Capturing screenshots and exporting images

You can take a screenshot of the current network editor, export it as an image and save it to a graphic file in a desired file format. This is also possible during a simulation run.

1.  On the Network editor toolbar, click the Export image (Screenshot) button .

The Save as window opens.

2.  Make the desired changes:

Field Description
Filename Name of the graphic file
File type File format for the graphic file By default, *.jpg is selected.

3.  Select the path to the desired directory.

4.  Click the Save button.

The Screenshot Parameters window opens.

5.  Make the desired changes:

Field Description
Fixed aspect ratio

 If this option is selected, in the list box, you can select a predefined aspect ratio:

  • As in network editor: The screenshot is saved in the same size as displayed in the network editor in the program interface.
  • Various predefined aspect ratios

 If this option is not selected, you can enter pixel values in the Width and Height fields.

JPEG quality Adjust image quality Lower quality reduces the file size. Default value of 100 %.

6.  Confirm with OK.