Examples of use
Besides comprehensive tutorials, illustrative brief examples of many functional areas are provided. The clearly structured network and step-by-step instructions help you gain an overview of the general program handling and options available. The examples are supplied by default during installation and are located in the following directory: ...\User\Public\Public documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\Examples. If you have not yet installed the examples, you can also download and install them at a later time in the download area PTV Download.
Opening the examples directory
You can open the files from within the program or on the Visum start page in the Support services section.
- ► From the Help > Examples menu, choose Open Examples directory.
Examples of use show various aspects of the functional scope of Visum in a compact and easy-to-understand format.
Note: Some examples are linked to matching webinars that provide you with useful additional information. Please note that the webinars were not always recorded with the current program version and individual webinars are only offered in the language of the title displayed in the hyperlink. |
Example |
Path |
Functionality |
3D Visualization |
\Examples\ 3D Visualization |
The following example shows the options available for displaying model data in the 3-D network view and how to use images to record videos. |
Demand 4-step |
\Examples\ Demand 4-step\ |
The example describes the structure and application of the 4-step model for demand calculation. Webinar: |
Demand ABM |
\Examples\ Demand ABM\ |
This example is no longer shipped and supported as of service pack 2023.1-8. The example explains the structure of an activity-based model in PTV Visum. |
Demand ActivitySim |
\Examples\ Demand ActivitySim\ |
The example describes the integration of an existing ActivitySim demand model into an existing Visum network model. |
Demand EVA P+R |
\Examples\ Demand Park+Ride\ Demand EVA P+R |
The example describes how to model P+R and how to calculate P+R demand in an EVA demand model. |
Demand Freight |
\Examples\ Demand Freight\ |
The example shows the structure of a tour-based freight demand model and the impact of selected parameters on the calculation of demand. |
Demand Nested Logit |
\Examples\ Demand Nested Logit\ |
The example shows the demand calculation with the nested demand model. The description also contains advice on modeling and developing the model. |
Demand Park+Ride |
\Examples\ Demand Park+Ride\ |
The example describes how to model P+R and how to calculate P+R demand in a demand model. |
Demand PuT Capacity |
\Examples\ Demand PuT Capacity\ |
The example describes ways to account for public transport capacity restrictions in demand models. The approach is illustrated using a tour-based model, but it can easily be applied to any other type of model. |
Demand Ride Sharing |
\Examples\ Demand Ride Sharing |
The example describes the integration of a ride sharing mode into an existing demand model. |
Demand Visem |
\Examples\ Demand Visem\ |
The example describes the structure and use of the tour-based model for demand calculation. |
Demand Visem P+R | \Examples\
Demand Park+Ride\ Demand Visem P+R |
The example describes how to model P+R and how to calculate P+R demand in a tour-based model. |
Dynamic Matrix Estimation |
\Examples\Matrix Correction\ Dynamic Matrix Estimation\ |
This example describes the use of the dynamic matrix estimation combined with the simulation-based dynamic assignment. |
Dynamic Matrix Estimation - Public Transport |
\Examples\Matrix Correction\ Dynamic Matrix Estimation\Public Transport |
This example describes the use of the dynamic matrix estimation combined with the timetable-based PuT assignment. Webinar: |
Filter |
\Examples\Filter\ |
The example shows the use of complex filters. |
Formulas |
\Examples\ Formula & List Aggregation\ Formulas\ |
The example shows the use of formula attributes, formula matrices, and aggregation functions in lists. |
Import GPX data |
\Examples\ Import GPX data\ |
The example shows how to import GPS data in GPS exchange format (GPX) and the use of location and time information in the traffic model. It focuses on model validation using survey data and shows the evaluation of trajectories. |
Import OSM |
\Examples\Import OSM\ |
The example shows how data from OpenStreetMap can be imported as a transport network. Webinar: |
Importer PuT |
\Examples\Importer PuT\ |
The example shows different use cases for the (partial) import of public transport supply from another Visum version file. |
Matrix Editor |
\Examples\Matrix Editor\ |
The example shows the various possibilities of editing and analyzing matrices with the integrated matrix editor. |
Matrix TflowF Counts |
\Examples\Matrix Correction\ TFlowFuzzy\ TFF_Counts\ |
The example shows a matrix estimation based on link count data and the possibility to diagnose errors. |
Matrix TflowF Distribution |
\Examples\ Matrix Correction\ TFlowFuzzy\ TFF_Distribution\ |
The example shows the use of an empirical trip length distribution for the matrix estimation. The creation of matrix histograms is also described. |
Model Transfer |
\Examples\ Model Transfer\ |
The example shows how scenarios can be developed and managed using model transfer files. |
Multimodal Assignment |
\Examples\ Multimodal Assignment\ |
The example describes a use case of multimodal assignment. |
List Aggregation |
\Examples\ Formula & List Aggregation\ List aggregation\ |
The example shows the use of formula attributes, formula matrices, and aggregation functions in lists. |
PrT Assignment DUE |
\Examples\ PrT Assignment DUE\ |
The example describes two variants (with and without spillback) of the dynamic user equilibrium assignment. |
PrT Assignment ICA |
\Examples\ PrT Assignment ICA\ |
The example demonstrates the use of the method Assignment with ICA including some additional options. |
PrT Assignment SBA |
\Examples\ PrT Assignment SBA\ |
The example illustrates the use of the SBA method including the description of the steps to set up a model for SBA. Webinar: In the specified folder, you will also find the document SBA_BestPraticeGuide: The document summarizes the steps to set up a model for SBA in PTV Visum. It gives recommendations on the structure of the network, settings of the procedure parameters, and analysis of the results. It is based on current "best practices" and addresses several questions. |
PrT Assignment Tribute |
\Examples\ PrT Assignment Tribut\ |
The example shows the use of different types of road tolls in combination with the Tribut assignment procedure in a transport model. |
PrT HBEFA Emissions |
\Examples\ PrT HBEFA Emissions\ |
The example shows the calculation of emissions according to the Handbook for Emission Factors (HBEFA 4.1). |
PrT Modeling AV |
\Examples\ PrT Modeling AV |
The example demonstrates how autonomous vehicles can be accounted for in macroscopic models, more precisely in PrT assignments. |
PrT Modeling Bicycle |
\Examples\ PrT Modeling Bicycle |
The example illustrates how bicycle traffic can be modeled in PTV Visum and shows a suitable methodology for assigning bicycle demand to the network. Webinar: |
PrT Modeling Restricted Traffic Areas |
\Examples\ PrT Modeling Restricted Traffic Areas |
The example shows the use of restricted traffic areas for modeling different types of polygonal access restrictions for private transport in a transportation model. |
PrT Paths |
\Examples\PrT Path\ |
The example shows the use of the network object PrT paths to compare travel times from assignments with observed data. |
PrT Signal Optimization |
\Examples\ PrT Signal Optimization\ |
The example shows the optimization possibilities of signal programs. |
PTV Balance PTV Epics Vision Suite Workflow |
\Examples\ PTV Balance PTV Epics Vision Suite Workflow\ |
This example shows the steps to set up PTV Balance and/or PTV Epics from PTV Visum and simulate them in PTV Vissim. The example is separated into two parts that require either PTV Visum or PTV Vissim. |
PuT Cap-Restr. Headway |
\Examples\ PuT Capacity Restrained\ Headway-based\ |
The example shows the application and effects of capacity restrictions in the headway-based public transport assignment. |
PuT Cap-Restr. Timetable |
\Examples\ PuT Capacity Restrained\ Timetable-based\ |
The example shows the application and effects of capacity restrictions in the timetable-based public transport assignment. |
PuT eLine Blocking |
\Examples\ PuT eLine Blocking\ |
The example shows the use of line blocking for a given public transport supply under consideration of battery electric vehicles. Webinar: |
PuT Intermodal |
\Examples\ PuT Intermodal\ |
This example describes the model adjustments that require the use of intermodal assignment. The procedure parameters are defined and some results of the assignment are presented graphically. |
PuT Line Blocking |
\Examples\ PuT Line Blocking\ |
The example shows the use of line blocking for a given public transport supply. Webinar: |
PuT Schematic Line Diagram |
\Examples\ PuT Schematic Line Diagram |
The example shows different aspects of editing and creating a schematic line diagram. |
PuT Service Frequency |
\Examples\ PuT Service Frequency |
This example aims to illustrate the definition of service frequency in PTV Visum and to distinguish it from the number of arrivals indicator. In addition, it is shown how to obtain stable service frequencies with improved service for scenario evaluations. |
PuT Survey Module |
\Examples\PuT Survey Module\ |
The example shows the use of the module "Passenger onboard survey". This module can be used to determine demand based on survey data and e-ticketing systems. Webinar: |
PuT Ticket Fares Timetable |
\Examples\ PuT Ticket Fares\ Detailed_TT\ |
The example demonstrates the application of the fare model and various ticket types in interaction with the timetable-based public transport assignment. Webinar: |
PuT Ticket Fares Headway |
\Examples\ PuT Ticket Fares\ Farepoints_HB\ |
The example shows the use of the fare model in the headway-based assignment. Webinar: |
Ride-Sharing |
\Examples\ Ride-Sharing |
The example shows the modeling of supply and demand of a unimodal ride sharing system. It shows the settings and execution of the procedure. It describes the results and shows exemplary evaluations. Also, there is background information for a better understanding of the work steps required. You can find an example in English here: |
SBA MultiRun |
\Examples\ SBA MultiRun\ |
The example describes an application in scenario management for multiple executions of SBA with different random numbers. |
Scenario Management I |
\Examples\ Scenario Management\ |
Part I: The example shows how scenarios can be efficiently created, edited, and analyzed network-wide with the Visum project management feature. You can find an example in English here: |
Scenario Management II |
\Examples\ Scenario Management\ |
Part II: The example shows how scenarios can be efficiently created, edited, and analyzed in detail with the Visum project management feature. You can find an example in English here: |
Vehicle sharing (Bike Sharing) |
\Examples\ Vehicle Sharing\ BikeSharing |
The example describes how to model a bike sharing system (one-way system) and its consideration within a timetable-based public transport assignment. In addition to the steps for model construction, the essential procedure parameters are presented and guidance is provided on the correct modeling and evaluation of results. |
Vehicle sharing (Car Sharing) |
\Examples\ Vehicle Sharing\ CarSharing |
The example describes the modeling of a car sharing system (round-trip system) and its consideration within a timetable-based public transport assignment. In addition to the steps for model construction, the essential procedure parameters are presented and guidance is provided on the correct modeling and evaluation of results. |
Vehicle sharing (eScooter Sharing) |
\Examples\ Vehicle Sharing\ eScooterSharing |
The example describes the modeling of an eScooter sharing system (free floating system) and its consideration within a timetable-based public transport assignment. In addition to the steps for model construction, the essential procedure parameters are presented and guidance is provided on the correct modeling and evaluation of results. |
Version Comparison |
\Examples\ Version Comparison\ |
The example shows how version comparisons can be used to analyze the model results of different scenarios. |