Modeling signal controllers

You can define signal controllers (SCs) for the following signal control procedures:

Fixed-time control and traffic-actuated controls with data files

For the signal control procedures Fixed time control, Epics Balance/Local and External, you can use the add-on module Vissig to define and configure signal groups. The Network editor allows you to add signal heads to the Vissim network. You assign each signal head a signal group of your choice.

Notes: You are provided with the DLL files for external signal controllers in a 64-bit Vissim edition according to the 64-bit license purchased.

If your license includes the signal controller type External, you need to compile the DLL files according to your 64-bit Vissim version.

Vissim only allows you to access data of an external signal controller, if you have saved the network file. This way, it is made sure that the controller files and the network file*.inpx are saved to the same directory.

Traffic-actuated controls without data files

You can define signal controllers for the following types of traffic-actuated signal control procedures without having to provide data files. This enables you to create simple traffic-actuated signal controls without having to program the necessary run control yourself:

Vissim automatically creates two signal groups for these types of signal control procedures:

  • Default signal group for the major flow
  • Calling signal group for pedestrians, railways or minor flows: A call detector port number needs to be allocated. For the Railway Crossing type, you will also have to allocate a checkout detector port number.
Signal state sequence of the standard signal group and the calling signal group
  • Standard signal group: steady green signal, as long as there is no call from the call detector of the calling signal group.
  • If there is a call for service, the standard signal group changes to red by taking into account its minimum green time.
  • After the clearance time of the standard signal group has elapsed, the calling signal group changes to green. The calling signal group turns amber or red-amber, if times are set accordingly.
  • After the minimum green time of the calling signal group has elapsed, it changes to red.
  • After the clearance time of the calling signal group has elapsed, the standard signal group turns green.