Editing network objects, attributes and attribute values

You can edit network objects, their attributes and attribute values via the following elements of the user interface:

Element Element with editing functions
Menu commands
  • Lists menu: In a list, show the attributes and attribute values of objects of a base data type or network object type
  • Base data menu: In a list, show the attributes and attribute values of objects of a base data type
Network editor
  • Graphical display and editing of network objects.
  • When no simulation is running, in the Network editor, you can select, move, copy, delete and paste network objects.
  • Double-click the network object to open the <Name network object type> window. Attributes and attribute values of the network object are displayed.
  • Right-click the network object to open the shortcut menu. On the shortcut menu, click a command of your choice, e.g. show the network object and its attributes in the list of network objects of the network object type.
  • While the simulation is running, network objects, attributes and attribute values cannot be edited or can only be edited to a very limited extent. When, during a simulation run, you open the <Name network object type> window to display attributes of network objects, a message is displayed informing you of the limited editing options.
  • Network editor toolbar (Network editor toolbar): You can copy selected network objects to the Clipboard.
  • Shortcut menu in the Network Editor with and without selected network objects (Network editor shortcut menu)
  • Open <Name Network object type> window (Showing attribute values of a network object in the Network editor)

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

Network object sidebar

(Using the Network object sidebar)

  • Button Toggle visibility in current network editor: Only if on the network object sidebar, the network object type is not selected: Shows or hides network objects of the network object type in the active Network editor.
  • Lock button Toggle selectability in current network editor shows an open lock: You can select and edit network objects of this network object type in the Network editor.
  • Lock button Toggle selectability in current network editor shows a closed lock: You cannot select and edit network objects of this network object type in the Network editor.
  • Edit graphic parameters button
  • button Toggle label visibility in current network editor: The labeling of the network objects of the network object type is not displayed.
  • button Toggle label visibility in current network editor: The labeling of the network objects of the network object type is displayed.
  • Shortcut menu commands (Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar)

For many object types, you assign the definition of objects to other objects (Using coupled lists).