Importing GPX
Visum provides an interface for the import of GPX data. The GPX format is a popular format for saving and exchanging points and routes recorded with GPS devices. Coordinates are generally indicated in longitude and latitude in WGS84.
With the GPX importer, you can, for example, import GPS tracks from trips.
Various interesting applications result from using these data.
- Validation of the journey times in the traffic model
- Store speed information in the traffic model
- Analyses of the source of disruptions in the traffic flow for PrT and PuT
This is an XML format which is described using an XSD scheme. The Importer supports the scheme of version 1.1.
You can import the following objects from the GPX format:
- Tracks with the relevant attributes of the tracks and track points as paths (MapMatching)
- Tracks with the relevant track attributes as line POIs
- Track segments with the relevant track attributes as line POIs
Only the track point X and Y coordinates saved in the tracks and the time information are analyzed. Further attributes are ignored.
Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The Import GPX data example shows how to import GPS data in GPS exchange format (GPX) and the use of location and time information in the transport model. |