Import of tour plans

You can import tour plans and trip requests to Visum and then edit them.

1.  From the File menu, choose  > Import. Then select Tour plans.

2.  Select the Basis tab.

3.  Make the desired changes.



File name

Specify the file name and, if necessary, the path of the ZIP file you want to import.

The ZIP file must contain a file which contains the tour plan. Optionally a file can be contained, which contains the trip requests (MaaS import - Notes on imported files).

PrT path sets

Selection list for the PrT path set in which the resulting PrT paths for vehicles are inserted. Click the Generate button to insert a new path set.


The path set is emptied during the import.

Routing demand segment (PrT)

Selection list for the demand segment that determines which PrT transport system is used for the paths between pickup and dropoff nodes.

Output attributes for PrT path volumes section


Optional link attribute to which the network volume is saved that is generated by MaaS vehicles. Each MaaS vehicle generates a volume of 1.


Optional turn attribute to which the network volume is saved that is generated by MaaS vehicles. Each MaaS vehicle generates a volume of 1.

Main turns

Optional main turn attribute to which the network volume is saved that is generated by MaaS vehicles. Each MaaS vehicle generates a volume of 1.

Calculate PuT skim matrices

Select this option to have PuT skim matrices automatically calculated during data import.

Calculate PrT demand matrix (veh)

Select this option to save the demand values of the MaaS vehicles in the matrix with the specified properties. To change the properties, click the button next to Matrix. By default, the Routing PrT demand segment is used in formula term CONTEXT.

4.  Select the Skim matrices tab.

5.  Make the desired settings (Settings for PuT skim matrix calculation).

6.  Confirm with OK.

The data is imported in Visum.