting metadata for skim matrices
settings  Setting metadata for skim matrices
Skims  Skims / indicators
calculating (PrT)  PrT skims
PuT  Skims for path sequences, Skims of attribute data, Monetary skims, Skims of frequency, Skims of length, Skims of time, Derived skims
skim matrices  Skim matrices
Skims for path sequences  Specifying skims for path sequences
displaying  Calculating the slope from z-coordinates
Smart map
applying graphic parameters  Setting the graphic parameters for the Smart map window
refreshing  Refreshing the Smart map
window  The Smart map window
Spatial network view
Displaying 3D bars  Displaying 3D bars
selecting a display type  Selecting a display type
Spatial selection
displaying network object types  Checking the state of network objects
inverting active/passive  Inverting the active/passive state of network objects
mode  Activating the Spatial selection mode
reading from file  Reading a spatial selection of network objects
setting active/passive  Setting network objects active/passive via the spatial selection
Special functions
graphical timetable  Special functions in the graphical timetable
Specifying directories  Editing the storage location of files
Specifying major flows
main nodes  Specifying major flows at main nodes
nodes  Specifying major flows at nodes
Specifying project directories  Editing the storage location of files
Split optimization  Split optimization
standard 4-step model
time-of-day choice  Time-of-day choice
Standard 4-step model  Transport demand model, Demand model, Standard 4-step model in two variants
mode choice  Mode choice
nested  4-step model with sequential calculation, Nested mode choice (Nested demand)
sequential calculation  4-step model with sequential calculation
trip distribution  Trip distribution
trip generation  Trip generation
Standard time series  Creating standard time series
creating  Creating standard time series
deleting  Deleting standard time series
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects
editing for pairs of zone types  Allocating different standard time series to relations between certain zone types
editing the start time  Editing the start day and start time of standard time series
properties and options  Properties and options of standard time series, Properties and options of standard time series
time intervals
creating  Creating multiple time intervals of identical length, Creating time intervals for standard time series
deleting  Deleting time intervals of standard time series
editing  Editing time intervals of standard time series
Start page
Country for regional information  Using the start page
Stochastic assignment  Stochastic assignment, Stochastic assignment (static)
commonality factor  Similarity of routes and commonality factor
distribution models  Distribution models in the assignment
evaluation  Evaluation of stochastic assignment
examples  Example of stochastic assignment
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of stochastic assignment
Stop areas  Managing stop areas
connecting (nodes)  Setting access nodes
creating  Creating a stop area
deleting  Deleting stop areas, Deleting stop areas
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of stop areas
generate zones  Generating zones for stop areas
marking  Marking stop areas, Setting stop areas active/passive
moving  Moving a stop area
opening the graphical timetable  Stop areas: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
opening the tabular timetable  Stop areas: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
properties and options  Properties and options of stop areas
selecting  Selecting stop areas, Setting stop areas active/passive
setting access nodes  Setting access nodes
setting specific transfer walk times  Setting transfer times for stop areas
Stop areas setting
polygon allocation  Setting the polygon allocation of stop areas
Stop catchment areas
displaying  Displaying stop catchment areas in the Network editor window
setting graphic parameters  Editing the graphic parameters of stop catchment areas
Stop points  Managing stop points, Stop points
creating  Creating a stop point
deleting  Deleting stop points
displaying time profiles  Stop points: Time profiles tab
displaying transport systems  Stop points: Transport systems tab
displaying vehicle combinations  Stop points: Depot tab
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of a stop point, Editing the attribute values of marked stop points, Editing the attribute values of all or all active stop points
marking  Setting stop points active/passive, Selecting stop points
merging  Merging stop points
opening the graphical timetable  Stop points: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
opening the tabular timetable  Stops: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
properties and options  Properties and options of stop points
recurring activities  Stop points: Recurring activities tab
selecting  Setting stop points active/passive, Selecting stop points
setting polygon allocation  Setting the polygon allocation of stop points
shifting  Moving stop points
Stop sequence
displaying sections  Setting the display of stop sequence sections
settings  Basic stop sequence settings
Stops  Managing stops, Stops
converting link stop points  Converting link stop points into node stop points
creating  Creating a stop
deleting  Deleting stops
deleting walk and wait times  Deleting specific walk and wait times
displaying catchment areas  Stop catchment areas
displaying twin stop events  Setting the vehicle journeys display
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of all or all active stops, Stops: Stop areas tab, Editing the attribute values of a stop, Editing the attribute values of marked stops, Stops: Stop points tab
editing chained up vehicle journey sections  Editing chained up vehicle journey sections
editing the matrix  Stops: Wait times tab, Stops: Walk times / stop areas tab
finding stops without a connector  Checking the network
hierarchies  Stop hierarchy: Stops, stop areas, stop points
inserting  Inserting stop points, stop areas, and stops at nodes
marking  Setting stops active/passive, Selecting stops
merging  Merging stops
moving  Moving stops
opening the graphical timetable  Stops: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
opening the tabular timetable  Stop points: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
properties and options  Properties and options of stops, Stops: General attributes
selecting  Setting stops active/passive, Selecting stops
setting specific transition walk times  Setting specific transition walk times
stop areas  Stop areas
Stops setting
polygon allocation  Setting the polygon allocation of stops
deleting  Deleting a storyboard
editing a  Editing a storyboard
loading a  Loading an existing storyboard
recording  Recording a storyboard as video
manage in Editor  Using storyboards
using  Using storyboards
Straps  Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area
Structural properties  Modeling demand, Managing structural properties, Trip generation
creating  Creating demand objects
deleting  Deleting structural properties
editing values  Editing the attribute values of demand objects, Editing structural property data
EVA model for passenger demand  EVA data model
properties and options  Properties and options of structural properties
tour-based model  Tour-based model
Structure of activity-based models  Structure of the activity-based model
generating  Subnetwork generation, Exporting subnetworks via ANM interface
options for line routes  Selecting options for line routes
Subnetwork generator  Subnetwork generator
Support  Posting a support request, Submitting a support request
Suppress warnings  Specifying settings for warnings
Surface items  Tables in the surface model
Surface model  The surface data model in Visum
multi-part surface  Multi-part surfaces
normalizing surfaces  Multi-part surfaces
tables  Tables in the surface model
Surfaces  Tables in the surface model, The surface data model in Visum
fuzzy alignment  Fuzzy surface alignment, Fuzzy alignment of POIs surfaces, Editing surface set, Fuzzy alignment of zone surfaces, Fuzzy alignment of territory surfaces, Fuzzy alignment of surfaces, Fuzzy alignment of main node surfaces, Fuzzy alignment of main zone surfaces, Fuzzy alignment of restricted traffic areas
normalizing  Normalizing all surfaces
Survey data
assigning  Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys
assignment  Survey data assignment
checking  Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys
loading  Loading survey data
plausibilization  Plausibilization of survey data, Check ridership data for plausibility, Plausibilization of survey data, Plausibilization of survey data
reading  Importing, checking and assigning passenger onboard surveys
SVG  SVG export
export  Exporting a network display as a *.svg graphics file, Exporting the print area as *.svg graphics file, Saving the graphical timetable to a graphics file, Saving the block view as a graphics file, Saving free actions as a graphics file
SVG export
editing the coding  Changing the coding of Visum SVG files
signal time-space diagrams  Printing or exporting the signal time-space diagram
transfers display of regular services  Exporting the transfers display of regular services as graphics file
Switching all filters on or off  Switching all filters on or off
Synchro import  Synchro import
3-D network view  Synchronizing 3-D network view with other windows
3-D network view (SBA)  Synchronizing the SBA visualization with other windows
graphical timetable  Synchronizing the graphical and tabular timetables with other windows
junction editor  Synchronizing the junction editor with other windows
Line block editor  Synchronizing the line block editor with other windows
list window  Synchronizing network object lists with other windows
model transfer file  Showing the content of a model transfer file
Network editor  Synchronization with other windows, Junction editor and signal control
schematic line diagram  Synchronizing the schematic line diagram with other windows
signal time-space diagram  Synchronizing the signal time-space diagram with other windows
tabular timetable  Synchronizing the graphical and tabular timetables with other windows
transfers display of regular services  Synchronizing the transfers display of regular services with other windows
System optimum  Predefined VD functions, Equilibrium assignment
System routes  Managing system routes, System routes
applying run times  Editing a time profile
changing time attributes  System routes: Vehicle combinations tab
copying  Copying a system route
creating  Creating system routes, Creating a system route
creating a run time per vehicle combination  System routes: Vehicle combinations tab
creating the opposite direction  Creating the opposite direction of a system route
deleting  Deleting system routes
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of system routes
editing the course  Editing system route items
marking  Marking system routes, Setting system routes active or passive
properties and options  System routes: Basis tab, Properties and options of system routes, System routes: General attributes
selecting  Marking system routes, Setting system routes active or passive, Selecting system routes
setting parameters  Creating a system route
using for empty trips  Attributes of line block versions
using for line routes  Tabular editing of a line route course


TableLookup function  Using the TableLookup function
Tabular display  Tabular and graphical display
Tabular timetable  Using the graphical and tabular timetable, Tabular timetable
copying to clipboard  Exporting and printing the tabular timetable
creating user-defined atrributes  Editing the values of vehicle journey attributes
evaluations  Evaluations in the graphical and tabular timetable
exporting  Exporting and printing the tabular timetable
graphic parameters
reading in  Reading graphic parameters for the timetable
restoring  Resetting the graphic parameters of the timetable
saving  Saving graphic parameters for the graphical and tabular timetable
reading  Reading the tabular timetable layout
opening  Opening the graphical and the tabular timetable
printing  Exporting and printing the tabular timetable
selecting line routes  Line routes: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
selecting lines  Lines: Setting the line selection for the timetable, Selecting lines to be displayed in the timetable, Lines: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
setting graphic parameters  Setting graphic parameters for the tabular timetable
showing attributes
stop sequence  Selecting the attributes to be displayed
vehicle journey sections  Selecting the attributes to be displayed
vehicle journeys  Selecting the attributes to be displayed
showing stop areas  Stop areas: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
showing stops  Stop points: opening the graphical or tabular timetable, Stops: opening the graphical or tabular timetable
specifying layout  Specifying the tabular timetable layout
synchronizing  Synchronizing the graphical and tabular timetables with other windows
table background settings  Specifying the background of the table
User preferences  Setting options for the display of timetables
Vehicle journey items
specifying symbols  Specifying the display of the symbols of vehicle journey items
vehicle journey sections  Managing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections
vehicle journeys  Managing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections
window  The tabular timetable window
Taking base volume into account (PrT)  Taking base volume into account
tCur  Predefined VD functions
Temporal utility  Temporal utility
Territories  Managing territories, Spatial distinction with territories, Territories
deleting  Deleting the boundaries of several territories
converting  Converting territories into other polygonal network objects
creating  Creating a territory
deleting  Deleting territories
deleting enclaves  Deleting enclaves from territories
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of a territory, Editing the attribute values of marked territories, Editing the attribute values of all or all active territories
fuzzy surface alignment  Fuzzy alignment of territory surfaces
managing boundaries  Managing the boundary of a territory
marking  Selecting territories
moving centroids  Moving the centroid of a territory
normalizing surfaces  Normalizing surfaces of territories
properties and options  Properties and options of territories, Territories: General attributes, Territories: Basis tab
selecting  Selecting territories
setting labels  Setting territory labels to the centroids
Texts  Using texts in the network display, Texts
changing the font  Editing the font of background / legend texts
copying  Copying and pasting a text
creating  Inserting background/legend text
deleting  Deleting a text
deleting all  Deleting all existing background / legend texts
editing  Editing background/legend text
editing the font size  Editing the font size of background / legend texts
opening  Opening texts
rotating  Rotating a text
saving  Saving texts
shifting  Shifting a text
example diagnostics list  Performing analyses of TFlowFuzzy solution procedures
example statistics list  Performing analyses of TFlowFuzzy solution procedures
Third-party components  Displaying the list of third-party components, Displaying the list of third-party components
Thousands separators
using  Using thousands separators
Ticket types
creating  Creating ticket types
Tie points  Setting a tie point, Editing a background
entering  Specifying time periods and points in time
entering units  Specifying time periods and points in time
Time-of-day choice
calculating  Calculating Time-of-day choice
standard 4-step model  Time-of-day choice
utility function  Calculating Time-of-day choice
Time data
entering  Specifying time periods and points in time
Time interval
deleting  Deleting time intervals
Time interval set
deleting  Deleting time interval sets
Time interval sets
creating  Creating time interval sets
managing  Managing time interval sets
time intervals
creating  Inserting several time intervals of the same length into a time interval set, Inserting a time interval in a time interval set
Time intervals
edit  Editing time intervals of time interval sets
Time profiles  Managing time profiles, Network objects of the line hierarchy, Creating a time profile
accessing  Managing time profiles
adjusting  Adjusting time profiles
copying  Copying a time profile
creating  Creating a time profile
deleting  Deleting a time profile
deleting courses  Managing time profiles
deleting unused profile points  Deleting unused time profile points
editing  Editing a time profile, Editing a time profile, Editing a time profile, Managing time profiles
editing run and dwell times  Editing a time profile
editing vehicle combinations  Editing a time profile
manually removing a reference stop point  Editing a time profile
manually setting a reference stop point  Editing a time profile
setting times for time profile items  Editing a time profile
shifting the departure times of vehicle journeys  Editing a time profile
specifying a reference journey  Setting the reference journey for a time profile
specifying fare points  Editing a time profile
specifying run times  Specifications of lengths and times
Time reference
demand segments  Selecting a time reference for demand segments
Time series  Time series, Modeling demand, Time reference of the demand (time series)
examples  Time reference of the volumes: Analysis periods and projection
managing  Managing time series
matrix numbers  Time series, Time reference of the demand (time series), Transport demand model
percentage  Time series, Time reference of the demand (time series), Transport demand model
Times of regular services
editing  Editing regular services
Timetable-based assignment  Parameters of timetable-based assignment, Timetable-based assignment
adjusting the registry   Adjusting the Visum registry to speed up timetable-based assignment calculation
connection choice  Example for the connection choice, Example for the connection choice, Connection choice
connection preselection  Connection preselection
connection search  Connection search
Branch and Bound  Connection search using Branch and Bound
shortest path search  Connection search using shortest path search
considering headway-based supply  Considering headway-based supply in the timetable-based assignment
delay analysis  Example of delay analysis
distributed calculation  Calculating a timetable-based assignment distributed to several computers
distribution of trips over connections  Distribution of trips over connections
evaluation  Evaluation of the timetable-based assignment
impedance  Impedance and Perceived journey time (PJT) of a connection
independence of connections  Independence of connections
opening  Opening of the timetable-based assignment: Export/Import of connections
perceived journey time  Perceived journey time
PuT-Aux TSys  Handling of public transport systems of the PuT-Aux type
speeding up calculation   Adjusting the Visum registry to speed up timetable-based assignment calculation
temporal utility  Temporal utility
temporal utility of a connection  Temporal utility of a connection
Timetable editor
saving  Saving the tabular timetable layout
Timetables  The term timetable in Visum
displaying attributes  Selecting the attributes to be displayed
line selection
adopting from stops  Adopting the line selection for the timetable from objects of the stop hierarchy
calculating based on stop sequence  Calculating line selection based on stop sequence
Making a basic selection  Selecting basic lines for display in the timetable
TModel  Node impedance of nodes VD function
uncontrolled nodes  Uncontrolled nodes
using  Calculating node impedances using Nodes VDF
Toll in the assignment  The TRIBUT procedure
Toll systems
deleting  Deleting the boundaries of multiple restricted traffic areas
creating  Creating a restricted traffic area
deleting enclaves  Deleting enclaves of restricted traffic areas
editing attribute values  Editing attribute values of restricted traffic areas
fuzzy surface alignment  Fuzzy alignment of restricted traffic areas
managing boundaries  Managing the boundary of a restricted traffic area
normalizing surfaces  Normalizing surfaces of restricted traffic areas
properties and options  Properties and options of restricted traffic areas
setting labels  Setting restricted traffic area labels to the centroid
shifting centroids  Moving the centroid of a restricted traffic area
specifying the matrix toll  Specifying the matrix toll of a restricted traffic area
customizing  Showing and hiding windows and toolbars
overview  Tool bars
resetting settings  Restoring window settings
Total Excess Cost TEC (PrT assignment quality)  Convergence criteria of assignment quality
Tour-based freight
generation and distribution  Tour-based freight calculation procedure
Tour-based freight model
Production and distribution  Calculating production and distribution using the tour-based freight model
trip generation  Calculating trip generation using the tour-based freight model, Tour-based freight calculation procedure
Tour-based model  Transport demand model, Activity chain based model (tour-based model), Demand model
activity chain based model  Activity chain based model (tour-based model)
constraints  Tour-based model
destination choice  Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined
home trips  Tour-based model - Trip generation
mode choice
combined  Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined
rubber banding  Using the rubber banding function for trip distribution
structural properties  Tour-based model
trip distribution
combined  Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined
trip generation  Tour-based model - Trip generation
utility function  Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined, Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined
Tour planning
select tenant  Licensing for MaaS Modeller
Tour plans
Import  Import of tour plans
displaying  Displaying tours
properties and options  Properties and options of trips, Properties and options of tours
setting graphic parameters  Displaying tours in the network
Traffic demand
distributing across routes  Distribution models in the assignment
Transfer relations  PuT transfer relations
displaying  Displaying transfer relations between stop areas
setting graphic parameters  Displaying transfer relations
Transfer wait time (Timetable-based assignment)  Perceived journey time
Transfers display of regular services
create legend  Creating a legend for the Transfers display of regular services
displaying  Activating the transfers display of regular services
exporting (DXF)  Exporting the transfers display of regular services as graphics file
exporting (SVG)  Exporting the transfers display of regular services as graphics file
printing  Printing the transfers display of regular services
reading graphic parameters  Opening graphic parameters of the transfers display of regular services
saving and reading graphic parameters  Reading and saving graphic parameters for the Transfers display of regular services
saving graphic parameters  Saving the graphic parameters of the transfers display of regular services
setting graphic parameters  Setting the graphic parameters for the Transfers display of regular services
setting graphic parameters for minimum walk times  Setting graphic parameters for transfer times and minimum walk times
setting graphic parameters for transfer times  Setting graphic parameters for transfer times and minimum walk times
setting scales  Setting the graphic parameters for the scale
setting the bar display for transfer flows  Setting the bar display for transfer flows
setting the graphic parameters for through passenger edges  Setting the display for through passenger edges
setting the graphic parameters for transfer flows  Setting the graphic parameters for transfer flows
synchronizing  Synchronizing the transfers display of regular services with other windows
using a supply filter  Using a supply filter for operating groups
window  The Transfers display of regular services window
Transport demand
model  Demand modeling procedures, Fundamentals of the program
time reference  Time reference of the demand (time series)
time series  Time reference of the demand (time series)
Transport system-based assignment  Parameters of the TSys-based assignment, Transport system-based assignment
Transport systems  Transport systems, modes and demand segments, Transport systems
Transport systems (TSys)  Managing transport systems, modes and demand segments, Managing transport systems
creating  Creating a transport system
deleting  Deleting transport systems
properties and options  Properties and options of transport systems
Travel demand  Fundamentals of the program
distributing across PrT connectors  Distribution of travel demand across PrT connectors
distribution to PuT connectors  Distribution of the travel demand to PuT connectors
TRIBUT - Equilibrium assignment  TRIBUT - Equilibrium assignment
TRIBUT - Equilibrium_Lohse  TRIBUT - Equilibrium_Lohse (static)
TRIBUT procedure  The TRIBUT procedure
input and output attributes  Input and output attributes of the TRIBUT procedure
Trip distribution  Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing demand strata
EVA model for passenger demand  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, Calculating EVA trip distribution and mode choice
generating demand matrices
Tour-based model  Creating demand matrices for tour-based model - trip distribution and mode choice
standard 4-step model  Trip distribution
Standard 4-step model  Calculating trip distribution
tour-based model  Tour-based model - Trip generation
Tour-based model  Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice, Tour-based model: trip distribution / mode choice combined
editing the curve progression  Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice
generate tours  Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice
rubber banding  Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice
Save tours as path sequences  Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice
utility function  Calculating tour-based model - combined trip distribution and mode choice
Trip generation  Modeling demand, Transport demand model, Managing demand strata
EVA model for passenger demand  Calculating EVA trip generation, EVA trip generation
standard 4-step model  Trip generation
Standard 4-step model  Calculating trip generation
tour-based freight model  Calculating trip generation using the tour-based freight model
Tour-based freight model  Tour-based freight calculation procedure
Tour-based model  Calculating Tour-based model - Trip generation
Trip requests  Managing trip requests
editing multiple  Editing trip requests
displaying  Displaying trips
labeling  Displaying labels for trips and activity executions
TSys-based assignment
evaluation  Evaluation of the transport system-based assignment
route loading  Route loading
route search  Route search
Turn  Turns
Turn volumes
angle from link orientation  Displaying turn volumes in the Junction editor
displaying  Displaying turn volumes
displaying in the Junction editor  Displaying turn volumes in the Junction editor
exporting as graphics  Exporting turn volumes as graphics
print frame parameters  Specifying settings for the print frame of turn volumes
setting graphic parameters  Adjusting the basic settings for the display of turn volumes
adapting VD functions  Adjusting the VD functions used
allocating standard data  Allocating standard data to turns
allocating VD functions  Selecting VDFs for turn types
automatic allocation of the turn type  Specifying an automatic allocation of the turn type
closing  Editing main node attributes in the list view
closing U-turns when inserting  Creating turns
copying attributes to reverse direction  Editing main node attributes in the list view
creating  Creating turns
deleting  Deleting turns
deleting turn standards  Deleting turn standards
displaying bars  Displaying turns, main turns, and turn volumes
displaying turn volumes  Displaying turn volumes
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of turns
editing in the Junction editor  Editing turns in the Junction editor
graphic parameters  Displaying turns and main turns
impedances  The impedance of a PrT route
managing  Managing turns
PrT capacity  PrT capacity and turn time
recalculating transport systems  Recalculating the transport system set of turns
selecting  Selecting turns
turn standards  Turn standards
creating  Creating turn standards
editing  Editing turn standards
turn types  Turn types, PrT capacity and turn time
allocating VD functions  Selecting VDFs for turn types
Turns VD function  Node impedances of turns VD function
Turns VDF  Calculating node impedances via Turns VDF


Undirected values  The list window
Undo  Undoing and redoing actions
redo  Redoing undone actions
Undoing actions  Undoing and redoing actions
Updating impedances
main nodes  Updating the impedances at main nodes, Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes
nodes  Updating the impedances at all nodes and main nodes, Updating impedances at nodes
User-defined attributes
in scenario management  Creating user-defined attributes for scenario management objects
User-defined group
deleting  Deleting user-defined groups
User-defined groups
allocating user-defined attributes  Allocating user-defined attributes to user-defined groups
duplicating and deleting attributes  Duplicating or deleting all attributes of a group
filtering the display  Filtering the display of groups in the attribute selection window
creating  Creating a user-defined group
managing  Managing user-defined groups
User-defined tables  Managing user-defined tables
inserting values  Creating table entries
User-defined time interval sets  User-defined time interval sets and time intervals
User-defined time intervals  User-defined time interval sets and time intervals
User interface
changing the language  Setting the language
User models  Impact models – methods to calculate the impact of traffic
User optimum  Predefined VD functions, Equilibrium assignment
User preferences
diagnostic data  Collecting usage data
opening the window  Saving, opening and restoring user preferences
overview  User preferences overview
restoring  Saving, opening and restoring user preferences
usage data  Collecting usage data
Using the subnetwork generator  Using the subnetwork generator
UTDF data
notes  Notes on UTDF data
UTDF import  UTDF import
Utility terms
adding up  Combining matrices and attribute vectors


Vacation days
creating  Creating a vacation day
deleting  Deleting vacation days
editing attribute values  Editing attribute values of vacation days
properties and options  Properties and options of vacation days
Valid days  The line hierarchy, Valid days
creating  Creating a valid day
delete unused days  Deleting valid days
deleting  Deleting valid days
editing attribute values  Editing attribute values of valid days
grouping  Grouping valid days
properties and options  Properties and options of valid days
Value of time (VT)  Basics of TRIBUT assignment with toll consideration
VD functions  Predefined VD functions, Definition and application of volume-delay functions, Allocating VDFs to network object types
Akcelik  Predefined VD functions
allocating connectors  Allocating a VDF to proportional connectors without MPA
allocating link types  Selecting VDFs for link types
allocating node types  Selecting VDFs for node types
allocating turn types  Selecting VDFs for turn types
BPR (according to Traffic Assignment Manual)  Predefined VD functions
calculating node impedances  Calculating node impedances
conical  Predefined VD functions
conical marginal  Predefined VD functions
INRETS  Predefined VD functions
linear bottle-neck  Predefined VD functions
logistic  Predefined VD functions
Lohse  Predefined VD functions
quadratic  Predefined VD functions
SIGMOIDAL_MMF_LINKS  Predefined VD functions
SIGMOIDAL_MMF_NODES  Predefined VD functions
specifying parameters  Selecting a VDF and setting the parameters
user-defined  Applying user-defined volume-delay functions, User-defined VD functions
VDiagGUI.exe  Performing error diagnostics with VDiagGUI.exe
VDV 452 import  VDV 452 interface
Vehicle-bound costs (PuT)
defining  Vehicle-bound costs
Vehicle combination set  Line blocking description with vehicle interchange, Line blocking description with vehicle interchange
Vehicle combinations  PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations, Managing PuT vehicles
creating  Creating vehicle combinations
deleting  Deleting vehicle combinations
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of vehicle combinations
in the operator model  Network objects in the Operator model
properties and options  Properties and options of vehicle combinations
replacing on vehicle journey sections  Replacing a vehicle journey combination on vehicle journey sections
specifying charging functions  Vehicle combinations: Ranges and charging tab
specifying cost rates  Vehicle units: Cost rates tab, Vehicle combinations: Cost rates tab
specifying ranges  Vehicle combinations: Ranges and charging tab
storing vehicle combination sets  Vehicle combinations: Basis tab
vehicle units
adding  Vehicle combinations: Basis tab
deleting  Vehicle combinations: Basis tab
editing  Vehicle combinations: Basis tab
Vehicle journey items
projecting attributes  PuT operating indicators: User-defined attributes tab
specifying bar display  Setting the vehicle journeys display
specifying label  Setting the vehicle journeys display
Vehicle journey sections  Network objects of the line hierarchy
creating  Creating vehicle journey sections
deleting  Deleting vehicle journey sections
editing  Editing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections, Editing a vehicle journey section
normalizing  Normalizing vehicle journey sections
projecting attributes  PuT operating indicators: User-defined attributes tab
replacing vehicle combinations  Replacing a vehicle journey combination on vehicle journey sections
resetting  Deleting vehicle journey sections
Vehicle journeys  Network objects of the line hierarchy
aggregating  Aggregating vehicle journeys
automatic numbering  Specifying default values for lines and line routes
coupling  Coupling of vehicle journeys, Coupling vehicle journeys automatically, Coupling vehicle journeys
creating  Creating a vehicle journey, Create regular services
deleting  Deleting vehicle journeys
displaying  Showing only vehicle journeys relevant to the current stop sequence, Showing only active vehicle journeys
editing  Editing vehicle journeys, Editing vehicle journeys and vehicle journey sections
editing items  Editing vehicle journey items
editing run times  Editing vehicle journey items
editing vehicle journey items  Editing vehicle journey items
finding  Finding vehicle journeys
in schematic line diagram  Displaying vehicle journeys of the schematic line diagram
marking  Marking vehicle journeys
Maximum extension of couplings  Setting couplings to the maximum extension
moving to a different time profile  Creating a vehicle journey
selecting for schematic line diagram  Choosing vehicle journeys of selected lines for the schematic line diagram, Removing vehicle journeys from the schematic line diagram, Deleting vehicle journeys of marked lines from the schematic line diagram, Selecting vehicle journeys for the schematic line diagram
separating  Separating vehicle journeys or shortening the coupled section
shifting temporally  Shifting vehicle journeys temporally
shifting to a different line  Shifting vehicle journeys to a different line
Vehicle units  PuT vehicles: Vehicle units and vehicle combinations, Managing PuT vehicles
deleting  Deleting vehicle units
editing attribute values  Editing the attributes of vehicle units
in the operator model  Network objects in the Operator model
properties and options  Properties and options of vehicle units
Version comparison  Comparing version files, Version comparison
deleting  Deleting version comparisons or attributes
editing  Editing version comparisons
executing procedures  Executing procedures in version comparisons
saving values in attribute  Copying comparison values to user-defined attributes
updating  Updating version comparisons
Version files
comparing  Comparing version files
comparing  Comparing and transferring networks, Comparing and transferring versions and networks
opening  Opening and saving a version file, Opening a version file
saving  Opening and saving a version file, Saving a version file
settings  Settings for opening and saving data files
Checking controllers  Checking Vissig controllers
Vissim export  ANM interface
node preview  ANM interface
reading  Reading settings for a Vissim export
saving  Saving settings for a Vissim export
Vissim route export  Vissim route export
Vistro import  Vistro import
Visualization of the vehicles from SBA  Visualization of vehicles from the simulation-based dynamic assignment
Visualizing vehicles of the SBA assignment  Visualizing vehicles of the SBA assignment
description of interfaces  More documents
documents  Documents, More documents
Examples  Examples of use
FAQs  Usage of manual and FAQ list
fields of application  Fields of application for Visum in PrT and PuT
Help  Help
installation  How to install and start Visum
installation guide  More documents
License container  License container
Release Notes  More documents
settings for program start  Using a different configuration file during program start
start  How to install and start Visum
support  Service & Support
update  Download and installation of software updates
Visum Manual  Manual
Visum Publisher export  Using the Data Transfer Tool
network object selection
deleting  Changing the selection of network objects for export to Visum Publisher
editing  Changing the selection of network objects for export to Visum Publisher
reading  Loading settings for a Visum Publisher export
saving  Saving settings for a Visum Publisher export
Volume delay functions
defining  Definition and application of volume-delay functions
distribute over vehicle journey sections  Distributing volumes across vehicle journey sections
distributing  Distributing volumes across vehicle journey sections
filter  Applying the volume attributes filter
filter by active OD pairs  Applying the volume attributes filter
filter by active public transport paths  Applying the volume attributes filter
filter by time profiles  Applying the volume attributes filter
filter by vehicle journey sections  Applying the volume attributes filter
saving  Saving volumes by demand segment or additively
saving additively  Saving volumes by demand segment or additively


settings  Specifying settings for warnings
converting  Conversion of WebTAG to Visum
Weekly calendar  Calendar
calculating  Calculating EVA weighting
weighting function
editing the curve progression  Calculating EVA weighting
Weighting (EVA)  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice
evaluation functions  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice
Box-Cox  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
Box-Tukey  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
combined  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
EVA1  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
EVA2  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice
Kirchhoff  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
Logit  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
Schiller  EVA trip distribution and mode choice, EVA trip distribution and mode choice
TModel  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
weighting matrices  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
weighting probabilities  EVA trip distribution and mode choice
Network editor  Network editor window
changing the view  Displaying previous views, Reducing the view (zooming out), Enlarging the view (zooming in), Specifying a new view of the Network editor window, Moving the view
copying graphic parameters  Copying list layout to a different Visum instance, Copying graphic parameters into another Visum instance
Display order of layers  Editing the display and order of drawing settings for graphic layers
displaying view by analysis time interval  View by analysis time interval
measuring distances  Measuring distances
moving the view  Moving the Network editor view, Enlarging and reducing the view of the Network editor window
Print  Printing the network display
Set section to print area  Setting the section to the print area
showing entire network  Displaying the entire network
synchronizing  Synchronization with other windows
Updating the view  Refreshing the view
Smart map
changing the view  Enlarging or reducing the Smart map view (zoom)
Start page  Using the start page
Transfers display of regular services  The Transfers display of regular services window
customizing  Restoring window settings, Showing and hiding windows and toolbars
defining user preferences  Making settings for windows upon opening version files or program start
docking windows together  Docking windows together
graphical timetable  The graphical timetable window
grouping  Docking windows together
list window  The list window
moving  Moving windows
Quick view  Quick view window
removing docking  Removing window docking
resetting settings  Restoring window settings
Smart map  The Smart map window
tabular timetable  The tabular timetable window
WMS services
editing  Managing map services of the background map
inserting  Managing map services of the background map
World files  Automatic positioning of the background in the network with World files


selecting  Selecting zones
Zone matrices
aggregating  Calculating a main zone matrix from a zone matrix, Converting zone and main zone matrix into each other
Zones  Zones, Managing zones
aggregating  Aggregating zones based on main zones, Aggregating marked or active zones to one zone
attributes (EVA)  EVA data model
deleting  Deleting the boundaries of several zones
managing  Managing the boundary of a zone
converting  Converting zones into other polygonal network objects
creating  Creating a zone
deleting  Deleting zones
deleting enclaves  Deleting enclaves from zones
displaying the demand segments  Zones: Demand tab, Zones: Demand tab
editing attribute values  Editing the attribute values of zones
editing attribute values for emission calculation  Zones: HBEFA tab
editing productions and attractions  Zones: DStrata tab
finding zones without a public transport connection  Checking the network
fuzzy surface alignment  Fuzzy alignment of zone surfaces
generate for stop areas  Generating zones for stop areas
generating  Generating zones
marking  Selecting zones
Mobility sharing  Zones: Mobility sharing tab
moving centroids  Moving the centroid of a zone
normalizing surfaces  Normalizing surfaces of zones
properties and options  Properties and options of zones
setting labels  Setting zone labels to the centroids
specifying basic settings  Zones: Basis tab
specifying connectors  Zones: Connections tab
splitting  Splitting zones