Model transfer files

Using model transfer files you can save the difference between two models, i.e. network and OD demand data. A model transfer file created that way can be applied again to a suitable version file in order to add the modifications. With this function it becomes easier to manage the different scenarios.

Scenario management is based on model transfer files (Managing scenarios).

When creating the model transfer file, you can specify which data you want to save. However, just like when saving a network, make sure that your choice contains the information you need.

Example: You would like to adjust the timetable of one network to that of another one. The PrT attributes of the networks are different, which is to remain unchanged. In this case, when creating the model transfer file, you only select the network objects with regard to the timetables.

Use cases for model transfer files

In your network you make certain modifications at one point, for example, you insert new links or delete others. You save these modifications as model transfer file. Then based on the original network you plan further variants and save them each equally as model transfer file. If now modifications have to be made in the original network, you can easily redo the various variants using the model transfer files and even combine them with each other, if required, by reading several model transfer files consecutively one after the other.

In another case it may happen that one editor creates and edits zones and saves these modifications to a model transfer file. In the meantime, a second user has edited links, reads the model transfer file and adds the new zones to his network.


Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The Model Transfer example shows how scenarios can be developed and managed using model transfer files.