Attributes of meso turn conflicts

The Meso Turn Conflicts list lists the conflicts relevant for mesoscopic simulation.

  • ►  On the Lists menu, click > Intersection Control > Meso Turn Conflicts.

The Meso turn conflicts list opens.

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Long name

Short name




Number of network node in which the turn conflict lies

Meso node


Number of meso node in which the turn conflict lies

Turn meso edge 1


Number of first turn meso edge

From link 1


Number of FromLink of first meso turn

To link 1


Number of ToLink of first meso turn

Turn meso edge 2


Number of second turn meso edge

From link 2


Number of FromLink of second meso turn

To link 2


Number of ToLink of second meso turn

Conflict areas


Numbers of respective conflict areas



(Attributes of conflict areas). When changes are made to the status, the value of the respective conflict areas is saved.

Meso critical gap


Meso critical gap: The meso critical gap defines the temporal distance between two successive vehicles in the major flow that a vehicle in a minor flow needs to enter the node. The meso critical gap extends from the back edge of the preceding vehicle to the front edge of the tailing vehicle. The time required for the effective length of the preceding vehicle is not included. This allows you to also model realistic behavior when dealing with a large share of overlong vehicles. When defining values for the meso critical gap, you can refer to established manuals such as the HBS or HCM. In deviation from the definition used here, in the manuals, the meso critical gap is defined for between the front edges of successive vehicles.

The meso critical gap is a conflict area attribute (Attributes of conflict areas). Edit this attribute in the Meso Turn Conflicts list or in the Nodes - Meso Turn Conflicts coupled list (Attributes of nodes). The values are saved with the respective conflict areas as the attribute meso critical gap (Attributes of conflict areas). The default value is 3.5 seconds, with a range from 0 seconds to 1,000 seconds. The meso critical gap does not take effect in the mesoscopic simulation if the status of the conflict area is Undetermined.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1.  In the list on the left, click the desired entry.

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (Using coupled lists):

2.  On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.

3.  Enter the desired data.

The data is allocated.