Attributes of meso nodes

Vissim automatically generates a meso node when a meso graph is generated (Generating meso graphs), (Mesoscopic node-edge model). You can display these meso nodes and their attributes in the Meso nodes list.

When generating a meso graph, Vissim assigns each meso node in the Type attribute a value. This value is based on the network object type of the network object Vissim is generating the meso node for.


In the Network editor, you define a node that you need for mesoscopic simulation. For this node, you consequently select the Use for mesoscopic simulation attribute. The node then becomes a meso network node. You can show the meso network node, like all models nodes, in the Nodes list (Attributes of nodes). When generating the meso graph, Vissim generates a meso node for the meso network node. Vissim then assigns the meso node the value Node in the Type attribute. The generated meso node is displayed in the Meso nodes list., but the modeled meso network is not.

  • ►  On the Lists menu, click > Network > Meso Nodes.

The Meso nodes list opens.

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Number (No.)

Unique number

Type Vissim assigns the type of the meso node, while generating the meso node based on the network object type for which it is generating the meso node. The length of automatically generated meso nodes that are not of the type Node is 0.000 m.

Vissim can create the following types:

PT stop lay-by entry: Meso nodes at the beginning of connector that lead to the link with the PT stop lay-by

PT stop lay-by exit: Meso nodes at the beginning of connector that lead away from the link with the PT stop lay-by

PT lines origin: Meso node at the beginning of a PT line, leads to a meso edge of the type PT input connector.

Parking lot: Meso node within a parking lot of teh type Zone connector

Vehicle input origin: Meso node at the beginning of a link on which vehicles are deployed into the network, leads to a meso edge

Origin zone: Meso node for assigned origin zone in parking lot

Dynamic routing decision: Meso node of a dynamic routing decision

Managed lanes routing decision: Meso node of a managed lanes routing decision. Vissim summarizes successive managed lanes routing decisions taken within a distance of less than 10 meters in a meso node, provided that there are no other meso nodes between the managed lanes routing decisions. These managed lanes routing decisions can be allocated to different managed lanes facilities. At the cross-section at the end of the managed lanes route Vissim does not insert any meso nodes.

Node: Meso node located at a node of the network object type Node, for which the attribute Use for mesoscopic simulation is selected

Other: Other automatically generated meso nodes for signal heads on links where link attributes change that are relevant for mesoscopic simulation (e.g. number of lanes)

Transition meso-micro: Meso node at the border of a section where transition from mesoscopic to microscopic simulation takes place

Transition micro-meso: Meso node at the border of a section where transition from microscopic to mesoscopic simulation takes place (end point of meso edge of the type Micro-meso transition)

Public transport stop: Meso node within a PT stop. When a PT vehicle is on a meso turn with a PT stop, no other vehicle may enter the same meso turn. A vehicle may, however, pass the stopping PT vehicle on the adjacent lane, if its use is permitted for the vehicle.

Transition micro-meso (virtual): Virtual meso node at the border of a section where transition from microscopic to mesoscopic simulation takes place (start point of meso edge of the type Micro-meso transition)

Destination zone: Meso node for assigned destination zone in parking lot

Input: Meso node where PT vehicles are deployed in the network

Long name Description


Number of respective node of the network object type Node

Parking Lot

Number of parking lot in which the meso turn lies

Public transport stop

Number of public transport stop

Turn meso edges

Numbers of turn meso edges

PT lines (inputs)

List of PT lines that begin at the meso node

Inbound meso edges

Numbers of the meso edges that lead to a meso edge of the meso node

Outbound meso edges

Numbers of meso edges that exit the meso edge of the meso node

Dynamic vehicle routing decision

Numbers of the dynamic vehicle routing decisions at meso edges of the type Routing decision

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1.  In the list on the left, click the desired entry.

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (Using coupled lists):

2.  On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.

3.  Enter the desired data.

The data is allocated.