Connectors: General attributes

Notes: You have to enter all attributes and all permitted or closed transport systems separately for each direction. Alternatively, you can click entry Transfer changes to opposite direction in the lower section of the window to transfer all changes that you have made since the window was opened to the reverse direction.

Attribute values are highlighted that differ from those entered for the opposite direction.



From zone / node

To node / zone

Display of the number of the node and of the zone linked by the connector


The connector type (0...9) categorizes the connectors.

Transfer changes to opposite direction

Transfers all changes to this window to the opposite direction

Navigation section

Opposite direction

Use this button to switch between the origin connector and the destination connector.

At zone <Number> and At node <Number>

Click the symbols   and  to switch between the different connection of the network object. The section is shown when several connections are defined at the From zone or From node.